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The concept of the leader's need to leave a record so that others know that she was present at a community college at a given point in time, working on behalf of the communities she served, is the theme of this article, which consists of stories from the lives of seven current and former community college chief executive officers, Vivian B. Blevins, Pamila Fisher, Sylvia Ramos, Carol Tatsey-Murray, Jerry Sue Thornton, Carolyn G. Williams, and Parker Williams give accounts of how they came to their positions as chief executive officers, the challenges and joys of that work, and the legacies they hope to leave. Their accounts as academic laborers are important tools for exploring the meaning of their roles and the roles of those they serve, for educating the uninitiated in the mission of the community college, and for reinforcing the value of that mission to the lives of community college students past, present, and future.  相似文献   

For many years, I pursued the role of a university professor, a great fortune for me, a reward for loving to read. Moreover, my emphasis, women in leadership roles and administration, gave me anopportunity to research women's ways of leading. In work at the University of Texas with John Roueche, I began to examine the modest gain women were making in that most egalitarian institution, the community college. It occurred to me as it did to others in university research (Twombly, Amey, Sagaria, Townshend, Pancrazio, Duvall, Desjardiens, Moore, Keim) that women's leadership needed a boost. Not content to paint a dismal picture, several thinkers began to examine what efforts and successes guided women's leadership. Most of us had been seriously affected by an insightful new discourse on women led by Gilligan (1982). In a Different Voiced; was a beacon for research, allowing women the privilege of saying there is more than one yardstick for measuring moral responsibility. Women,Gilligan stated,arrived at their responsibilities through care and concern,a different way from the path of justice men focused on.  相似文献   

Since the mid‐1970's community colleges have devoted more attention than ever before to the preparation and inservice training of administrators. Despite these efforts, there is as yet no clearly defined career path to top level administrative posts. Most administrators learn skills for their job by observing others, through trial‐and‐error, and in some cases, through being mentored. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role mentoring has played in the career development of community college presidents.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare two surveys of newly appointed community college presidents. The first, conducted in 1997, was published in the Community College Journal of Research and Practice . It was entitled, A National Study on the Community College Presidency (Kubala, 1999). In this study, newly appointed community college presidents were asked about their pathways to the presidency, their motivation to serve, the search process, their first impressions, governance, and learner-centered transformation. Newly appointed presidents were chosen for the study because of the assumption that they were knowledgeable of contemporary issues, team building strategies, planning, and governance. The second survey was meant to lead to a comparative analysis with a new set of presidents. The reasons for selecting these new presidents were the same ones used in the 1997 study. The instrument was essentially the same as well. The participants in this new study were appointed as community college presidents during the period of September 1997 to September 1999. Copies of the survey instrument were sent to 183 presidents, and 101 were completed for a return rate of 55% . An SPSS package was used to collapse the data, and determine cross-tabulations among the participants.  相似文献   

Because it is difficult to describe higher education quality or indicators of quality to the general public, this study was developed to determine if educational leaders had definitions that might prove useful. From 20 presidents of two‐ and four‐year colleges seven different definitions of quality emerged; and among indicators of quality, none was named by all or even a majority of presidents. Most presidents rated their own institutions as being of high quality but based their rating on different factors than they had identified as indicators of quality. In rating other colleges, presidents identified indicators different from those they had for their own campuses. Most differences among presidents did not appear to be based on the type of institutions they led. The results of this study indicate that educational leaders must begin to agree on definitions and indicators of quality before they can hope to present a united front to the public.  相似文献   

Using a national sample of over 277,850 collegefreshmen, this study examines attitudes towardaffirmative action in college admissions separately forfour racial/ethnic groups: whites/Caucasians,African-Americans, Asian-Americans, and Mexican-Americans. Foreach group, analyses address the extent to whichopposition to affirmative action is driven by factorssuch as self-interest, political ideology, and attitudes about race/ethnicity. Findings suggest somedifferences in how these factors operate acrossdifferent racial/ethnic groups.  相似文献   

How can community college presidents and boards of trustees safely manage the ethical dilemmas they face as they lead their institutions into the future and important resources continue to diminish? And what happens when a board member violates the board's code of conduct or the president either fails to consult a professional ethics code or ignores it? This article considers such a scenario. Recognizing that ethical dilemmas are complex and involve emotional responses, this article presents a nonlinear, multidimensional ethical decision-making model that can help presidents and boards maneuver through difficult situations in an ethical manner. This decision-making model consists of six steps to guide presidents and boards as they consider the most ethical course of action for their college and the community. These steps include (a) identifying the ethical dilemma; (b) gathering facts, self-monitoring, and consulting; (c) asking important questions; (d) creating alternate courses of action; (e) evaluating alternatives by the ethics code, law, and moral motivation; and (f) implementing a course of action by moral follow-through and virtue ethics.  相似文献   

This article examines the tenets of today's two contemporary traditions in Islam, neo-traditional Salafism and liberal or progressive Islam and analyzes how they cultivate a typology of Islamic religious education. The typology under study clarifies the meaning of tarbi yya and ta`dib in Islamic educational philosophy and demonstrates the place of these goals within a continuum of critical versus noncritical talim (teaching) in Islamic religious education. The purpose of this typology is to provide both scholars and practitioners a theoretical framework for thought and reflection about their pedagogic methods and scholarly work.  相似文献   

大理学院是经教育部批准设立的普通综合性本科院校,下设15个校属学院,继续教育学院是其中之一。继续教育学院成立于2002年3月7日,和大理电大实行“一套班子,两块牌子”的管理体制。  相似文献   

大学校长·大学精神与大学发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学校长是大学精神的倡导者和拥护者,是大学与时俱进的指导者.大学精神是大学的灵魂,是千百年来大学持续发展的不竭动力.中国现代大学校长及其倡导的大学精神在其特殊的历史阶段对大学发展起了不可磨灭的作用,大学精神的形成与发展有其特殊的历史意义和教育意义,大学校长积极创建的大学精神在促进大学发展中的特殊功能为教育学者有目共睹.  相似文献   

Differential prediction for black and white students was empirically investigated at 13 institutions by comparison of regression planes. Particular attention was given to the possibility that prediction procedures that are appropriate for white (majority) students would underpredict the performance of black (minority) students. The data tend to support, among others, the following generalizations: (a) a single regression plane cannot be used to predict freshman GPA for both blacks and whites in 10 of the 13 institutions studied; nevertheless, (b) if prediction of GPA from SAT scores is based upon prediction equations suitable for majority students, then black students, as a group, are predicted to do about as well as (or better than) they actually do; but (c) the multiple regression (SAT-V, M) prediction for blacks in 12 of the 13 institutions was lower in magnitude than for whites and was nonsignificant in 6 of the situations studied.  相似文献   

A small sampling indicates that Catholic high schools do the job better than “out of school” instruction  相似文献   

Working on the theological grounding of God's fellowship, this article identifies the manifestations within which the theology of divine nearness is appropriated in television narratives that revolve around issues of enslavement and healing in Philippine media. Second, it describes the conversion of this warm reception into patronage of the divine nearness responding to the human need for healing. This warm reception underscores the role of faith in the daily grind of life for an ordinary Christian viewer. This new space in media presents the merging of religion and media through narratives of healing in the context of human suffering.  相似文献   

长江职业学院位于九省通衢的江城武汉,坐落在"武汉·中国光谷"新技术开发区腹地,直属湖北省教育厅领导。纳入国家统招计划,面向全国招生,具有独立颁发学历文凭资格。  相似文献   

南通职业大学始建于1973年,坐落在江海交汇、人文荟萃的江苏省南通市,是全国办学历史最长的高等职业院校之一,是一所兼有工、文、管理和艺术类的综合性全日制普通高校。设有12个学院、53个专  相似文献   

温州医学院是浙江省省属高等院校,浙江省重点建设大学。学校前身为创办于1912年的浙江医学专门学校,1958年8月由浙江医学院从杭州分迁至温州,原名"浙江第二医学院",后改用现名。学校是全国首批  相似文献   

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