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课程思政是高校落实全员全程全方位育人教育目标的有效实践途径。文章以“环境社会学”课程为例,探讨实施课程思政的思路和途径。基于环境社会学课程内容特点和教学实践,通过挖掘课程思政元素,打磨教学内容与教学环节,将思政内容融于“环境社会学”课程的具体探索实践,为环境科学与工程类专业课程思政教学提供一定参考和借鉴价值。  相似文献   

发端于马克思的知识社会学强调对知识与社会的关系进行分析,指出知识的生产、选择、分配和传递等都受社会环境的影响。目前,我国教育研究中开始较多应用知识社会学方法,主要有两条路径:其一是对教育理论和教育政策演变的知识社会学分析;其二是对知识演化与控制的知识社会学分析。但是目前将教育场域中的知识生产和传递置于社会运行视野中的研究依然缺乏。  相似文献   

环境社会学娅环境社会学是社会学的一门分支学科,主要运用社会学的理论和方法研究环境与社会的相互作用,是社会学与环境科学交叉渗透的产物。环境社会学中的“环境”一词包括自然环境和社会环境两方面。所谓自然环境,是指天然环境(如自然环境保护区、山脉、河流、气候...  相似文献   

社会学理论是一门具体的社会科学,是关于社会的良性运行和协调发展一门综合性的科学内容。本文针对社会学理论研究的方法,浅谈社会学理论研究对社会解决问题具有现实意义,对我国的经济发展和精神文明建设具有推进作用,在本学科的发展研究上具有重要意义。同时本文也对目前社会学理论研究上提供一些建议。  相似文献   

思想政治教育是一项社会活动,不能脱离社会环境而单纯视为一项完成教学任务的独立活动,更不能把教学内容、教学模式、教学对象视作一个"印模"的过程。其实不同学科之间的理论和内容是可以相互紧密联系的,思想政治教育跟社会学在内容上的融通性和对象中的一致性,就可以很好地与社会学融合起来,提升思想政治教育的有效性。  相似文献   

改革开放三十年来我国教育社会学的发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文回顾了改革开放30年来我国教育社会学的学科发展和学术研究历程,重点就学科定位、学科自觉意识、学科知识体系及主要学术研究进行了一定的梳理。目前我国教育社会学的学科知识体系已经建立,其分支领域、分支学科的研究得到较快发展,教育社会学研究的三个主要方面——注重实际问题的"规范性研究"、教育与社会分层的研究以及解释性教育社会学研究——都取得了较大成就,而具有独特学科性格、学科知识构型的系统性理论研究应是本学科未来发展的首要内容。  相似文献   

社会学恢复以来费孝通社会学思想主要体现在主张建立人民的社会学、倡导文化自觉和提出扩展社会学传统界限。这些思想体现了费孝通先生对社会学学科性质、研究对象、研究内容、研究方法以及价值诉求的深入思考和探索,对于指导中国社会学发展具有重大意义。  相似文献   

知识社会学是课程社会学的重要基础学科,其对知识进行社会学研究的理论范式对课程及其知识内容的社会学分析具有巨大借鉴价值。本文通过对知识社会学中既有的对知识进行社会学分析的三大范式,即整体功能论范式、整体决定论范式及分层决定论范式的逐一述评,得出虽然它们都存在一些理论分析的局限性,但是这些范式对课程及其知识内容的研究仍然有其独到与深刻之处,因此年幼的课程社会学注意吸收知识社会学的有关学术成果依然是有益和明智选择的结论。  相似文献   

为了提升环境社会学课程教学效果,文章在阐述研究背景的基础上,首先分析了翻转课堂在环境社会学课程教学中应用的路径,然后对翻转课堂在环境社会学课程教学中应用进行了反思.  相似文献   

<正>专家简介:晋军,清华大学社会学系副教授,主要研究方向包括政治社会学和社会运动、转型社会学和环境社会学。《中国教师》:目前随迁子女的高考以及教育状况是怎样的?有哪些问题?晋军:各地高考报名,一般都要求学籍和户籍的一致。目前在北京的随迁子女,就出现了户籍和学籍的不一致,导致既无法在北京报名,也无法在户籍所在地报名的情况。除了报名外,部分在京随迁子女长期在北京生活,但高考要返回原籍,于是语言不通、生活不习惯,甚至教材都不一样,导致成绩急剧下降,甚至出  相似文献   

力图以明白简洁之表述,剖析环境社会学学科定位中的二个典型误区.揭示其背后隐含的学科哲学化与模糊化倾向.指出环境社会学应该始终围绕“社会学的分支学科与环境科学的基础学科,,开展研究。  相似文献   

In this article we examine how students’ accounts of the discipline of sociology change over the course of their undergraduate degrees. Based on a phenomenographic analysis of 86 interviews with 32 sociology and criminology students over the course of their undergraduate degrees, we constituted five different ways of accounting for sociology. These ranged from describing sociology as a form of personal development focused on developing the students’ opinion to describing sociology as a partial way of studying the relations between people and society. The majority of students expressed more inclusive accounts of sociology over the course of their degrees. However, some students’ accounts suggested they had become disengaged with sociology. We argue that the differences in the ways that students were disengaged were not captured by our phenomenographic categories. In conclusion, we argue that our analysis illustrates the crucial role that students’ relations to knowledge play in understanding the transformative nature of higher education.  相似文献   

关于综合课程的理性思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综合课程的价值在于突破长期以来形成的线性思考的方式而提出"动态性复杂"课程。其科学依据主要考虑了知识、社会与儿童的知识论、社会学、教育学等。综合课程的实施主体是教师,一方面需要教师培训机构开展专门培训,另一方面需要通过校本教研来培训高素质的综合课教师。  相似文献   

Recently there has been a vigorous dialogue over the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) academic standards pertaining to the role of JDs within criminal justice academic programs. It is a next logical step to open a discussion on a related aspect of the ACJS standards: “doctorates in a closely related field.” This discussion should center on how “closely” the “closely related fields” should be. This article examines the relationship between an education in sociology and criminology/criminal justice programs respectively by comparing the general curricular requirements, undergraduate and graduate, in a selection of sociology and criminology and criminal justice programs. This analysis indicates that there is a great deal of similarity within the sociology curricula, which contain sociologically oriented classes and criminology/criminal justice curricula, which contain criminologically oriented courses, but there is little overlap in course offerings across these two academic areas. Specifically, sociology graduates are not exposed to a meaningful number of criminology/criminal justice classes.  相似文献   

社会学的产生,经历了一段从无到有的学科诞生过程。传统之后的承继者,在不断地谱写社会学的发展繁荣史时,也使学科陷入了发展的困境。随后他们发起了对社会学知识进行修订和完善的呼唤,掀起了学科发展历程中的三次代表性呐喊。其中不论是社会学的危机、社会学的新启蒙还是社会学的理论自觉,它们都是社会学作为一门学科发展历程的必然要求和自身知识创新的内在需求。社会学发展历程中的呐喊,也是为了能够更好地在自身的体系内形成话语共识,并促进这门学科的成长。  相似文献   

传统行政法教学没有注意到跨学科知识在《行政法》课程中的借鉴与吸收,教学中仅局限于行政法自身学科知识,缺乏多学科知识对行政法知识的渗透,从而陷入了"封闭式"教育模式的窠臼。为实现《行政法》课程内容上更丰满生动、方式上更科学合理、人才培养更优化现实的教学目标,应在行政法教学中借鉴与吸收政治学、哲学、经济学、社会学等多学科的知识。  相似文献   

摘要:在实际的教学过程中,教师重构课程是普遍存在的客观现象。影响教师重构课程的社会学因素主要包括社会制度、教师社会角色、教师自身的知识水平、特点及兴趣、教学评价机制等。教师应从教育的本意出发,本着一种负责任的态度对课程进行重构,以达到与课程之间的关系和谐。  相似文献   

This article offers an evaluation of the implementation of the American Sociological Association's Integrating Data Analysis Project in a large introductory sociology course. This project was designed following an examination of the curricula of 13 disciplines that revealed that sociology failed to integrate empirical, quantitative literacy components throughout the undergraduate curriculum. Thus, efforts to introduce students to data analysis early and often were established as a best practice in the discipline. Results revealed that the students found the modules helped them understand the empirical nature of sociology. The students expressed an interest in participating in future research projects in sociology and/or other disciplines. They were not overly anxious about the quantitative literacy components of the course. Including on-line data analysis strategies using publicly available data and complimentary software represent cost and time-effective methods of introducing quantitative literacy into the social science classroom. Many social and behavioral sciences other than sociology have also discovered that their students lack a clear understanding of the relationship between empirical research and substantive topics within the discipline. Consequently, the lessons learned from the efforts of the ASA could be applied across many disciplines to form a more cohesive curriculum for many disciplines.The author holds an M.A. and Ph.D. in sociology from the University of North Texas and a B.A. from Stephen F. Austin State University. She is currently an Associate Professor of sociology in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Central Florida. Her teaching and research interests include the scholarship of teaching and learning, the sociology of social inequalities (aging, race and ethnicity, gender, and social class), medical sociology, and family violence.  相似文献   

The discipline of sociology generally has not analyzed the differential productivity among graduates of doctoral programs. When such productivity has been assessed, quantity rather than quality of publications has been the basis for comparisons. The present study uses data compiled from the Social Science Citation Index to measure the differential contributions to sociology by the graduates of a number of long established and prestigious doctoral programs in the field. Based on these data, a number of interesting patterns emerge concerning the quality of graduates' productivity, both across departments and within various alumni cohorts of the same department.No special merit should be attached to the order of names. The authors contributed equally to this article.  相似文献   

西方社会学理论是社会学学科重要的专业基础课。通过学习西方社会学的经典理论,我们能有对比、有参照地理解、分析和解决中国的社会问题,诠释中国的社会变迁,进而结合中国国情建构中国特色的社会学本土理论。根据自己的教学经验,从这门课程的特点入手,试图探索出该课程的教学改革方法,提高教学质量和水平,更好地完成教学培养目标和任务,发挥社会学的学科作用,服务于中国的现实社会。  相似文献   

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