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Excerpts from Achieving Educational Excellence appear in this issue's Defining Concepts.  相似文献   

The following excepts from Barriers to Excellence are reprinted by permission of the National Coalition of Advocates for Students. In this issues's Reviews, Sonia Nieto comments on this book, which, technically speaking, is authored by the Board of Inquiry. Howe and Edelman were the Board's co‐chairs and wrote part of the book.  相似文献   

Secondary preservice teachers at Georgia Southern University have little knowledge of poverty or the lives of students who live in poverty. Preservice teachers rarely interact with others who live outside their self-reported middle-class status. In this article, the author examines the effects a study of poverty has on the philosophy and practice of secondary education preservice teachers. Themes that emerged were development of awareness of socioeconomic differences, development of empathetic rapport and caring attitudes, and development of a commitment to culturally responsive teaching. The author also discusses the implication of this research on classroom practice and the broader scope of teacher education.  相似文献   

In 1963, at the request of the then Minister of Education, a committee under the chairmanship of Lady Bridget Plowden was appointed to consider primary education in England "in all its aspects, and the transition to secondary education. "In the three years devoted to its study, the committee observed school systems abroad (including the United States and the Soviet Union) and collected oral and written evidence from a great variety of sources. Their final report contains national survey data on relevant social and educational phenomena, a number of special studies, and the committee's conclusions and recommendations based on a thorough review of all aspects of primary schooling.  相似文献   

梨子 《高中生》2012,(7):56-57
年少轻狂,不懂在集体中生活时如何去包容他人,不懂作为组织的一员应该作出妥协,不懂站在他人的角度思考问题。总有一些惊奇的际遇,让我们在那不长的几年里拔节生长。自由,梦想,飞跃。——节选自湖南省湘潭市一中校报2011年第3期的《潭中,我永远的思念!》一文,作者为张蓉秋  相似文献   

This paper discusses strategic instruments that are used to enhance the competitiveness of Finnish universities in the context of globalisation, internationalisation and commercialisation of research and education. The Finnish higher education system is currently undergoing a major policy reform, which aims to enhance the competitiveness of Finnish universities through structural development. This article focuses specifically on three themes of structural development: institutional cooperation and mergers between universities; stratification and differentiation; and changes in governance and leadership. Three ongoing projects are used as illustrations.  相似文献   

《Quest (Human Kinetics)》2012,64(4):349-360

Inclusive Excellence (IE) serves as the central topic of the 28th annual Delphine Hanna Commemorative Lecture. Moreover, the professional accomplishments of Delphine Hanna, a kinesiology trailblazer, are explored. I present the concept of Inclusive Excellence and articulate its applicability to academic leadership in the field of kinesiology. Particularly, I provide a definition of Inclusive Excellence, guiding principles, an overview of the history of Inclusive Excellence, and examples of promising strategic practices. Lastly, I present a case-study outlining Auburn University’s integration of Inclusive Excellence principles and implementation of practices. Recommendations for the National Association for Kinesiology in Higher Education (NAKHE) organization are presented.  相似文献   

说明:翻检归箧,发现陈新同志的许多来信,重读一遍,觉得信笺虽旧,但新意犹存;加之是个人间的通信,不加讳饰,直言而谈,真切可信.因此,抄出若干,点缀学术.陈新同志是人民文学出版社编审,长于古籍整理,为<全宋诗>主编之一.1972年12月,应人民文学出版社古典文学编辑室之邀,我和谈凤梁、吴锦,代表南京师院中文系<儒林外史>整理小组去北京定稿,该书责任编辑便是陈新,于是订交来往,莫逆于心.  相似文献   

中新两国为追求卓越教育质量,都在不断学习世界各国的先进做法。本文从美国《教育类卓越绩效评价准则》体现的核心价值观角度对两国的教育管理理念、教育战略规划理念、教育关注焦点、教育人力资源管理理念及教育绩效管理理念等5个方面进行比较,总结出了中新两国教育理念上存在的明显差异,并就新加坡卓越教育理念对中国教育发展的启示进行了探析。  相似文献   

我校全面贯彻党的教育方针,积极推进素质教育,实施创新教育,优化必修课,上好选修课,探索研究性学习课,重视学生素质、能力的培养与提高.在高三毕业班工作中,科学管理,坚持以教学科研为龙头,以学生为主体,面向全体,强化双基,注重能力,使我校2002年高考又跃上一个新的台阶.  相似文献   

由于经济欠发达地区网络环境和技术支持都相对落后,因此,开展现代远程教育,必须通过天、地网相结合,多种媒体的合理配置和教育技术的整合才能够实现?  相似文献   

教育公平问题一直是教育领域尤其是教育社会学领域的核心问题。随着时代的发展,教育公平的内涵也在不断地变化。在对教育公平哲学思考的基础上,可以追寻两种理论,即柯林斯的教育成层理论和布迪厄的文化再生产理论。由此发现,教育公平的实现在现阶段是不可能的,原因在于受教育权利的平等与教育机会均等的实现障碍重重;教育过程投入均等的实现长路漫漫;教育结果均等的不可能与没有必要;教育公平感因人而异。要使教育接近公平,教育公平应该回到最初的理念;教育公平应该兼容精英教育;教育公平应该关注弱势群体;教育公平应该在社会变革中实现。  相似文献   

突破收费"瓶颈"实现高校的可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校收费的问题已成为我国高等教育实现“大众化”以及可持续发展的“瓶颈”。为探讨这一问题,本研究了发达国家高校学费收费的经验,并结合我国的实际,提出了三条措施:建立银行助学贷款体系;恢复高校学费收费的“双轨制”;降低教育成本,调整经费支出比例结构。  相似文献   

《卓越教育无处不在》白皮书是新一届英国政府于2016年3月发布的一项促进全国教育公平与卓越的最新改革政策.白皮书旨在缩小地区差距,使每个孩子无论受教育地点、家庭背景和特殊教育需求如何,都可以获得卓越教育.其主要内容涉及学校主导体系、合理配置卓越领导者和教师、课程与考试改革、加强问责等七个实施重点,提出了卓越教育无处不在的愿景和实施方案.这一政策的发布关系到今后英国扩展公平与卓越教育改革及其采取的具体措施,显示出英国未来教育发展的政策导向.  相似文献   

21世纪澳大利亚中小学教育发展的一个明显趋势是既追求卓越又关注弱势群体的教育机会平等。其中,《关于21世纪学校教育国家目标的阿德莱德宣言(1999)》的发表是一个重要标志。为此,在对该文献的出台背景和主要内容作初步分析的基础上,本文对它进行了评价。  相似文献   

上海的东北角有一所生机勃勃的学校、一所在社会上有口皆碑的学校、一所形成了优质教育品牌的学校。它就是内环线内惟一的市级寄宿制高级中学——杨浦高级中学。  相似文献   

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