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Department of Health policy currently espouses shared learning between the various health ‘tribes’. There are many cogent arguments for this; however, there may be unaddressed tensions because of status differences between the disciplines. This paper compares two of the main academic disciplines involved – nursing, a recent entrant to higher education, and its much longer established neighbour, medicine, with the emphasis in the paper being on nursing. The paper explores the differences in cultural capital between medicine and nursing, the vastly different research funding and the government intervention in curriculum issues in nursing, drawing on empirical data on the social class of entrants to medicine and nursing, the league table ranking of the universities in which they are based, and data from the Research Assessment Exercises.  相似文献   

跨越零和:思考当代中国的中央地方关系   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
省政府在中国政治体制内拥有多大的权力,该权力的性质又是什么?该问题贯穿了海外研究当代中国中央与省政府关系的献。为了理解这种权力关系,考察重心通常放在省级领导人的角色,以及政治体制的性质。本认为,现有献大体上都未能解释清楚以下两个看似相互矛盾的现象何以能够在现实生活中共存:即一方面中央和省政府之间存在错综复杂的关系,很多时候中央与地方会互相适应及让步;另一方面,每当中央偶尔实施强制性管理,中央政府又展示出至高无上的权力。出现中央时强时弱这高度不确定的结论,是由于献中的分析往往未能恰切地解释权力这概念,其中核心问题是:中央与省政府之间存在的不对称关系是否零和博弈。  相似文献   

Creating desirable academic departments for individuals’ well-being and quality scholarship is an important effort as well as a novel idea. The focus of this reflective article is twofold: (a) We present a social capital theory of social justice covenants as a product and process of community building, and (b) we share the multiple lived experiences of three scholars within the context of our department's covenant ideology and practice. We explore how faculty can promote community and civility by not only developing but also enacting an internally generated covenant while operating within a larger institutional context that produces tension. As related to our purposes, we examined the relevant literature on social capital, capacity building, workplace environments, and organizational covenants to frame our discussion of community-driven action in education. We include an extended application of a covenant that guides our departmental faculty's social outlook, interpersonal behavior, scholarly work, and communal activism. Although our focus is on change-oriented, grassroots activity within higher education, the public schooling context is considered.  相似文献   


Diverse societies face increasing racial tension, social divide, religious illiteracy, and secularism. What role can education play in confronting these challenges? Universities generate scientific knowledge but less so the search for meaning. Worldview studies encompasses both views of life and ways of life. Exploring various worldviews becomes a search for meaning and a journey into knowing self and others. This article seeks to engage multiple partners to develop teaching pedagogies, curricula, and educational tools to enhance greater knowledge, awareness, and understanding of various worldviews.  相似文献   

The immense impact of the Systematic Human Relations Training (SHRT) model on the contemporary helping scene is underscored and verified. The rudiments of the model and its historical antecedents are described and various technical and philosophical issues are identified. The model's uncertain theoretical status, questionable and conflicting developmental elements, the merits and hazards of graded structure, the meaning and permanency of client change, the relationship of process and outcomes, the dangers of universalizing and venerating the model's attributes, and the paradox of training for transcendence are all discussed.  相似文献   

结构与行动二元对立是社会学理论发展过程中不可避免而又难以解决的难题。当代社会学理论家吉登斯与布迪厄都对这种主客二元对立进行了反思,各自提出了既有区别又有联系的结构化理论与实践理论。本文在对他们理论梳理的基础上将二者对行动与结构二元对立的超越进行比较性评析。  相似文献   

广告语言是广告的核心,它不仅要宣传产品,也应成为传播文明的手段.语言文明和守法是广告宣传要注意的一个问题的两个方面.语言不当的广告包括不文明广告、虚假广告和侵权广告等.广告语言文明与守法是社会主义精神文明和法制建设的重要内容,加强广告语言文明教育,增强文明的意识,加强广告发布的管理和检查监督都是十分必要的.  相似文献   

《Quest (Human Kinetics)》2012,64(4):363-372

A number of studies have shown we are at an all-time low when it comes to civility, and when it comes to caring about each other and what others think of our actions. Students care much less for society’s approval of their behavior than they did a few generations ago. If we cannot be civil, our quality of life deteriorates, and society itself begins to unravel and grow weaker. This article presents a discourse about civility and incivility that focuses on the importance of understanding the rationale, value, and purpose of the infusion of civility into the profession. Incivility is described as rude or disruptive behaviors that often result in psychologically or physiologically distressed people, and if left unaddressed, may progress to threatening situations that result in temporary or permanent injury or illness.  相似文献   

全国中等职业学校“文明风采”竞赛活动至今已连续举办了十届,成为中等职业学校德育的一项常规工作,已形成了自己的特点。“文明风采”竞赛活动对中等职业学校的德育实践具有促进作用。要加强德育实践,展示学生文明风采,就要始终坚持立德树人这一根本任务,高度重视德育实践活动的开展,坚持“以生为本”,建立一支高水平德育实践指导教师队伍。  相似文献   

交往是人类生存的基本方式,也是人类各种关系建立的基础。人际关系是人类通过交往而建立的基本的社会关系之一,是促进人的本质发展的主要社会关系。本文从人际关系与人的本质发展的角度出发,集中探讨了现代人际关系对当代大学生成长的影响,以及由此而造成的种种焦虑与困惑,并于此提出了适应、超越现代人际关系而获得发展的基本策略。  相似文献   

道德是建立在人类对其自身交往经验的反思与归结基础上的实践理性。从传统道德的发生机理看,道德的主体应该并且只能是人类自身。道德主体总是处于不断扩展之中的,随着社会经济的和人类理性的发展而日益泛化,然而道德的拓展与泛化是有限度的。当代生态危机与环境恶化迫使人类必须抛弃对自然只是盲目征服的错误观点,建构新型的天人伦理关系。天人交往与人际交往的殊异性决定道德不能简单地外推到自然界。因此,新型天人伦理关系的实质不是人类道德的简单翻版,而是人类在开发与运用自然物过程中对自身的有限理性节制。  相似文献   

宪政是人类社会发展的理想制度设计,人的全面发展是社会发展的终极目标和价值追求。宪政为实现人全面发展确立了理想的社会制度,人的全面发展是宪政的终极价值追求和价值评判标准。  相似文献   

浅谈体育教学中的人际关系和交往   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
体育教学过程不是简单的“教”与“学”的过程 ,而是师生的双边活动 ,是师生之间的交往过程。师生交往的程度与师生交往程度所体现的师生关系 ,直接影响到教师教学的成败以及学生能否正确地掌握技术、技能。因此师生关系协调与否是体育教学的一个重要因素。在实际的教学过程中必须重视并且采用适当的教学原则以达到理想的教学效果  相似文献   

This article traces the evolution of a moral philosophy curriculum originally taught by George A. Roeper in the earliest years of The Roeper School. The first author, a student at The Roeper School in the 1960s and 1970s, describes the impact of the class George Roeper called “Human Relations” on her life. Returning to the School as a parent and trustee, she had the opportunity to re-create for current students the experience of the Human Relations class in a workshop, liberally borrowing material from a philosophy class taught by Harvard political philosopher Michael Sandel. In the second part of the article, a current English teacher at The Roeper School and attendee at that workshop discusses how she was inspired to revise her literature courses to incorporate the moral philosophy approach of George Roeper and Michael Sandel.  相似文献   

人情国度里的公共关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“人情”这种传统化因素对公共关系的本土化过程具有正反两方面的影响,它一方面推动了公共关系在中国的传播,另一方面又可能将公共关系诱入误区。剖析“人情”与公共的关系有利于在公关知识传播和应用时,广纳本土化的精华,力拒本土化的负面影响。  相似文献   

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