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办好特殊教育学校的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对特教学校改革与发展中所面临的师资、课程、教学、管理以及骨干作用发挥几个方面问题的论述,提出优化师资队伍,合理设置课程,实施因材施教,拓宽办学渠道,完善指导与服务功能,最大限度地发挥办学效益,以促进特殊教育事业的健康发展.  相似文献   

The present study aims to describe the extent and forms (integrated versus segregated) of special education support offered to pupils in comprehensive schools in Sweden over a period of 29 years and to study relations between support, background variables and goal attainment in Grade 9. The study is based on about 35,000 children born in 1972, 1977, 1982, and 1987, participating in the ongoing longitudinal project “Evaluation Through Follow‐Up”. The findings reveal that boys and pupils from lower educational home‐backgrounds and with non‐Swedish backgrounds are over‐represented among the groups that have received special education support. The findings also suggest that pupils who have received support, in general, tend to achieve educational goals in core curriculum subjects to a lesser extent than those who have never had any kind of support.  相似文献   

The population of urban migrants in developing countries has received little specific notice within the field of adult education, although, because of its size and importance to the economic and social development of much of the world, this group deserves significant attention. Examination of urban migrants as learners provides important insight for policies and programmes that support developing their creative potential, building on individual and community strengths. Two characteristics of the motivation and learning needs of urban migrants stand out. First, individual characteristics relating to personality or motivation somehow differentiate migrants from non‐migrants, beyond generalized economic or macro‐level factors that affect migration decisions. On the other hand, it appears that group learning processes that incorporate the participation of the members and build on their networks, motivation, and coping skills, are particularly effective. Both of these aspects are important in identifying appropriate policies and programmes that stimulate the positive potential of this group. This paper examines evidence related to the demographic and cognitive characteristics of the urban migrant population in developing countries, how these relate to the learning tasks facing this group, and the implications for successful adult education programmes. In addition, these characteristics have implications for broader policies designed to take advantage of the role that communities of urban migrants can play, within a more participative development approach.  相似文献   

An approach of this nature is by definition innovative if only because of its prior absence. In order for this kind of instruction to take root and survive, a high degree of sensitivity must be demonstrated by the architect and implementors of the instruction.  相似文献   

大学校长与世界一流大学建设:伯克利的案例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界一流大学建设过程中,校长起着至关重要的作用.本文分析了伯克利加州大学20世纪初至50年代迅速崛起时期,两位校长的一些治校举措及其起到的重要作用.他们有极强的管理才能、赋有战略的眼光和先进的治校理念;始终把争取资金作为自己重要的任务;在重大事件上把握方向.  相似文献   

认知参照点理论被广泛地运用于解释各种语言现象,它对双关也同样具有很强的解释力。认知参照点理论解释双关的认知机制是,先以显性语境(R1)为认知参照点,通达显性语用义即目标1(T1),再以T1为认知参照点(R2)通达隐性语用义,即目标2(T2)。  相似文献   

This article is concerned with comparing learning and achievement in the context of computer aided learning (CAL) and traditionally taught environments. The results of a small‐scale study involving 49 Year 10 pupils from a school in the north‐east of England are reported. Cognitive style, gender, attitude to CAL, and test results from a unit of work that used a CAL package and one that used traditional teaching material are analysed and conclusions are drawn. The study was too small to enable generalisations to be made although it did provide an informed picture suggesting that there are differences in how well a pupil may learn and perform in different teaching situations and that these differences are more marked for pupils of certain cognitive styles and/or gender.  相似文献   

语言随其功能的变化而变化,不同的场合需要不同的语言,即语言要适合社会场合———“语域”。译者在翻译作品(特别是文学作品)时要做到忠实原著,就必须既把握原著的语言,又把握其语域,这样才能译出得体的译作。  相似文献   

Prevention programs for young children are becoming more prevalent in schools and community centers. Practical evaluation methods are needed that can inform program design and implementation as well as assess a program's overall success. An evaluation model is presented that provides both program process and outcome information. The institutional and program conditions supportive of this type of evaluation and the limitations of this approach are discussed. A case example illustrates practical issues related to designing and implementing evaluations for prevention group projects for young children at risk for child abuse and neglect. Implications for educational and psychological consultation are discussed.  相似文献   

丧失是人类生命历程中最为深重的情感,在不同的文化背景下,人们对丧失与哀伤有着不同的言说,每个个体对丧失的理解不同,就意味着对生命意义的理解不同,也意味着面对丧失与哀伤的方式不同。本文通过对几个有关丧失的个案,讨论了如何在中国文化容器下安放哀伤与哀悼,促进当事人的稳定化。  相似文献   

与公办学校教师相比,民办学校教师面对着更多生存与发展的压力,保障体系不健全、竞争无序、人际关系紧张、职业倦怠、企业化管理体制缺乏对教师人性关怀、工作强度过大、身心疲惫等,这些问题都是民办学校教师的主要心理压力源,必须从学校和教师个人双方入手,才能有效地应付压力,帮助民办学校教师建立良好的心理健康状态。  相似文献   

针对富强选煤厂煤泥水治理难的问题,采用聚合铝作为凝聚剂,降低了洗水浓度,实现洗水闭路循环,提高了产品质量。  相似文献   

赋能型评价倡导创新性和先进性的教育实践观,体现以人为本的教育价值观,凸显可持续的教育发展观,是一种新时代中小学学业质量综合评价的区域评价范式。通过协同化赋能、项目化赋能和数据化赋能等方式,赋能型评价既可以全面评价区域内某一学校或班级的学生的学业表现与发展现状,也可以依据评价结果分析与反馈,实现精准帮扶与改进,全面优化教育质量。  相似文献   

This article presents an integrated approach for counselors providing substance use counseling to college students with sensitivity to the students' gender, culture, development, and readiness and motivation to change. Incorporating the use of relational–cultural therapy and motivational interviewing, the author organizes these complementary modalities along the Transtheoretical Model of behavior change and discusses practical implications for counselors to reduce harm in the context of the college environment. A case illustration is included.  相似文献   

中英自我提及语(I,we,我,我们)的使用差异显著:英美学者倾向于使用自我提及语单数,且使用现在时、完成时、情态动词较多,体现出他们与读者进行交流、协商的态度;而中国学者受制于传统观念,集体意识较强,所以在学术语篇中羞于使用自我提及语,即使使用也大多用复数形式,从而造成个人观点表述力度较弱,不利于与读者沟通。  相似文献   

Increasingly, children with Down syndrome are receiving their education in mainstream schools but little research has investigated whether these placements may influence language and memory development. The present study compared 22 children with Down syndrome in mainstream school placements matched for chronological age with 22 children attending special schools in a different LEA where mainstream placements were rare. The children were assessed to obtain measures of the following language and memory abilities: receptive vocabulary; grammar comprehension; sentence repetition; digit span; face recognition; and memory for hand movements. Children in mainstream placements achieved significantly higher scores for vocabulary, grammar and digit span measures, but not for non-language based memory measures. More importantly, even after controlling for age and receptive vocabulary, grammar understanding and digit spans were significantly greater for the mainstream children.  相似文献   

任务型教学法在应用过程中,主要是以学生为中心,强调实际的交流,进而在教学过程中促使学生产生浓厚的学习兴趣,积极提升自身的综合语言应用能力与创新能力。基于此,文章明确商务综合英语教学现状,阐述任务型教学法在商务综合英语中应用的实际意义。  相似文献   

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