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All of Them Die     
Jeanwastravelingaroundbycar.Onedayshestoppedatasmallvillagetolookatabeautifulchurch.Therewasanoldmanraking(耙)thegrassaroundthegraves(墓).Jeangotoutofthecar,wentintothecemetery(公墓)andlookedatsomeofthegraves.Thenshewentovertotheoldmanandsaidtohim,“Goodmorning!Dopeopleoftendieinthevillage?”Theoldmanstoppedworkingforasecond,lookingatherandsaid,“No,theyonlydieonce.”Jeanlaughedwhensheheardthis,thenshesaidtotheoldman,“I薷msorry.Ididn薷tputitcorrectly.Imean‘Doalotofpeopledi…  相似文献   

Them and us     
多元化文化的 今天,第二外语是 人们理解异域文化的 界质;第二外语更是一 面镜子,让我们更加理 解我们自己和我们的 文化。  相似文献   

Let Them Wait     
Georgeandhispartnercameoutoftheoffice.Itwasdarkand1outside.Itwasstillsnowingandtheycouldn’tseeany2inthesky.Therewerefewpeopleinthestreet.Nobodywouldcomeoutatmidnight.They3ontheicecarefully熏lookingaround.Theywishednothingcould4whentheywereonduty.SuddenlyGeorgestopped.He5carefully.Astep(脚步声)!Andhispartnerheardit,too.Theyhidbehindatreeand6.Amanwasswayingbackandforth(前后来回摇晃)inthestreet,witha7inhishand.Theyweresureitwasadrunk(醉鬼).Theycameuptohimandstopp…  相似文献   

Over the last five years, vigorous debate has been waged about the purpose, use, and impact of trigger warnings in courses offered at institutions of higher education. This debate has been largely uninformed by research findings. This study fills this gap using quantitative and qualitative data collected via surveys in a large undergraduate victimology course to explore student attitudes toward trigger warnings. Findings revealed considerable, but nuanced support for trigger warning use in victimology courses. Support does not appear to differ between crime victims and non-victims; support is higher among females than males. These findings underscore that universal decisions mandating or advocating for or against the use of trigger warnings are premature. Further study is needed with a diverse range of samples to gain a fuller picture of student attitudes about trigger warnings as well as to assess any impact of trigger warnings use on student behavior and learning.  相似文献   

这里的boss不是“老板”,而是带点江湖味的“老大”。老大嘛,当然是本事最大、最厉害的人。因此,Show them who is boss便是要“让对方见识你的厉害”,有点“别以为俺是病猫,俺还没发威呢”的意思。所以当给别人加油打气时,这句话就派上用场了。  相似文献   

Let Them Be!     
OnehotnightlastJulywhenournewbabycouldn蒺tsleep,I1everythingIcouldthinkof:awarmbottle,songs,gentlerocking.2wouldsettlehim.GuessingthatIhadalong3aheadofme,Ibroughtaportable(手提的)TVintohisroom,figuringthatwatchingthe4moviewasasgoodawayasanytokilloffthe5untildawn.Tomy6,assoonastheTVlitup,thebaby7rightdown,hislittleeyesfocused(集中)brightlyonthetube.Nottowasteachancefor8,Ithentiptoed(踮着脚悄悄地走)outoftheroom,9himtowatchMickeyMouse.MywifeandIheard10ofthebabythatnight,andthenextmorningwhe…  相似文献   

Who Is Who?     
Tony was a policeman,andhis younger brother,Bill,was acollege student(大学生).One day the two brotherswent into a restaurant(餐馆)tohave their supper.When theysat down at a table,Bill said toTony,“Oh,three of my class-mates are here having theirsupper.”He pointed to a tablein the corner.Three young menwere sitting at that table talking.“They are Slick,Smiley andMug.”“But who is who,Bill?”said Tony.“My guess(猜测)isthat the one smoking the cigar(雪茄烟)is Smiley,the onewearing the …  相似文献   

Duing  张洪兵 《音乐世界》2007,(12):68-71
5566来内地宣传的次数不多,这次成军5周年,走遍了大江南北,实属是他们的大事件。不过,采访5566是件很轻松的事情,因为他们4个都很健谈,感觉像是和朋友在聊天,而不是和一个天团在做采访。一旁的经纪人孙总也乐得自在,玩笑之余还用7字箴言,一个个点评了四位。"孙协志是有条不紊太正经;王绍伟是乐观进取不计较;王仁甫是鬼灵精怪少根筋;许孟哲是胸有成竹需表现。"字字珠玑,把每个人的个性简单道出,也异常明了。  相似文献   

看看图中的五位小朋友,你能根据下面的描述找到他们吗?请把他们的名字写在图旁边的方框里。Why is May crying?Peter is moving a box.He is very tired.A spider!Sandy is afraid of spiders.  相似文献   

同学们,瞧,这里有这么多精彩的电视节目,你们喜欢吗?快来松驰一下神经吧。1.综艺大观Variety Show  相似文献   

2006年5月23日第七届劳伦斯体育大奖在西班牙巴塞罗那揭晓,来自瑞士的网球王子费德勒蝉联劳伦斯年度最佳男运动员称号,冬奥会高山滑雪冠军科斯特里奇荣膺最佳女运动员,获得年度最佳新人奖的是19岁便夺得了法网公开赛冠军的西班牙网球神童纳达尔。让我们为这些杰出的运动员们鼓掌吧!Let’s give them a big hand!原来鼓掌就是give somebody a big hand呀。“给别人一只大手”够热情的吧!我们鼓掌的时候两只手是在一起拍呀拍的,所以“鼓掌”又可以说成put one’s hands together。鼓掌自然是有很大的声音啦,因此makesome noise for somebody…  相似文献   

This is a story about Tom. His parents love him very much. Usually he is very happy. He plays with his own toys. But now he is not happy. Why? He wants to play with other boys and  相似文献   

廖振言 《中学教与学》2005,(1):F004-F004
Amanisgoingtothehouseofafriend .Itisquite  1 awayandsohetakessomesandwichesalong  2 hislunch .Ashegoesalong ,hesaysto  3  ,“Myfriendis  4 togivemeaverynicemeal.Heisgoingtogivemegoodwineto  5  .Sowhat’stheuseofthesedry  6  !”Ashesaysthis,hethrowsthemontotheground .Hegoesonandcomestoariver.Theriverhasbecomeverybigbecauseofthe  7 inthepastfewdays .Hecannot  8 theriver.Hehopesthereisa  9 totakehimover.Sohewaitsandwaits .Hewaitsforalongtime .Thenthesunbeginsto  1 0  .Them…  相似文献   

Do you remember the story about Tom?Which Way does he choose?Now.I will tell you the answer. A:Tom decides to wait and asks them to play with him.But Alex and John keep playing with their trucks.They don't invite Tom to play with them.How sad Tom is!  相似文献   

I pose a straightforward rhetorical question about disproportionality and endeavor to answer it with view to suggesting what can be done in terms of linking theory to practice. First, I frame disproportionality by asking where does it come from? Second, I describe multiple, interconnected historical phenomena to be considered when educators contemplate the complex topic of overrepresentation, ranging from the genesis of historical understandings of human difference becoming categorized into hierarchies of race, to the perceptions of race and dis/ability held by contemporary educators. Third, I argue that connections among these phenomena reified deficit-based understandings of vulnerable children and youth, creating a disabled population that, in turn, continues the status quo of disproportionality within schools. Fourth, invoking the concept of the personal is the professional, I discuss possible actions within an educator’s control to help counter overrepresentation, while listing areas outside of school that simultaneously need to be focused upon.  相似文献   

2003年初.抱着好奇的心情.中文自修小记者走进了一群洋学生中间去了解这些在中国学习中文的“洋娃娃”们的生活和学习, 和他们用半生不熟的中文交流,为一个意思要“纠缠”好半天一番辛苦之后又一篇头条——“说洋文的中学生”诞生  相似文献   

SuchEnglishidiomsas“aspoorasachurchmouse”and“likeadrown-edrat”remindpeopleoftheunfavourableimages(形像)ofmiceandrats.Butwithhisefforts(努力)inthe20thcentury,anAmericanyoungmanWaltDisneychangedpeoplesview.Bornin1901inChicago,WaltDisneywasanewspaperseller,andwasfondofdrawingcomicstrips(喜剧性的连环画)andtakingpictures.LaterhewenttostudyartsinaChicagoinstitute(学院).Onedaywhenhewasthinkinghardhowtodrawapictureinagarage(车库),severalmicecrawledontothedrawingboard.…  相似文献   

We present analyses of teacher professional growth during collaboration between science teachers and science education researchers, with special focus on how the differential assumption of responsibility between teachers and researchers affected the growth processes. The collaboration centered on a new conceptual framework introduced by the researchers, which aimed at empowering teachers to plan teaching in accordance with perceived purposes. Seven joint planning meetings between teachers and researchers were analyzed, both quantitatively concerning the extent to which the introduced framework became part of the discussions and qualitatively through the interconnected model of teacher professional growth. The collaboration went through three distinct phases characterized by how and the extent to which the teachers made use of the new framework. The change sequences identified in relation to each phase show that teacher recognition of salient outcomes from the framework was important for professional growth to occur. Moreover, our data suggest that this recognition may have been facilitated because the researchers, in initial phases of the collaboration, took increased responsibility for the implementation of the new framework. We conclude that although this differential assumption of responsibility may result in unequal distribution of power between teachers and researchers, it may at the same time mean more equal distribution of concrete work required as well as the inevitable risks associated with pedagogical innovation and introduction of research-based knowledge into science teachers’ practice.  相似文献   

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