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英语作为当今世界的强势语言,引起了汉语的诸多变化。其中最重要的一点就是引起了汉语的欧化。该文主要从两方面分析英汉翻译中欧化的影响。一方面欧化丰富和完善了汉语;另一方面,它带来了一些不良影响,破坏了汉语的纯洁性。对于不良影响本文列举出消极欧化的实例并出了一些优化策略,从而使学习者在翻译实践中能正视汉语的欧化并且更好地理解现代汉语正在发生的种种变化。  相似文献   

五四白话文运动以来,翻译语言呈现出欧化趋势。白话文自身的缺陷是欧化翻译的内在动因,而改造国民思想则是欧化翻译的外在动因。虽然欧化翻译在五四时期遭到了一些反对,但因其在汉语改造以及提高汉语表达功效等方面的重要作用而显示出强大的生命力。翻译中的欧化要有一定的度,恶性的欧化翻译不仅不利于汉语的健康成长,还会妨碍汉语的发展。对欧化翻译的正确态度是:积极引导,使其健康发展而非对其扼杀。  相似文献   

现当代文学作品中的欧化现象是现代汉语研究、现代汉语形成研究的重要领域。老舍作为重要的现代作家,其小说中的欧化现象很早便引起了学者注意。随着欧化研究逐步深入,去欧化现象引起了学者们的广泛关注。借助语料库,该研究对老舍1929-1961年间的小说进行考察后发现,老舍小说中存在去欧化现象,即代词“它”、介词“当”的使用频率先上升后下降;代词“它”指代对象、句法功能先增多后减少;“当……时候”结构容量先扩增后缩减;连词“或(者、是)”所衔成分的结构容量先扩增后缩减。这些历时变化揭示了去欧化现象发生在不同层面,且与欧化共存。  相似文献   

五四运动以来的近百年时间是现代汉语形成和发展的关键期。伴随着大量西方文学作品汉译,汉语不可避免地受到印欧语的冲击,大量欧化词语和结构涌入汉语,形成了现代汉语中的欧化语法现象。汉语第三人称代词是欧化最明显的表现之一。文章在数据的基础上对汉语第三人称代词的欧化现象进行了较为全面细致的描述和分析,指出了欧化的积极作用和消极影响。  相似文献   

汉语的欧化,是指汉语受欧洲语言的影响而产生的变化,它包括语音、词汇和句式等方面。本文仅从词汇方面来阐述现代汉语的欧化现象。词汇的欧化现象有很多,而本文所谈的典型的词汇欧化现象,是大家已普遍接受的,甚至不知道其是欧化的结果。这些典型的欧化现象主要表现在:日益增多的外来词、复音词、词缀以及第三人称的细分等。  相似文献   

邹命贵 《山东教育科研》2014,(9):I0001-I0001
随着经济全球化的到来,文化层面的交流与互动也更加频繁。“欧化”就是在这样的经济、文化背景下应运而生的。它指的是传统的汉语文化在受到西方语言(尤其是英语)的浸染后发生的一系列语言、语义、句式等方面的变化。透过翻译,欧化汉语已经渗透到我们生活的方方面面。本书即是在此背景下对欧化翻译现象及过往的欧化研究成果进行了文献综述,并分析了导致翻译欧化的内因和外因。  相似文献   

本文以汉语的欧化为基础,利用生成语法中的理论——格理论和题元理论,分析欧化后的被动句的结构。研究表明,汉语"欧化"之后,被动句的转换生成过程与其英语句子类似,"欧化"后的汉语被动句与其相对应的英语被动句极其相似,在句法结构上也高度一致。分析汉语句子的"欧化"有利于学习者了解"欧化"这一概念和掌握基本的欧化句型,对汉语语法研究、汉语书面语的优化以及语言教学具有重要作用。  相似文献   

在大量英语作品被译成汉语的过程中,英语作为强势语言对汉语造成了很大的冲击,致使汉语中出现了一些违背语法规范的语言变异现象,即欧化现象。欧化语在汉语中表现为多个层面,如单词、词组和句子。从句法的角度讨论欧化的汉语,进行英汉语对比分析,将有助于唤起汉语使用者的民族意识,保护和净化我们美丽的祖国语言。  相似文献   

印欧语对于汉语有很大的影响,因此,随着语言的演变就出现了欧化汉语.欧化语法现象的发展有很长一段时间的历史,但是学术界对于欧化汉语的评价也褒贬不一.该文从英汉两种语言的差异的各个方面分析产生欧化语法现象的原因,并对欧化的译文进行改进,从而减少在翻译的过程中欧化汉语带来的影响,并使其能够应用到我们的翻译实践与研究中.  相似文献   

欧化可以为汉语注入活力,使汉语更具表现力,但凡事过犹不及。《三杯茶》翻译中有的的不休、判断句替代描写句、滥用代名词等过度欧化的情况,对汉语的危害很大。翻译工作者应避免过度欧化,以保护汉语。  相似文献   

本文从场效应、立体效应、氢键效应、芳香效应、杂化效应及统计效应等六个方面,分析和讨论了有机化合物本身的结构,对其酸碱性的影响.  相似文献   

Romney (1977) presented data from which he concluded that within student ratings of college instruction, the course that an instructor teaches is as important a determiner of resulting ratings as the instructor himself. Reanalysis of his data indicates that the course effect is actually quite small, a result that is consistent with earlier studies.  相似文献   

本文首次给出了非线性随机效应模型参数估计弱相合性的必要条件,并证明了在一定正则条件下估计的强相合性和渐近正态性,推广了BreslowandCalyton(1993),LeandNelder(1996)的结果.  相似文献   

对口支援是我国所特有的一种横向财政转移支付形式,具有中国特色的对口支援政策实施有效地减轻了地方的财政缺口,减轻了政府的财政压力,保证了受援地区的财政支出能力,为社会经济发展奠定了基础。实证检验证明,对口支援政策的实施,增加了公共投资的力度以及财政、金融等优惠政策的效应,吸引了大量的私人资本的投入,短期内有效地刺激了当地的消费和就业需求,促进了地方经济增长;并从长期效应来看,对经济的增长效应是可实现的。存在许多不确定因素。  相似文献   

To mitigate security concerns and unfair score gains, credentialing programs routinely administer new test material to examinees retesting after an initial failing attempt. Counterintuitively, a small but growing body of recent research suggests that repeating the identical form does not create an unfair advantage. This study builds upon and extends this research by investigating changes in responses to specific items encountered on both the first and repeat attempts. Results indicate that scores gains for repeat examinees who were assigned an identical form were not different from repeat examinees who received a different, but parallel, form. Analyses of responses to individual items answered incorrectly on the initial attempt found that examinees 68% of the time selected the same incorrect option on their second attempt, suggesting repeaters are misinformed rather than uninformed. Implications for feedback, remediation, and retesting policies are discussed.  相似文献   

Examinees who take high-stakes assessments are usually given an opportunity to repeat the test if they are unsuccessful on their initial attempt. To prevent examinees from obtaining unfair score increases by memorizing the content of specific test items, testing agencies usually assign a different test form to repeat examinees. The use of multiple forms is expensive and can present psychometric challenges, particularly for low-volume credentialing programs; thus, it is important to determine if unwarranted score gains actually occur. Prior studies provide strong evidence that the same-form advantage is pronounced for aptitude tests. However, the sparse research within the context of achievement and credentialing testing suggests that the same-form advantage is minimal. For the present experiment, 541 examinees who failed a national certification test were randomly assigned to receive either the same test or a different (parallel) test on their second attempt. Although the same-form group had shorter response times on the second administration, score gains for the two groups were indistinguishable. We discuss factors that may limit the generalizability of these findings to other assessment contexts.  相似文献   

陈望道于1932年出版的《修辞学发凡》虽然强调了内容、形式或思想及其表达方式在语言交际中的重要性,但他关于修辞研究的“消极修辞”和“积极修辞”的两分法使得修辞研究把重心放在后者,即修辞格,其前提在于寻求最佳的表达效果。“积极修辞”的含义是把言语行为分为修辞行为和非修辞行为。在西方现代修辞学和语用学影响下,人们开始渐渐意识到在表达之前所形成的思想就已经是修辞过程的一部分,而且所有的言语行为都属于修辞行为。本文旨在通过对《修辞学习》中一些具有代表性的文章及某些有影响的修辞学著作所进行的初步调查来探讨中国的修辞研究从表达效果到交际效果变化的轨迹。  相似文献   

We investigated the initial development of reading and spelling in European Portuguese. First-graders, tested in February and June, had to read and spell words and pseudowords. In February there were regularity and graphemic complexity effects, indicating that these children relied on grapheme–phoneme conversion. The lexicality effect found in spelling, in June, suggest that by the end of first grade these children had begun to construct an orthographic lexicon. However, lexical addressing is not inconsistent with phonological mediation as regularization errors increased between the sessions. Additionally, the previously reported similarity in global performance of Portuguese and French beginning readers may conceal processing differences that are related to specific characteristics of the corresponding orthographic codes.
Sandra FernandesEmail:

二语习得者在视觉词汇提取过程中,依据对词汇的熟悉程度,词汇的语音信息和词形信息不同程度地参与了词汇的提取。本文回顾了国内外心理词汇提取的相关理论,结合笔者对词汇提取的测试结果,运用错误分析法分析语音和词形参与词汇提取的效应。  相似文献   

In the United States, the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) specifies that students with disabilities should be educated in the “least restrictive environment,” yet little is known about how successfully schools have been able to apply appropriate supports, practices and resources so that all students benefit from inclusion. Using a quasi-experimental method and a longitudinal data-set provided by the Florida Department of Education that spans an eight-year panel from 2001 through 2009, this paper analyses the relationship between the density and diversity of peers with special educational needs and general education students’ absence rates in grades three through eight. Results show that a one standard deviation increase in the measure of special education peers is associated with an increase in general education students’ absences of .03 to .43 more days per year, depending on the empirical specification chosen. This represents as much as a five percent increase in the average student’s annual absences. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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