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1940年6月,宋子文赴美争取抗日美援。在不到两年的时间内,宋子文抓住远东战局发展的有利时机,充分发挥自己的政治智慧和外交才干,在争取美援方面取得了显著成效,对抗战做出了积极贡献。  相似文献   

民国时期是中国外交的成型和大发展时期.外交体制的改革,留美外交官投身外交激流提供了历史舞台,从巴黎和会到华盛顿会议,再到抗战中争取美援,他们搏击于各种外交困境中.凭着对国家的忠诚,利用留美的特殊优势,促进了中美关系,为国家和民族的利益做出了最大的争取.  相似文献   

抗战时期,蒋介石据对美关系中角色的变化,制定了相应争取美援外交政策。从抗战初期,以被侵略者的身份向美国寻求道义上援助的乞援,到太平洋战争爆发后,以抗日同盟国的身份向美国寻求援助的争援,最后以美国在华代理人的要援。  相似文献   

台湾战后赴美留学生群体是特殊历史条件下的产物,带着国际冷战、国共内战留给他们的精神创伤,在留学的同时表现出十足的流亡心态和归属感缺失.另外,美国霸权及战后对台湾的美援也在无形中塑造着台湾社会,它在给优秀学子提供赴美机会的同时也造成了台湾人才的流失.留学生在美援与援美两种现象的互动中扮演了十分活跃的角色,某种程度上可被认为是战后台湾社会思潮的载体.  相似文献   

1927年2月份以来,蒋介石面临着国民党内空前的反蒋浪潮,而国民政府财政部长宋子文扣留军费,不发往时在南昌的总司令部,使蒋介石倍感军费吃紧。在内忧外患的形势下,蒋介石祭出奇招,邀请宋子文的母亲倪桂珍和姐姐宋霭龄来九江庐山游玩。宋霭龄与蒋介石在九江秘密商谈,达成了蒋宋合作的初步意见。“九江密谈”成功地使蒋介石收到了宋子文发出的军费,且加速了蒋宋联姻的进程,是蒋介石与宋家关系进展重要的一步。  相似文献   

论战后国民政府的"美债"与"美援"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗战胜利后,美国和国民政府为了各自的需要紧紧地结合在一起。国民政府从美国得到了大量的“美债”和“美援”,“美援”成为当时国民政府的财政支柱之一;而美国通过这种援助加强了对国民政府的全面控制。但所有这些“美债”和“美援”,却无法挽救国民政府政治、经济和军事的崩溃。  相似文献   

我以最大的耐性看完了铁托反动演说的全文,激起我无比的愤慨,我要提出最强烈的抗议。铁托是工人阶级的叛徒,他接受了美帝国主义以“美援”对他的收买,却还在混淆人们的视听,竟在演说中力图抵赖他对美援的赞美。但是,事实是不容抹煞的,他对美援的颂扬在他的演说中俯拾即是。铁托厚颜无耻地说:“……我们从美国得到了经济和军事援助,这在很大程度上帮助我们克服了当时的巨大困难,尽管美援只占我国国民收入的4%(?),但是在我们方面,如果否认我们在最困难时期获得这种援助的重要意义,那是不正确和不可理解的……”  相似文献   

<华尔街日报>统计了1000年来世界上最富有的50人,其中有6名中国人,他们分别是成吉思汗、忽必烈、刘瑾、和坤、伍秉鉴和宋子文.  相似文献   

一九四九年中秋时节,新桂系军阀白崇禧率领的华中战区残部,节节败退,集结以衡阳为中心的衡(阳)宝(庆)和衡耒(阳)一带,拟与解放军进行一次决战.企图阻止解放军的南进,借以争取美援,待机反攻。十月七日,白崇禧看到两翼已经暴露,正面大军压境,便突然决定向桂边撤退,逃避决战,仅将其主力第七军和第四十八军各两个师,置于衡宝线上,以为后卫。但这一次未能逃脱,终于酿成了一场大战。衡宝战役的结果,歼灭了白崇禧的四个精锐的后卫之师,给予桂系以致命的打击。  相似文献   

本文介绍了宋子文生逢乱世,却善于经营又颇具戏剧性的人生轨迹,并对他的一生进行了有意义的探讨.  相似文献   

Conclusions Of all the aspects of classroom environment studied in this research, attention to the social relevance of physics had one of the strongest associations, in a positive sense, with each of the student outcomes. The research showed that positive student outcomes tended to be closely associated with low levels of frustration. Integration of experimental and theoretical aspects of physics tended to be accompanied by positive student outcomes. The integration could well go beyond using experiments merely to illustrate and/or verify principles and theories previously taught. At least in some topics, student understanding of physics could well follow upon and be the outcome of experiences gained during practical work, and some problem-solving by experiments could be given. Despite some inveitable tensions, teachers who favoured student autonomy were generally satisfied with their physics teaching. Moreover, their students reported more growth in personal development areas such as a sense of responsibility than did students who did not experience much autonomy. The multi-media characteristics of Project Physics makes it a particularly suitable approach for including student autonomy. The results indicated that academic achievement is not likely to suffer when attention is given to encouraging student initiative, sense of responsibility, improved study methods and persistence at a task. Such goals are long-term goals and working towards them tends to be accompanied by greater interest in and enjoyment of physics.  相似文献   

Cigarette smoking is awidespread habit in the UnitedStates today. About forty-three per-cent of the adult men and thirty-onepercent of the adult women smokeregularly. It is quite encouraging tonote, however, that millions of peo-ple have given up the smoking。  相似文献   

The elaboration of problems of pedagogy, and the improvement of the processes of education and training call for serious theoretical and experimental research. The development of new elements in a system of training and specially organized experiments are undoubtedly needed. But one should always bear in mind that the peculiarity of pedagogy is that it is inalienably connected with practical pedagogical work. Here one finds its source-and its area of application. Soviet pedagogical science cannot fruitfully develop without close co-operation with teachers' work. The teacher is vital for the success of education and the training of the younger generation. Soviet teachers devote their energies to educating and instructing builders of a communist society. And in this respect they have accumulated a vast store of experience. This experience is shared with the masses and is of primary importance in the complex sphere of education. The result of this advanced pedagogical experience forms a solid basis for further progress in theory and is an effective means of improving educational work in schools. Antonina Grigorievna Khripkova, Vice-President and Corresponding Member of the U.S.S.R. Academy of Pedagogical Sciences, is the author of more than sixty works in the field of education, among which arePhysiology of Man and Animals, Acceleration of Physical Development of Children and Adolescents, The Biological and the Social in Human Development and Education, Talk on a Difficult Subject (on sexual education for pupils) andProblems of Sexual Education  相似文献   

本文介绍了美国学前一年教育教师的地位、待遇、数量和质量的状况,探讨了美国学前一年教育教师队伍建设存在的问题和发展趋势,认为美国学前一年教育教师队伍的建设有许多经验值得我国在普及学前一年教育时借鉴。  相似文献   

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