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英国大学十分重视大学新生入学前的选专业与入学后的转专业工作。入学前,由"大学和学院招生服务中心"(UCAS)提供以充分专业信息为载体的"专业搜索工具"和"开放日体验课程"帮助学生选择专业。入学后,以伦敦大学学院(UCL)为例,英国大学转专业有两种模式,即跨学部或跨学系转换专业与同一学部或学系内通过更改课程单元转专业,两种转专业模式各有不同的转专业时间安排和约束标准。UCL通过开设"衔接性课程"、实施本科生导师制、调换课程等途径,为学生转专业提供帮助,避免转换专业的盲目性。伦敦大学学院专业选择与转专业制度安排可为我国高校做好转专业工作提供可资借鉴的经验与启示。  相似文献   

立足工程管理专业学生角度分析BIM毕业设计的学习效果,介绍BIM毕业设计流程、阶段划分及应用的软件,通过调查问卷方法,对BIM毕业设计的影响因素进行分析。BIM毕业设计可提升学生的参与度和学习热情,提供了一种新的BIM教学考核模式。  相似文献   

本研究针对温州医科大学日语专业学生的日语学习动机与学习效果进行了问卷调查,结果表明"留学深造型动机"为温州医科大学日语专业学生的最强动机,"交际拓宽型动机"次之,"文化型动机"紧随其后,接着是"能力提升型动机"和"兴趣型动机","就业型动机"为最弱。学习效果方面,认为教师授课是提高日语专业学生学习效果的最佳方式。除课堂学习之外,83%的学生每天能保证1个小时及以上的学习时间。学生在课外时间进行阅读朗诵以及互相进行大量的会话练习,只是大一大二学生注重于会话练习,大三学生更注重于能力考试的需求。  相似文献   

影响研究生专业学习效果因素的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
从学习主体的视角对武汉地区4所高校的研究生进行了问卷调查,并运用因素分析的方法对影响研究生专业学习效果的诸因素进行了实证研究,提出了由“个人调控”、“外来压力”、“专业环境”和“师生互动”构成的影响研究生专业学习效果的四因子结构。最后,通过对这四大因子要素进行信度检验、效度说明和多元方差分析以证明其通用可靠性。  相似文献   

卢雪松  杨倩  鲁烨  汤苏扬 《文教资料》2008,(33):202-204
本文作者采用自编"大学生专业满意度调查问卷"(其中一项是调查被测试者对录取专业的满意度),对150名在校大学生进行了问卷测试,了解大学生专业选择的外部影响及对所学专业满意度情况,探讨两者之间的关系,为考生选择专业提供参考并为高校提高学生专业满意度提供建议.调查分析结果表明:许多高中生选择专业存在盲目性.根据就业前景选择专业,学生的专业满意度最高.  相似文献   

从独立学院的实际出发,采取问卷调查的方式,研究了教师的教学方法与学生的学习效果之间的关系,阐述了学生学习效果的分析机制与方式,认为独立学院要根据本院学生的特点制定教学方法才能取得良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

为了提高教学效率,文章首先对研究现状进行了分析,然后阐述了双线混融教学模式下工商管理专业课程教学相关情况,最后提出了双线混融教学模式下工商管理专业学生学习效果的提升策略.  相似文献   

高职护理专业学生心理健康水平与学习效果相关性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过时五年制护理专业552名高职学生的心理测试发现,9.42%的学生存在不同程度的心理问题.在对心理异常学生的问题进行分析基础上,实施集体心理健康教育,并对个别心理存在异常的学生进行心理疏导,取得了较好效果.进一步分析表明,高职护理专业学生心理健康水平与学习效果并非都呈正相关,其心理状况总体是健康的.因此,建议学生的心理健康教育从基础教育抓起,教育部门必须高度重视学生的综合素质培养.  相似文献   

一位职业规划专家曾说过,专业可以成为助力,也可以成为绊脚石,有人会躺在专业知识上睡大觉,有人会舍不得专业的“芝麻”丢了发展的“西瓜”,政治家人会打着专业对口的幌子对工作机会挑三拣四,那么,我们如何选择专业呢?[编者按]  相似文献   

Experiential learning activities have been used for over 40 years with the hope that they increase students learning. However, a definitive study that showed their overall effectiveness has not been produced. The purpose of this study is to address this gap in the literature. This meta‐analysis examined a 43‐year span and identified 13,626 journal articles, dissertations, thesis articles, and conference proceedings written about experiential learning and found only 89 of these studies contained empirical data with both a treatment and control group. Meta‐analysis of these studies show that students experienced superior learning outcomes when experiential pedagogies were employed. Further, learning outcomes were almost a half standard deviation higher (d = .43) in classes employing experiential learning pedagogies versus traditional learning environments. This review definitively, and quantitatively, shows the importance of experiential learning activities. We use these results to discuss future research areas that need to be addressed based on our analysis of potential moderators and provide recommendations on how to best employ experiential learning pedagogies.  相似文献   

This article details the administration and results of an experiment conducted to assess the impact of three video game design concepts upon learning outcomes. The principles tested include game aesthetics, player choice, and player competition. The experiment participants were asked to play a serious game over the course of a week, and the learning outcomes were measured by comparing their pretest and posttest scores. The results of a one-tailed t test indicated, with a p value of 0.043, that there was a statistically significant effect of the aesthetic presentation of the game upon the learning outcome. There was no indication of a significant effect by the player choice or player competition conditions, but the results from these experiment groups point to some potentially interesting interactions between the conditions and learning, as well as possible future lines of experimental inquiry.  相似文献   

This article highlights the significance of professional and disciplinary spaces in the shaping of Learning Outcomes (Los) in higher education. It is based on empirical studies of three programmes (engineering, the humanities and medicine) at two Norwegian universities. The results demonstrate both similarities and differences in the dynamics of learning outcomes formation. In the humanities and engineering they were translated into learning objectives, closing in on course rationalisation and portfolio coherence. Whilst the focus in the humanities remained internal in orientation, in engineering, internal processes of implementation merged with quality assurance and external development processes mediated by the engineering profession. In medicine, the introduction and implementation of learning outcomes were mediated by prior experiences with problem‐based learning practices. During that process, learning outcomes became oriented towards professional identity and conformity to international quality standards. In that sense, learning outcomes could function as regulatory mechanisms sheltering medical education from outside interference rather than as a tool for structuring learning. Within the framework of learning outcomes, professional compliance with external scrutiny through the display of standards has become more important, but also more linked to the university as an organisational actor.  相似文献   

非正规学习成果认证促进学习者学习经历的资格认证体系的完善,是实现终身学习理念的有效途径,是搭建终身学习"立交桥"的重要环节,是建立学习型社会的制度保障。在终身学习背景下,建立非正规学习成果认证的制度保障,完善非正规学习成果认证的体系建设,设立非正规学习成果认证的机构试点,加大非正规学习成果认证的资金投入,加强非正规学习成果认证的团队建设等是实现非正规学习成果认证的有效策略。  相似文献   

学习动机是制约外语习得效果的主要因素之一,良好的学习动机决定了学习者的努力程度和学习效果。通过Krashen"习得/学得假说",了解学习动机的理论模式,分析外语习得过程中潜意识活动与学习动机的关系,认为良好动机的树立能促进潜意识学习的形成,进而推动外语习得的发展。  相似文献   

本文分析了数学认知结构的可利用性、数学认知结构的可辩别性、数学认知结构的稳定性与清晰性对学习迁移的影响,并对如何形成良好的数学认知结构、促进学习迁移提出了一些有益的建议。  相似文献   

Although institutional characteristics are assumed to influence student learning and intellectual development, this link has not been confirmed empirically. This study examined whether institutional mission, as represented by Carnegie classification, is related to student learning and development. After controlling for student background characteristics, no meaningful differences were found in students' perceptions of the college environment, levels of academic and social involvement, integration of information, or educational outcomes by Carnegie classification.  相似文献   

Policing the Subject: Learning Outcomes, Managerialism and Research in PCET   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This discussion paper examines the links between learning outcomes, managerialism and research into teaching and learning in further/higher education. It constructs a worse case scenario which explores the dangers flowing from a managerialist appropriation of both learning outcomes and research into teaching and learning. It suggests this leads to a technicised practice which limits creative and critical engagement with the curriculum. The paper calls for the development of an engaged and dialogic practice. This worst case scenario enables a consideration of conditions that would facilitate the development of empowering practices.  相似文献   

本科生写作活动及其对学习收获的影响是高等教育评估的重要方面,高校如何提升本科生写作能力,本科生如何改善写作实践、综合发展,是本研究价值意义所在。研究采用独立样本t检验、单因素方差分析、相关分析、回归分析等方法研究本科生写作活动现状及其对学习收获的影响。结果表明,当前本科生写作活动状况较差,女生、担任学生干部、有读研意愿、高年级、城市生源、“双一流”建设高校和部属高校学生的写作活动状况表现更好。同时,写作活动与学习收获呈显著正相关关系,各项写作活动影响了不同维度的学习收获。基于此,高校应重视学生写作活动的价值性,改革写作课程与教学,提升人才培养质量;本科生自身更要树立写作的价值意识,提高写作活动的自我投入。  相似文献   

本文通过对高职非英语专业学生英语学习策略、学习动机二者之间关系的研究发现:学生总体的策略使用水平处于中等,最常使用的策略是情感策略和补偿策略,最不常使用的是社会策略和元认知策略;学生总体的学习动机强度处于中等水平,英语学习动机多为融合型动机和工具型动机,具有内部动机的学生为数极少;融合型动机、工具型动机、内部型动机与策略总体使用均为显著相关;六类策略与动机总体均为显著相关;融合型动机与认知策略的相关性最高;学习动机影响学习策略的使用及学习成绩。  相似文献   

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