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Restorative justice (RJ) is an alternative approach to school discipline that has been gaining recognition in the public and academic spheres as a way to engage students who misbehave in school. RJ has promise to address racial/ethnic, gender, and disability disproportionality in school discipline. One aspect of school-based RJ that has received almost no attention in the literature is the professional development and ongoing support of teachers in schools using RJ. This article provides a review of extant literature on school-based RJ, teacher training, and consultation methods. Integrating the empirical literature on school consultation and teacher professional development, we argue that schools should implement a multitiered model of professional development to build teacher competency in RJ, specifically including the use of targeted teacher consultation. The proposed model is complementary to an RJ framework, systematic, and capable of evaluation; future research is needed to evaluate its effectiveness in practice.  相似文献   

The first part of this paper discusses incentives for teacher educators to engage in professional development. It proceeds by proposing practical examples of how teacher educators' professional development is initiated by the individual teacher educator and takes place outside the teacher education institution. However, systematic professional development is needed within the teacher education institution, as an integrated part of the teacher educators' work responsibilities. The many problems related to professional development are highlighted at the end of the paper. The paper addresses a neglected area in the literature on teacher education.  相似文献   

There is currently widespread interest in exploring the opportunities to develop learning that can be delivered in three-dimensional multiuser virtual environments (3-D MUVEs). In this paper, I argue for the need to conduct research into the emerging cultures of use in 3-D MUVEs, focussing on the example of Second Life. Drawing on social and cultural studies of 3-D MUVEs, the paper briefly explores four issues in Second Life which have profound implications for the transplanting of learning: (1) the emerging 'virtual vernacular' of Second Life builds, (2) the development of a capitalist economy within and beyond Second Life, (3) the phenomenon of 'griefing', and (4) the need to take account of the everydayness of Second Life. Only by attending to the cultures of use in 3-D MUVEs—learning from Second Life—can we begin to contemplate the potential for learning in Second Life.  相似文献   

This paper outlines some of the reasons for the use of computer networking for teacher education and professional development, and discusses why networking can be used to support teacher education and development. A review of the literature suggests that among other reasons, networking is particularly conducive to teacher development because: (a) it helps break down teacher isolation and build a supportive learning community, (b) it serves as an agent of change, and (c) it helps disseminate educational materials and resources. The computer network recently developed specifically for secondary English teachers in Hong Kong, the TeleNex, is reported in this paper to highlight some of the factors that should be considered in the design and implementation of networks for teacher development. Preliminary observations suggest that these teachers are on their way to using this new technology to build and own their own electronic learning community.  相似文献   

建立终身教育资历框架是我国目前一项重要的教育举措,构建基于资历框架的教师行业资历等级和标准是其中重要的组成部分,有助于促进教师专业发展、推动教师终身学习。本研究采用文献研究法和专家访谈法,提出了由4个等级、4个维度和10个要素组成的教师行业资历等和标准,能够与国际及国内已有的资历框架有效对接,构建了我国基于资历框架的教师行业资历等级和标准。教师行业资历等级和标准既是针对教师专业发展的评价框架,又是认证和转化学习成果的工具,是一套系统的方法和工具。期望本研究的成果能够为教师专业发展项目提供评价与认证框架,为贯通教师职前培养与职后培训、构建教师终身学习体系提供参考框架。  相似文献   

Research suggests that the development of a teacher educator identity is a central process in becoming a teacher educator. Recently, there has been an increasing interest in the concept of teacher identity. However, teacher educator identity seems to be still under-researched. In this article, a review of literature on teacher educator identity is provided. Fifty-two research papers were analysed to identify challenges and tensions teacher educators experience during their induction, factors which influence the development of their professional identity, and the features that induction programmes should have. The findings suggested that new teacher educators generally develop negative self-views about their abilities and professional identities. Self-support and community support activities were found to facilitate teacher educators’ transition and enhance their identity development. Key features of academic induction were identified as acting as a learning community, cultivating supportive and professional relationships, encouraging self-enquiry and research and involving teacher educators in reflective activities.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to examine the potential of video-catalysed reflective practice for supporting ongoing teacher professional learning in numeracy. We explore this potential through a synthesis of two case studies that investigated different approaches to supporting teacher reflection on practice through the use of video-stimulated recall: one case involved a single researcher and a single teacher, and the other case included two researchers working with a pair of teachers. Data were analysed through the use of two conceptual lenses which were synthesised from literature related to levels of teacher reflection and teacher change. The analysis suggests that video-stimulated recall can be an effective medium for promoting teacher professional learning, providing quality reflection and questioning are included as crucial elements of the processes.  相似文献   

德国教师教育专业化发展探析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
德国虽然在教育上实施地方分权的联邦主义,各州具体实施教师教育的情况不尽相同,但从总体上看,都建立起了包括职前和在职的专业化教师教育制度,有效地确保了高素质教师队伍的形成.本文根据作者在德国卡塞尔大学对其教师教育的考察和对相关文献的分析研究,对德国中小学职前与职后教师教育的专业化发展进行分析,以期对正处在改革与发展进程中的我国教师教育提供有益的借鉴.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore how the application of multimedia design principles may inform the development of educational multi-user virtual environments (MUVEs). We look at design principles that have been shown to help learners manage cognitive load within multimedia environments and conduct a conjectural analysis of the extent to which such principles can help manage cognitive load in the highly immersive “beyond multimedia” environments that 3-D educational MUVEs represent. We frame our discussion as a design practice analysis of the River City MUVE, a science inquiry environment that has middle school students collaborating to develop and test hypotheses regarding illnesses sweeping a virtual town. We analyze the current River City interface design using a framework describing cognitive overload scenarios and associated approaches to manage cognitive load. We also discuss the potential difficulties that may be seen as multimedia principles are applied to 3-D MUVEs. Our discussion describes a blueprint for research implementations that we are undertaking to systematically investigate the effect of an educational MUVE interface design based on multimedia principles—implementations that we hope will provide an action framework for other MUVE researchers to use in their own studies.  相似文献   

This paper provides a design framework for building online teacher professional development communities for preservice and inservice teachers. The framework is based on a comprehensive literature review on the latest technology and epistemology of online community and teacher professional development, comprising four major design factors and three contextual factors. The design factors include learning goals, communication tools, participant structures, and member responsibilities; the contextual factors are culture, politics, and economics. Finally, the role of universities and implications of the design framework for teacher professional development in the new culture of learning are discussed.  相似文献   

对国内近五年来大学英语教师专业素质发展方面的研究文献进行了归纳分析。分析表明:随着大英教改实施,大学英语教师专业素质的发展得到了越来越多的关注。相关文献主要涉及大学英语教师专业发展的必然性、知识结构、发展现状和需求、发展模式和策略等方面。在归纳分析的基础上,指出了目前研究的不足之处和未来研究的前景。  相似文献   

This study makes a contribution to the development of empirically based, domain-specific teaching standards that are acknowledged by the professional community of teachers and which, therefore, have a good chance of being successfully implemented and used for professional development purposes. It was prompted by the resistance on the part of many teachers to the one-size-fits-all teaching standards imposed on them from above. We, therefore, looked for an alternative and canvassed teacher opinion about what makes an excellent literature teacher. Because our standards will be used to evaluate the profession, we also wished to know to what extent teachers satisfy (or would like to satisfy) their own ideal, and which factors influence their professional development. Contrary to earlier studies, we found that the professional community of literature teachers hold widely shared ideas about what constitutes excellence in their profession. We also found that almost 40% felt that their own level of professionalism fell far short of excellence, but that their professional growth was primarily hampered by external, contextual factors. If the government wishes to promote teacher ‘excellence’, the infrastructure for professional development will need to change so that teachers can acquire the knowledge and skills embodied in the teaching standards.  相似文献   

Teacher professional standards globally now include a stronger emphasis on teacher research and evaluation skills. Yet, little is known about how to build these capacities through teacher education. This paper reports on a systematic literature review conducted to synthesize the literature about approaches to improving research and evaluative skills and attitudes in teachers. A total of 19 studies were included. The field is largely dominated by small qualitative studies that focus on teacher action research as a facilitator of professional development. There is a substantial and highly problematic gap in the research specifically in relation to building evaluation skills in teachers. Recommendations include a stronger investment in teacher education focussed on evaluation and evaluative thinking, which holds significant potential to positively impact the professional practice of teachers and student learning outcomes.  相似文献   

In this self-study, we look at the contribution made towards our professional learning through an aspect of teacher education work that is not commonly featured in the research literature: exploring the implications of our work as co-editors of an international collection about teacher educators’ journeys of professional becoming. Through this self-study, we argue that this type of work is valuable to individuals and institutions in relation to its impact on the professional learning and career development of teacher educators. Adopting a narrative approach, we examined our experiences of co-editing the book and the associated activities such as conference presentations, to understand how this influenced our professional learning and identity as teacher educators. Findings include having a stronger sense of the evolution of our professional selves over time and greater insight and awareness of our strengths and uncertainties. A clearer perspective on our own career development and professional becoming was evident, and many parallels could be drawn between our experiences of professional becoming and those of the chapter authors in the edited book. We conclude that while activities such as book editing do not usually count in institutional metrics as outputs, they are nonetheless a significant opportunity for professional learning and make a contribution to knowledge and to teacher education practice, and should be recognised as such by institutions and colleagues.  相似文献   


Programmes for teacher training should train (aspiring) teachers to be able to make use of information and communications technology as mindtools. Mindtools are not pieces of specialised software that‘teach’ a subject, but computer programs and applications that facilitate meaningful professional thinking and working. Teachers can use these programs and applications to engage their students in critical thinking and to help further their own professional development. In the latter case mindtools can be applied for cooperation (between teachers, teacher educators and student teachers) and collaboration (with other teachers, experts, designers, etc. on pedagogical projects). In this article we focus on electronic networking technologies (conversation tools) as mindtools in communities of practice for teacher professional development. Examples of good practice from teacher training institutions in Europe illustrate how to prepare (aspirant) teachers for working with mindtools that enhance teacher professional development  相似文献   

Educative curricula, curriculum materials that intentionally foster teacher professional development, can serve as a site for teacher learning through their use in daily instructional practices. The present article introduces a framework, Teacher Learning Opportunities in Mathematics Curriculum Materials (TLO-Math), for designing and evaluating mathematics curriculum materials’ educative features according to seven theoretically based variables: (1) mathematics content knowledge for teaching, (2) teacher knowledge of student thinking in mathematics, (3) teacher knowledge of disciplinary discourse in mathematics, (4) teacher knowledge of assessment in mathematics, (5) teacher knowledge of differentiated instruction in mathematics, (6) teacher knowledge of technology use in mathematics, and (7) teacher knowledge of mathematical community. Each variable is illustrated with a definition, guiding questions, discipline-specific literature, and examples from two sets of elementary mathematics curriculum materials. The development of the TLO-Math framework is a critical first step for further study of the use of mathematics curriculum materials as sites for teacher learning.  相似文献   

文章采取文献计量学的分析方法,对1998—2018年国际教师专业学习研究的分布特征、前沿演进、热点主题、知识基础等做了系统的梳理和分析。研究表明:国际教师专业学习研究前沿热点主要集中在对不同专业发展阶段教师专业学习研究、技术整合与教师专业学习研究和教师专业学习影响因素研究。教师专业学习研究多以情境理论为理论基础,并提倡复杂理论研究视角。教师专业学习的本质是提升教师知识与技能,改变教师信念与态度,建议采用量化和质性相结合的研究方法。  相似文献   

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