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中国有"桂林山水甲天下",美国有Everything is big in Texas(每样东西都数得克萨斯的大)。怎么回事呢?看了下面来自Voice of America的一文你会明白一些。  相似文献   

THE PISCATOR EXPERIMENT: THE POLITICAL THEATRE. By Maria Ley‐Piscator. New York: James H. Heineman, 1967; pp. ix+336. $8.50.  相似文献   

林雅琴 《海外英语》2011,(10):281-282
Through a comparative analysis of The Pilgrim’s Progress and The Journey to the West, the paper aims to reveal what common ground is shared by the two novels and what light is thrown on the theme of spiritual salvation. The fruit of the study leads to a conclusion that both novels have employed religious doctrines and social criticisms to make the theme of spiritual salvation more palatable for their readers.  相似文献   

以干农活的方式也可以环游世界?这可不是骗人的。暂时“流放”自己,以游历的心情到异国打个短期工,给自己的人生增加一些轨迹外的记忆,这可是时下超酷的活法呢!本期,艳扬为我们讲述了一段在美国德克萨斯州某农场做志愿者,实现自己“农夫梦”的经历。  相似文献   

“From the States” for this issue is written by my friend and guest columnist Jerry Gaither, who provides a good overview of Texas's “near miss” with performance funding. Other states currently examining performance funding options are Missouri, Minnesota, and Colorado. —Peter T. Ewell  相似文献   


This article documents the emergence of a Mexican-American political consciousness in a Central Texas Community and the efforts to dismantle decades of inequitable, exclusionary educational policies and practices. We take readers into a community on the verge of profound change by exploring primary historical data and situating the voices of community leaders in a historical context. We employ a theory of change framework (RASPPA) to chronicle a community’s response to macro-level societal changes. To understand the need for Mexican-American activism in Central Texas, we providing a survey of literature that chronicles Mexican-American experience in Texas. This is a story about a community realizing its political capacity and leveraging its own agency for change. We take a walk-through history and use place, race, identity and courage to inform a new vision for educational equity.  相似文献   

In this investigation, we examined the numbers and percentages of Hispanic college students enrolled in Texas two-year colleges and the numbers and percentages of Hispanic students who obtained associate degrees from Texas two-year colleges for the 2000 through the 2011 academic years. Hispanic student enrollment and educational attainment increased from 2000 to 2011. Statistically significant increases were revealed in both the numbers of Hispanic students attending Texas community colleges and in the percentages of enrollment comprised of Hispanic students from 2000 to 2011. Also revealed were statistically significant increases in the numbers of Hispanic students obtaining associate degrees and the percentages of Hispanic students obtaining associate degrees from Texas community colleges from 2000 to 2011. Implications of these findings and recommendations for future research are provided.  相似文献   

替代性评估是美国专门为认知障碍的学生设置的一种学业评估方式。自从1997年的《残疾人个别教育法修正案》首次确定了替代性评估的概念之后,美国各州相继形成了适合本州的替代性评估,其中德克萨斯州是美国最先采用基于调整成就标准后的替代性评估方式的州,具有较强的代表性。文章首先对德州替代性评估方式的发展历程、参与评估对象的资格、评估程序以及调整策略进行介绍,然后基于德州的替代性评估的启示对我国特殊教育评价体系的构建提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

Young Texans Against Gun Violence rallied at the State Capitol on Monday and called for the Legislature to pass laws that would make it more difficult to get guns.  相似文献   

During the early 20th century, practicing San Antonio teachers took part in several different types of in‐service education. This paper investigates the types of in‐service education present during the superintendency of Lloyd Wolfe (1902–1908), a progressive San Antonio educator who employed innovative approaches to in‐service education. Influenced by Francis W. Parker, Wolfe placed emphasis on methodology that stressed child‐centred activities and real‐world problem solving. The paper explores how Wolfe disseminated his ideology to his teachers through the lectures and content of a summer in‐service programme. It contemplates criticism from conservative San Antonio politicians who considered some of the approaches to in‐service education both too progressive and too costly. It demonstrates how personal ideology of particular superintendents shaped and changed teacher education programmes. Finally, the author places the San Antonio programme in a broader context that contributes to what is known about early teacher education programmes in the USA.  相似文献   

科学制定和有效实施早期学习标准已成为新时期世界各国幼儿教育发展的一大趋势。美国德克萨斯州早期学习标准作为这一领域中"细致、具体、全面"的典范,在基本理念、体系结构与内容选择等方面具有一定的代表性,形成了一些鲜明的特点,对我国早期学习标准的制定与推广具有积极意义。  相似文献   

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