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In spite of the widespread adoption of policies on mainstreaming, and more recently on inclusive education for children and young people with special educational needs, little is actually known about the relationship between what teachers think about such policies and the type of learning environments that they provide. In this study in New Zealand, a sample of regular primary school teachers (N= 63) were categorised according to ‘high’, ‘moderate’ or ‘low’ scores on a scale which measures their views on mainstreaming policies and practices. The pupils (N= 1729) of these teachers also completed a scale measuring perceptions of their classroom learning environments. Children taught by teachers who espoused highly positive attitudes towards mainstreaming were found to have significantly higher levels of classroom satisfaction and marginally lower levels of classroom friction than children taught by teachers with less positive attitudes. Implications of these findings are discussed for further research on the role of teacher attitudes in the successful inclusion of children and young people with special needs and for policies on the implementation of effective inclusive practice. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   


Attitudes and perceptions of teacher behavior regarding students' gender roles were investigated. A questionnaire was administered to 221 Israeli teachers and responses were analyzed according to gender and education setting. Results indicate no extreme egalitarian or chauvinistic responses. In general, elementary school and female teachers gave more gender egalitarian responses to questionnaire items in comparison with male and secondary school teachers. Only 15% of teachers in this sample had attended courses on gender equality. Over 50% of teachers did not respond to the question concerning their school's gender policy. Those findings may reflect a relative lack of teacher awareness concerning the in-depth nature of gender stereotypes and their overall influences. Results may indicate compulsory courses and seminars on gender self-awareness during teacher training.  相似文献   

Practicum experiences in schools are highly valued in science teacher education programs. Yet, there are few studies examining secondary preservice science teachers' practicum classrooms. This mixed-methods study explored secondary preservice science teachers' perceptions of their practicum classroom learning environments, interpreted from an open-ended survey questionnaire, as well as from an adapted version of the Constructivist Learning Environment Survey (CLES; Taylor, Fraser, & Fisher, 1997). Twenty-two preservice teachers within secondary science methods courses volunteered to complete the survey. Qualitative survey findings were corroborated by quantitative results from the CLES survey. Overall, the preservice teachers perceived their practicum classrooms to incorporate some constructivist learning environment factors, but the critical constructivist perspective underpinning the survey was not found. Additionally, innovative practices cogent with these practices were not supported by most of their co-operating teachers. Implications of how preservice education programs can better support prospective science teachers' views and practices during practicum are discussed.  相似文献   

论教师发展性评价与奖惩性评价的关系   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
发展性教师评价是与传统奖惩性教师评价不同的新的评价体系。在我国实施发展性教师评价不能完全否定或回避奖惩性教师评价制度,要从理论和实践两个层面正确认识和处理发展性教师评价与奖惩性教师评价的关系。教师专业发展是教师评价的目的。奖惩是激励教师发展的一种手段。两种评价体系在一定条件下可以共存或有机地结合起来。  相似文献   

The paper presents a study which focuses on the interaction between primary teachers' perceptions of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and their pedagogy. Their perceptions of ICT are explored in terms of their reported understandings of the nature and purpose of ICT in primary schools. A qualitative, case study approach was used to investigate the perceptions and pedagogy of a small group of teachers working within one school, Carberry Junior School in England. The study was carried out during an eighteen month period of significant change in primary schools responding to the UK Government's National Grid for Learning initiative and its impact on models of access to ICT resources and expectations in teaching and pupil achievement. The paper highlights the teachers' perceptions of ICT as a social and cultural phenomenon, as an ambiguous area constructed as a discrete subject, curriculum resource and higher-order capability, and as a 'new' field in primary schools.  相似文献   

《吕氏春秋》中蕴含着丰富的赏罚思想,"理义至上"是其核心价值,"博赏慎罚"和"赏罚观归"是其具体原则。从诸子的分野看,《吕氏春秋》的赏罚思想是以法家思想为外在形式,儒家德治主张为精神实质,儒、法结合的产物;从时代的变迁看,它体现了新旧政治文化的交融。《吕氏春秋》试图以传统德治来修正秦国的法家路线,以期适应即将到来的大一统国家。  相似文献   

教师的学生观是影响建立和谐师生关系的关键,树立正确的学生观不仅要正确对待学生,同时要正确对待教育职业,并树立正确的教师价值观。  相似文献   

奖励和惩罚是一个日久弥新的话题,在赏识教育、激励教育、快乐教育一边倒的背景下,重新审视奖励和惩罚的实施效果,反思其背后深层的正负面影响,将有助于解决困扰家长、教师和校长的诸多问题。其实奖励和惩罚二者是辩证统一的,奖励有时就是一种惩罚,而惩罚也可以成为一种奖励,我们应该掌握一些奖惩的调适策略,与学生充分沟通,超越控制思维,给予学生关爱,厘清何以奖罚和为何奖罚的关系,帮助学生形成强大的、自主的内在驱动力,促进学生的健康成长成熟。  相似文献   

Under the Universal Primary Education (UPE) programme in Uganda, which was implemented in 1997, the idea of integrated education was put into practice. Today children with disabilities are enrolled in regular primary schools in the whole country. After three years of experience with UPE, the aim of this study was to examine the views of teachers about their needs for training and support regarding the task of teaching children with disabilities in ordinary classrooms. A qualitative approach was chosen using individual interviews, focus group discussions with teachers, pupils and head teachers, and observations in classrooms. Three primary schools in different districts of Uganda were selected as research sites. For a number of reasons data collection from the pupils proved problematic but generally the findings confirmed the information drawn from the review of literature. In addition to the high teacher-pupil ratio, there is an alarming lack of resources in the schools and an urgent need for teacher training to meet special needs in the classroom. Despite these difficult conditions found in schools, many teachers had positive attitudes towards integrating children with disabilities, but only a few examples from the classroom observations showed good practice for meeting a diversity of needs.  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested that children making transitions from one setting into another have to adjust to new sets of expectations and different cultural contexts for teaching and learning. In particular, they have to redefine for themselves 'what counts as literacy'. In this article, Sue Pearson, a past President of NASEN, an experienced teacher and currently a lecturer at Leeds University, reports on her investigations into whether similar adjustments may be required of some pupils as they start secondary school.
The recommendations at the end of this article are based on interviews with 24 11 to 12 year-olds and are of direct relevance to practitioners in primary and secondary schools and to parents and family members. Sue Pearson uses pupils' perceptions to raise important issues about the nature of the support that pupils experiencing difficulties in literacy require as they make the transfer from Year 6 to Year 7.  相似文献   

提倡赋权教师参与学校运作和治理的教师领导力理论自上世纪80年代在美国提出后得到了迅速发展和广泛认同。该理论引入国内后,较普遍的认知是我国的骨干教师在事实上充当了该理论所定义的教师领导角色,但相关的实证研究尚付阙如。本研究通过实证调研尝试揭示一线教师对骨干教师领导角色的认知情况。本研究发现,从骨干教师扮演应然和实然的角度来看,他们和美国"教师领导"是类似的,但教师对骨干教师领导角色的认定也深受校长领导力和学校氛围的影响。另外,一线教师对于"教师领导"这个称谓并不满意,故本研究提出用"领导型教师"作为具有领导力的教师在国内的对应表述,以期引起大家对骨干教师领导力的关注。  相似文献   

小学教师对学生课堂问题行为的认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
课堂问题行为指发生在课堂教学中,违反课堂行为规范和教学要求,影响课堂正常教学秩序、教师教学、自身及他人学习,并给教师教学和学生学习带来消极影响的课堂行为。教师对学生问题行为的知觉和态度直接影响其教育行为,[1]因此,众多研究者开始关注教师是如何知觉和解释这些课堂问题行为的,[2]如此,才能更好地了解教师行为背后的深层原因,提高教师干预效果。  相似文献   

This mixed method study examines Finnish pupils' (N = 825; age groups 12–13, 15–16) views on the place of religion in the public school. Religious landscape in Finnish society has changed significantly in recent years, as the `new' diversity (Vertovec 2015) has supplemented the `old' one. The role of institutionalized religion has diminished, whereas globalism, secularism and an interest in new religious movements have been on the rise. The traditionally strong Evangelical Lutheranism has become a more cultural, secular feature underlying societal history and nationalism. In this changing situation, it is important to obtain knowledge about how the pupils themselves see the position of religion in the public education system. In this article, we examine pupils' views on the place of religion both as a formal part of the National Curriculum and as a part of social interaction and physical environment, and whether background factors explain variance in their conceptions.  相似文献   

《太上感应篇》在《子夜》的开头和结尾频繁出现,它是作者有意为之的一个标志性符号或曰意象。透过这个意象,不仅可以更深刻地理解作者的写作意图以及文本的深层意蕴,还可窥视三十年代中国社会发展的现实状况及未来走向。  相似文献   


Role expectations of 178 Georgia secondary teachers as measured by TPQ (6), pupils’ perceptions as measured by POSR (7), and pupils' attitudes (2) were analyzed by sex" age, experience, perception, field, grade level, and selected interaction effects. Science and mathematics teachers perceived the Advice-information Giver Role as more important than did social studies teachers. Age and sex differentially influenced teachers’ perceptions of the Motivator Role- Grade level and sex-by-field interaction produced significant differences in Disciplinarian Role. From pupils' viewpoint (POSR), the experienced teacher was more knowledgeable and poised than the beginning teacher. For Strict Control, sex, experience, field, and sex-by-field interaction were significant. Pupils had more favorable attitudes toward women teachers.  相似文献   

Although peer influence is a strong predictor of adolescents’ risk-taking behaviors, not all adolescents are susceptible to their peer group. One hundred and thirty-six adolescents (Mage = 12.79 years) completed an fMRI scan, measures of perceived peer group norms, and engagement in risky behavior. Ventral striatum (VS) sensitivity when anticipating social rewards and avoiding social punishments significantly moderated the association between perceived peer norms and adolescents’ own risk behaviors. Perceptions of more deviant peer norms were associated with increased risky behavior, but only for adolescents with high VS sensitivity; adolescents with low VS sensitivity were resilient to deviant peer norms, showing low risk taking regardless of peer context. Findings provide a novel contribution to the study of peer influence susceptibility.  相似文献   

吴琼 《海外英语》2014,(9):65-66
To find out in what ways the teacher’s behavior in interactions could motivate students effectively,a two-day observation concerning the relationship between the teacher’s behavior in teacher-students interactions and students’motivations in the classroom was carried out in a primary school in Scotland.The author illustrated the basic content of classrooms observed and the methods of collecting and analyzing the data.Then,it focused on the discussion of the data and related literacy.Finally,it drew the conclusion that the positive feedback,explanations for the reason of doing the task and enthusiastic actions could effectively motivate students to learn.  相似文献   

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