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Pigeons performed a version of delayed matching-to-sample in which different postsample cues signaled different trial outcomes. Cues to remember (R cues) signaled the usual comparison stimuli. Cues to forget (F cues) signaled either cancellation of comparison stimuli (comparison-omission) or presentation of a sample-independent discrimination (comparison-substitution). As assessed by occasional probe trials, F cues decreased matching accuracy during comparison-omission more than during comparison-substitution. The loss in accuracy of matching in F-cue probes was directly related to length of delays during comparison-omission but not during comparison-substitution. Because trials generally terminated in reward during comparison-substitution but not during comparison-omission, these findings were interpreted as suggesting the importance of end-of-trial reinforcement for the maintenance of short-term memory.  相似文献   

In delayed matching-to-sample with pigeons, brief postsample cues signaled different trial outcomes. The normal comparison stimuli followed the cue to remember (R cue). In the comparison-omission procedure, comparison stimuli and reinforcement were omitted following the cue to forget (F cue). In the comparison-substitution procedure, comparison stimuli were replaced by a single stimulus and reinforcement for a single response following the F cue. Infrequent probe trials revealed that F cues disrupted matching, with the amount of accuracy loss dependent on the length of the cue-comparison delay. These results, however, were found only with the comparison-omission procedure (Experiment 1). Replacing the comparison stimuli with another simultaneous (unconditional) discrimination revealed no accuracy loss in F-cue probes (Experiment 2), even though choice latencies were again lengthened by F cues. These results suggest that, while the F cue interferes with performance at the time of a retention test by slowing choices, it also interferes with sample retention. Alternative models of the cuing effect and its apparent dependence on end-of-trial reward are outlined.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained in a two-choice delayed matching-to-sample task with red and green hues. A brief postsample cue (a vertical or horizontal line) signaled whether the comparison stimuli would be presented or omitted on each trial. Comparison stimuli were always presented following the remember (R) cue, but never following the forget (F) cue or no-cue trials. One group of birds, the differential outcome (DO) group, received reinforcement with a probability of 1.0 for correct responses following one sample stimulus and a probability of 0.2 for correct responses following the other sample stimulus. The nondifferential outcome (NDO) group received reinforcement with a probability of 0.6 for correct responses to either stimulus. The effect of postsample cues was greater for the DO group than for the NDO group. Relative to the NDO group, the DO group displayed higher accuracy on R-cue trials and lower accuracy on F- and no-cue trials. Both tendencies contributed to the enhanced cue effectiveness obtained in the DO group. The results indicate that outcome expectancies are subject to maintenance rehearsal, which comes under the control of postsample R and F cues. They also suggest that maintenance rehearsal may be easier to sustain under DO conditions than under NDO conditions when a memory test is anticipated, but that it may be easier to terminate maintenance rehearsal under DO conditions when a memory test is not anticipated. The results are inconsistent with the assumption that the rehearsal of outcome expectancies is automatic.  相似文献   

Based on several recent demonstrations of a directed forgetting effect in pigeons, three experiments were carried out in an attempt to demonstrate directed forgetting in three squirrel monkeys. During initial training with a delayed matching-to-sample procedure, retention tests were always given for sample stimuli followed by remember cues (R-cues) and were always omitted for sample stimuli followed by forget cues (F-cues). Retention of F-cued items was tested on probe trials after initial training. The first two experiments examined the effects of R- and F-cues on memory for slide-projected pictures, with different pictures used on each trial of a session. In Experiment 1, a complex design was used in which one or two sample pictures were presented on each trial; when two pictures were presented, both could be R-cued or F-cued, or one could be R-cued and the other F-cued. A simpler design was used in Experiment 2, with only single pictures presented as sample stimuli and half the trials within a session R-cued and the other half F-cued. In both of these experiments, no differential retention of R- and F-cued stimuli was found, even at a retention interval as long as 16 sec. In Experiment 3, a series of studies was performed to test for directed forgetting when only two sample stimuli were used repeatedly throughout training and testing. With two pictures as sample stimuli, clear evidence of directed forgetting was found in Experiment 3b. It is suggested that the directed forgetting effect may arise only when a small set of sample stimuli is used.  相似文献   

In the present study, we examined whether the presentation of postevent cues would bias recognition in a visual delayed matching-to-sample task with pigeons. Postevent cues were either consistent with the original target stimulus (i.e., they were the same as the correct choice option at recognition), inconsistent (i.e., they were the same as the incorrect recognition option), or neutral (i.e., they were different from both the correct and the incorrect recognition options). In Experiment 1, a single colored light served as the target stimulus. In Experiment 2, the target stimulus was one of three lights presented in a sequence. Both experiments demonstrated that recognition choices were biased toward the option corresponding to the postevent cue, but only if the cue occurred at the end of the delay interval. The present results mirror those found using the misinformation paradigm with human subjects.  相似文献   

Pigeons were trained with two concurrent delayed conditional discriminations that involved different distributions of memory intervals, namely 1 and 5 sec in the “short” and 5 and 10 sec in the “long” distribution. Memory for the initial stimulus was much better after 5 sec in the short distribution than in the long one. The memory functions between the intervals within each distribution were essentially flat. These findings were replicated in a second study that involved differential outcomes; this procedure enhanced memory generally within trials so that memory intervals of 1, 9, and 19 sec could be used, with 9 sec serving as the common memory interval. The findings are interpreted on the basis of the subject’s expectation of the likely duration of the upcoming memory interval and the associated delay of reinforcement.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to train 9 homing pigeons to respond to the presence or absence of bar magnets by turning either left or right after flying the length of a 20-ft outdoor flight cage. During initial training, color cues were placed in front of feeding stations on the left and right sides of the cage. The color cues were paired with magnetic cues by attaching either bar magnets or brass bars to the backs of the birds. The color cues were then deleted, leaving only the magnetic cues. Each pigeon received about 300 trials of color training followed by about 200 trials of magnet testing. When only magnetic cues remained, none of the pigeons were able to choose the correct feeder at greater than chance levels of probability.  相似文献   

With a relatively complex maze, reliable forgetting is clearly seen when the training-test interval is 25 days. This forgetting is evidenced by the longer time taken to run the maze and in an increase in the number of errors from the last training trial to the first test trial. In this case, forgetting is a lapse, not a loss, since performance attains the last training trial level at a subsequent test. Furthermore, a reminder which does not in itself contain sufficient information to facilitate performance of a naive animal, significantly improves maze performance of animals which have “forgotten,” even on the first retention test. With the use of additional control groups, it is shown that there must be a memory lapse before contextual cues can be demonstrated to be effective in facilitating memory retrieval.  相似文献   

Results of directed-forgetting research with pigeons are difficult to interpret because of alternative nonmemorial accounts of performance decrements and important procedural differences from comparable research with humans. Prior research has noted the absence of directed forgetting when artifacts have been removed (e.g., nonreward following forget cues and differences in response patterns on remember and forget trials in training). In this article, it is argued that, in human directed-forgetting research, presentation of a forget cue allows for the reallocation of memory maintenance to items to be remembered. In the present experiment, true directed forgetting is found when nonmemorial performance decrements are eliminated and forget cues allow for the reallocation of sample memory to test-relevant cues.  相似文献   

Previous research in directed forgetting in pigeons has focused on the effect of single forget cues (F-cues) interpolated within the retention interval in delayed matching-to-sample (DMTS). The present series of experiments focuses on the ability of a remember cue (R-cue) to cancel the effects of a previously presented forget cue both when the forget cue occurs within the retention interval and when the forget cue precedes sample presentation. In the first experiment, an R-cue decreased the effect of an F-cue within the same retention interval in successive DMTS if the R-cue immediately followed the F-cue, but not if the second cue was delayed until the end of the retention interval. In Experiment 2, the double-cue effect was extended to choice DMTS. In addition, when a novel stimulus replaced the R-cue in the double-cue probe trials, matching performance was not restored, indicating that through its conditioning history the R-cue had gained control over memory processes in a direction opposite to that of the F-cue. Experiment 3 presents evidence that presample R- and F-cues can also effectively gain control over matching performance. Matching to R-cued samples was superior to matching to F-cued samples. When F-cued samples were followed immediately by R-cues, matching performance was not restored to R-cue levels, suggesting differential encoding of the R-cued and F-cued samples.  相似文献   

Five groups of pigeons were trained in a symbolic choice-matching feast involving short (2-sec) and long (10-sec) durations of houselight as samples. Four groups also received training with a second set of samples: line orientations or 2- and 10-sec presentations of keylight. The type of sample-to-comparison mapping varied across groups. Although only two of the five groups demonstrated a choose-short effect (a tendency to choose the comparison associated with a short sample at longer delays), all groups demonstrated temporal summation (a tendency to respond on the basis of the combined duration of two successively presented samples). Moreover, the magnitude of temporal summation was equivalent in groups that did and did not-demonstrate a choose-short effect. The results suggest that the processes underlying the perception of sample duration remain invariant across different sample-to-comparison mapping arrangements, but that the memory code used to retain temporal information varies.  相似文献   

The ability of pigeons to use event durations as remember (R) and forget (F) cues for temporal samples was examined. Pigeons were required to indicate whether a houselight sample stimulus was short (2 sec) or long (6 sec) by pecking a red or a green comparison stimulus. After training with a constant 10-sec delay interval, temporal cues (illumination of the center key) were presented 2 sec after the offset of the temporal samples. For one group, a short (2-sec) temporal cue served as the R cue and a long (6-3ec) temporal cue served as the F cue. This was reversed for a second group of birds. During training, comparison stimuli were always presented following the temporal R cue, but never following the temporal F cue. Tests for the effectiveness of the temporal R and F cues showed that F cues were equally effective in reducing matching accuracy in both groups of birds. It was concluded that pigeons used the duration of the cue to determine whether or not to rehearse the memory code for the temporal sample.  相似文献   

We explored how changes in the depiction of the surface features of a simple volume (a geon) affected the pigeon’s recognition performance. Pigeons were trained to make a different keypeck response to each of four computer-rendered single-geon objects. In Experiment 1, the pigeons were tested with images of the original stimuli in which the light source was shifted from its original position, as well as with silhouettes and line drawings of these objects. All three types of stimulus variations resulted in marked drops in performance: above chance for silhouettes and light-change stimuli, but at chance for line drawings. In Experiment 2, the pigeons were tested with images of the original stimuli in which the contrast levels were either increased or decreased. These transformations resulted in very small drops in performance (except for the complete absence of contrast-a silhouette). These results indicated that the pigeons attended to the shape of the outside contour of an object and to the relative brightness of an object’s surface contours.  相似文献   

We have found proactive effects in pigeons’ timing behavior, a finding inconsistent with internal-clock models of timing that assume a resetable working-memory component. Six pigeons were trained to discriminate between 2- and 10-sec illuminations of a white light; choice of a red pecking key was correct and rewarded after presentation of the short stimulus whereas choice of a green key was correct and rewarded after presentation of the long stimulus. During training sessions, there were 60 trials separated by a 20-sec intertriai interval; short and long light occurred in a randomized order and correct choices were reinforced with 5-sec access to grain on a partial (75%) schedule. During test sessions, there were 120 trials separated by a 2-sec intertrial inter val. Light presentations occurred in a fixed order throughout these sessions: 2, 6, 10, 10, 6, 2 2, 6, 10 sec, and so forth. Choice of either red or green after 6 sec was not reinforced. However, red continued to be correct after 2 sec and green continued to be correct after 10 sec. Of central interest was how the subjects classified 6 sec of light in ascending (2, 6, 10) and descending (10. 6, 2) sequences of durations: Subjects chose the short alternative on 42% of the 6-sec trials in ascending series but only 29% in descending series, a result most plausibly interpreted as show ing that duration information from a preceding trial affects duration classifications on the cur rent trial. Such proactive effects should not occur according to working-memory models that as sume that stored information is cleared at the end of a trial.  相似文献   

Pigeons trained in a conditional discrimination procedure to respond to a visual array made a left or right choice, depending on which of two numbers of elements (i.e., anchor numerosities) the array contained. They were then tested with novel arrays at these anchor numerosities, as well as at interpolated and extrapolated numerosities. Various control conditions showed that the birds’ discrimination performance was primarily based on stimulus numerosity, and not on other factors, such as brightness or area. Results from a series of tests, spanning a wide range of numerosities, conformed to scalar principles. Psychometric functions showed superposition, indicating that Weber’s law applies to numerosity discrimination. The subjective midpoint between anchor values was at the geometric mean. Variability about this bisection point increased in proportion to the numerical value of the mean.  相似文献   

Four experiments assessed the role of reinforcement expectancies in the trial spacing effect obtained in delayed matching-to-sample by pigeons. In Experiment 1, a differential outcome (DO) group received reinforcement with a probability of 1.0 for correct comparison responses following one sample stimulus and a probability of 0.2 for correct comparison responses following the other sample stimulus. The nondifferential outcome (NDO) group received reinforcement with a probability of 0.6 for correct responses to either stimulus. While matching accuracy was higher for the DO group than for the NDO group, both groups showed an equivalent decline in accuracy as the intertriai interval (ITI) duration was decreased. However, within the DO group, ITI duration affected performance on low-probability-of-reinforcement trials but not on high-probability-of-reinforcement trials. In Experiment 2, delay interval (DI) duration was 5, 10, or 15 sec and accuracy was higher for the DO group than for the NDO group at all DI durations. In addition, accuracy decreased similarly on high- and low-probability-of-reinforcement trials for the DO group as DI was increased. In Experiment 3, all birds were studied under DO conditions and ITI duration was manipulated along with DI duration. At the short DI duration, decreasing ITI duration had a detrimental effect on low-probability-of-reinforcement trials but no effect on high-probability-of-reinforcement trials. At the long DI duration, decreasing ITI duration had detrimental effects on both types of trials. In Experiment 4, unsignaled ITI reinforcers disrupted accuracy when the DI was long and when the ITI was short. The applicability of scalar expectancy theory to these data is discussed.  相似文献   

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