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王元化 《寻根》2001,(3):36-45
这一组日记是纪1998年的台湾之行。我是应台湾“联合报系化基金会”之邀访台的。行程不满十天。我去那里作了演讲,也进行了参观访问,最后还抽出一天多时间到花莲游览。这是我第一次到台湾对于那里的匆匆一瞥。  相似文献   

A Way of Life     
"Life is like a card game: the cards you get are a matter of chance; how you play them is up to you." Philosophers and artists all over the world have produced thousands of analogies about the puzzles of life, but this epigram by Indian politician Nehru is especially noteworthy. Eventually, the cards in my hands will be played out. There is one card - life - that will be taken away without warning. Fortunately, it is still in my hands, and I am searching for the best way to play it. I will do so freely and handsomely; meanwhile, I'd like to share my pleasures with those who appreciate my game. This game needs a plan, as well as some dedication.- from Life is a Game by Fu Weici  相似文献   

Chinese culture provides inexhaustible sources driving Chinese nation for constant progress. We should improve education on the best of Chinese culture, develop and explore rich resources of national culture by means of modem technology, further cultivate and protect cultures of different ethnic groups, attach more importance to the conservation of tangible and intangible cultural heritage, and make greater efforts in sorting out historical literature.  相似文献   

一天,一个贫穷的小男孩为了挣学费正挨家挨户地推销商品,饥饿难耐的他发现兜里只有一角钱了。他决定向下一户人家讨口饭吃。然而,当一位年轻可爱的女子打开房门的时候,这个小男孩却没有勇气开口,他没要吃的,只要了杯水喝。这位女子觉得他好像饿了,就拿了一大杯牛奶给他。男孩慢慢地喝完牛奶,问道:"我应该付多少钱?"年轻女子回答道:"不用付钱。妈妈教导我们,施以爱心,不图回报。"男孩说:"那么,就请接受我由衷的感谢吧!"男孩离开这户人家的时候,不仅身体有了力气,对上帝、对别人的信心也增强了。在此之前,他几乎心灰意冷,对生活失去了信心。  相似文献   

宋斌 《寻根》2010,(6):55-57
《孔雀东南飞》原名《古诗为焦仲卿妻作》,最早见于南朝徐陵所编的《玉台新咏》,全诗长达353句、1765字,不仅是汉乐府民歌中、也是中国诗歌中罕见的长篇叙事诗。《汉书·艺文志》说:"自孝武立乐府而采歌谣,于是有赵、代之讴,秦、楚之风,皆感于哀乐,缘事而发,亦足以观风俗、知薄厚也。  相似文献   

Sui Jingshan is an assistant professor at Anhui Provincial Art College. He was born of a family of suona musicians and his ancestors were all folk musicians playing suona, a double-reed traditional Chinese instrument. Sui was born in Bozhou, a county in the northern part of Anhui Province which borders with Henan, Shandong and Jiangsu provinces. It is also the hometown of Cao Cao, a great strategist, politician and gure of literature. The place enjoys rich cultural traditions and diverse…  相似文献   

If you drive along the Chang'an Avenue eastward in Beijing and pass through skyscrapers in CBD, you will soon encounter a complex of ancient buildings of Ming and Qing styles - China Red Sandalwood Museum. Behind the immense door lies an ancient art palace. This is the world's largest museum of red sandalwood architectures and carvings and also the only private museum in China that has "China" in its name, which receives the most heads of states and foreign government officials.  相似文献   

<正>Chinese Photographers Volume 1,2014"My photos are for Spiritual Cahmless"—a Dialogue with Jiang Ping Jiang Ping:In the process of creation,photographers tend to experience a stage where they are stuck in their inertial thinking and cannot make breakthroughs,which is especially true when I take photos ofsnow-capped mountains.Every time I was facing a snow mountain,I tried to show its grandeur with my photos.One day when I was leaving the Himalayas,I saw the contours turn into a Iine.  相似文献   

Beijing is an oriental capital with numerous treasures and historic sites.Since the founding of the People’s Republic of China in 1949, many documentaries have been produced shooting  相似文献   

This critique is divided into three sections. The first section is a review of my positions on three core issues regarding the nature of the human sciences (particularly cross-cultural and acculturation psychology) that have been raised throughout these articles. Knowledge of these positions is essential background to understanding my comments in the second section. In the second section are some comments on specific claims and assertions about my work that have been made in the articles. I believe that many of these assertions do not represent my views, nor my empirical research, on acculturation. Of necessity, I have had to select certain themes among all of these assertions. Although the special issue is a critique of acculturation theory and research in general, the majority of the comments are addressed to my work in the area. Hence, I have concentrated on criticisms directed at my own work, rather than attempting to address the field as a whole. However, my comments likely have more general import for the field of acculturation psychology as a whole. I invite readers to consider these very contrasting sets of views about how we are to understand individual human beings within the context of cultures, and of culture contact and change. A third section returns to some of the basic issues regarding the nature of the scientific enterprise. I advocate a dual approach, accepting both the natural sciences and cultural sciences ways of advancing our knowledge of human behaviour in context. I argue that dismissing the positivist traditions of the natural sciences, and replacing them with social constructionist concepts and methods is a regressive step in our search to improve our understanding of acculturation. Moreover, I have found little in these articles that advances our knowledge of acculturation, or our potential for making applications for the betterment of acculturating individuals and groups.  相似文献   

王子今 《寻根》2009,(3):54-58
现在考古工作者勘探地下土层与埋藏物时常用的一种工具,就是通常被称为“洛阳铲”的探铲。这种工具,其实是盗墓者的发明。“洛阳铲”的使用,体现了人们通过仔细观察分析地层土色,以准确判断墓葬所在的技术。近年不少以盗墓为主题的书籍问世,其中都说到“洛阳铲”。通过“洛阳铲”发明、制作和使用的故事,其实可以获得对于中国历史文化若干特质的有意义的发现。  相似文献   

吕春 《寻根》2010,(2):109-110
关于家谱的定义,简单地说,就是旧时家族记载本族世系和重要人物事迹的书。它与正史和方志一起,构成了中华民族历史大厦的三大支柱,不仅具有历史学、经济学、人口学、社会学、教育学和民俗学等多方面的研究价值,而且还为海内外炎黄子孙寻根认祖提供了有案可查的文字根据。  相似文献   

那是12月的加利福尼亚,我们从得克萨斯飞来和亲戚们共度圣诞。一到目的地,一个接一个的岁末活动,纷至沓来,一直忙到圣诞节前夜。一天晚上,我们又匆匆忙忙驱车前往朋友家参加圣诞集会。妈妈带着我和姐姐在附近的购物街花了整整一天购物,填支票、签费单,没完没了,让那些商贩乐坏了。结果回家已经很晚了,超过了原定的出发时间。[第一段]  相似文献   

Co-cultural differences in assertiveness within the United States have not been explored, despite noted regional differences in communication patterns (Andersen, Lustig, & Andersen, 1987). This study examines assertiveness behaviors, focusing on university students from the Upper Midwest (n = 148) and the New York Metropolitan region (n = 159) who completed the Rathus Assertiveness Schedule (Rathus, 1973 Rathus, SA. 1973. A 30-item schedule for assessing assertive behavior. Behavior Therapy, 4: 398406. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). New York Metropolitan respondents reported significantly higher levels of assertive communication than did respondents from the Upper Midwest. Males in the Upper Midwest region reported significantly higher levels of assertive communication than did females in the same region. Implications for regional differences in assertiveness are discussed.  相似文献   

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