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In two experiments, immediate feedback defined as feedback following the completion of a 40-item multiple-choice test and delayed feedback (received 48 hr later) were examined in a simulated classroom situation with college students. As defined, delayed feedback was not superior to immediate feedback, as would be predicted by the delayed retention effect. Also, feedback in the form of correct answer only was superior to correct answer plus distractors lending partial support to the frequency theory of recognition memory. In addition to not finding the delayed retention effect, an analysis of errors in experiment two did not support the interference—perseveration hypothesis as an explanation for the type of error committed following immediate feedback.  相似文献   

Rats were trained and tested on delayed conditional discriminations (DCDs) consisting of four possible light and tone stimulus sequences: light-light, tone-tone, light-tone, and tone-light. A lever was presented after the offset of the second or test stimulus, S2. Two retention intervals (RIs) were present within the DCD task, one (RI-1) between the sample or first stimulus (S1) and S2, and the other (RI-2) between S2 and presentation of the lever. Liquid reinforcement was contingent upon pressing only when S2 matched S1 in Experiment 1 or only when S2 differed from S1 in Experiment 2. RI-1 and RI-2 were separately increased to 5,10, and 20 sec from 1-sec training conditions. Increasing RI-1 produced greater declines in performance to light S1 than to tone S1 in both experiments. No such stimulus modality effect occurred for increases in RI-2 in these experiments. These results indicate that retrospection of S1 occurred during RI-1 and prospection of a response decision and reward expectancy primarily occurred during RI-2.  相似文献   

Rats acquired a serial alternation task in an eight-arm radial maze that was partitioned into four pairs of arms. Each pair was associated with a different distal stimulus. Rats were initially forced to the left or right arm in each pair (the study segment) before being exposed to both arms in each pair (the free-choice or test segment). Only the previously blocked arm of each pair remained baited. Following initial training, proactive interference (PI) was induced by presenting rats with a forced-choice (prestudy) segment containing arm positions opposite those in the subsequent study segment. Such trials generated poorer free-choice accuracy than did trials without a prestudy segment. Forcing rats to both arms in the pair in a prestudy segment produced only transient PI. A slight improvement in rats’ free-choice performance was obtained by forcing them to the same arm position, but only when the test segment was delayed by 30 min. Increasing the interval between the prestudy and study segments from 2 to 30 min eliminated PI, but only when free-choice testing was delayed by 2 min rather than by 30 min. These results suggest that intratrial PI in this preparation was primarily due to confusion about which arm position in each pair had been visited during the last forced-choice segment.  相似文献   

Sprague-Dawley rat pups aged 14 or 18 days were trained on a patterned (single) alternation schedule with either an 8- or a 105-sec intertriai interval (ITI). At the 8-sec ITI, alternation learning was obtained at both ages, but the older age group learned more rapidly. There was no evidence of response alternation at the 105-sec ITI at either age. Continuously reinforced (CRF) and partially reinforced (PRF) groups trained and extinguished along with the patterned alternation (PA) group at the 105-sec ITI showed a robust partial reinforcement extinction effect (PREE) at both ages. Moreover, there was no difference in the rate of extinction of the PRF and PA groups at either age (i.e., no effect of N-length). A PREE can therefore be obtained in infant rats under conditions that apparently preclude the formation of sequential associations. The implications of this finding for the ontogeny of instrumental learning and extinction are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship between course intensity and long-term retention on graduate level counseling students enrolled in a research and statistics course. It confirms earlier findings of time and learning studies, which have primarily dealt with end-of-course outcomes, that there is no effect due to scheduling format. In this study, older students performed significantly higher on a six-month follow-up test than younger students. Students who had previous, related course work scored significantly higher in final course grades than students with no prior course work, however, differences were moderated and no longer significant at the time of follow-up. Implications from these findings are discussed.Rebecca LaFountain is an assistant professor in the Department of Counseling, Shippenburg University of Pennsylvania. She earned an Ed.D in Counseling from the College of William and Mary, an M.S. in Counseling from Iowa State University, and a B.A. in French from Grand Valley State University. She is a Licensed Psychologist and a Certified Clinical Mental Health Counselor. Her primary professional interests include the teaching of research and statistics so that it is not threatening; Adlerian psychology; and, Solution-Focused counseling.  相似文献   

Delayed conditional discriminations in which a sample indicates which comparison stimulus is correct have typically been used in working memory research with animals. Following acquisition with no (0-sec) delay between the offset of the sample and the onset of the comparison stimuli, delays of variable duration are introduced. The resulting retention functions are taken as a measure of memory. We suggest that, in addition to memory loss due to the delay, the comparison of matching accuracy at the 0-sec training delay with relatively novel test delays may produce a generalization decrement that varies as a function of increasing delay. We tested this hypothesis by training pigeons with a mixed delay procedure from the start and found that the retention functions for these pigeons were significantly shallower than those for a control group trained with 0-sec delays and tested with longer delays, and, although reduced in magnitude, the differences persisted for as many as 15 sessions. We propose that a measure of animals’ working memory can be obtained uninfluenced by a generalization decrement if they have received comparable training with all of the delays that are tested.  相似文献   

The effects of flavor preexposure and retention interval were assessed in 6- and 12-day-old rats. Conditioned aversions to a flavor appeared at both ages. The conditioning of the younger pups was unaffected by conditioned stimulus (CS) preexposure and was not evident after a 10-day retention interval. For the 12-day-old rats, preexposure to either the flavor CS or a different flavor attenuated aversion strength when the rats were tested soon after conditioning. Other 12-day-old rats that were tested 10 days after conditioning also expressed substantial aversions, but with a retention interval of this length, the aversions were equivalent for animals preexposed to the CS and those not preexposed before conditioning. This loss of the CS-preexposure effect over a long interval, which has also been observed in adult rats, identifies the locus of this effect as postacquisition and perhaps at the stage of memory retrieval.  相似文献   

The performance of cats, guinea pigs, and mice in a delayed alternation paradigm was compared both during initial learning and following a 10-day retention interval. The testing situation (a modified T-maze), the length of the delay period (10 sec), and the amount of training per session and per week were kept identical for all three species. The results indicated that (1) animals of all three species acquired the task within similar time spans, (2) a considerable variance was apparent in the performance of individual animals independent of their species, and (3) guinea pigs, as a group, appeared to need a somewhat longer time to acquire delayed alternation than did mice and cats. Relearning of the task following the 10-day interval seemed to follow similar laws in all three species.  相似文献   

The gender composition of faculty is an important issue on many campuses. Substantial efforts are taken by colleges to hire a diverse faculty where women are equitably represented. Several papers suggest that female faculty can act as role models for female students. This issue is particularly emphasized in science and engineering programs. However, empirical research finds mixed support for this hypothesis. We provide a new test of this issue by examining whether female students have higher first-year retention rates when a greater percentage of their classes are taught by female faculty. There is a positive relationship between retention of female students and the percentage of their science and mathematics classes taught by female faculty. Also faculty gender has a greater impact on female students when their classes have few female students. Thus this study provides support for gender-based programs for hiring.  相似文献   

This experiment was designed to assess the effects of behavioral objectives on class achievement and retention. Eight experimental classes received instruction in physical science with stated behavioral objectives and six control classes received the same instruction without knowledge of the objectives. The subject matter used in this ninth-grade investigation was the third unit of the program, Interaction of Matter and Energy. Behavioral objectives and their accompanying assessment tasks were written by the investigator for the subject matter areas of heat energy, light energy, and phases of matter. The experimental classes obtained higher mean scores than the control classes on both achievement and retention tests. The overall mean differences due to treatment was found to be significant at the 0.01 level of confidence. The results of the study support the thesis that providing classes and teachers with behavioral objectives prior to instruction can enhance the performance on achievement tests. Also, the data strongly suggest that behavioral objectives and their accompanying assessment tasks will cause a resistance to forgetting.  相似文献   

The study reexamines the effect of delayed reinforcement upon contingency behavior in 6- to 8-month-old infants and attempts to account for the temporal discrepancy between span of integration and contingency memory. A modified delayed-reinforcement scheduling procedure enabled a previous methodological criticism to be discounted. The findings confirmed that whereas infants revealed reliable acquisition under immediate reinforcement, a 3-sec delay (whether reset or nonreset) precluded response acquisition, as did 6-sec and 10-sec delay of reinforcement. The findings are interpreted in terms of an informational-load hypothesis which relates short-term memory to the integration and/or segregation of multimodal input.  相似文献   

Two experiments were carried out to study the effect of the sequencing of the information in an instructional program. In both experiments, two different ordering principles were used. These principles were based on the relation between the to be learned concepts. The ordering of the information could be successive or simultaneous. The relationship between concepts is categorized either successive or coordinate. It was hypothesized that a simultaneous presentation would show better learning results than a successive presentation if between the to-be-learned concepts exists a co-ordinate relationship. A successive presentation would lead to better results in case of a successive relationship. Results suggest that the definition of both types of relationships needs refinement. Further the results show that for coordinate related concepts a simultaneous presentation is preferable.This study was supported by a grant from the Institute for Educational Research in the Netherlands (SVO), Grant No. 6620. I wish to thank S. Dijkstra for his stimulating ideas, and M. C. Reisinger for his assistance during this project. I also wish to thank the students, the biology teacher and the management of the Willem van Oranje Mavo (Hengelo, the Netherlands) and Streekcentrum voor Tuinbouwonderwijs (Enschede, The Netherlands) for their friendly co-operation. The author is now with Boertien and Partners Educational Technology, Gooimeer 5, 1411 DD Naarden, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

Empirical studies within a cognitive load framework have determined that for novice learners, worked examples provide appropriate levels of instructional guidance. As learners advance in specific subject domains, worked examples should be gradually replaced by practice problems with limited guidance. This study compared performance, both immediately post‐instruction and delayed, following instruction under different conditions: using example–problem pairs, using gradual fading of worked examples, and using pure problem‐solving. The study was conducted with employees of a financial services company in a classroom environment. Results indicated that the fading condition consistently outperformed the example–problem and problem‐solving conditions, and the advantage of this condition was enhanced, with statistically significant differences in performance, in delayed and transfer posttest performance.  相似文献   

Grade retention is a major issue in the ongoing debate over how to improve primary and secondary education in the United States. This paper examines the retention decision and its empirical effects using an economic framework. Within our model, the retention decision is endogenous with respect to such observables as dropping out of school and labor market earnings and this endogeneity needs to be accounted for in empirical work. In the empirical section of the paper we use the High School and Beyond (HSB) data set to examine the effects of retention on the probability of dropping out of high school and on labor market earnings several years after the student has entered the workforce. We account for the endogeneity of grade retention by using instrumental variables (IV) estimation where the key instrument is based on exogenous variation across states in kindergarten entry dates.  相似文献   

The web-based portfolio emerged as a result of the influence of technological developments on educational practices. In this study, the effect of the web-based portfolio building process on academic achievement and retention is explored. For this purpose, a study platform known as a computer-assisted personal development portfolio was designed for 30 Turkish students who participated in a web-based portfolio process. The academic achievements of the students were examined through an experimental design in which participants were divided into an experimental group and a control group and given a pre-test and a post-test. The results of the study revealed that the levels of both academic achievement and retention in the experimental group were significantly higher than those in the control group. Similar practices can be applied to the teaching of medicine, economics, physical sciences, humanities and other subjects in order to extend students?? performance and achievement levels.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, rats received escape training in which an exteroceptive feedback cue occurred in the safe box, and safe-box confinement durations of 5 or 20 sec were combined orthogonally with shock-box confinement durations of 5 or 20 sec. Exteroceptive feedback reliably facilitated escape performance relative to no-feedback controls when safe-box confinement was relatively longer than shock-box confinement. Confinement duration also facilitated performance in the absence of exteroceptive feedback. In Experiment 2, escape training with or without feedback was followed by extinction either with the feedback condition of prior training or with the opposite feedback condition. Feedback presentations in extinction reliably increased responding. Feedback removal reliably decreased responding relative to feedback controls. Introduction of feedback in extinction reliably enhanced performance relative to no-feedback controls.  相似文献   

At the present time, sharp differences of opinion exist concerning the possible and probable consequences of giving studients a test before the commencement of instruction. Researchers are unclear about the effects of such pre-tests on subsequent learning (if any), and they are also unclear about the effects of such tests on further tests (of varying degrees of similarity and difference) given after instructional sessions. There is evidence that pre-tests can have orienting and motivational and (hence) teaching functions — in addition to the sought-for testing function. There is also evidence that these additional functions can be either general or specific. The present paper contributes to the ongoing debate by discussing the issues involved in the context of a series of experiments conducted by the author.The author is indebted to the students, pupils, teachers, and headmasters who were involved in these experiments, to Miss J. Holt and Mrs. S. Fraser who assisted with studies, to the Road Research Laboratory, Crowthorne, who supplied the test and instructional materials, and to the Social Science Research Council who financed this research.  相似文献   

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