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亚竞技运动与现代学校体育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孟凡强 《体育学刊》2005,12(1):135-138
从学校体育发展的历史和需要看,竞技运动都与学校体育密不可分。亚竞技运动的产生是学校体育与竞技运动发展的必然产物,是适应现代学校体育发展需要的新型运动形式,它将成为促使21世纪学校体育再现辉煌的动力。  相似文献   

Interpretive and critical research in sport and physical education   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Qualitative research encompasses two distinct approaches, interpretive research and critical research. Locke has provided an excellent review of the assumptions and methods of interpretive research. His article provides an important service to the field by informing the broad range of scholars within physical education about this growing area of research. The one weakness of his review is that it may not emphasize sufficiently the need to ground qualitative research in an understanding of the social sciences so that the researcher can provide an adequate context for the interpretation of data. Locke limits his review primarily to the interpretive approach and mentions critical theory only briefly, a decision that seems appropriate in an introductory tutorial. Most of the qualitative research being done in sport and physical education is interpretive, not critical. However, a few of the researchers in this area seem to be moving toward a critical perspective. Therefore, this article attempted to provide a brief overview of critical qualitative research.  相似文献   

Outsourcing is a complex, controversial and pervasive practice that is increasingly becoming a matter of concern for educational researchers. This article contributes to this literature by examining outsourcing practices related to health, sport and physical education (HSPE). Specifically, it reports data on specialist health and physical education (HPE) teachers', principals' and external providers' reasons for participating in outsourcing arrangements. These data were obtained from a collective case study of six schools and the external providers that they outsourced HSPE to over a 12-month period, using semi-structured interviews and overt participant observations. The findings illustrate the ways in which the informants explained their outsourcing practices using a variety of educationally and organisationally oriented reasons. Educational value, human resources (e.g. expertise), physical resources (e.g. facilities) and symbolic resources (e.g. status) were reasons for outsourcing HSPE that were commonly cited by principals and specialist HPE teachers. Among external providers, educational value, income generation and promotion/advertising were frequently cited to explain their work with and for schools. These findings illustrate the ways in which outsourcing practices in HSPE articulate with, and are implicated in, broader educational privatisations. They also highlight the boundaries that outsourcing practices trouble or reinforce, such as those marking the purview of markets, membership of the HPE profession and the constitution of expertise.  相似文献   

Background: Physicality in human movement characteristic of indigenous sporting forms in Africa is grounded in a multitude of cultures. During the period of colonial Africa, there was the introduction of British sporting forms, policies, and practices in schools and society. It was through schools and missions that the colonists introduced sport activities, with colonial administrators and officers prioritizing athleticism over other activities, evident in after-school sports and games. Thus, schools along with Christian missions served as the instruments of colonial education, culture, and sport, with resources allocated selectively to advance racialized and classist education.

Purpose: This paper explores how colonialism, particularly British forms of sport physicality, impacted African people and deconstructs how curriculum and teaching in physical education (PE) during the post-colonial era is lost to the politics of knowledge in the school–society nexus, revealing how the school curriculum serves as a contested terrain. This contestation discloses how colonial and post-colonial narratives intertwine to influence public policy and school practices in the development and implementation of PE curriculum.

Themes: Examination of the literature produced themes associated with stratification of school subjects and marginalization of PE in particular – the exam-oriented and elitist-oriented education – which characterized British Africa, and made British education part and parcel of policy development and implementation, influencing the nature of education, and PE in particular. The elitist education influenced public policy initiatives, frameworks, and corresponding reforms resulting in stratification of school subjects, the use of public school expenditure, and in the type of teacher training followed. In addition, negative school-wide practices became apparent with public policy, rules, and regulations being loosely coupled with school realities, leading PE to be considered as a ‘toothless subject' in the school curriculum. Besides physicality and learning in PE are not distinguishable from sporting forms and practices, bringing out the emphasis on competitive school sport that has been used to promote nation's prestige, social engineering, and economic development.

Conclusion: A development of way forward for PE in British Africa is considered critical and warranted for adequate development of children and youth and for promotion of the health welfare of society. PE plays a critical part in the nexus between education and development; including meeting individual and social welfare goals of post-colonial British Africa; and as such the needs of all children should be at the forefront of policy development and implementation. What is warranted is a development of a standard-based reform that is grounded in a strong formulated public policy that acknowledges diversity in the centralized system of education; with its implementation showing a balance of PE with after-school sport programs and incorporation of indigenous sporting forms.  相似文献   

王学锋 《体育学刊》2007,14(9):15-19
根据康德的哲学与教育学观点,结合目前美国学校两种主导型体育课程与教学模式——健身教育与竞技教育,就为何要实施这两种模式教学,以及如何在教育环境实施这两种模式教学作了探讨。明确指出,健身教育就是针对身体的自然性教育,竞技教育就是通过身体的道德性教育。按照自然律与道德律的法则,提出以竞技教育为基础统一健身教育于教育实践中的结论。  相似文献   

This commentary introduces David Kirk's paper entitled ‘Making a career in Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy in the corporatized university: Reflections on hegemony, resistance, collegiality and scholarship’, which was presented in the 2012 Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy (PESP) ‘scholar lecture’ at the British Educational Research Association (BERA) conference. We briefly describe the origins of the scholar lecture and its link to the PESP special interest group of BERA and then make a few introductory comments about the lecture, highlighting a number of points of tension that the paper raises for us.  相似文献   

体育原理课程内容的创新   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
简述了《体育原理导论》内容上存在的观点鲜明但综合不够、结构较宽但论述偏窄的主要问题,在树立以追求身心健康、提高生活质量为体育主旨的基本理念下,对体育原理框架进行了创新性设计,对其内容进行广泛性充实和补充。  相似文献   

王学锋 《体育学刊》2007,14(4):11-16
从哲学视角,在“真”与“善”两大领域对身体教育与竞技运动问题作了探讨。明确指出,身体教育与竞技运动分别是科学理性和个体自由精神的产物,而这两种精神正是西方哲学文化的内核和两种元精神。这暗示在教育环境,切实加强健身教育与竞技教育具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Conversation regarding the challenges and pressures that Early Career Academics (ECAs) face in the current context of the neoliberal university sector has begun to grow generally, and in the field of Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy (PESP) in particular. However, the additional challenges faced by non-white PESP academics in their early careers have, as yet, been absent from the ECA conversation. In this paper, I draw upon my own experiences as a non-white, female ECA with English as an additional language (EAL), working in the field of PESP in a developed English-speaking country, to explore racialised discourses and practices in the academia. To do so, I make use of a critical whiteness lens and an autoethnographic approach. In the analysis of the narratives, I invite others to reflect on how race is socially constructed, on the ‘extra effort’ that non-white academics with EAL must expend in order to survive colour-blind academia, and on the limited options for agency among non-white ECAs. The paper concludes with reflections on how academics need to open the dialogue ‘just a bit more’ to include non-white academics in the conversation about ECAs working in neoliberal university contexts to create spaces for equitable work.  相似文献   

对体育教学中排斥竞技运动观点的质疑   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
蒋丰  兰林 《体育学刊》2006,13(3):100-102
竞技运动在体育教学中虽有弊端,但仍然有独特的价值和作用。体育教学发展不能以牺牲竞技运动为代价,反而应该加强利用竞技运动资源,实现体育教学与竞技运动发展的双赢。  相似文献   

思维滥觞及体育、竞技在科教文中的地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育(PE)和竞技(Sport)思维滥觞体现在体育和竞技语词、概念双脱落,认为身体化即体育,金字塔大体育,不计特性和本质,“历史因果链条”说,“家族相似”说。指出体育(PE)和竞技(Sport)在教科中的地位。  相似文献   

体育信息素养与公共体育课教学创新研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从信息工程的角度对公共体育课教学过程进行重新审视,探求信息在公体课教学中的重要性。结论:公体课教学过程是复杂的系统体育信息工程,包括体育教学信息获取、信息加工整理、信息输出和信息反馈4个子系统;公体课教师良好的体育信息素养是公体课教学创新的前提。  相似文献   

运动教育模式对学校体育课程改革的启示   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
陈雁飞 《体育学刊》2005,12(3):92-94
引入当代西方著名体育学者西登托普先生的运动教育模式,从运动教育模式的含义、目的、目标、内容和特点进行研究。运动教育模式的引进为我国学校体育课程提供了学校体育课程改革可操作性及运动参与目标多元化和社会适应目标的模式,同时提供了人文化的体育教育与运动教育模式,为我国新课标的修改与完善,教师体育教学操作与创新和学校体育课程改革与实施提供参照。  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken to develop and validate a questionnaire measuring teaching processes related to physical education (PE) enjoyment. Scanlan and Lewthwaite's (1986) youth sport enjoyment model provided the theoretical foundation for this work. Content validity and item readability of the instrument were established by obtaining feedback from eight experts in psychology and four highly experienced secondary school teachers. Construct validity was then established by conducting exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses on data from 304 secondary school students (grades 8, 9, and 10). As a result of these analyses, six teaching processes related to PE enjoyment were identified: self-referent competency (four items), other-referent competency (four items), teacher-generated excitement (three items), activity-generated excitement (five items), peer interaction (two items), and parental encouragement (two items). Correlation analyses revealed that all of these processes were positively correlated with PE enjoyment. The weakest correlation was between peer interaction and enjoyment (r = .31, p < .05), and the strongest was between activity-generated excitement and enjoyment (r = .83, p < .05). We believe that the instrument is appropriate for studying affective outcomes within physical educational settings among students in grades 8, 9, and 10.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine how differences in children's self-efficacy, age, and gender impact motivational intentions, future self-efficacy, and attributions following perceptions of failure. Children, ages 8-14 years (N = 289), were assigned to either high or low self-efficacy groups, and measures of intended effort, persistence, choice, future self-efficacy, and attributions for failure were collected following a failure scenario. Results indicated that children with higher self-efficacy chose to participate and had higher future self-efficacy scores than those with lower self-efficacy. Higher efficacy children attributed failure to lack of effort, whereas, those with lower efficacy attributed failure to lack of ability. Age-related differences were also found with choice to participate, effort, and future self-efficacy.  相似文献   

This article examines Movement Culture as an approach to support teachers in exploring the integration of Sport as a medium for learning within Physical Education. By avoiding the need to draw clearly defined lines between Physical Education and Sport, Movement Culture embraces both. It acknowledges the need for subject matter in Physical Education to reflect societal shifts towards greater individualisation and means of seeking self-realisation, through individual and collective movement practices. Movement Culture maintains the educational purpose of Physical Education by developing meaningful subject matter and contextualised learning that reflect contemporary and evolving participation in Sport. Structural components for two frameworks are developed from an analysis of learning within Movement Culture. The frameworks are then employed to explore potential subject matter drawn from Sport. It is argued the structure of these frameworks retain sufficient portability to different Sports or groups of Sports and thus track developments in Movement Culture. Such structures also have the potential to support a more coherent rationale for pedagogical practice across Physical Education curricula.  相似文献   

This issue of the European Journal of Sport Science is dedicated to six investigations of motivational climate in sport and physical education. The combined results of these articles underscore the facilitative value of significant others in developing achievement motivation among sport and physical education participants. Moreover, the research supports the argument that task-involved climates - where effort, learning, and self-referential goal achievement are promoted - produce more adaptive motivational climates than do ego-involved climates, where winning and social comparisons of ability are advocated.  相似文献   

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