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一、"控辍的根在课堂"理念提出的社会背景及原因 辽源市安石镇中学自1997年"两基"工作通过国家验收,一段时间内"普九"效果显著,但随着市场经济的迅猛发展,社会大环境的影响,教育双轨制的实行,大中专学生流向人才市场等一系列原因,致使新的读书无用论思潮在此泛滥.  相似文献   

本文引用联合国教科文组织统计所公开发表的最新数据,描述和分析了亚洲欠发达国家和地区儿童、青少年的失学现象。目前,人口众多的亚洲欠发达国家和地区的学前教育、初等教育、高等教育的入学率均不高。在初等教育领域,还存在严重的辍学问题。大批儿童失学、文盲大量产生,已经成为严重的社会问题。合格师资的短缺与教育投入的不足,是该地区教育发展水平和义务教育普及水平低下的重要原因。  相似文献   

农村青年失学现象严重,已经成为制约新农村建设、阻碍广大新型农民健康成长的瓶颈。文章拟从经济因素、现有教育资源的限制、观念层面和打工潮流的冲击等方面分析农村青年失学现象愈演愈烈的原因,并提出了相应的解决办法。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present investigation was to identify the relationship among different indicators of uncertainty that lead to potential item misalignment. The item-based indicators included ratings of ambiguity and cognitive complexity. The student-based indicators included (a) frequency of cognitive monitoring per item, (b) levels of misinterpretation per item, and (c) levels of lack of confidence per item. Results indicate that item cognitive complexity was related to all student-based indicators even after controlling for students' performance on the item. Moreover, item ambiguity was related to levels of item misinterpretation but not to frequency of student cognitive monitoring or lack of confidence. The implications of these conclusions for identifying item misalignment are discussed in light of construct-relevant and construct-irrelevant sources of ambiguity.  相似文献   

在解某些物理问题时,常会遇到某个问题过程的多样,状态的重复变化,结果有多种可能性。为了作出正确的判断,需逐一验证结果与题设是否相符, 显得繁杂,但此类题可用列表讨论法求解。所谓列表讨论法,就是将问题的所有可能情况列表示出,逐一分析、讨论而解决问题的方法。例1“蹦极”是一种富有  相似文献   

控制学生辍学是巩固提高九年义务教育成果和水平的重点和难点工作.  相似文献   

Recently, a range of educational theorists have explored and extended upon popular currents in political theory through articulating “open” and “unknowing” pedagogies. Such contributions represent a radical turn away from the presumed “universals” found in proclamations of justice and emancipation and, ultimately, the centering of class analysis. At the same time, inspired by and building upon Bourdieuian theory, another cluster of educational research has developed a nuanced understanding of the social, cultural, and educational mechanisms involved in class reproduction. In this essay, Jessica Gerrard offers a critical — though sympathetic — response to these dual trends. Bringing together theories of reproduction in conversation with theories of pedagogical possibility, Gerrard argues for a renewed understanding of working‐class relations to education that incorporates an understanding of working‐class action and struggle.  相似文献   

控辍是农村基础教育改革与发展中的一道难题.近几年来,吉林省东辽县委县政府在保证教育投入的同时,始终把控辍作为教育工作的重中之重来抓,边实践、边总结,探索出"依法控辍、责任到位,以改控辍、政策到位,以情控辍、帮扶到位,以质控辍、措施到位"的控辍工作模式,取得了初步成效.  相似文献   

研究二阶系统的周期解的存在性。通过使用最小作用原理获得一个新的存在性定理。  相似文献   

本文针对宁波电大开放教育英语专业学生流失的现象,分析了这种现象导致的一些危害,包括对学习者自身,对辍学者周围的同学,对担任教学任务的教师,对所在的办学机构,乃至对社会和国家造成的一些负面影响。希望能用具体的事实对辍学者和求学者起到警示的作用,以期遏制或者减少流生现象的发展.  相似文献   

广义表在数据结构中的位置   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“数据结构”是计算机程序的重要理论技术基础,是计算机学科的核心课程。其中广义表在概念上应该占据着重要的位置。如果让广义表去统领大多数的数据存储结构,有利于学生掌握所学过的内容。从而增强学生的总结概括能力,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

中华书局出版的《船山诗草》是迄今为止国内有关清代四川遂宁诗人张船山诗集的最佳版本。但白璧微瑕,该书文字、标点及作品编年、编排等校勘尚有遗漏之处。本文例举一、二,以期该书更为完善。  相似文献   

Judgment Analysis (JAN) was used as a methodology for determining what is pornographic by testing this technique with three groups concerned with this issue. These groups included doctoral students majoring in psychology, counseling and guidance (PCG) at the University of Northern Colorado, and lawyers and police officers from the city of Greeley, Colorado. JAN proved to be an effective technique in the identification of policies. The problem of what is pornographic is indeed a complex one as evidenced by the many specific categorical and complex policies present in the PCG judges, lawyers, and police officers.  相似文献   

考古学家确定地质、古墓等年代的方法之一是用放射性同位素作为“时钟”,来测量漫长的时间,这叫做放射性同位素鉴年法。本文结合例题简单谈谈几种同位素鉴年法的原理,供教学时参考。1238U与206Pb比鉴年法238U在岩石中经一系列的衰变,最后成为206Pb,测出现存的206Pb与238U的存量比,可以推定地质年代。例1测得某矿石中238U与206Pb比为0.76:1,假设开始时矿石只含有238U,发生衰变的238U都变成了206Pb,已知238U的半衰期是4.5×109年,求矿石的年龄。解设开始时矿石中有m0kg的238U,经n个半衰期后,剩余238Umkg,则m=m0(21)n,一个238U核衰变成一…  相似文献   

一、问题的提出本文的"差生"一词是指:智力属正常范围,但由于各自不同的原因,不能适应普通学校教育条件下的学习生活,最终导致学业不良的学生。换言之,本文的"差生"专指学习困难或学业失败者,不包括因有这样或那样的不符合道德要求的所谓"品德差生"。  相似文献   

An increasing number of students with dyslexia enter higher education. As a result, there is a growing need for standardized diagnosis. Previous research has suggested that a small number of tests may suffice to reliably assess students with dyslexia, but these studies were based on post hoc discriminant analysis, which tends to overestimate the percentage of systematic variance, and were limited to the English language (and the Anglo-Saxon education system). Therefore, we repeated the research in a non-English language (Dutch) and we selected variables on the basis of a prediction analysis. The results of our study confirm that it is not necessary to administer a wide range of tests to diagnose dyslexia in (young) adults. Three tests sufficed: word reading, word spelling and phonological awareness, in line with the proposal that higher education students with dyslexia continue to have specific problems with reading and writing. We also show that a traditional postdiction analysis selects more variables of importance than the prediction analysis. However, these extra variables explain study-specific variance and do not result in more predictive power of the model.  相似文献   

Confirmatory latent profile analysis (CLPA) was used with the normative sample from the Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement, 3rd ed. (KTEA‐3) to determine whether it was possible to identify a latent class of individuals whose scores were consistent with the academic strengths and weaknesses related to dyslexia. The CLPA identified a class of individuals consistent with dyslexia across four‐grade level groups (first–second, third–fifth, sixth–eighth, and ninth–twelfth). The results of the CLPA were applied to the KTEA‐3 clinical samples of those with known clinical diagnoses. Individuals with Specific Learning Disorder in Reading and/or Written Expression had a higher probability of being in the dyslexia latent class. The use of CLPA as a tool for learning disability diagnosis appears plausible, though much more research is needed. The strengths, limitations, and future directions for the use of CLPA in diagnosis are discussed.  相似文献   

九十年代中期以来,外语教学电子论坛相继建立, 为全世界的外语教师提供了一种廉价、高效、信息量大的教学和科研工具。本文扼要介绍了世界主要的外语教学论坛,探讨了电子论坛对我国外语教学、科研和教师进修的意义,并就如何避免的问题提出了建议。  相似文献   

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