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In making comparative judgments about pairs of stimuli that are linearly ordered, human subjects usually respond faster the greater the separation between-the-items of a test pair—the symbolic distance effect. A similar result has been obtained for associatively related items, such as the alphabet. We report evidence for a distance effect in monkeys tested with pairs of items drawn from a five-item series with which they had considerable previous experience-in a serial learning setting. This finding provides independent evidence that in learning a serial list of items, monkeys acquire knowledge about the ordinal positions of the items. Analysis of the positive results obtained in Experiment 2 and of the failure to find a distance effect in Experiment 1 suggested that in learning a serial list, monkeys construct both an associative chain representation of the series and a spatial representation, with the latter supplying the spatial markers that convey positional information. This dual coding of sequential events, which may be rather general among mammals, probably supports a variety of cognitive competencies.  相似文献   

The monkey’s capacity to extract tonal pattern from a sequence of tones was assessed in four subjects that had the benefit of substantial past experience in discriminating, matching, and remembering acoustic stimuli. In Experiment 1, the monkeys failed to transfer their well-established matching behavior to the matching of two structured sequences of tones that differed primarily in tonal pattern, indicating that for them tonal pattern was not a salient feature of the acoustic stimuli. Experiment 2 was an attempt to encourage tonal pattern perception by employing, within a discrimination paradigm, very simple tonal patterns and multiple exemplars of the positive and negative patterns; the transfer design, borrowed from Hulse and Cynx (1985), was a powerful one for revealing tonal pattern perception. Verifying earlier results from our laboratory, there was little in the monkeys’ transfer performance to indicate that they had extracted tonal pattern from the acoustic stimuli. Major discriminative control seemed to be vested in the first tone of each exemplar. This apparent cognitive limitation may be rather general among animals, perhaps reflecting an intimate connection between the capacity for tonal pattern perception and that for acoustically based language.  相似文献   

Monkeys and rats were trained on an operant discrimination employing structured auditory stimuli (tunes). The rats acquired the tune discrimination very rapidly and considerably faster than the monkeys. Both species generalized the discrimination across intensity and octave transformations. Discriminative performance remained at a high level when only the first halves of the tunes were presented, but substantially less generalization occurred to the second halves. Rats trained with tones (broken or steady) required three to four times more training to reach criterion than did the rats trained with tunes. The potential of structured auditory stimuli for investigations of information-processing mechanisms in animals is pointed out.  相似文献   

Cebus monkeys explored a small T-maze for 5 min, and their preference for the striped or black arm of the maze was assessed. On the next day, the experimental animals were placed into the nonpreferred arm for a 1-min period (exposure to the CS), removed from the T-maze for a 30-min delay interval, and then returned to the startbox of the maze, where they received a food reward (UCS). One control group (CS only) received the placement experience but was not rewarded after the 30-min period. A second control group (noncontingent UCS) received the reward in the startbox but not the placement experience. A second preference test showed that the experimental, but not the control, animals reversed their original preference, now showing a preference for the arm associated with reward. A retention test given 4 months after three such training-test trials revealed considerable retention of the preferences exhibited by the experimental and CS-only control subjects.  相似文献   

The degree to which rats and monkeys base their discriminations of complex auditory stimuli (“tunes”) on frequency contours rather than on local features was investigated. In Experiment 1, groups of rats and monkeys trained with tunes as S+ and S? acquired a simple operant discrimination no faster than groups that received the same notes of each tune but in a new random order on each trial; neither did the groups differ on two transfer tests devised to detect learning of frequency contour in the tune-trained animals. Acquisition in the tune-trained and random-notes groups seemed to be based on the overall frequency difference between S+ and S?, which was about 1.5 octaves. In Experiment 2, S+ and S? were similar to each other with regard to overall frequency and individual notes, the most salient differentiating characteristic of the tunes being their tonal pattern. The tune-trained groups were clearly superior to the random-notes animals in acquisition, and an initial transfer test suggested that the former might have learned the discrimination on the basis of frequency contour. However, the detailed transfer tests of Experiment 3 strongly suggested that the tune-trained rats and monkeys based their discriminations primarily on local cues rather than on frequency contour. Based on the results of Experiment 4, the data of an earlier study that suggested frequency contour learning in monkeys and rats were reinterpreted in terms of control by local cues.  相似文献   

D’Amato  M. R.  Salmon  David P.  Loukas  Eric  Tomie  Art 《Learning & behavior》1986,14(4):365-373
Learning & Behavior - As a test of differential processing of identity and conditional relations, subjects were first highly trained on 0-sec delay identity matching (IM) and conditional...  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that when a delay of reward (DOR) is introduced into a well-learned discrimination, even gradually, discriminative performance deteriorates and, with moderately long DORs, does not recover with practice. The present experiment assessed whether the decrement in performance was due to an associative loss or to a decline in the incentive value of the reward object caused by the DOR. Cebus monkeys were trained on a simple visual discrimination and tested with either a DOR or an identical delay period which preceded the appearance of S+ and S? (“predelay” trials); reinforcement on predelay trials was immediate. On half of the daily trials, the animals were given the option of choosing either the DOR or the predelay trial. The duration of the delay was increased gradually until terminal delays of 32 to 128 sec were reached. All four animals maintained almost errorless performance on predelay trials; in contrast, their error rate reached 36% on DOR trials. Surprisingly, none of the animals learned to choose predelay over DOR trials. Both results were interpreted in terms of the incentive loss hypothesis.  相似文献   


The temporal discrimination hypothesis (TDH) of delayed matching-to-sample (DMTS) stresses the animal’s ability to discriminate which choice-stimulus alternative has appeared most recently as sample. Thus, the emphasis is placed on discriminative processes, temporal in nature, rather than on the traditional trace or buffer storage mechanisms of short-term memory. Some of the predictions of the TDH were tested within the context of the DMTS task. Experiment I showed that the difficulty of sample-stimulus sequences could be predicted by the TDH. Experiment II showed DMTS performance to be an increasing function of the number of sample stimuli employed, a result predicted by the TDH, but not by a traditional proactive interference interpretation. The results demonstrate the importance of temporal discriminative processes in DMTS. The possibility for a simpler theoretical approach to memory, in general, is discussed.


Delayed matching-to-sample was used to study the effects of sample presentation time and spaced repetition upon delayed matching accuracy in one stumptail monkey and three squirrel monkeys. It was found in Experiment 1 that presenting the sample stimulus for 0.5 sec led to lower matching accuracy than was the case with longer presentation times of 2.5, 5.0, and 10.0 sec. Experiments 2 and 3 investigated the effects of temporally spacing the presentations of the sample stimulus. It was found that spaced repetition led to a deterioration of performance relative to massed repetition. These results are similar to the findings of experiments with pigeons and are contradictory to several previous experiments with monkeys or apes which found no effect of presentation time and a facilitative effect of spaced repetition. It is suggested that the use of monkeys inexperienced in short sample duration matching and tested in operant chambers using a limited set of noncomplex stimuli may be responsible for the discrepancies between these results and those of other experiments with primates.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed to determine the effect of sample duration (0.1, 2, and 4 sec), delay interval (.03, 4, 8, 16, and 32 sec), and type of stimulus (color and shape) on the matching performance of rhesus monkeys. In Experiment 1, the 15 possible delay-duration combinations were randomly presented in blocks of 15 trials. In Experiment 2, each duration was held constant and the five delays randomly presented. Then each delay interval was held constant with the three durations randomly varied. Matching performance increased as sample duration increased (ps < .01 and .005), while length of delay did not significantly affect performance. The type of stimuli paired in the matching test significantly affected performance (ps < .05 and .10) with the shape/shape choices leading to the poorest performance. Stimulus discriminability and amount of training with brief sample durations were implicated as significant determinants of matching performance.  相似文献   

In order to assess the abilities of two California sea lions to generalize an identity concept, both animals were taught a two-choice, visual matching-to-sample task. We hypothesized that initial identity-matching problems would be learned as conditional (if...then) discriminations but that an identity concept would emerge after training numerous exemplars of identity matching. After training with 15 two-stimulus identity matching-to-sample problems, transfer tests consisting of 15 novel problems were given to the animals. Pass-fail criteria were defined in terms of performance on Trial 1 of each test problem, performance on test trials compared with baseline trials, and performance on four-trial problem blocks. One sea lion passed on the second transfer test and the other passed on the third; both demonstrated successful generalization of an identity concept by all criteria used. A second experiment consisted of presentation of stimuli previously learned in a different context (arbitrary matching-to-sample). Both subjects immediately applied an identity concept to accurately solve these new problems. These tests conclusively demonstrate transfer of an identity matching rule in California sea lions.  相似文献   

FourCebus albifrons monkeys received 24 sessions of multiple avoidance-punishment conditioning of the skin conductance response (SCR) with no discriminative stimuli, followed by 24 additional sessions with visual discriminative stimuli identifying the avoidance and punishment components. Four other monkeys that had previously been conditioned with the discriminative stimuli were given 24 additional sessions without them. Yoked controls were run with this group and received the electric shock noncontingently. The presence of the discriminative stimuli clearly facilitated acquisition and maintenance of higher SCR frequencies in avoidance as compared with punishment. Acquisition was retarded with the stimuli absent, and higher overall response levels resulted. Adding the stimuli improved differentiation and resulted in lower overall rates. Removing the stimuli likewise resulted in higher response frequency. When the stimuli were absent initially, higher shock frequencies were administered, and when they were removed, shock frequency increased. The yoked controls increased in response frequency but did not differentiate between the avoidance and punishment conditions. Overall, the presence of the stimuli appeared to facilitate differentiation and reduce trauma, as compared with when they were absent.  相似文献   

We trained two budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) with operant techniques in a delayed matching-to-sample task using pairs of acoustic stimuli. These stimuli included simple pure tones, complex, species-specific vocalizations, and tone-vocalization combinations. The birds were then tested with different retention intervals. The budgerigars’ short-term memory was similar for complex, species-specific vocalizations and for simple pure tones. By contrast, they showed significantly better short-term memory when tested with two sounds drawn from different acoustic categories.  相似文献   

EightCebus albifrons monkeys received 25 sessions of discriminative operant conditioning of the skin conductance response (SCR), with colored lights as discriminative stimuli and with Sidman avoidance (SS-40 sec, RS-40 sec) scheduled during one light and response-contingent shock during the other, Discriminative stimulus segments were separated by 30-sec periods of time-out from shocks and lights, Two extinction sessions were run 3 months after training, Almost from the beginning of conditioning, the monkeys made significantly more unelicited skin conductance responses in the avoidance periods than in punishment, The monkeys’ heart rates also increased significantly, but there was no difference between avoidance and punishment, SCR frequency during extinction continued to differentiate significantly between avoidance and punishment, and there was a significant increase in this differentiation from the last conditioning session to the first extinction session, but the difference then reduced in the second session, The results indicated that monkey’s SCRs are influenced by instrumental reinforcement contingencies somewhat in the same fashion as those of humans.  相似文献   

Two pigeons performed a matching-to-sample task in which a color, a line orientation, or both, might appear on the sample. Stimulus control by (attention to) the color and line components of a compound sample was measured when (a) either component might be relevant (i.e., appear as a comparison stimulus on that trial), and (b) when only one component was relevant. Degree of stimulus control by a given component of the compound sample was higher when only it was relevant than when either component might be relevant. Because the matching-to-sample task separated sample inspection from response choice, interpretation of the results in terms of response competition was ruled out. Because the training procedure led to shifts in stimulus control by the components of the compound sample, explanation of previous matching-to-sample results in terms of reduced perceptual clarity of compound samples was also ruled out. Thus, variations in stimulus control by components of the compound sample were interpreted as showing shifts in attention to the components of the compound sample.  相似文献   

Short-term memory (STM) for haptic information was examined in a delayed matching-to-sample (DMTS) task. Three rhesus monkeys were tested in DMTS with all possible combinations of different-size spheres and cubes as the sample and comparison stimuli. The results showed that the decrease in percentage correct as a function of the retention intervals was relatively independent of the size and shape of the sample and comparison stimuli. In general, at each retention interval, percentage correct was higher when the (1) comparison stimuli differed in both size and shape than when the comparison stimuli differed in only size or shape, (2) size differences between the comparison stimuli increased, and (3) samples were spheres rather than cubes. This pattern of results suggests that dimensions of the haptic stimuli influenced discrimination but had little effect on the animals’ STM. In Experiment 2, the same three monkeys responded to the sample and comparison stimuli with the same hand or responded to the sample with one hand and the comparison stimuli with the opposite hand. The decrease in percentage correct across retention intervals was comparable for all possible hand combinations. These results suggest that the loss of information from STM is comparable when the sample and comparison stimuli are both felt with the same hand or with opposite hands.  相似文献   

Two squirrel monkeys searched for a reward buried in 1 of 144 holes that formed a 12×12 grid (48×50 cm). An array of vertical, colored landmarks was placed on the grid, and their locations on the grid were changed from trial to trial. During training trials, the mealworm reward was placed either in the center of a square array of landmarks (Experiments 1 and 3) or midway between two landmarks (Experiment 2). On nonrewarded test trials, the monkeys searched among landmarks placed in the same arrays as those used in training and among landmarks placed in an expanded array (Experiments 1 and 2) or in an array intermediate between the two arrays used in training (Experiment 3). Distributions of searches on test trials indicated that the monkeys searched mostly within the configuration of the landmarks but that they had not coded the location of the reward as being either in the middle of the landmarks or at a fixed distance and direction from an individual landmark.  相似文献   

陈忠实在《白鹿原》这篇小说中运用了多重感官的叙事技巧,除了大量视觉的叙事之外,对于听觉的叙事策略值得去探讨。小说文本中构建了在白鹿原上由一系列的声音事件汇集而成的景观,奠定了小说故事发生的背景。而《白鹿原》小说之中的听觉叙事策略运用了音景、声音的"在场"与"缺席"、听觉的"视觉感"等策略,塑造出了丰满的人物形象,传达了作品的主题意蕴以及深化小说中的神秘色彩等方面都有极其重要的作用,所以把握《白鹿原》的听觉叙事策略,更有助于呈现出陈忠实小说文本中广阔的研究空间,发掘出听觉叙事的效果和文学意义。  相似文献   

A duration matching-to-sample procedure was used to examine the influence of signal properties on temporal estimation and working memory. The results indicated that pigeons responded to durations of a light as if they were longer than equal durations of the absence of the same light, but delay performances did not differ between the two sample types. Similarly, pigeons responded to durations of a bright white light as if they were longer than equal durations of a dim red light, but again, delay performances did not differ between the two sample types. These results are discussed in terms of theoretical issues pertinent to timing, attention, and working memory.  相似文献   

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