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The adjustment of black African students to what, under apartheid, were white universities has long been a concern for South African educators. Dimensions of adjustment to university were examined for 339 African black and white freshmen attending a historically white South African university, using the Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire. No significant differences were found between black African and white participants on academic adjustment or institutional commitment. However, black African participants reported significantly poorer levels of social adjustment, and somewhat poorer levels of personal-emotional adjustment. Further investigations found relationships between academic performance, race and additional variables hypothesised to be associated with adjustment.  相似文献   


A total of 256 black and 3009 white sophomore students in the four large Georgia universities were studied with regard to their reading test scores obtained during the 1982-83 Georgia Regents' Testing Program. Classification analyses showed that white students scored significantly higher on the reading subtests as well as apposite aptitude/achievement variables. The overlap of black and white student score distributions was consistent, though insignificant, on the aptitude/achievement variables as well as the reading subtests. The extant overlap, however, was significantly greater for black students on the reading subtests than with the aptitude/achievement variables, and these results were similar to those obtained with white students. Further, with the reading subtests, approximately 41% of the black students were misclassified as white students, while only 26% of the white students were misclassified as black students, and this difference in overlap was statistically significant. The study was regarded, to a limited extent, as a cohort extension of the NAEP studies and the results were compared to those findings.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the scholarship of Black mathematics education researchers whose work focuses on Black students in P–20 mathematics spaces. We conducted a metasynthesis literature review of empirical studies by Black mathematics education researchers. The authors utilized critical theories of race and racism to aid in the synthesis of the literature. The Black researchers we reviewed challenged the perspective that failure and limited persistence in Black students who are learning and participating in mathematics is normative. As a critical defense, these scholars offer research that problematizes test score data, race and racism, opportunities to learn mathematics, identity considerations, and other constructs that produce unequal effects in mathematics learning. We found that Black mathematics education researchers strategically disrupt the deficit narrative about Black students. Black scholars select theoretical frameworks that allow them to focus on race and how racism operates in mathematics education. We present this research to incite dialogue among all mathematics educators about improving the mathematical context for Black students.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查方式,考察了乌鲁木齐市三所高校的220名维吾尔族民考民大学生的双语态度。分析结果显示,维吾尔族民考民大学生对自己本民族语言有高度的认同感,对汉语也高度认可和接受。被调查者有学好民汉双语的愿望。总之。维吾尔族民考民大学生对维吾尔语和汉语都持肯定态度。  相似文献   

在2014智慧旅游年背景下,基于安徽师范大学学生群体实证研究,采用SPSS 17.0数据分析软件对LBS感知调研数据进行分析处理,研究发现:1通过分析智慧旅游大学生市场发现:智慧旅游的推广力度有待提高,智慧旅游产品对使用者的隐私保护力度有待加强.2LBS感知包括5个公因子,分别是"旅游价值"、"基础服务质量"、"核心服务质量"、"社会价值"和"信任".3专业背景不同的使用者群体对LBS感知存在差异:艺术类专业群体对LBS旅游价值认同度高于理工类;旅游管理专业群体对LBS基础服务质量认同度分别高于地理信息系统、文学类、管理学,低于艺术类;旅游管理专业群体对LBS社会价值认同度高于理工类和艺术类,低于文学类;文学类专业群体对LBS信任高于理工类.4差异性分析结合计划行为理论假设,并通过相关性分析进行验证,得出LBS意向感知模型.揭示了解程度、旅游价值、喜欢和意向之间的潜在联系.  相似文献   

随着网络信息技术和校园网建设的发展,网络化交往已成为大学生日常交往活动的一个重要组成部分。网络化交往不仅影响着大学生对社会道德的评价和对交往对象可信性的认知结构,而且影响着大学生在网络交往中的行为心理动机和行为策略选择;进而冲击着高校对大学生的公民道德教育。高校必须关注网络化交往对大学生公民道德教育影响的发生机制。  相似文献   

This study provides qualitative context for statistics concerning Black college students and financial aid. Using the financial nexus model as a framework, this research draws upon interviews with 29 Black juniors and seniors at a selective, -private, and predominantly White university. The data suggest that students -generally exhibited high levels of financial aid knowledge, and that financial aid -office savvy is necessary to successfully navigate the financial aid process at the school.  相似文献   

为了解大学生的性知识、性观念、性行为状况,结合时代特点,为高校性教育的实施提供依据,结合大学生心理健康教育公共选修课进行无记名问卷调查。调查收回问卷1022份,获有效问卷426份,输入Excel进行统计处理。结果表明,在有感情或准备结婚的情况下,认为男性可以有性行为的占77.95%,认为女性可以有性行为的占71.83%;性知识获得的渠道主要是书报及杂志(73.00%),同伴朋友(67.14%)和网络查寻(41.78%);有异性性交行为的占17.84%,其中男生占29.66%,女生占11.74%,男女生进行比较存在显著差异(χ2=20.93,P<0.001)。同10年前比,大学生的性观念总体表现为更加开放;男生性观念比女生更开放,对性的渴望更强烈;对同性性行为女生比男生表现出更高的认同度。  相似文献   

依法治校背景下的高校学生管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依法治校背景下的高校学生管理,首先意味着管理者要守法,使高校学生管理正当程序化,体现人文关怀和法治原则。文中首先澄清高校管理中的学校与学生的法律关系,找出管理中存在的问题,然后指出应对措施。  相似文献   

Field trips are ideal for increasing students’ experience and perceptions of various organisms and their relationship between the original habitat. However, in general field trips are greatly neglected by teachers and their short-term effects are thought to be questionable. Therefore, we conducted a one-day field trip for both improving students’ knowledge in ecology and for examining short-term effects. Based on the results of the research conducted 3 days after the trip, we found a significant and positive increase in students’ attitudes toward biology, natural environment outside and future career in biology. Moreover, students displayed a better understanding of ecology concepts like ecosystems and food webs. However, no similar pattern was observed for the control group experienced only traditional biology settings. Thus, this study is unique showing significant short-term effects of a field trip on students’ attitude and knowledge toward biology.  相似文献   

This study of diverse Asian American students at a racially integrated public high school illustrates that the achievement gap is a multi-racial problem that cannot be well understood solely in terms of the trajectories of Black and white students. Asian American students demonstrated a high academic profile on average, but faced difficulties and failure in ways rendered invisible by widespread acceptance of the “Model Minority Myth,” which says that Asians comprise the racial minority group that has “made it” in America through hard work and education, and therefore serve as a model for other racial minorities to follow. Findings point to policy implications for teachers, counselors, school staff, social services and government.  相似文献   

科学态度是科学素养的重要组成部分,免费师范生与非师范生的科学态度是否存在差异值得关注。本研究采用CLASS问卷调查工具对陕西师范大学物理学与信息技术学院2012级免费师范生与非师范生物理科学态度进行调查研究,并得出以下结论:(1)免费师范生物理科学态度显著高于非师范生(t=3.19,P<0.01);(2)在物理科学态度的个人兴趣、一般问题的解决、概念理解与应用等维度免费师范生与非师范生均存在不足;(3)男生物理科学态度显著高于女生(t=4.44,p<0.01)。  相似文献   

Black and White students who enrolled in college by age 20 were selected from a national probability sample, in order to estimate the prevalence of having children and the effect of having a child on probability of graduation with a bachelors degree. Black students reported significantly higher rates of having children than White students, but rates for Black students at historically Black universities were similar to those of Black students at predominantly White universities. After controlling for family background, achievement, and other student characteristics, having a child within 5 years of starting college generally reduced the probability of graduating with a bachelors degree for Black women and White women and men. The independent effect of attending a historically Black college was significantly positive for Black women but not statistically significant for Black men.  相似文献   

随着人类社会进入信息时代,大学生已置身于网络信息环境之中,由于深受网络化的影响,大学生在世界观方面,奉行“技术至上”主义;在人生观方面,“个性”主义膨胀,追求个人的绝对自由,习惯于无信任的生活状态;在价值观和道德现方面,表现为价值主体自我化,价值导向多元化。这对当前大学生的思想教育提出了新的挑战。为此,应建构网络化背景下大学生思想教育的系统工程。其一,健全大学生网络思想教育的领导体制;其二,建立有特色、有影响力的校园网络体系;其三,充分运用网络信息平台,增强大学生思想教育的效果;其四,搞好校园网络文化的建设。其五,建立完善的规章制度,加强网上信息的引导和监控,净化网络环境。  相似文献   

学生就业难已经成为社会广泛关注的问题,"毕业即失业"的危机感让很多在校生更加在意未来的就业形势。本文通过对中国地质大学(北京)本科生的就业危机感、就业地区选择和毕业去向等方面的调查,分析当前大学生对于就业形势的看法,并就如何正确引导大学生选择就业提出建议。  相似文献   

教师专业素养结构,既决定着未来人才培养与教育的质量,也影响着国家未来的综合实力与国际地位。当前,从人才培养的非智力因素角度,关注师范生的健全发展,守护浓厚的教师专业情意;提升师范生的自我意识,坚定执着教师专业态度;强化师范生的职业认知,树立高尚的教师专业价值观,是教师教育机构培育优质师范生、提升教师专业化水平的应然选择。  相似文献   

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