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While discrimination against immigrants and resources for them likely influence immigrants’ acculturation success, how various resources moderate the influence of discrimination has not been clear. Achievement and social integration are indicators of acculturation success. From structural-functionalist theory, resources that mitigate the adverse influence of discrimination are likely to be those functional to the host society or its social integration. Earlier social integration with the host society thus may be a crucial determinant of acculturation success, partly by mitigating the adverse impact of discrimination. Conversely, resources such as welfare reception, affiliation with an organization in the home place, and fluency in the language of host society may aggravate the detriment of discrimination. These expectations are sustainable with a study of secondary school students who migrated from the Chinese mainland to Hong Kong. Among the 1243 students, 416 had come to Hong Kong within 2 years. The supportive findings indicate that acculturation success in the face of discrimination would require early social integration into the host society and disconnection from the home place. Importantly, while fluency in the host language appeared to be conducive to acculturation success, it aggravated the adverse effect of discrimination on the success. Hence, communication in a discriminative context would be dysfunctional to the operation of host society.  相似文献   

<正>In Chinese literature, ceramics are described as flaming phoenix created with fire and clay. In fact, Chinese ancestors began to create potteries as early as the Neolithic Age. During the  相似文献   

<論語·述而>云:"子在齊聞<韶>,三月不知肉味,曰:'不圖為樂之至於斯也."自<史記.孔子世家>叙事發微至今,校斟注解乃至引伸議論之文字幾乎汗牛充棟.之所以拈出單句引以為本文的缘起發瑞,是因為這些語符的後面隱藏着孔子音樂本體論的諸種疑端,是因為"孔子適齊"這一事態及其意義引伸中歷來枝蔓旁生,也就給我們留下了某些學理爬梳的缝隙.  相似文献   


This article examines sleeping practices and their spiritual meanings in English society. Sleep is one of the most fundamental experiences of everyday life, and this article examines how its temporal and spatial dimensions were shaped by a wide range of confessional groups according to theologies of salvation and resurrection from 1660 to 1700. The practices, rituals and objects that surrounded and sanctified the bedside highlight distinctive forms of sleep-piety that were supported by shifts in the provision and use of domestic space, by the pastoral objectives of Church divines and dissenting ministers, and by a flourishing genre of published spiritual guides that promoted private household devotions. This comparative study of sleeping practices nuances existing historical narratives about the fragmented religious landscape of these years. Most importantly, however, it offers a justification of the centrality of pious sleeping routines to the everyday experience of devotional practice by tracing the ways in which religious beliefs were embodied through subjective physical performances of sleep.  相似文献   

Dear readers,In the new round of reform and open-doorpolicy, culture along withpofitics, economy, society and environment, constitute five key ingredientsfor China's national construction. The last 30 years have witnessed how the first round of open-doorpohcy enableda wider learning from the world, resulting in the present-day better-off of Chinese people. One has therefore reason to believe that a wider and further exchange of ideas,  相似文献   

中國國民黨是孫中山和許多志士仁人為"振興中華"而創建的革命的、愛國的政黨,蔣介石、張静江、戴季陶等一大批人也曾追隨孫中山從事革命,獻身於國家和民族的解放事業.為什么後來其中的部分人成了中國共產黨所領導的人民革命的對象?簡單的"投機"說或"叛變"說不足以作出令人信服的解釋,歷史學的任務在於根據史實,科學分析,理清事件、人物的發展、變化邏輯,找出合情合理的答案.  相似文献   

<论语·先进>"可使有勇,且知方也"中"方"字的训释古今分歧很大,其意义类别主要有道义、礼法、谋略等,具体训释在十种以上.从<论语>关于"义"的内涵体系、子路在<论语>中表现出的对"义"的认识和行为、文章语境、"方"的词义发展四个方面看,"方"应解为"侠义".  相似文献   

温慧辉 《寻根》2004,(3):119-121
~~“钧金”与“束矢”—先秦诉讼中的缴费问题@温慧辉  相似文献   

刘善龄 《寻根》2002,(5):48-52
一尺见方纵横19道的围棋棋盘究竟能摆出多少棋局?北宋沈括得出的答案是10^52,这个数字多得就好像恒河的流沙,难怪小小棋枰竟能容得下古今中外那么多人的智慧。  相似文献   

余征人善懷,感思秋風.故縱浪游戲,懶役雕蟲.而<書藝叢談>忽欲重椠,乃為緒語,以繼談叢.曰:  相似文献   

“光州固始”在南迁中原汉人中的地位   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
程有为 《寻根》2009,(1):16-21
历史上的“光州固始”位于今河南省信阳市东部,它北临淮河,南靠大别山。在中国古代,由于战乱和灾荒,包括光州固始在内的中原地区汉人多次大批南迁江左,其中不少人入居闽越。及至宋代,“闽人称祖皆日从光州固始来”。这既是一种历史真实,也是一种文化现象。本文试图从光州固始的自然人文环境和唐代光州固始人的南迁入闽两个方面,阐明光州固始在南迁中原汉人中的地位。  相似文献   

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