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成人夜大学教育发展前景探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
夜大学教育是我国成人高等教育中的基本办学形式之一,因其突出的办学特点与优势满足着众多成人学习的需求。在面临新世纪高等教育现代化、多样化、开放化改革的挑战下,成人夜大学教育更应坚持科学的办学理念,规范管理,确保质量,创新特色,不断挖掘夜大学教育持续发展的潜力。  相似文献   

国际化不仅改变着社会经济、文化的存在形态,还影响着高等教育发展的进程与大学组织的办学模式。香港科技大学作为一所年轻的现代高等学府,在国际化理念指导下实现了师资队伍、学术研究等方面的国际化,从而屹立在世界知名研究型大学之列。香港科技大学的国际化理念及成功办学经验,对高等教育改革,特别是高水平大学的建设有着重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

本文以安徽科技学院机械设计制造及其自动化专业为例,分析了地方应用型高水平大学建设、国家卓越工程师教育培养计划对本科工程人才的培养要求,依据国际工程教育专业认证通用标准,通过研究校级人才培养标准的建构思路和方法,归纳现有行业人才培养的不同需求,结合学校特点提出了该专业的校级标准,同时提出标准实施过程中的改革与创新方法。  相似文献   

In 1978 Cornell College in Mount Vernon, Iowa, adopted the One-Course-At-A-Time calendar, under which professors teach and students take one course only for three-and-a-half week terms. This paper examines the impact of the calendar on overall faculty workload and student performance and development. It also considers faculty attitudes concerning the effects of the intensive format on teaching effectiveness and student learning, along with the types of courses and teaching methods best suited to the calendar. Faculty and student satisfaction with the calendar is high.Charlotte Vaughan received a B.A. from Northwestern University, a Masters of Science in Teaching from Illinois Institute of Technology, and a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Chicago. She is a professor emerita in sociology at Cornell College and is currently the college's Director of Institutional Research. She is interested in research in higher education. Christopher Carlson received a B.A. from the University of California at Davis, an M.A. in sociology from the University of Illinois at Chicago, and a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Oregon. He is an associate professor of sociology at Cornell College and currently serves as the college's Affirmative Action Officer. He is interested in the family, gender roles, and social change.  相似文献   

高校学生干部制度的设立对于学生个人成长、大学教育以及社会结构和风气等均有重要影响.从教育社会学的视角分析,当前的高校学生干部制度存在着一定弊端,需要通过全社会的努力,通过建立公平机制、人文关怀、学习督导及配套制度建设等加以改进.  相似文献   

谈网络教育手段在夜大学教学改革中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络教育作为一种新的教育手段和教学方式的出现,已经对传统成人教育的教育体制和教学模式造成冲击。特别是独立设置的夜大学成人高校或者非独立设置的普通高校夜大学成人教育部门,由于自身存在的缺陷,纷纷面临关门的危险。学习和借鉴网络教育的先进手段,一定能使夜大学成人教育焕发生机,为终身学习型社会的构建做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

何谓与何为——关于北京师范大学转型的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
“十五”期间北京师范大学的战略任务是“实现向以教师教育、教育科学和文理基础学科为主要特色的综合性研究型大学的历史转型”。在教师教育方面,转型的主要任务是将教师培养的重心上移至“学士后”教师教育,并真正实现教师教育与各本科专业教育的“剥离”或教师教育的“教育学院化”。在人才培养上,应当确立“精品本科”的教育理念并形成研究生培养为主的办学格局,高度重视本科和研究生教育质量的提高。为了顺利实现历史转型,学校还必须高度重视学科发展和队伍建设的统一规划,大力推进学校内部管理体制的改革。  相似文献   

编者按:2006年10月,在临沂大学召开的“大学经营国际论坛”上,韩国水原大学、水原科技大学两所大学的理事长李仁洙博士提出了大学经营要“经营全人类”的理念。会议期间,笔者有幸采访到了李仁洙博士,从企业家与大学经营、大学“人类经营”的价值体系、大学与传统文化的传承三个方面进行了交流。下面是此次访谈的简要内容,从中我们可以领略李仁洙博士以一个企业家的身份进入到高等教育领域后对大学经营的忧思与独特见解。他的见解、他的身份既代表了来自韩国高等教育的某种声音,同时也正如他所言“全世界的大学理念应是一样的”。这为我们探讨大学理念、进行比较教育提供了难得的机会和新的视角。  相似文献   

针对90后一代大学生的行为特点,应用社会学视野下的角色冲突理论来进行大学生责任教育分析,尝试使用具体的责任教育模式,探索一条理性的、追求实效的责任能力培养途径,借助于强调由角色冲突引起的道德困境来鼓励并系统地培养责任能力,提高学生应对社会的能力。  相似文献   

张明旭  尹敏  何刚 《煤炭高等教育》2009,27(3):24-25,31
为适应高校大规模扩招的需要,许多单一性院校迅速发展成为多科性大学,并开始不断扩张和提升研究生教育。如何保证研究生教育质量、实现可持续发展成为一个现实课题和挑战。本文以安徽理工大学为例,围绕创新性、复合型人才培养目标,着重从更新观念、创新模式、优化结构、发挥优势等方面,探讨多科性院校硕士研究生教育的改革与创新。  相似文献   

文章阐述了产学研合作教育的涵义及其主要模式,分析了产学研合作教育的主要优势,以吉首大学为例,分析了该校生物资源与环境科学学院在产学研合作教育过程中的具体做法及其取得的良好成绩,探讨了产学研合作教育对培养大学生创新能力的有效性。  相似文献   

On September 4 2010, a massive 7.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Canterbury region in the South Island of New Zealand. The response from the University of Canterbury was immediate and carefully co-ordinated, with the university's web-based environment and a responsive site developed on the social media platform ‘Facebook’ becoming prominent sources of support for many months. This case study illustrates how the university effectively utilised these environments and their impact within the wider university community. Case study methodology draws upon literature from the fields of social media, social network communities and crisis informatics. The findings propose that social media can effectively support information sharing, communication and collaboration in higher education contexts, in particular in times of crisis, but suggest there needs to be a defined purpose to integrate these within an institution's communications strategy given the resource implications and range of social media already used by students.  相似文献   

The paper compares and contrasts two historical moments in the education of women in Bristol (UK) in the period 1865‐1900. It first traces the university extension movement and the admitting of women to the new University College in 1876. Then, evening classes founded in the 1880s are discussed, where, in contrast to the university curriculum, women and girls were taught domestic skills. These different curricula are related to the social class background of the students. The paper concludes by discussing the predominance of the domestic curriculum in women's adult education today, suggesting that vocational training for working‐class girls has been transformed into leisure education for middle‐class women.  相似文献   

This is a study of the costs of instruction in a large public research university. It departs from other work on instructional costs in its attempt to draw inferences about the economic costs of incremental or marginal enrollments. Focusing on graduate education, we examine how the costs directly facing faculty differ from those incurred by the institution's administration and legislature as reflected in the budgetary rewards for instruction. These cost differences provide the wherewithal for a university to carry out basic research and other important functions that lack a paying clientele. The study also explores the roles of economic costs in the institution's pricing of graduate education.  相似文献   

本文以陕西科技大学为例,从明确办学指导思想和高等学校核心任务,提高高等教育教学质量的有效途径,加强教师队伍建设等方面论述了其提升人才培养质量,坚持内涵发展的探索与实践.  相似文献   

从无到有,香港科技大学在短短十几年时间内迅速成长为一所国内外知名的研究型大学,堪称高等教育发展史上的一个奇迹。其初创时期的某些办学经验对于当前国内创建世界一流大学的目标应该不无启示。  相似文献   

In the 1970s the vicissitudes of university education were an important impetus for female students and members of staff to formulate feminist criticism on science subjects. Women's studies came into being, aiming at transforming academic scholarship and women's experience in education. Now that women's studies themselves are becoming institutionalised, new problems have developed and we need to question if science is now less of a male dominated bastion. In this article a case study is presented on the ‘trials’ and ‘tribulations’ of female university students at Wageningen Agricultural University in The Netherlands. A theoretical framework is introduced and an analysis of empirical material offered. It is apparent that female students are rather critical of their studies, although generally they do not leave the university before graduating. The university teacher emerges as a gatekeeper, holding the key of the door to the academic community, and using knowledge as a key resource.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the effect of university education on developments relating to people's choice of residence in Iceland. In order to gain answers to the research questions, secondary data were obtained from official sources, trade unions, the data bank of the Social Science Institute, University of Iceland, and by interviewing 20 nursing and business administration graduates in Akureyri and Reykjavík. The conclusions indicate that a university education strongly affects various aspects of regional development. Graduates from the University of Iceland are a great deal likelier to settle in the area of the capital than graduates from the University of Akureyri, and vice versa . University education also has a notable influence on earnings, depending on the constituency in question, and a survey demonstrated that the origin of the persons interviewed and the residence of their parents were highly significant factors concerning the university they selected for study and their choice of residence after graduation. Furthermore, project work undertaken by the interviewees and their professional training during their course of study also had a considerable influence on their choice of employment after they had completed their studies. This is explorative research based on a restricted sample. The project provides important information, but the reader is warned against excessive generalisation based on the conclusions.  相似文献   

知己知彼,百战不殆,在激烈的高等教育竞争中,只有准确地定位自己的应然位置和发展目标,才能制定正确的发展战略和策略,使高校立于不败之地。根据近年来在国内比较有影响的四大高校排行榜(武苏连榜、中国校友榜、网大榜、中评榜)历年的统计数据,对大连大学在全国高校中的实然位置和转型发展中的竞争能力进行了SWOT综合分析,提出了通过转型发展和跨越式发展达到学校目标位置——全国一流教学研究型地方大学的若干策略。  相似文献   

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