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科学实验是科学认识的基础,没有科学实验就没有真正意义上的科学。近年来,发展心理学家对传统的研究方法作了创造性的改进,使研究对象有所扩大,研究内容有所拓展,从而对早期教育产生了更加丰富的实用价值。在儿童发展心理学中,实验法与其他方法的综合运用有着广阔的发展空间,但主流的方法依然是实验法。无论是哪一种研究方法,都必须坚持客观性原则。沉浸于后现代主义的相对主义和无政府主义思潮对科学发展和社会实践活动,包括对幼儿教育的发展是有害的。  相似文献   

道法传统与立法宽简   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"道"是中国传统刑事政策思想的重要理论渊源之一,也是人定法的根据.立法宽简是道法传统的重要主张,并对中国古代立法影响深远.立法宽简应成为当下构建和谐社会的立法取向.  相似文献   

As part of a longitudinal study examining sibling and friend relationships in early and middle childhood, relational aggression by 4-year-olds and their interaction partners in semi-structured free play sessions with siblings and friends was examined during sibling sessions involving both same-gender and mixed-gender sibling pairs. Identifiable acts of relational aggression occurred during many of the interactions observed, but there was also a wide range in the amount of relational aggression produced. Both boys and girls used relational aggression with their siblings much more than they did with their friends. Although boys' and girls' relationally aggressive behaviors occurred at similar rates, the form and function of their relational aggression varied depending on the age and gender of their sibling.  相似文献   

在对信托与代理、信托与行纪进行比较的基础上,析出信托制度在财产管理方面灵活、安全、高效的优势.  相似文献   

老师是人类灵魂的工程师,他的工作跟行政干部和工厂工人有很大的不同。干部工作叫上班,老师工作叫下班;工人的工作效率可以用打卡、计时、计件来计算;但老师工作的好坏绝不能简单地用打卡、计时、计件来蘅量。因为教书是一种特殊的个体劳动,老师有高度的自主工作权,大多数情况下是凭良心工作的,可以偷工减料,出工不出力。所以师德至关重要。怎样才能做一个好老师,我的体会是:教书要有志,育人要用心。  相似文献   

This study on sensitivity and attachment included 55 toddlers and their parents. Samples included children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), mental retardation, language delay, and typical development. Children were diagnosed at 4 years of age. Two years before diagnosis, attachment was assessed with the Strange Situation procedure, and parental sensitivity and child involvement during free play were assessed with the Emotional Availability Scale. Parents of children with ASD were equally sensitive as parents of children without ASD, but their children showed more attachment disorganization and less child involvement. More sensitive parents had more secure children, but only in the group without ASD. Less severe autistic symptoms in the social domain predicted more attachment security. Autism challenges the validity of attachment theory.  相似文献   

戴望舒的诗歌以抒真情挚情取胜。有对个人际遇的哀怨,有对自由的追求,有对民族苦难的深切悲痛和拳拳爱国之心。从《雨巷》的徘徊到《元日祝福》的自信乐观,戴望舒的诗歌吹响了前进的号角,开创了其诗歌独特的艺术魅力。透过那些充满哀怨的挚情诗歌,我们更应看到诗人在苦痛的人生历程中执着无悔的追求。  相似文献   

In this investigation, fifth‐ and sixth‐grade children (N= 289) completed a measure to assess aspects of their relationships with teachers and bonds with schools. Children and teachers also completed measures related to children's social and emotional adjustment. Analyses of responses to these measures indicated that students with disabilities had greater dissatisfaction with their relationships with teachers, poorer bonds with school, and perceived higher school danger than did students without disabilities. Comparisons involving students who were receiving services for emotional disturbance (ED), learning disabilities (LD), mild mental retardation (MMR), other health impairments (OHI), and no disabilities indicated that students with ED and students with MMR had poorer affiliation with teachers and greater dissatisfaction with teachers than students without disabilities. Students with ED also had poorer bonds with school than did students without disabilities. Students with LD and students with MMR had significantly higher ratings of perceived school danger than did students without disabilities. Results of correlational analyses indicated that student‐teacher relationship and school bonding variables were associated with social and emotional adjustment variables for students with and without disabilities. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

跨学科、多平台综合设计性实验的探索与实践   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
探讨以实验教学中心大平台为基础,在教学中开设跨学科、多平台相互合作的综合性,设计性实验,并以此来提高学生综合素质与创新能力,为医学基础实验教学改革提供新教学模式.  相似文献   

阅读孔盖的小说,能够感受到他是一个冷面热心的作家,在横眉冷对那些人间的魑魅魍魉的同时,也深情悲悯那些浮沉苦海的芸芸众生,表达自己对民族的关爱,对自然的热爱,对美好人性的挚爱。浓郁的草原特色、民族风情,是孔盖语言的魅力之源。期望更多的学者对孔盖以及众多少数民族作家的作品给予更多的关注。  相似文献   

This study reviews recent literature related to grandparents' involvement and support for grandchildren with disabilities and their grandchildrens' family. The literature reveals that grandparents' initial reactions are similar to parents' reactions of shock, anger, and grief when they learn a grandchild has a disability. Over time, grandparents become involved in their grandchild's family system, providing practical and emotional support. Factors that influence grandparents' support and involvement include residential proximity, their level of understanding of their grandchild's disability, and the affective solidarity between them and their adult child who is the parent of the grandchild. Grandparents' support and involvement is promoted when they have access to accurate information regarding their grandchild's disability, experience good communication exists between them and their adult child, and when support groups or workshops are available to them in their community. A variety of unexplored areas are identified where additional and longitudinal research may yield new and interesting information regarding our understanding of factors that effect grandparents' involvement and support in families with children with disabilities.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study is to examine whether fathers' involvement with their child with disabilities is correlated with some of the demographic variables. Data were collected from 243 Polish fathers who were married and who had at least one child with disabilities. The issue was assessed by two measures: a Questionnaire and the Father Involvement Scale. The results of the multiple regression show that fathers' involvement is significantly (P < 0.05) correlated with the level of fathers' concentration on the needs of their child with disabilities, the level of fathers' cooperation with their wives, the number of years during which parents cared for a child with disabilities, time devoted by fathers daily for their child with disabilities, fathers' self‐esteem, fathers' education, the level of disability of a child, the level of fathers' skills in dealing with their child with disabilities and the level of fathers' knowledge about their child with disabilities. A video abstract of this article can be viewed at: http://youtu.be/XpTojch0j9Y  相似文献   

利用PowerBuilder优秀的数据窗口技术和Matlab的强大的科学计算和绘图能力,结合数据库技术,共同实现对实验数据的存储和处理。通过实例介绍了系统的实现,从而实现实验数据处理的自动化,管理信息化,减少重复计算的工作量,提高效率。  相似文献   

Nine case studies were conducted to evaluate the usefulness of a predictive text entry program within a classroom environment. The program, PAL, was found to be very successful in eight of the cases. For children with poor motor control, the key-saving aspects speeded up text creation. Of even greater significance was the extent to which children with severe spelling problems were helped. They were able to produce much higher quality written work with a substantial reduction in the number of spelling errors. This provided great motivation for the children, and teaching staff commented on their improved confidence and attention span, as well as stimulation of language and vocabulary development. One of the children was on the verge of being classified as a non-reader and, although progress was slow, a significant improvement in the child's work was observed.  相似文献   


The development of motor activity in children with profound mental retardation employing a special method based on mother/father dyads with her/his child is described. Both parent and child are jointly trained on the basis of a specific programme of lessons which is combined with a home training programme. The main advantages of the method are: high efficiency of lessons, effective instructions for home training, close emotional contact between parents and children, promotion of parents’ optimism and improvement of children's communication. Within this brief characterisation the content and organisation of joint training lessons are also described.  相似文献   

兴趣与学习的关系研究在西方逐渐走向复兴。文章主要回顾了近十年来西方学者关于兴趣与理解的关系研究,分析了研究的主要结果及其存在的主要问题。文章认为,兴趣的理论探讨需要突破传统的心理哲学和心理模型,作者提出的兴趣的自组织观点为分析和预测兴趣与理解的关系提供了良好的理论基础。  相似文献   

任何一个画家只有对生活进行全方位的体验后,才能创作出蕴含丰富的作品。而生活的体验本身,就与“随意性”与“偶发性”有着密切的关系。随意性的偶发行为其实就是人们创作中的灵感,灵感就是创作的突发奇想.而这突发奇想,对我们的创作产生一种无形的魅力,我们就是在这种无形的灵感力下产生出新的想法和表现形式的。  相似文献   

B. V. Rao 《Resonance》2011,16(1):12-28
Even elementary probability has a lot of interesting things to offer to the students to get excited and think about. Unfortunately our curricula are generally designed in such a way that interesting things are carefully left out. Even if the material is touched upon briefly, the discussion is reduced to simple calculation of ratios devoid of any meaning. In this article we discuss two interesting models in probability. We just throw balls into boxes as dictated by tossing coins, nothing more than that.  相似文献   

Leading productive classroom discussions is difficult, as any one knows who has tried. Teaching future teachers to lead them is doubly difficult — a case of teaching beyond one's own understanding. Here we report our reflection on our efforts to teach beginning teachers to lead discussions. Our method was reflective inquiry, for the central problem we addressed arose from within our teaching, and this is where its solution would have to be worked out. Lisa, one of our student teachers, expressed the problem well: After participating capably in and reflecting upon model discussions that we had led, she said that she had “really no idea how to lead a discussion” herself. Our efforts to teach with discussion were surprisingly inconsequential when it came to teaching for discussion, where the subject matter is discussion itself — its worth, purposes, types, and procedures — and in which case discussion is not a teaching method but a curriculum objective. Against this problem, we critique methods we have used to teach both with and for discussion and present a typology that we developed in order to do both better.  相似文献   

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