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Although numerous universities offer graduate students opportunities to develop their teaching, few studies probe the credit-bearing graduate course in college teaching. A survey of 105 instructors of graduate pedagogy courses in the US and Canada explored their preparation, professional appointments, students, and assignments. Results showed diverse institutional units offer college pedagogy courses, which are taught by instructors with substantial preparation, most frequently to multidisciplinary groups from diverse majors. Many instructors assign teaching statements, though specifics differ. Comparison to the authors' earlier case study reveals an emerging, recognizable, and international course type that coheres in structure, timing, and at least one key assignment. The ubiquity of college pedagogy courses recommends substantial institutional investment, scholarly analysis, and professorial discussion to align them with the contemporary goals and standards of graduate education.  相似文献   

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How can we best support instructors to learn, practice, and retain student-centered, active-learning teaching strategies in their undergraduate courses? While approaches like professional development workshops may inspire some, permanent adoption of new pedagogy is rare. Here, we investigate “paired teaching” to achieve adoption and continued use of evidence-based practices. In this model, an instructor with little or no experience in student-centered teaching is paired with an experienced instructor in a semester-long course that has established student-centered pedagogy. This study evaluates information from eight pairs of instructors over a three-year period. Data was collected before, during, and after the paired teaching semester through interviews, written reflections, and teaching observations. Results indicate that paired teaching is beneficial as a professional development model for new instructors who have little teaching experience. The teaching practice of these instructors evolved to be increasingly student-centered, and they continued to use this pedagogy in subsequent classes. More established instructors who were less familiar with active learning showed lower tendencies to incorporate new pedagogies into their existing classes. We suggest best practices to maximize benefits and mitigate challenges associated with paired teaching.  相似文献   

This study examines and documents graduate pedagogy courses offered at a large Midwestern research university. Thirty-three graduate pedagogy course instructors from 32 departments (a majority of those offering courses) completed an online survey. We report on enrollment demographics, preparation of faculty to teach such a course, and how a statement of teaching philosophy is presented to the class. This research connects the analyses of individual pedagogy courses with the few national studies on teacher training, outlines assumptions about an emerging field, and lays groundwork for a comprehensive study of the landscape and outcomes of graduate pedagogy courses nationwide.  相似文献   


Graduate students play a major role in teaching in higher education, particularly in undergraduate programs. The purpose of the present study was two-fold: first, to identify graduate students’ motives for working as graduate teaching assistants (GTAs), describe some aspects of their work, and ascertain their perceived benefits; second, to predict GTAs’ benefits as a function of their individual background characteristics, motives, job difficulties, and richness of professional interactions with the course instructor. Data were collected from 189 GTAs who led discussion groups at a large research university in Israel by means of an internet questionnaire. Findings revealed that graduate students accepted the position of GTA mainly for extrinsic reasons, such as salary and convenience. They claimed to have faced few difficulties and that their professional interactions with the course instructors focused more on job responsibilities and less on pedagogical issues. They reported having gained a greater understanding of course content and improved teaching skills due to their experience as GTAs. Richness of contact with the course instructor, motives, difficulties, and faculty match significantly contributed to predicting perceived benefits. The implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   


This paper presents the findings of a research project comparing the effectiveness of two teaching models used in a graduate social work practice course. Two teaching methodologies, the lecture/discussion model and the cooperative learning model, were used in two separate sections of Foundations of Social Work Practice, a first semester graduate course in the MSW program at a large public university.

A pretest/posttest comparison group model was used. One section of this course used a cooperative learning model while the other used the lecture/discussion model. Both sections spent the same amount of time on the material in the knowledge questionnaire and administered the posttest and follow-up on the same date. T-test and effect size statistics were used which demonstrated the greater efficacy of the cooperative learning model, particularly on long term retention of information.

In the course of describing the teaching models used in the study, the cooperative learning model and its history is discussed in some detail. It is expected that after this introduction many social work educators will be motivated to use the model in their own classrooms.

This paper further serves as a model for how instructors can effectively conduct small scale research in their own academic setting. It is an example of how educational research can be done expeditiously and with limited resources.  相似文献   


The current study reports outcomes of a professional development model intended to strengthen faculty members’ cultural competence and skills for teaching about diversity and inclusion. Creating Inclusive Communities (CIC) was developed collaboratively by faculty from across social science disciplines based on a theoretical framework emphasizing learning principles, critical consciousness, and White racial identity development. This study examined the outcomes of the model on student cultural competence based on pre-post survey analysis. Findings indicate that students perceived a benefit from course activities related to race pedagogy and showed statistically significant results in two of three courses. These findings indicate that the infusion of an inclusive model, including in courses not directly related to diversity topics, has potential benefits to students. Additionally, the impact is strengthened through a more integrated approach over the course of the semester.  相似文献   

This study investigated the use of microblogs to enhance content learning and to foster community between participants in a weekly multidisciplinary graduate seminar on teaching and pedagogy. Data included students’ and instructor’s Twitter posts, an initial reaction paper, and an end-of-semester survey to determine if and how students’ attitudes about using Twitter had changed over the course of the semester. A content analysis of the data indicates that students did use Twitter to connect to the content and to each other. Recommendations are given for both instructors and students interested in using social media to extend the college classroom.  相似文献   


This research note presents a conceptual model for understanding how students embrace technology, briefly presents results of a pilot study supporting this conceptualization, and makes suggestions for web-assisted teaching and research. The conceptual framework helps the reader understand how instructors' “Marketing strategies” may need to change over the course of the semester to generate maximum acceptance of, and satisfaction with, high-tech classrooms. The conceptual framework is illustrated with data collected during a pilot study involving two web-assisted graduate foundation research courses at the Kent School of Social Work, University of Louisville. Students enrolled for two web-assisted research courses without knowing that web-assisted technology would be used in the course. The students' attitudes towards computers, their ability to access computers, as well as their skill levels in using computers were assessed. Suggestions and challenges for web-assisted teaching and research are provided based on the conceptual framework and results from the pilot study.  相似文献   

We developed a rubric for measuring students' ability to reason and write scientifically. The Rubric for Science Writing (Rubric) was tested in a variety of undergraduate biology laboratory courses (total n = 142 laboratory reports) using science graduate students (teaching assistants) as raters. Generalisability analysis indicates that the Rubric provides a reliable measure of students' abilities (g = 0.85) in these conditions. Comparison of student performance in various biology classes indicated that some scientific skills are more challenging for students to develop than others and identified a number of previously unappreciated gaps in the curriculum. Our findings suggest that use of the Rubric provides three major benefits in higher education: (1) to increase substance and consistency of grading within a course, particularly those staffed by multiple instructors or graduate teaching assistants; (2) to assess student achievement of scientific reasoning and writing skills; and (3) when used in multiple courses, to highlight gaps in alignment among course assignments and provide a common metric for assessing to what extent the curriculum is achieving programmatic goals. Lastly, biology graduate students reported that use of the Rubric facilitated their teaching and recommended that training on the Rubric be provided to all teaching assistants.  相似文献   

实验课是研究生实践教学中值得重视的环节。本文探讨了地质学领域中“显微构造地质学”实验课的教学方法。主要从研究生的课程授课对象的差异性出发,编排循序渐进式的教学内容,取得了较好的教学效果。因此,认为该科目的实践教学必须采用循序渐进式的教学方法。最后,提出研究生课程改革应兼顾科学性和艺术性的原则。  相似文献   

Faculty workload is based on the amount of time spent on teaching, research, and service. The workload varies according to institutional focus, teaching field, type of course, course level, and instructional format. Compared with traditional face-to-face courses, online courses require a disproportionate investment of time and effort by faculty, necessitating special consideration when calculating faculty workload. The authors examine the workload for faculty teaching online courses in community colleges, specifically, the number of online classes taught per semester, class sizes for online courses, incentives for online instructors and how the workload for online instructors is calculated. Results indicate inconsistent practices within and between institutions; the workload for online instructors based on class sizes is less than, equal to, or more than that of faculty teaching face-to-face courses. Further investigations into common practices at other institutions and dialogue between administrators and faculty to discuss workload issues are recommended.  相似文献   


A “Criminal Justice Systems and Processes” course was among nine Internet courses offered at Florida Gulf Coast University during the fall of 1997. This course provided an “Internet tutorial” during the first few weeks of the semester to familiarize students with basic computer skills and Internet use. After evaluating the benefits of providing the tutorial, faculty and administrators adopted the tutorial for use in all Internet courses. During the Summer 1998 semester, a survey was administered to those students registered for Internet-based courses in the Division of Criminal Justice. This article focuses on the use of the Internet tutorial in Internet courses and provides some preliminary information regarding its potential benefit to students. Issues discussed include: (1) an explanation of the Internet tutorial, (2) the benefits of the tutorial to students and faculty, (3) preliminary information regarding the potential baenefits of implementing a technical tutorial, and (4) implications for future computer-based Internet courses.  相似文献   


This article presents an evaluation of an innovative, three-year graduate program to prepare workers from educationally disadvan-taged backgrounds for professional careers in social work in an urban health care system. It analyzes the contributions to the Social Work Health Careers Opportunity Program (SWHCOP) of a course designed to provide: an overview of health care issues and policies; beginning knowledge, values and skills for social work practice in health care; and an opportunity to acquire or strengthen skills for graduate education, including oral and written communications, problem-solving, and critical thinking. This article considers the practice, policy and teaching implications of such an educational program for increasing access to professional careers in social work for members of educationally disadvantaged communities.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to determine if minority and female students are more likely to persist in a science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) major when they enroll in classes taught by instructors of their own race or gender. Using data from public 4-year universities in the state of Ohio, I analyze first semester STEM courses to see if the race or gender of the instructor effects persistence of initial STEM majors in a STEM field after the first semester and first year. Results indicate that black students are more likely to persist in a STEM major if they have a STEM course taught by a black instructor. Similar to previous findings, female students are less likely to persist when more of their STEM courses are taught by female instructors.  相似文献   

公共教育学是师范院校师范生的一门具有奠基性质的专业必修课,其目的是培养师范生教育教学素养和教育教学技能.然而,这门课程的教学效果却一直不尽人意,在学校里常常被师范生列为"最没兴趣"的课程之一而被抛在一边.自主学习理论强调学习者的能动性、自主性、独立性、自我评价,较为适合公共教育学教学改革的需要.因此,如何把自主学习模式贯彻到教育学教学中来是一项有研究意义的课题。  相似文献   

对安庆师范学院2011年第2学期开设的大学生心理健康教育课程的调查表明,近80%的大学生对心理健康教育课程充满期望,大学生的教学满意度与期望值差距最小的是教材建设和教师水平,差距最大的是教学效果和教学方法。开设大学生心理健康教育课程是大学生心理健康教育的主渠道,针对不同年级大学生的心理需求开展有针对性的教育是学生之盼,优化大学生心理健康教育课程的教学模式和方法是当务之急,研制大学生心理健康教育课程的视频教学是时势之需。  相似文献   

针对高校夏季学期教学普遍存在的问题,结合高级语言编程教学实践,提出了符合夏季学期时长的实训课教学改革方案。在实践中以CDIO教育理念为指导,以基于项目的学习为技术手段,重点培养学生工程思维和编程能力,设计多层次多类型的实训题目,鼓励学生以团队的方式积极参与,并利用代码评估工具进行质量评估。实践证明,新模式下的实训课提高了教学效果。  相似文献   

Teaching with the Case Method Online: Pure Versus Hybrid Approaches   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The impact of hybrid classroom/distance education approaches is examined in the context of the case method. Four distinct semester‐long treatments, which varied mixes of classroom and online discussion, were used to teach a graduate MIS survey course. Specific findings suggest that by using Web technology, college instructors may offer students the option of participating in high‐quality courses using the case method pedagogy in an online environment. Students not only appear to do as well as in the traditional classroom, but the data suggest that students in the online environment may perform better at multiple levels of learning outcomes, especially when using a blend of classroom and online technologies. Furthermore, the precepts of the case method pedagogy may be enhanced by the use of online discussions. Instructors employing the technique may find their own importance devalued, while the time demands of the approach can be much greater than for traditional classes. The findings infer that it is the model of learning and its fit with supporting technologies, rather than the presence of technology per se, which enhances learning outcomes.  相似文献   


This article describes reflections of two mathematicians and a mathematics teacher educator who collaborated on the development and implementation of courses (probability and statistics connections, number concept connections, and middle school mathematics methods) for middle school mathematics preservice teachers. The instructors of the courses, two in mathematics and one in mathematics education, worked together to more explicitly link course materials, assignments, and the pedagogical approaches. Collectively, the courses were designed to address the five components of preservice teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching (PT-MKT), and to model effective teaching practices. Using their collective experiences co-planning and implementing these course adjustments were made in the subsequent year. The instructors were pleased by their implementation and student outcomes in all three courses.

We describe how each component of the PT-MKT framework was approached in these courses and discuss challenges experienced by the instructors, who were part of a larger effort to develop and implement a middle school teacher preparation program. The information shared is based on data collected as part of a program evaluation effort, and is bolstered by the instructors’ recollection of events. Overall, the instructors enhanced the curricula and their instructional practices and found that the attention placed on developing PT-MKT support the mathematical development of middle school mathematics preservice teachers.  相似文献   

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