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建立第三方教育服务系统是解决我国教育供需不平衡问题的措施之一。现阶段我国的第三方教育服务内容有第三方教育咨询、教育培训和教育评估三种。要实现第三方教育服务必须加强法制化建设,建立健全专业、系统的第三方教育服务机构,发挥高校在建立第三方教育服务系统中的作用。  相似文献   

第三方物流企业的发展模式探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从第三方物流企业的现状入手,分析了第三方物流企业在发展中存在的不足.从中国工商企业的实际物流需要出发,探索性地给出了企业开展第三方物流服务的五种模式.针对整个物流市场的发展趋势,指出第三方物流企业的发展应该向物流信息和整个物流链的下游方向发展  相似文献   

通过分析环境监测面临的形势与发展趋势,探讨社会第三方检测机构参与环境监测过程中存在的一些问题,并对社会第三方检测机构在人员管理、质量管理体系建立、企业文化创建和形成品牌效益等方面提出了建议。  相似文献   

第三方物流业发展中存在的问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述第三方物流概念以及其在我国发展的现状,主要存在的观念、市场需求、硬件设施、信息系统、宏观政策、市场环境、从业人员素质等方面的不足,改善不足,加快软、硬件及政策环境建设、加强各省市、地区特别是中心城市基础建设,合理规划物流网络,以图我国第三方物流快速、健康发展.  相似文献   

结合我国的物流市场现状,论述了"以客户为中心"的现代经营的服务理念对于第三方物流企业的重要性,有针对性的提出了一些具体的客户服务策略及实施办法.  相似文献   

温州发展第三方物流既具有一定的优势和劣势,也存在一些机遇和威胁。其中,优势主要体现在以下几方面:第一,地域和体制方面,第二,传统物流业已初具规模,第三,基础设施建设方面以及一些企业有发展第三方物流的意识等方面。劣势主要体现在以下几方面:第一,物流企业规模"低、小、散",第二,第三方物流市场的有效需求相对不足,第三,物流人才严重不足。同时,国家宏观政策的支持为温州发展现代物流业提供了良好的机遇,而国内同行抢占先机又对温州第三方物流的发展构成了威胁。基于此,发展温州第三方物流的对策是要设立专门物流管理机构、完善政府宏观调控体系,加大物流中心的建设力度、大力扶持传统物流业向第三方物流转型、积极引进现代物流企业,加快物流人才的培养与引进。  相似文献   

从高校公共责任、符号资本生产和积累、社会公众参与需求的角度探讨了第三方参与研究生教育质量评估的必要性。认为第三方发展滞后造成的功能性缺位,制度规范缺失带来的评估风险,高校自闭性导致的信息不对称因素导致第三方参与评估有一定的难度。提出通过政府积极培育和强化监管双向推进,第三方加强自身建设,高校坚持信息公开,社会营造良好的评估文化氛围等方式,促进第三方参与评估工作。  相似文献   

第三方评价具有独立性、专业性和市场化的特征,构建义务教育阶段素质教育第三方评价机制具有必要性,同时也具有可行性。但需克服第三方评价市场尚不成熟,第三方评价机构的中立性和专业性难以保证,主管义务教育的行政部门对第三方评价的认识存在局限性,不敢轻易放权等方面的现实问题。构建义务教育阶段素质教育第三方评价机制需培育第三方评价市场,建立教育评价合同制度,加强政府对第三方评价机构的监管。  相似文献   

高等教育第三方评估组织作为独立于高校和政府的社会第三方,对于推进管办评分离,构建政府、高校和社会协同的高等教育治理新格局具有重要意义,其通过满足国家宏观治理的需求、高校对办学自主权的诉求以及社会参与高等教育治理的期望来获得合法性。但现实中高等教育第三方评估组织由于宏观层面缺乏立法保障、中观层面缺乏认证维护、微观层面缺乏专业团队,导致其独立性和中介性缺乏,专业性、业务水平和合法性基础受到质疑。为此,需通过落实法律身份、建立健全认证机制、打造专业化的团队构建高等教育第三方评估组织的合法性。  相似文献   

随着高等教育走内涵式发展道路的逐步深入, 保证高等教育人才培养质量的评估也逐渐由政府评估走向第三方评估,教育的第三方评估如雨后春笋般出现。但我国的第三方教育评估起步较晚,存在诸如立法缺失、公信力不高等问题,本文通过对高等教育第三方评估现状、存在的问题分析,进而对健全高等教育第三方评估法律、培育第三方评估的市场、提高第三方评估的科学性和公信力等进行深入思考。  相似文献   

Academic deans annually negotiate for a fair share of university resources. Without quantitative accreditation standards to serve as minimum guidelines, the competition is more difficult. Peer institution comparison, derived from the analysis of quantitative data on resource and productivity variables, assists by providing less biased justification for budget requests. In this study, data from a national study of doctoral-granting teacher education programs was used for a factor analysis of key resource and productivity variables. Seven alternative cluster analysis methods were used and compared. Three follow-up procedures (analysis of variance, discriminant analysis, and classification analysis) tested the cluster analysis results to verify the differences between clusters and their internal homogeneity on three different cluster solutions. The classification analysis showed that 88.2% of the 76 programs were correctly classified on the five-cluster solution produced using Ward's minimum variance method. The practical use of such data suggests that Cattell's pattern of profile similarly is a useful beginning to compare programs on factor scores; following that, raw data on each key variable might be used to prepare individual program profiles for more specific comparison.  相似文献   

Critical language testing and beyond   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

It is suggested that for criterion-referenced tests to have any educational value, they must be linked to the categories of learning that have been demonstrated in learning theory. These categories form the basis of the test domains. The nature of the two main categories, concepts and rules, is reviewed and it is suggested that the errors produced by pupils that indicate faulty concept learning or rules application should form the basis for the production of tests. Examples of such tests are also discussed. As this approach to testing is markedly different to the current psychometric approach to criterion-referenced testing it is suggested that the form of testing described here be calledconcept-referenced testing to distinguish it from other forms of criterion-referenced measures.  相似文献   


The German school system employs centrally organized performance assessments (some of which are called “VERA”) as a way of promoting lesson development. In recent years, several German federal states introduced a computer-based performance testing system which will replace the paper-pencil testing system in the future. Scores from computer-based testing are required to be equivalent to paper-pencil testing scores so that the new testing medium does not lead to disadvantages for students. Therefore, the current study aimed at investigating the size of the mode effect and the moderating impact of students’ gender, academic achievement and mainly spoken language in everyday life. In addition, the variance of the mode effect across tasks was investigated. The study was conducted in four German federal states in 2019 using a field experimental design. The test scores of 5140 eighth-graders from 165 schools in the subject German were analysed. The results of multi-level modelling revealed that students’ test scores in the computerized version of the VERA test were significantly lower than in the paper-pencil version. Students with a lower academic achievement were more disadvantaged by the VERA computerized test. The results were inconsistent regarding the interactions between testing mode and students’ gender and mainly spoken language in everyday life. The variance of the mode effect across tasks was high. Research into different subjects and in other federal states and countries under different testing conditions might yield further evidence about the generalizability of these results.


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