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The problem of this study was to determine if there was any difference in fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-grade children's ability to learn the materials in an anthropology unit designed for the fourth grade. Major emphasis of the unit was given to an understanding of three areas: culture variations, enculturation, and culture dynamics. For the purpose of collecting the necessary data, three classes from each grade level, one control and two experimental, were selected. The least squares analysis of covariance was used to analyze the resulting data. No significant difference was found for grade. Raw mean scores for anthropology test items relating to vocabulary, concept learning, and abstract reasoning revealed increases for all experimental classes at all grade levels.  相似文献   

This study examines the changing and multifaceted roles and responsibilities of academic deans in Australian universities. A total of 195 deans from the population of 287 in Australia responded to the survey. Most were male, around 50 years old, married, with fewer than 5 years' experience as dean. One quarter of the sample had more than 5 years' experience as dean. About one third indicated a desire to move on to a higher academic position at the end of their contract with another third interested in returning to their previous academic duties. Deans indicated they are moderately satisfied with the clarity of their role, but more dissatisfied with the pace of work and their workload. The level of stress experienced by deans was moderate, although around 60% of stress in a dean's life arose from the job. Generally, experiences of role‐conflict and role‐ambiguity were consistent across the sample. The varied role of dean is examined in terms of its daily tasks, sources of stress, and leadership attributes and behaviours. The article also includes an analysis of comments provided by deans regarding their major work challenges, perceived effectiveness in dealing with these challenges, and observations on other issues of importance to their role.  相似文献   

高校教务员是以为教学服务、为师生服务、提高教学质量为目标的大学基层教学管理人员。建设一支高素质的教务员队伍,对于提升本科教学质量有很大帮助。文章以江西农业大学教务员队伍为例,从教务员队伍的现状、应具备的素质、岗位职责、队伍建设建议等方面,谈谈地方特色高校如何建立教务员队伍。  相似文献   

教务员处于教务管理工作的最低层,其素质的高低直接影响着应用型本科高校教务管理工作的水平和质量。本文基于应用型本科高校的实际情况,结合自己作为教务员的教务经验,就教务员如何服务好大学、服务好学生、服务好教师谈谈自己的观点。  相似文献   


This article describes the tension that exists between the views of learning as a means of knowledge transfer and the alternative idea that it is socially situated and not separable from the activities in which it is developed. It concludes that the ‘authentic practices’ of particular academic domains should be employed in schools to encourage learning rather the culture of schooling itself.  相似文献   

<正>你可能很聪明,但世界上有比你更聪明的人。美国一所大学里的四个学生讨厌学习,他们在考试前一整晚都在聚会,并打算对教授撒谎以便逃过考试。第二天,他们去见院长,对他说:我们昨晚去参加了一个婚礼,在我们回来的路上,车  相似文献   

Dean Wants Tea     
迪安在沙滩上吃着豌豆和桃子。一只蜜蜂和一只绵羊在树下喝绿茶。迪安看见了蜜蜂和绵羊并想喝点茶。于是蜜蜂和绵羊与迪安一同分享绿茶。  相似文献   

教务员是高校教学管理中非常重要的角色,起着承上启下的作用。为不断提高我国高校的教学管理质量与水平,必须准确定位教务员角色,研究其应该具备的职业素质,充分挖掘教务员的潜力并发挥其积极作用,为实现我国高等院校的规范化、科学化、高效化的教学管理创造必备的条件。  相似文献   


Creativity tests measure specific cognitive processes such as thinking divergently, making associations, constructing and combining broad categories, or working on many ideas simultaneously. They also measure noncognitive aspects of creativity such as motivation (e.g., impulse expression, desire for novelty, risk‐taking), and facilitatory personal properties like flexibility, tolerance for independence, or positive attitudes to differentness. Raters can score the various kinds of test with substantial levels of agreement, while scores are internally stable to an acceptable degree. The tests also correlate to a reasonable degree with various criteria of creativity such as teacher ratings, and are useful predictors of adult behavior. Thus, they are useful in both research and education. However, they are best thought of as measures of creative potential because creative achievement depends on additional factors not measured by creativity tests, such as technical skill, knowledge of a field, mental health, or even opportunity. However, the multidimensional creativity concept they define indicates that assessments should be based on several tests, rather than relying on a single score.  相似文献   

The Individual Education Program, which is part of American law on special education, can help to improve multi-professional practice in British schools too, suggests Robin Attfield, deputy head, Park Dean School, Oldham.  相似文献   

作为美国19世纪现实主义文学最重要的代表人物,威廉·丁·豪威尔斯无论在文学创作,还是文学批评的领域都坚持现实主义的原则。他批判浪漫主义和感伤主义小说。"真实"这个词高悬于豪威尔斯关于文学的一切标准和一切理念之上。豪威尔斯其实没有一个如何去判断文学作品中的现实性的标准,也没有关于作品的艺术性、道德性与现实性之间的关系的系统理论,但他的现实主义的呐喊为19世纪美国文学反映迅猛发展的社会现实,杜绝文学和艺术的模仿起到了重要的推动作用。  相似文献   

论学术作伪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学术作伪行为已引起学术界和全社会的关注。文章认为,针对学术作伪现象,一方面应该理性地看待现状,对学术作伪行为不要过分悲观;另一方面必须正视学术作伪的危害,建立学术研究的自律和外部监督机制,学术研究应遵守基本的学术道德规范,学术评价体制应把质量放在第一位。  相似文献   

本文力图构建一套完整有效的研究生思想政治教育工作管理新模式———导师、辅导员、教务员三方联动,合力育人的体制。  相似文献   

This paper reports some data of an ARC funded study of academic staff in a number of disciplines in colleges of advanced education and universities. Generally, more university than college academics scored high on academic motivation, on teaching‐research synergy and promotion of student independence, with college academics scoring higher on good teaching practice. There are disciplinary differences, too.

Slightly more than an average proportion of staff in the Social Sciences report good teaching practices. They are highly committed to promoting student independence, experience a fairly high level of teaching‐research synergy and have high intrinsic academic motivation. There is large‐scale consensus among Arts staff with university Arts academics scoring highest on promoting student independence, academic motivation, and teaching‐research synergy, and academics in CAE Arts departments scoring highest of all on good teaching practices.

Science staff seem to have different academic values and practices. Their academic motivation is about “average”, and fewer science academics report good teaching practices or practices that promote student independence. In their own work they also experience less teaching‐research synergy. Engineering staff show the lowest academic motivation, least commitment to student independence, experience least teaching‐research synergy, and report below average good teaching practices.

Health Science staff are akin to staff in Arts and Social Sciences in areas concerned with students, e.g. good teaching practices and promotion of student independence. In the areas which tap into their values as academics, e.g. academic motivation and teaching‐research synergy, they seem to be more like science and engineering staff.

Commerce/Law staff were on all aspects somewhere in the middle.  相似文献   

作为杜鲁门政府实际上的外交决策者,时任副国务卿迪安·艾奇逊成为二战后美国政坛标榜遏制政策的旗手。苏联对希腊、土耳其的觊觎,使艾奇逊确信苏联对美国已经形成重大威胁,开始从倡导大国合作转向推崇冷战政策。由于对《杜鲁门主义国情咨文》的起草以及《援助希腊土耳其法案》实施过程的高度参与,艾奇逊逐渐成为冷战初期西方政坛的关键人物。至此,普遍主义的思维导向潜移默化地主宰了美国政府的外交理念。通过结合最新档案文献对杜鲁门主义之缔造历程进行的研究,势必可以发掘出以艾奇逊为代表的杜鲁门政府外交决策者们的思维轨迹,从而更好地分析美国冷战政策形成之动因。  相似文献   

当前的学术失范和不端行为在学术期刊中大量出现,其主要表现为抄袭丈、关系丈、重复丈、假冒伪劣文、赞助文等多种形式.学术评价机制的失范、相关法律法规的不够健全、期刊管理的失范以及期刊编辑法制意识的缺失是造成这种现象大量出现的原因.因此,完善相关的法律法规和学术评价机制,加戈对违规行为的惩处力厦和加强期刊自身的管理势在必行。  相似文献   

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