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"垮掉的一代"(the Beat Generation)是20世纪50年代出现在美国的一个作家群体,他们在一定程度上开创了一个全新的文学流派——"垮掉派文学"。"The Beat Generation"在翻译成中文时除了被译作"垮掉的一代",还被译作"疲惫的一代",显然,前一种翻译更为大众所熟知。但相比后一种翻译,"垮掉的一代"存在着明显的误读。该文将从文学和文化角度对"The Beat Generation"的中文翻译"垮掉的一代"的翻译误读进行讨论与分析,并尝试还原它的本真意义。  相似文献   

Prevailing cultural views of adolescence are the product, this article argues, of a long, multidimensional process of social construc-tion. Employing a double reading of this process, this article analyzes the difficulties religious educators face on account of the reified nature of this social construction. Drawing on philosophical and psychological understandings of human flourishing, this article presents and argues for a different way of thinking about adolescents and the religious congregation's role in religious education.  相似文献   

We provide a summary report of a two-and-half-day symposium sponsored by the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) and hosted by the Texas Center for Educational Technology at the University of North Texas on May 16–18, 2018. The theme of the symposium was “Human Intelligence 0.2 versus Artificial Intelligence 2.0 || The Human-Technology Frontier: Understanding the Learning of Now to Prepare for the Work of the Future.” Over 15 distinguished speakers and 80 participants engaged in discussions of a range of topics such as human and holistic learning as informed by new research in neuroscience, creativity, critical thinking, self-directed learning, artificial intelligence, learning analytics, and measurements. We discuss outcomes and plans for the next steps.  相似文献   

非典这场瘟疫使中国旅游业遭受重创;但非典过后,新的旅游高潮已悄然而至。  相似文献   


Recent advances made by medicine and psychiatry in the development of practice guidelines and evidence-based interventions are spreading to social work and other helping professions. As the movement toward evidence-based practice grows, more demands for the use of tested interventions will be placed on practitioners. In this paper, we argue that social work practice education must change to respond to this demand. Specifically, evidence-based interventions must be incorporated into the teaching of the middle phase of social work practice more than it is now. Social work training has traditionally relied on untested interventions that have come from the tacit knowledge of accumulated practice wisdom. Although tacit knowledge has an important place in social work practice, instructing students about evidence-based, empirically derived interventions provides them with critical knowledge and skills they will need to enter the competitive world of social work practice. Moreover, this approach amplifies the importance of launching practitioners with skills of evidence-based thinking; that is, the identification, evaluation, and selection of interventions with demonstrated effectiveness.  相似文献   

The current study provides an updated analysis of the scholars who were originally identified as the top young scholars as Assistant Professors identified in earlier literature. Specifically, analysis in this study considers the publication productivity of these scholars over their entire academic career in general and by incorporating five more years of publication productivity data since the original identification and analysis of this cohort. Results from a series of publication productivity metrics including total publications, total citations, h index, and i10 index (and standardized versions of these metrics) reveal that Wesley Jennings is the number one ranked scholar in the original and updated analysis and that Allison Redlich, Abigail Fagan, Christopher Sullivan, and Chris Gibson round out the top five scholars. Study limitations and implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

"Those declared dead live long" — the author, a worker of many years in the Conference for Ministers of Education [Kultusministerkonferenz (KMK)] in its early years, applies the proverb to the history of the KMK: It has proven to be indispensable for the communal coexistence of the Lander in the Federal constitution.  相似文献   

Circumscribed by the culture of collectivist and Confucian traditions, English as a Foreign Language (EFL) education in China has defaulted to an impersonalized provision and delivery. Much of teaching and learning is to assimilate individuals into a group identity. This epistemological model can be detected in learning outcomes, e.g., preferential use of ‘we’ over ‘I’, lack of authentic self-identity in student EFL writing, etc., and is characterized by ubiquitous rote learning. In this paper, we adopt a biographical approach to the teaching of stories expressed as personal narrative as part of the research framework. This is also applied to critical curriculum and pedagogical reforms that help students to write across their extant cultural constraint, enabling them to make a conceptual leap in understanding the difference between the collective, and the individual identities, of the “we” and the “I”. Once this conceptual awareness has been achieved, the individual viewpoint can be elicited and articulated in student writing of narrative accounts. Biographical narrative accounts of personal experience are found to have a creative and self-actualizing force in forming the individual’s identity, using his/her original voice. The findings suggest that EFL writing curriculum and pedagogy in the new era can be a useful strategy to empower students and EFL teachers to teach and write between the “we” and the “I” paradigms, and expand their ontological capability and flexibility through pedagogical effect.  相似文献   

有一天上午,我在办公室问一位高一学生,对话如下: T:What time is it now? S:It's ten.(他回到隔壁教室拿了手表,然后告诉我) T:还能用其它方法回答吗? S:It's ten o'clock.T:再想想,只要和这问句联系得上的都行. S:不能.(三分钟后,他无可奈何地摇了摇头说) 为什么这位学生只能用一种回答形式呢?他完全可以回答“I'm sorry.I have no watch”.为什么非要去拿表,然后再  相似文献   

田梦园 《音乐世界》2010,(10):44-45
在歌迷们的热切期待下,少女时代终于来到中国举办了她们亚洲一巡上海站的演出。在接机的时候,中国SONE的热情就让少女时代的成员们惊喜不已,而演唱会当天的火爆场景更是深深刻在了少时和SONE们的心中。  相似文献   

Russell Hoban died in December 2011. In this article, Victoria de Rijke celebrates this mysterious writer’s huge contribution to children’s literature over 52 years; a career which began and ended with two mythological books: The Mouse & His Child (1967) and Soonchild (2012). Published in CLE over the years, Hoban wrote about the importance of myth and the writer’s “outlaw self”. This piece explores his unique thinking about the craft of writing fantasy and actuality, and argues for books in “nameless categories” which children and adults can appreciate together.  相似文献   

Lower division courses are typically perceived by students as blow-off courses. We can overcome this image. This paper contrasts active and passivelearning environments, and describes efforts to create an active, critical learning environment in both Introduction to Sociology and The Family System-typical lower division courses in Sociology. A review of grade distributions, quantitative course evaluations, qualitative course evaluations, and a survey asking students to subjectively compare the active learning course structure to the typical multiple choice format provide evaluation data. Finally, the paper discusses problems in using these innovations.Randy Stoecker recently received a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Minnesota, and has been exploring alternative pedagogies since 1982. He has published in the areas of social theory and social movements. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Midwest Sociological Society Annual Meetings, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1988. Many thanks for insightful comments by Tuck Green, Ron Berger, and an anonymousInnovative Higher Education referee.  相似文献   

Psychologists working in schools spend much time conducting psychological evaluations and reporting their findings to parents, who often do not follow through upon the recommendations made. Conceptualization of a child's problem integrating a family systems perspective with the individual assessment data enables the school psychologist to make an effective intervention in the single session meeting with parents following the evaluation. Application of the paradoxical technique “reframing,” borrowed from the family systems strategic model, gives the school psychologist a tool for mobilizing increased commitment on the part of the parents toward resolving a child's problem as a joint endeavor. The family is offered a formulation of the child's problem in interactional terms, with no one held to blame. A proposition is offered that connotes the underlying motivation in a positive light, and gives the family a new definition of the situation. Three case examples are given to illustrate application of this technique in a school setting.  相似文献   

In this editorial, a board member of Lamaze International describes the “Push for Your Baby” campaign to urge women to advocate for more evidence-based practice for better births. She also reflects on her hopes and worries about the “Push for Your Baby” campaign launched by Lamaze in May 2012. Discussing the realities of current maternity care practice, she asks how we can work with obstetric nurses and providers to have them support what most women value—vaginal birth.  相似文献   

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