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Because the academic department is the foundational unit of U.S. universities, conflict in that setting is both theoretically and practically important. This analysis focuses on divisiveness in votes for promotion and tenure in departments at a large research university. The findings suggest that the departments most likely to experience very split voting patterns are those with larger instructional loads for faculty, low levels of internal curricular specialization, and soft disciplinary paradigms. The implications of these results for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

针对高等教育领域中一些科研人员在获得终身教职之后为何依然富有科研产出效率这一问题,在跨期优化框架下,提出作为主动者的院系可以通过制定终身教职规则和标准来激励作为从动者的科研人员养成良好的学术修养.通过院系和教师之间动态的Stackelberg主从微分对策模型分析,指出在终身教职规则和标准下形成的学术修养对科研人员学术生产能力具有持久的正效应,可以引致出更高的学术生产增长率和更高的学术生产能力水平.  相似文献   

西方大学终身教职制度的价值分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长期以来,终身教职制度被公认为西方大学选拔和激励教师最有效的制度安排.如今,这项制度面临来自各方的质疑和挑战,但其合法存在的价值基础依然难以撼动.保护学术自由、提供职业安全、吸引优秀人才和培育组织文化,是西方大学终身教职制度的基本价值所在;它们相互联系使终身教职制度具有体现大学治理特质的综合优势,从而为终身教职制度的合法存在提供了坚实的根基.  相似文献   

Sex and Race Differences in Faculty Tenure and Promotion   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data from the 1993 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty are used to explore sources of the lower representation of women and minorities among tenured than tenure track faculty and among full professors than lower ranking faculty. A 2-step approach is used. First, differences in the probability of being tenured rather than on a tenure track are explored. Then, differences in the probability of holding the rank of full professor among faculty who are tenured are examined. Logistic regression analyses are used to isolate the effects of sex and race on the dependent variables after controlling for human capital, productivity, and structural characteristics. For both tenure and promotion to full professor, separate analyses are conducted for women and men in order to explore sex differences in the tenure and promotion processes. All analyses are conducted separately for full-time faculty working at public 2-year institutions and full-time faculty working at 4-year institutions.  相似文献   

本文主要采用内容分析法,以斯坦福大学(Stanford University)、密歇根大学(the University of Michigan)、匹兹堡大学(University of Pittsburgh)和佛罗里达州立大学(Florida State University)四所学校为案例,以《教师手册》(Faculty Handbook)的文本为主要研究对象,总结了美国大学对终身教职的最新界定,分析了它们在终身教职的现行政策中所广泛采用的做法,并在此基础上结合文献调研预测了终身教职的发展趋势.  相似文献   

终身教职作为一项大学教师自由从事科研教学活动的制度保证在高等教育领域,尤其是研究型大学中被广泛采用.但是近年来面对来自各方面的改革压力,有关终身教职制度的争议也越来越多.本文从非对称信息视角出发,利用信息经济学的委托代理理论,为终身教职制度存在的合理性及有效性提供了新的理论解说.并分析了终身教职制度有效实施的条件,进一步指出该制度对激励研究型大学教师发展更具效率上的比较优势.最后,我们还探讨了终身教职制度在中国高校实施的条件和时机.  相似文献   

学识自由是大学的核心理念。以终身聘任制为核心的教师聘任制度,有效地保障了大学教师的学术自由权利。但是终身聘任制也日益受到广泛的批评和反对。终身聘任后评审制度正是在一片反对呼声中出台的一项措施。通过对美国高校教师任用制度的分析与讨论,希望对我国高校教师任用制度的改革提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

From the perspective of asymmetric information, a principal-agent model is used to put forward a new theoretical explanation for the validity and effectiveness of tenure. Furthermore, through an analysis of the conditions of implementing an effective tenure system, it is argued that such a system is more efficient in research universities. Based on the above conclusions, the paper also discusses the condition or time for the implementation of tenure in Chinese universities. __________ Translated from Fudan Jiaoyu Luntan 复旦教育论坛(Fudan Education Forum), 2007, 15(3): 57–62  相似文献   

终身教职制度在美国高等教育领域经历了一个漫长的发展演变过程。从新制度主义的视角对其进行研究发现,美国大学终身教职制度产生的源头是出现学术自由危机.其发展的动力来自于社会发展和高等教育自身发展的需求,以及大学内部一些精英力量的意识和努力。  相似文献   

Retention of female faculty is an important issue for institutions of higher education aiming for excellence and diversity. However, an essential first step in understanding retention is to examine what contributes to career satisfaction for academic women. This study is based on data from a census survey of faculty conducted in 1996 at a Research I university located in the Midwest. Using Hagadorn's (2000) model for conceptualizing faculty job satisfaction, the study identifies domains of environmental condition, departmental climate, and demographics that play a role in female faculty's overall career satisfaction.  相似文献   

Drawing on a review of scholarly literature, this article suggests rethinking productivity in academic institutions along four dimensions: the productivity of whom, productivity for which unit of analysis, productivity according to what functions, and productivity in whose interests. It offers principles for promoting enlightened discussion and pursuit of productivity at all levels of the organization. In contrast to the dominant discourse, which emphasizes focus, centralized standard measures, and accountability, the bias in my principles is toward balance, decentralized diversity, and recalibration. I suggest the ideal is not for employees and units to produce to centrally managed objectives but for all individuals and units to manage individually and collectively to design their work to improve their productivity along multiple dimensions.  相似文献   

1915年美国大学教授协会(AAUP)的成立是学术自由发展史上的重要里程碑,不仅是学术自由原则制度化的开端,而且是美国学术职业走向自觉的标志。本文通过回顾AAUP自成立以来在制定学术自由原则和调查处理学术自由事件方面走过的历史,从而展示20世纪美国学术自由所取得的成绩和面临的困难。  相似文献   

Published research productivity of 97 sociologists from a variety of types of institutions is evaluated quantitatively for both the pretenure period and the post-tenure period in the person's career. Data consist of vita and supplementary information, coded into a weighted index that takes journal prestige into account. Time-adjusted pre- and post-tenure publication rates are compared within categories of type and prestige of current institution, type and prestige of institution at which tenure was first granted, prestige of Ph.D. institution, and other controls. There are substantial differences between the two career stages, with pretenure output being of greater magnitude in most instances. Possible explanations for the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

美国大学终身聘任制的历史与变革   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
大学教师聘任制最早源于中世纪大学作为特权形式的教师任用制度,经历了具有固定任期的聘用制以及教授终身聘任制,成为美国学院和大学教师管理中最具特色的教师聘任制度。终身聘任制度在保障大学教师职业安全和学术自由方面,发挥了十分重要的作用,但同时其自身存在的弊端面临批评和改革。  相似文献   

随着高等教育的普及,大学生就业竞争越来越激烈,就业中的性别歧视也愈演愈烈。女大学生就业过程中的性别歧视是一个长期存在的问题,本文从就业过程中性别歧视的主要表现着手,分析、探讨了女大学生就业中性别歧视的主要原因及其可能产生的恶劣影响,并提出一系列相应的解决对策。通过相关研究不仅可以开拓我国女大学生的就业渠道,还能为实现人尽其才、维护女性平等就业权创造有利条件,同时也有利于促进社会的和谐发展。  相似文献   

美国大学终身教职制度改革   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
面对来自各方的改革压力,美国大学终身教职制度存在多种改革方案,并且一些改革方案在多样化的美国高等教育系统中得到部分施行。但是,这并没有改变终身教职制度的主导地位。终身教职制度仍然是美国大学选拔和激励教师最有效的制度安排。  相似文献   

从女大学生自身和外界社会环境的角度分析了男女两性就业机会不平等的原因,在此基础上从女大学生自身方面提出了消除女大学生就业机会不平等的对策,以期对和谐就业环境提出一些建议。  相似文献   

美国各州有关教师终身职的法律均不相同,但其立法目的则是一致的,都是为了给教师提供一种工作上的安全感,稳定教师队伍,特别是对保护优秀教师是十分有利的.各州对于终身职教师的聘任条件、解聘原因及其法律正当程序等都有明确具体的规定.所有这些对于我国实施教师聘任制来说无疑具有重要的启发.  相似文献   

试论大学校长任期   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄明东  刘永  郭梅 《教育研究》2005,26(5):50-53
大学校长的任期和大学的发展有密切的关系,大学校长应有一个较长的任期。我国大学校长的任期较短,这在一定程度上影响了大学的发展。大学的可持续发展必须要有较长的校长任期做保障,大学校长要有自己独到的教育思想,要制定学校章程。  相似文献   

美国的现代大学制度,尤其是终身教授制度是许多国家大学人事政策与制度改革效仿的主要对象。美国终身教授制度产生的历史及发展演变,都与学术自由和学术责任存在深层的内在联系。我国大学应从美国终身教授制度的生长原因中去吸收其可借鉴之处。  相似文献   

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