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The purpose of this study is to determine what effects social reinforcement counseling has on attitudes toward teaching and accuracy of teacher attitude self-estimation held by beginning education students. Teacher attitudes were assessed by the MTAI. Seventy-eight education students at the Ohio State University were randomly divided into three groups that received individual counseling, group counseling, and no counseling for four sessions with social reinforcement as the major technique. The results of the study lend support to conclusions which follow. First, social reinforcement counseling in individual or group setting is more effective for changing attitudes toward teaching, but not effective for increasing students' accuracy of self-estimated teacher attitudes. Second, social reinforcement counseling in groups is as effective as individual counseling for changing MTAI scores of beginning education students.  相似文献   

美国外语教师教育专业拥有较成熟和完善的课程体系,相关经验可资借鉴。本文以美国西班牙语教师专业的教师教育课程为例,着重研究其专业性、系统性、针对性和综合性等特征,并探讨其对我国相关课程建设、改革和发展的启示:突出专业特色、贯彻顶层设计理念、增强针对性等。  相似文献   

目前,大部分高师院校教师教育质量不高,存在诸多问题,亟待转型与变革。而近些年的家教市场十分火爆,并不断走向成熟。充分利用家教实践这一平台,将有助于解决高师实习基地缺乏、实习效果不佳的困境。将家教实践纳入高师教师教育实践教学体系,积极引领家教与教师教育实践教学的全面融合是当前教师教育改革的应有之意,努力践行这一新举措对完善实践教学体系、提升教师教育质量具有重要意义。  相似文献   

校本教师教育的多样性——国外校本教师教育举隅   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从校本教师教育组成要素出发,简要地描述了4个国家或地区的校本教师教育计划的差异,概括了课程的总观点及其实践课程、学生完成课程的实质、校本教师教育与大学教师教育的角色及提供给校本教师教育者的专业发展,以期为我国的校本教师教育的设计与规划提供借鉴。  相似文献   

教师教育模式:走向开放   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧美国家多元、开放的教师教育模式的产生和形成,均有其社会历史和教育、文化背景。在我国全面建设小康社会、提高国民素质特别是新一轮基础教育课程改革的现实背景下,教师教育走向开放、走向专业化迫在眉睫。为了提升教师的专业水平,综合大学与师范院校可以通过四种基本途径“联姻”,共同完成教师教育。  相似文献   

Four years ago the German Education Council presented its recommendations for "the promotion of close links between curriculum development and practice" (1974). Although, on the one hand, these recommendations could be regarded as a reflex reaction to the partly negative experience of the first phase of curriculum development linked to the names of Robinsohn and Blankertz, on the other, the Education Council's recommendations did point up prospects for a new innovational strategy, whose central feature was teacher participation in curriculum development and the linking of continuing teacher education to such curriculum development. The discussion on educational policy gave rise to a series of projects that tested a number of versions of this strategy for innovation.  相似文献   

Teachers’ personal self-efficacy about their ability to motivate students and encourage learning has been shown to affect the classroom they create and student achievement. Therefore, research has been conducted on ways to increase teacher efficacy for in-service and pre-service teachers. One area of research that has been explored is the impact of field experiences on pre-service teachers. This review explores the research on field experiences and tutoring as well as the role these different experiences may play in pre-service teacher efficacy and knowledge of teaching reading. Overall, researchers have found that field experiences have varying effects on efficacy; however, researchers have found that tutoring field experiences in particular have been found to have a positive impact on pre-service teachers’ abilities to teach a particular content (e.g., reading) to the individual student and to put theory into practice. On the whole, this literature review suggests that we currently lack research exploring the possible benefits of simultaneously impacting efficacy and reading knowledge in pre-service teachers through tutoring.  相似文献   

This article has an overall aim as follows: to develop an alternative understanding to a narrow view of education, and in particular teacher training—preparatory and continuing—in terms of economy, as well as the competencies needed for the teaching profession. It takes the view that such an alternative is or could be found in the ideas put forward by Paul Standish, where poetry, or a more poetic understanding of education, is necessary—particularly in regards to teacher training.  相似文献   

在远程开放教育环境下,电大教师要尽快转变观念,完善能力结构,找准教学中的重、难点和突破点,才能适应开放教育对教师的要求.  相似文献   

本文通过对国内远程教育在线教学辅导实施过程的回顾,对在线教学辅导的优劣势、教师角色定位等内容进行了分析,提出构建远程教育在线教学辅导模式等设计思路,重点分析了"兴趣激发"、"时间优化"两个控制因子的作用机理。开创性地提出了构建在线教学辅导模式的研究思路,从整体高度提升远程教育在线教学辅导能力与交互效率,为学生支持服务质量的全面提升提供了保障。  相似文献   

中小学教师继续教育的重要性已被世界各国所公认。本文通过对美、日、英、法、俄等国家发展教师继续教育状况与我国目前该项工作发展情况的比较后得到启示,找出我们存在的问题,力求探索新的模式与机制,使远程开放教育在我国中小学教师继续教育中发挥应有的作用。  相似文献   

关注教师教育的发展,是每一个教师教育工作者的普遍心愿,而对教师教育的思考和探究,无疑在不同程度上以不同的方式促进着教师教育的发展。如果教师教育失去了教师,或者说是偏离了教师的现实生活,那么,教师教育必是无源之水,无本之木,教师教育便失去了存在的现实意义。由此,教师教育必须回归教师。  相似文献   


Adjunct faculty are growing in numbers and time spent instructing courses in social work programs. This paper describes one school's approach in working with and involving adjunct faculty as significant stakeholders in the overall educational program. The described program incorporates a number of ongoing activities to encourage adjunct faculty to contribute to the academic community beyond the instruction of one course. The paper also identifies additional strategies a social work program may consider to further strengthen the adjuncts? role in academia. The paper concludes with questions for social work educational programs and the Council on Social Work Education's Commission on Accreditation to recognize and define the position and function of adjunct faculty in social work education.  相似文献   

This article explores how art and design education can contribute to the imperative of climate change and help societies adapt to living more sustainably. Drawing on methods from arts‐based research and qualitative case study, it reports on an investigation into what can be learned from creating environmental art installations with preservice teachers (those training to be K‐12 teachers), as part of an environmental art education programme in a leading Canadian university. Findings support that preservice teachers experienced behavioural and attitudinal shifts towards sustainability after engaging in the processes of creating environmental art; involvement in the programme also provided opportunities for building community, engaging multiple domains of learning, modelling sustainable art‐making practices and prompting environmental activism. The results of this study inform a developing pedagogy for environmental art education in higher education settings.  相似文献   

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