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A critical debate within the field of school psychology has centered on the relationship between bullying and cyberbullying in terms of prevalence, overlap, and impact. The current study sought to address the following questions: (1) Does cyberbullying create new victims or merely a new means of victimization? (2) Does cyberbullying uniquely contribute to negative outcomes above and beyond those of traditional bullying? Utilizing an anonymous survey to examine students’ experiences with cyberbullying, traditional bullying, and negative psychological symptoms, it was found that the vast majority of students who were bullied online were also victims of in‐person bullying. Both forms of victimization were independently associated with negative outcomes. However, when controlling for traditional bullying, cyberbullying did not remain a predictor of negative mental health outcomes. In contrast, when controlling for cyberbullying, traditional bullying remained a significant predictor of negative mental health outcomes. These results suggest that although traditional and cyber forms of bullying tend to target the same victims, traditional bullying is more uniquely associated with negative psychological outcomes.  相似文献   

本研究采用心理症状自评量表SCL-90对四川省威远的二所农村中学的423名初中学生进行调查,考察了农村初中生的心理健康状况。结果发现:(1)农村初中生的心理健康水平显著低于全国城市初中生常模;(2)农村初中生的心理健康水平表现出明显的年龄特征,即随年龄的增长,其心理健康水平不断提高,但却没有显著的性别差异。  相似文献   

采用文献研究、逻辑分析等方法,在分析积极心理健康教育和体育健心教育研究进展的基础上,提出积极心理健康教育视域下的体育健心教育体系:在主体、个体、群体层面上,发现学生积极心理品质,促进积极心理健康是其主要目标;积极的体育体验和体育文化活动是其主导内容;形成性与发展性评价是其评价手段。研究认为,体育健心教育是一种有效且长效的积极心理健康教育手段,但也存在一定的有限性。  相似文献   

论农村教师的心理健康问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农村教师的心理健康状况并不令人乐观,人们一直有意无意地忽视着农村教师的心理健康问题。从新农村建设、教师专业化成长、心理健康研究的全面性和政府部门的决策等方面来看,我们必须高度重视农村中小学教师的心理健康问题。改善农村教师心理健康状况的措施主要就是:政府要改善教师生存环境、教育主管部门和学校要减轻教师心理压力、教师本身要提高自身素质。  相似文献   

When evidence‐based prevention programs are implemented in schools, adaptations are common. It is important to understand which adaptations can be made while maintaining positive outcomes for students. This preliminary study evaluated an abbreviated version of the Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies (PATHS) Curriculum implemented by school‐based mental health clinicians in preschool/kindergarten classrooms. Results suggest that students (N = 80) demonstrated increases in emotional understanding and prosocial behavior. Children with low initial levels of problem behavior demonstrated large and continual increases in prosocial behavior over the entire course of the intervention, whereas children with high initial levels of problem behavior only demonstrated small gains in prosocial behavior during the first half of the intervention. These preliminary results support the general effectiveness of the adapted intervention, but also suggest the need for additional intervention to produce meaningful and sustained behavioral gains for higher‐need students.  相似文献   

中国具有五千年的思想文化发展历史,就我国古代思想的发展而言,儒佛道三家并驾齐驱,共同构建了中国传统哲学思想。而中国传统哲学的基础是天冬合一观念,由此出发.关于心理健康思想方面引申出人与自然的和谐、人与社会的和谐、人与自身的和谐以及人与终极价值的统一四大命题。本文以儒佛道思想为内容,以心理健康思想为目标,初步探讨了中国古代传统哲学中蕴含的心理健康思想.以期丰富当今心理健康理论,以中国哲学智慧进一步阐释建设和谐社会重要思想。  相似文献   

Geriatric fellowship curricula in primary care specialties of medicine include a minimum of mental health education, resulting in inadequate psychiatric assessment of the elderly. An educational program was developed to teach the psychology of aging, communication skills, and psychotherapy principles with older adults to geropsychiatry fellows during a 2‐year fellowship. The program's impact on fellows' performance was measured using 10 rated skill areas from the Periodic Review of Psychotherapy Skills. Improvement or maintenance of skills at the highest level was achieved by all fellows. The program's success is indicated by improved conceptualization of older adults' problems, increased accuracy of diagnoses, development of more appropriate treatment plans and goals, and refined communication and psychotherapy skills. Applicability to other medical and nonmedical disciplines and impediments to fellowship integration are discussed.  相似文献   

As one out of five children in the United States demonstrate some type of mental or behavioral health concern warranting additional intervention, federal policies have emphasized the need for school‐based mental health (SBMH) services and an expansion of Medicaid reimbursement for eligible children and families. Most youth access mental health services at school; therefore, it is important to evaluate how staffing ratios, credentialing, and state Medicaid policies may influence school psychologists’ involvement in the delivery of SBMH services. A survey of 192 school psychologists found that as practitioner to student ratios increased, the availability and provision of SBMH services decreased. As state Medicaid policies have been found to influence the provision of mental health services at school, current study results demonstrate an association between state level Medicaid policies and the number of school psychologists qualified to bill for Medicaid‐reimbursable services. Implications for service delivery and policy development are discussed.  相似文献   

试论体育教学中开展心理健康教育的现实意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对青少年学生心理健康问题的日趋严峻,本采用理论研究方法,结合学校体育的现状和发展,提出学校体育教学中开展和实施心理健康教育,树立“健康第一”的体育思想,为推进学校体育中心理健康教育理论的发展及其实践提供参考。  相似文献   

Returning women students over 50, although growing in number, have been largely ignored as a unique group by both educational gerontologists and scholars interested in non‐traditional women students.

Matched groups (N = 106) of student (outwardly oriented) and non‐student (home oriented) women (mean age = 55.67, s.d. = 5.25) were compared on measures of subjective age and attitudes toward age, perceived happiness and satisfaction, perceived physical health, number and severity of depressive symptoms, self‐esteem and autonomy. The student group was found to report better health, fewer and less severe depressive symptoms and higher autonomy.

Psychological transitions facing mid‐life women are discussed. Possibilities of educational participation as preventive of mid‐life depression for women are discussed. Future longitudinal, cohort‐sequential research should focus on mid‐life and older women students as a unique group.  相似文献   

文章采用田纳西自我概念量表和SCL-90量表对大学生进行调查,对不同年级和性别的学生进行分析,发现自我概念与心理健康之间存在着密切的联系。并根据调查结果,针对当前大学生自我概念和心理健康状况提出几条建议与应对策略。以帮助大学生完善自我概念,促进心理健康。  相似文献   

Beginning with a brief discussion of the different meanings and contexts of tolerance, certain paradoxes of tolerance in regard to mental health in a clinical setting, in a socio‐legal setting, and at policy level are presented. Other paradoxes in the domain of mental health treatment are evoked: finding a balance between patemalism and neglect and between oppression and protection, and above all, the economics of tolerance. The author suggests that to help move understandings of tolerance away from association with passivity and neglect, such understandings should be linked to change, needs, and passion.  相似文献   

研究高校心理健康教育模式是当前中国大学生心理健康教育理论与实践发展的需要。在现阶段,要积极倡导以心理辅导与咨询为“点”、以心理健康教育课程为“线”、以心理健康教育实践活动为“面”的三维立体的心理健康教育模式。  相似文献   

A factor analysis was conducted of a test battery designed for use with Belgian secondary school students and based on Thurstone's earlier work on the primary mental abilities. The analysis provided construct validity evidence for the existence of verbal, numerical, spatial, and reasoning abilities in the Belgian sample and thus confirmed the theoretical conceptions guiding the development of the test battery. An examination of the factorial organization of these mental abilities for different age groups revealed a progressive differentiation of abilities with age. There was also evidence that intensive academic specialization improves performance in the abilities required by these specializations.  相似文献   

Modern definitions of complete mental health include both positive and negative indicators of psychological functioning. We examined the associations between peer relationships (victimization and receipt of prosocial acts) and multiple indicators of mental health that represent subjective well‐being (i.e., life satisfaction, positive and negative affect) and psychopathology (general internalizing symptoms and externalizing problems—aggressive behavior) among 500 high school students in Grades 9 to 11. Peer experiences explained the most variance in positive affect (R2 = 18%) and internalizing psychopathology (R2 = 19%). Different types of peer experiences drove these effects, with relational victimization particularly salient to internalizing psychopathology and prosocial acts by peers most predictive of positive affect. Moderation analyses indicated that peers’ prosocial acts did not serve a protective role in the associations between victimization and mental health. Instead, the presence of overt victimization negated the positive associations between prosocial acts and good mental health (high life satisfaction, low internalizing psychopathology). Understanding these associations illuminates the range of student outcomes possibly impacted by victimization and suggests that both limiting peer victimization and facilitating positive peer experiences may be necessary to facilitate complete mental health among high school students.  相似文献   

郭舒羽 《大学生》2013,(Z1):36-39
正131天独自奔跑5000公里,因为大爱和勇气,澳大利亚心理健康研究中心研究助理布拉德·卡伦-亚瑟(Brad Carron-Arthur)当选2012首都堪培拉地区年度人物,并入围2013澳大利亚年度人物名单。澳大利亚年度人物官方评选网站上写道:布拉德拥有强烈的社会责任感,他尽一己之力推动社会观念的变更。  相似文献   

高等学校开展大学生心理健康教育工作的意义与工作机制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
开展大学生心理健康教育工作是新形势下全面贯彻党的教育方针的重大举措,对培养社会主义事业建设者和接班人有重大的意义。为做好这项工作,各高校应提高认识,积极建立高效的大学生心理健康教育的工作机制。笔者首先阐述了高等学校开展大学生心理健康教育工作的重大意义,然后分别讨论了开展大学生心理健康教育工作的管理机制、预防机制、应对机制、培训机制和保障机制。  相似文献   

采用中国大学生心理健康量表(CCMHS)对巢湖学院2007级4072名新生进行了心理健康普查.结果:2007级新生心理健康水平处在全国大学生的中等偏上水平.男女生心理健康状况存在显著的差异,女生的总体心理健康水平低于男生.非独生子女和独生子女的心理健康状况存在一定的差异,非独生子女的心理健康状况低于独生子女.不同专业、来自不同地区的学生其心理健康水平存在显著的差异.  相似文献   

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