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基于脑科学的广告传播效果测评是目前国内外传播学研究的热点之一,研究内容涉及神经科学、心理学和数据采集与分析等多个交叉领域,并较多地采用实验研究方法。针对广告传播效果测量这一传播学科实验研究新课题,运用心理学和生理学的方法引入64导事件相关电位(ERP)记录与采集系统来进行广告受众认知方面的量化测试与分析,对传播效果认知加工测评的模型和工具进行了简述,初步完善了一种通过基于ERP的广告传播效果实验测评方法,梳理了传播效果认知加工测评的实验整体流程,包括实验目的与假设、实验前测、被试、实验材料与设备、实验程序与设计、实验结果与分析等环节,点明了基于ERP的广告传播效果实验测评方法的创新之处及其在广告效果测评中体现出的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

为了弄清呼吸各相位与听觉和视觉P300波幅、潜伏期之间的关系,可采用oddball范式进行相关研究。结果发现呼吸相位与P300波幅和潜伏期关系密切,不同的呼吸相位所分配的注意资源有所不同。  相似文献   

近年来,各种心理学方法被广泛应用于社会认知研究,事件相关电位(theevent-related brain potential,ERP)是其中之一.它拓展了传统的行为研究方法,有效测评外显行为背后的潜在大脑加工.文章在回顾总结近年来相关电位成分在社会认知领域应用的基础上,展望了ERP技术在我国社会认知心理学领域的发展前景.  相似文献   

事件相关电位是研究孤独症谱系障碍个体认知加工过程重要的电生理手段,其中关于孤独症谱系障碍者听觉事件相关电位方面的研究逐年增多,主要研究成分包括N100、P1-N1-P2复合波、失匹配负波(MMN)、P300、N400。研究发现,孤独症谱系障碍个体的听觉加工能力不同程度受损,一些结果尚缺乏一致性,未来需进一步完善孤独症谱系障碍个体听觉事件相关电位研究,为孤独症谱系障碍个体的早期诊断和干预提供生物技术支持。  相似文献   

事件相关脑电位(ERP)广泛应用于心理学、神经医学、人工智能、运动心理等领域的研究,高校利用ERP实验室研究有关心理和医学上的问题越来越多,因此在高校中建立一个科学、完备的ERP实验室势在必行。针对ERP的实验要求,从实验室布置、屏蔽、隔音和照明等几个方面探索ERP实验室建设,以及日常实验室管理中所需要注意的事项。通过前期的调研与探索,将ERP实验室所需要的环境及硬件条件考虑进去,为完成ERP实验室的建设提供了一套可靠的理论,具有实践指导意义。  相似文献   

国外研究对韵脚意识的事件相关电位(ERP)中的负向偏转(CNV)成分存在不同看法,但对N400成分看法较为一致;听觉韵脚意识与视觉韵脚意识之间存在差异;韵脚意识的ERP研究结果与行为学研究结果较为吻合。未来对儿童韵脚意识的研究年龄再早一些是十分必要的,而对个体进行发展性的研究应该成为今后韵脚意识研究的重点。韵脚意识的ERP研究还应进一步与行为学研究相结合。与韵脚相对应的首音一致的研究也应引起重视。  相似文献   

当前隐喻的事件相关电位研究在数量和质量方面都有大幅提升.由于隐喻研究自身在元理论建设、研究材料、研究方法等诸多方面的局限,因此当前还存在着隐喻定义缺乏统一性、研究语料缺乏规范性、研究方法缺乏一致性、研究对象缺乏多样性以及研究语种还显单一性等问题.今后需要更加关注隐喻理论本身的精确界定问题,并加强以汉语为语料的隐喻在线探讨,以弥补现有的隐喻研究的不足.  相似文献   

言语产生过程可分为概念化、言语组织、发音3个层次。这个过程的核心是词汇通达,它包含词条选择(语义提取)和音位编码(语音提取)两个阶段。对于这两个加工阶段的关系主要有两种观点:一种是独立两阶段模型,一种是交互激活理论。言语产生研究中所采用的经典实验范式是图片命名,使用事件相关电位(简称ERP)技术考察言语产生过程中各阶段的关系,主要使用双重选择任务,以单侧化准备电位(简称LRP)和N200为指标。但这种任务的明显缺点是它与正常的言语产生时高度自由化的方式不同,它需要被试有意识地提取语义和语音信息。独立两阶段模型和交互激活理论都各自得到一些实验结果的支持。  相似文献   

事件相关电位技术与隐藏信息测试相结合(ERPCTT)是目前犯罪测谎研究的主要方法,包括实验室研究和现场研究两种不同取向,在实验室研究中ERPCTT主要以P300为鉴别指标,犯罪侦测率逐渐提高,但易被反测谎击败,生态效度低,复合反应范式(CTP)提高了识别反测谎措施使用的准确率,现场犯罪测谎取向的脑指纹测试范式(BF)以P300MERMER为测谎指标,结论已可作为法庭证据呆信,ERPCTT在范式、指标、效度等方面仍存在不足,将来应区分真实记忆与错误记忆、目击者与犯罪人,探索自我控制等调节变量对测试的影响,并与生理测谎指标相结合,针对不同犯罪群体进行现场研究。  相似文献   

P300/CNV事件相关电位刺激器的研制与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崔岩  张一鸣  庄剑青 《实验室研究与探索》2006,25(10):1201-1204,1207
通过研制一种特殊的刺激器,使不具备事件相关电位P300、CNV(关联性负变)检测功能的普通诱发电位仪实现P300、CNV的检测。自主设计P300/CNV刺激器的研制方案、电路和程序等,通过调试修正,完成刺激器开发。P300/CNV事件相关电位刺激器达到设计要求,能记录出较为理想的P300和CNV波形。成功研制出P300/CNV刺激器,此刺激器有一定通用性,可与诱发电位仪或生物信号处理系统配合使用;建立了适用于此刺激器的P300、CNV检测方法。此刺激器有一定实用性,可节约实验经费。目前市面上未见有类似产品,此刺激器已获中华人民共和国实用新型专利(ZL专利号:200420081185.5)。  相似文献   

Cognitive event-related potentials in attention deficit disorder   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Cognitive event-related potentials (ERPs) have been used to aid in the interpretation of findings that children with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) make more errors and react more slowly than nondisabled controls in tests of sustained attention. Coincident with their abnormally poor performance, children with ADD have smaller late positive components of the ERP (especially a wave known as P3b) than their peers with psychiatric diagnoses. Notably, stimulant administration improves the performance of children with ADD and enlarges the amplitude of the late positive waves of their ERPs. These findings are interpreted as reflecting reduced capacity allocation, which, in turn, is increased by stimulant medications. Research on memory scanning suggests that children with ADD are deficient in energetic aspects of information processes and that their excessive slowness in reaction time tests involves stages following memory search and decision, that is, motor processes. The same factors seem to be involved in the amelioration of performance by stimulants, which speed up motor responses but do not affect the latency of P3b. Research on ERPs during selective attention also points to possible disturbances in this aspect of processing, but further research in this area is needed.  相似文献   

To elucidate the timing and the nature of neural disturbances in dyslexia and to further understand the topographical distribution of these, we examined entire brain regions employing the non-invasive auditory oddball P300 paradigm in children with dyslexia and neurotypical controls. Our findings revealed abnormalities for the dyslexia group in (i) P300 latency, globally, but greatest in frontal brain regions and (ii) decreased P300 amplitude confined to the central brain regions (Fig. 1). These findings reflect abnormalities associated with a diminished capacity to process mental workload as well as delayed processing of this information in children with dyslexia. Furthermore, the topographical distribution of these findings suggests a distinct spatial distribution for the observed P300 abnormalities. This information may be useful in future therapeutic or brain stimulation intervention trials.  相似文献   

A relationship between brain responses at birth and later emerging language and reading skills have been shown, but questions remain whether changes in brain responses after birth continue to predict the mastery of language-related skills such as reading development. To determine whether developmental changes in the brain-based perceptual skills are systematically related to differences in word-level reading proficiency at age 8 years, brain event-related potentials (ERPs) to speech and nonspeech stimuli were recorded annually at the ages of 1 through 8 years in a sample of 109 typically developing children. Two measures of word-level reading (one that requires decoding of real words and one of pseudowords) were administered at age 8 years. Growth curve analysis, using the hierarchical linear models, related reading performance (average versus low) to the longitudinal maturation in the ERP waveform peak and latencies. Maturational changes (e.g., slope, acceleration, and cubic growth) in N1 amplitude from ages 1 to 4 were related to proficiency in decoding pseudoword stimuli only, with children who were less proficient in decoding pseudowords evidencing more steeply negative declines in amplitude with age, particularly at the frontal and parietal recording sites in response to both speech and nonspeech stimuli. In contrast, proficiency in decoding real words was related to developmental changes in N2 amplitudes from ages 4 to 8 only at the parietal recording site, and only in response to nonspeech stimuli. The early development of biologically based differences in the perception and processing of auditory information contributes to later group differences in reading proficiencies at school age.  相似文献   

过去20多年,键盘记录软件和眼动跟踪技术等新技术手段推动了翻译过程研究向纵深发展。在口译研究领域,数字技术同样有着广泛的运用空间。本文试图探索数字技术对交传笔记研究的辅助作用,介绍了Neo smartpen N2智能笔的主要功能,尝试将其运用于交传笔记的数字化,挖掘数字技术对口译过程研究的作用。本文还以一篇交传笔记为例,展示了该智能笔的使用及如何利用ELAN软件对数字化的笔记进行标注和分析,从而探查译员在记录笔记时的困难与决策。本文结果表明,与传统研究手段相比,数字技术可从视频、音频、文本三维度再现口译笔记文本产生过程,为口译过程研究提供强有力的数据支撑,打开更丰富的研究视窗。  相似文献   

news and notes     
《Teaching Statistics》1984,6(1):32-32

News and notes     
THE ANATOMY OF DISGUST. By William Ian Miller. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1997; pp. xv + 320. $24.95.

QUESTIONS OF CULTURAL IDENTITY. Edited by Stuart Hall and Paul du Gay. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1996; pp. ix + 198. $69.95; paper $22.95.

THE TWILIGHT OF COMMON DREAMS: WHY AMERICA IS WRACKED BY CULTURE WARS. By Todd Gitlin. New York: Henry Holt, 1995; pp. ix + 294. $25.00.  相似文献   

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