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This study examines the broadcast content of the first black air personalities in New Orleans leading up to and during to the Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s. The black broadcasters worked in concert with civil rights leaders, offering them opportunities to be interviewed on air, but did not get extensively involved such as using their radio shows to recruit foot soldier.

O.C.W. Taylor integrated radio in 1946 at WNOE. His talk show portrayed industrious blacks in a positive light. In 1948, Vernon "Dr. Daddy-O" Winslow became the city's first black DJ working at WJMR. Winslow mostly played rhythm and blues and hip New Orleans music aimed at blacks, but he did reassure worried listeners that the young people participating in sit-ins were not physically harmed.

Larry McKinley gave rise to radio news coverage of the Movement. He arrived at WMRY as an 18-year-old in 1953. Later, in the early 1960s at WYLD, McKinley and broadcaster George "Tex" Stevens, as well as Taylor at WNOE, interviewed activists concerning their push to get Coca Cola to hire black truck drivers. The leaders discussed the successful end of a two-year boycott of more than 30 downtown stores. They also talked of their experiences during the Freedom Riders campaign, sit-ins, and other demonstrations. While the broadcasters did not on-air recruit African Americans to join Movement activities, they announced the times and locations of meetings which were often held at the black churches.  相似文献   

This study investigated Internet communication and use in a crisis situation, Hurricane Katrina, to explore the role of the Internet in supporting or diminishing geographically-based community during a crisis. The researchers conducted an online survey of Internet users (n=1192) from the dispersed metropolitan New Orleans area. The survey focused on amount, type, function, and importance of Internet use to creating and maintaining social capital, supporting geographically-based communities, activating social networks, reducing uncertainty, and achieving both expressive and instrumental communication goals. The results indicated that Internet users in a crisis situation went online to seek interactive fora specific to their neighborhoods and to activate weak ties in their social networks. They engaged in more uncertainty reduction behavior when experiencing higher degrees of damage. They turned to the Internet in place of other media as a result of disruptions caused by the crisis. Women valued online expressive communication more than men did. The findings suggest that social capital theorists would benefit from a communication perspective on the Internet. The study also led to the formation of suggestions for emergency preparedness agencies, shelter providers, crisis victims, and online news providers that can improve emergency response.  相似文献   

Inquiries into allegations of human rights abuses require a reliable corpus of evidence to proceed and hold violators accountable for their actions. The following article analyzes the 2005 police shootings that occurred on New Orleans’ Danziger Bridge in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, a case that illustrates the challenges confronting investigations into human rights violations in the USA. By examining an investigative police report, two survivors’ civil complaints, and federal court filings, the article argues that the methodical nature in which several police officers in post-Katrina New Orleans conspired to document the use of deadly force against several unarmed citizens demonstrates that police records created in the context of officer-involved shootings inhibit accountability processes as much as they facilitate them. The deliberate creation of such records, the article concludes, impairs the ability of a democratic nation to ensure human rights and bring their violators to account.  相似文献   

This narrative case study examines the news and information role played by WWL Radio and the United Radio Broadcasters of New Orleans during the real life drama of Hurricane Katrina. The performance of United demonstrates that media consolidation, deregulation and the threat of emerging technologies do not justify abandoning the idea that broadcasters still have a moral and ethical responsibility to serve the public interests of audiences; that traditional radio should stop looking over its shoulder at threats posed by other media, and instead should make use of the medium's greatest strength—taking care of the communities it serves on the local level. This study provides further proof that traditional radio is still vital, especially in times of disaster and catastrophe; that radio's attention to the local community, and its ability to collaborate among other broadcast outlets in that community, may be two of many distinct factors that keep the public tuned in to the medium.  相似文献   

为迎接党的十六大.中央电视台二套从10月初推出大型系列报道《中国实录——省部长访谈》。我看了20多集.总体感觉这个系列报道有新意、有深度、有特点.全面展示了我国改革开放和现代化建设取得的辉煌成就.描绘了21世纪中国经济全新的形象.让人兴奋.受到鼓舞,振奋精神。系列报道有三个显著的特点。  相似文献   

新起点 新思路 新发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
历史的车轮滚滚向前。中国广播影视工作者意气风发地迎来了21世纪第一道曙光。回顾过去,祖国大地上留下了中国广播影视事业发展壮大的印记;展望未来,中国广播影视事业面临着更大的发展机遇和更加激烈的挑战。在新世纪到来之际,中国广播影视任重道远。  相似文献   

Academic libraries face an uncertain future. Rather than attempting to develop libraries based on an unknowable future, the author argues it is preferable to address student learning needs with a set of information and learning instructional services established on teaching and learning principles and activities. Evolving from and replacing the present academic library, this new organization, the information and learning center, is staffed by a new academic professional, the information and learning specialist, who addresses the student's need to gather and manage information, read, and write as an integrated set of experiences directed by the curriculum and teachers’ pedagogies.  相似文献   

新机遇新转变新发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2008年是全面贯彻落实党的十七大战略部署的第一年,是中国改革开放30周年、北京奥运会举办之年。也是在这一年,国家图书馆二期工程暨国家数字图书馆工程(以下简称"工程")落成并开馆。这是历史赋予国家图书馆的新机遇,我们要抓住这一机遇,实现新转变,谋划新发展。  相似文献   

The present study empirically operationalizes the health-related talk of married individuals (N?=?349) and reports on the factor structure of these health-related talk expectations and the reliability and convergent validity of the two-factor solution. Both factors were significantly correlated with participants’ self reports of marital satisfaction. Implications for the relationships between health-related talk and marriage are discussed.  相似文献   

在当代充满流动性与矛盾的状况下,人们不得不重新对博物馆组织与传统遗产管理的理念模式进行思考。新的社会的、行为的与政治的范示必须得到特别关注,同样,遗产与博物馆新的解说也必须得到特别关注。当代社会已经再次对这两个领域里所蕴含的巨大价值,并与文化关口与新科技联系起来。在这样一个新的,行星际社会里,一个最大的挑战就是要保证人类能在地球上持续生存下去,让每一个人都能得到教育、住宿、健康、就业与休闲的机会。博物馆必须意识到这个新的社会—文化现实并调整自身,以成为个体与大众社会翻益之间进行冲突、争论与协商的例证。对于博物馆来说,最大的挑战就是保证所有的社会团体都能在伦理多样性中表达其特别的文亿模式与身份。这些趋势对不同类型的博物馆有着不同的影响:传统的博物馆必须成为信息式机构,提供的展品与服务能够满足以团体利益为基本的公众的要求;领土博物馆必须重新实现新博物馆学昀提议,以新的社会范示为基础,进而强调他们作为社会与政治交接地例证的作用。一种新的组织范示的实现依赖于简洁而分散的结构,呈细胞或网状,以及动态的运行方式。所有这些都根据协商与嗠务和展品的质量来进行。必须注意到虚拟博物馆。它综合了在博物馆、专业人员与公众之间进行调解的新动力。另外,还需要强调与博物馆组织与管理相关的伦理问题,以使博物馆能在全球亿的世界里实现他们的社会作用。  相似文献   

This paper discusses potential challenges to research generalizability in studies on interactive communication. In interactive media contexts where users are enabled to individualize their communication, the generalizability of individual studies is likely lower than it is in studies on more conventional one-to-many communication. We discuss research strategies related to sample size and heterogeneity, focus on structural-invariant elements of communication media and processes, and finally refer to the recording and analyses of messages and communication processes as potential remedies to generalizability problems. A more explicit reflection on generalizability both in empirical studies as well as in the way the discipline deals with replication of previous work seems to be necessary.  相似文献   

In Europe, the competency-based system of lifelong learning has been adopted with the objectives of improving professional competencies and promoting professionals' mobility. European coordination is carried out through international programs, guidelines, and frameworks. The benefit for digital heritage professionals is to have the responsibility for their continuous professional development and recognition of their competencies. However, some issues are highlighted: How to recognize new profiles using national and static competencies lists? Who needs to evaluate individual competencies? How can we adopt internationally the competencies of digital heritage profiles?  相似文献   


When Stuart Hall and his Birmingham School colleagues argued that media technologies were essential to the production of moral panics, they focused on the relationship between mass media and the state. Because new technologies have altered our cultures of ostracism and punishment, we offer a revised analysis of this relationship that examines the role of online shaming in current moral panics. Not only do we analyze the new technological affordances of digital media, we argue that our current shaming culture is symptomatic of a deep-seated political disenfranchisement that leaves subjects grasping to “do something.” Contributing to a social media-driven panic culture that punishes and ostracizes deviants thus stands in for meaningful political participation. Ultimately, we argue that the evolving orientation to public life fostered by these new technologies has created a culture of shaming whereby citizens often prosecute their own discrete moral panics amid the more sustained sense of political crisis that characterizes contemporary life.  相似文献   

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