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为了研究新型全装配式剪力墙结构体系中水平接缝的可行性及抗震性能,制作了2个试件并分别进行单调加载试验与低周反复加载试验.在试验的基础上研究了该全装配式剪力墙的荷载-位移曲线、承载能力、延性性能、抗侧刚度、钢筋应变、连接钢框的应变分布以及连接钢框与内嵌边框之间的相对滑移等.试验结果表明:试件具有较好的承载能力及延性,位移延性系数达3.7以上;在整个试验过程中,除受压端外,连接钢框中的正应力及剪应力远小于其屈服强度;试件受压端内嵌边框与连接钢框之间发生了一定的相对滑移,达1.13 mm,而受拉端二者之间未发生明显的相对滑移.该全装配式剪力墙结构体系的水平接缝安全可靠,抗震性能良好,方案可行.  相似文献   

铁磁材料的磁特性常用磁滞回线来表示,它是对称于坐标原点的闭合曲线。测量磁滞回线的方法很多,根据示波器X—Y显示功能的测量方法,利用Simulink生成仿真电路,对磁滞回线进行仿真。与传统的实验室测量操作相比,可以观察到磁化和去磁过程中形成的闭合曲线的全过程,仿真的操作过程简单,仿真的结果较好。  相似文献   

To investigate the seismic behavior of specially shaped column joints with X-shaped reinforcement,two groups of specimens with or without X-shaped reinforcement in joint core region were tested under constant axial compression load and low reversed cyclic loading,which imitated low to moderate earthquake force.The seismic behavior of specially shaped column joints with X-shaped reinforcement in terms of bearing capacity,displacement,ductility,hysteretic curve,stiffness degradation and energy dissipation was studied and compared to that without Xshaped reinforcement in joint core region.With the damage estimation model,the accumulated damage was analyzed.The shearing capacity formula of specially shaped column joints reinforced by X-shaped reinforcement was proposed with a simple form.The test results show that X-shaped reinforcement is an effective measure for improving the seismic behavior of specially shaped column joints including deformation behavior,ductility and hysteretic characteristic.All specimens were damaged with gradual stiffness degeneration.In addition,X-shaped reinforcement in the joint core region is an effective way to lighten the degree of cumulated damage.The good seismic performance obtained from the specially shaped column joint with X-shaped reinforcement can be used in engineering applications.The test value is higher than the calculated value,which indicates that the formula is safe for the design of specially shaped column joints.  相似文献   

示波器法测磁滞回线实验的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了示波器法测磁滞回线实验的优点、特点,分析、解决了该法在实际操作中的常见问题,设计、改进了原理推导比较简洁的新电路,做了新旧电路的对比,得到了实验验证.  相似文献   

纳米二氧化钛修饰的内墙涂料的制备和性质研究(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The modification of the traditional interior wall paint was carried out by means of adding nano-TiO_2 as a functional pigment.By regulating the dosage of dispersant,the nano-particles can be dispersed in paint homogeneously.With two aspects of experiments:dosage of nano-TiO_2 and pigment volume concentration (PVC),the paint formulation can be optimized and its properties,such as hardness,scrub resistance,storage stability,contrast ratio and gloss can be improved.Finally an interior wall paint with high performance and air purification was prepared.Its character of formaldehyde degradation would be discussed in the next article.  相似文献   

以2根焊接高强箍筋、高强混凝土柱试件为研究对象,进行低周反复水平荷载作用试验,研究体积配箍率的变化对柱滞回特性的影响.试验结果表明,高强混凝土柱体积配箍率较大的试件滞回曲线相对饱满,滞回环面积较大,累积滞回耗能大,吸收地震能量多,延性好.该研究结果对发展应用高强混凝土具有实际意义.  相似文献   

The modification of the traditional interior wall paint was carried out by means of adding nano-TiO2 as a functional pigment. By regulating the dosage of dispersant, the nano-particles can be dispersed in paint homogeneously. With two aspects of experiments: dosage of nano-TiO2 and pigment volume concentration (PVC), the paint formulation can be optimized and its properties~ such as hardness, scrub resistance, storage stability, contrast ratio and gloss can be improved. Finally an interior wall paint with high performance and air purification was prepared. Its character of formaldehyde degradation would be discussed in the next article.  相似文献   

To investigate the seismic behavior of autoclaved aerated concrete load-bearing masonry wall(AACLMW), a piece of control block wall without constructional measures and five pieces of block walls with different constructional measures were tested under low reversed cyclic loading which imitated low to moderate earthquake force. The seismic behavior of AACLMW with different constructional measures in terms of failure mode, hysteretic curve, deformation capacity and displacement ductility was studied and compared with that without constructional measures. The experimental results indicate that the constructional measures comprising constructional columns and horizontal concrete strips are effective for improving the seismic behavior of AACLMW. The study in this paper can provide a reliable experimental basis for further analysis and engineering application of AACLMW in the future.  相似文献   

为了实现在实验室测量磁性膜、条带或丝等多种形态磁性材料的磁滞回线,设计并研制了磁滞回线测量仪。该测量仪的磁感应强度探测器采用双线圈反相连接的设计,磁性材料的样品可以放于任一个探测线圈中,样品的更换方便、快捷。该测量仪通过调试后,对钴基非晶条带和铁基纳米晶条带等多个样品测量出了分辨率高且图形清晰的磁滞回线。  相似文献   

福州奥林匹克中心体育馆墙面采用单层菱形交叉钢网格结构,与水平地面约成 60°,其北端高约39m、悬挑约20m,施工难度大。文章详细介绍该钢网格墙体的安装方案及其支撑拆除过程。通过钢网格墙安装与卸载后的变形监测,表明结构的变形在规范允许范围之内,说明该施工方法的可靠性和合理性。  相似文献   

电流滞环跟踪PWM控制技术能较好地得到三相对称正弦波电流,以电流滞环跟踪PWM控制器为内环,转速外环调节器选用PI调节器,建立异步电动机双闭环调速系统.建立系统主电路及控制电路进行仿真模型,主电路由异步电动机模块、电动机测量单元模块、逆变器模块、直流电源、负载模块等组成,控制电路由转速给定信号、转速调节器、电流给定信号及电流滞环跟踪控制器等组成.仿真得到电流、转速及电磁转矩曲线,验证了方法的有效性.  相似文献   

在0.01 mol·L^-1的NaOH溶液中用玻碳电极研究甲硝唑的电化学性质,并用循环伏安法和示差脉冲伏安法对其含量进行测定。结果表明:甲硝唑在-0.631V和-0.731V处有一对明显的氧化还原峰,其还原峰电流与甲硝唑的浓度在8.0×10^-6-9.1×10^-4mol·L^-1(r=0.998)呈良好的线性关系,检出限为1.4×10^-7mol·L^-1。平均回收率98.9%,RSD=2.7%。甲硝唑在玻碳电极上的电化学行为受吸附控制。  相似文献   

设计了应用TiNi形状记忆合金环作耗能元件的被动减振装置,并对装置的力学和减振性能进行了初步评价.对加载和卸载过程中力-位移曲线进行了研究,当不对环水平方向的变形进行约束时,力-位移曲线为近似于直线且接近重合的2条曲线;若应用滑块对环水平方向的变形进行约束,在力-位移曲线上能形成滞回环,且随位移增加变得更饱满.滞回环的加载和卸载部分不与横坐标平行,而是2条斜线,装置受力时的这种变形特点,可提高装置的抗过载能力.增加环的数量,在相同位移时装置的耗能量明显增加.  相似文献   

An experimental investigation is performed on side wall deformation at the pendant convective pass (PCP) in a 300 MW and a 600 MW utility boiler. The temperature distributions are measured on the side wall areas of the water-cooled wall, the PCP and the horizontal convective pass (HCP) in the two utility boilers. These experiments show that there are great temperature differences in the side wall areas during the startup process in both utility boilers. These temperature differences can reach 80-150 ~C with the side wall temperature in the PCP area higher than those in the water-cooled wall and the HCP. The highest temperature in the PCP is close to the flue gas side temperature at the same position in the horizontal flue gas pass. Thermal stress analyses are conducted in the side wall areas in the water-cooled wall, the PCP and the HCP with the software ANSYS. The results show that, at great temperature differences, the PCP side wall undergoes negative thermal stresses that exceed the yield strength causing deformation in the PCP side wall.  相似文献   

在0.1mol/LHAc—NaAc缓冲溶液(pH=4.54)中,用循环伏安法可得到维生素B12的两个还原峰。峰电位EP1=-0.458V,EP2=-0.831V(vs.SCE)。实验表明,维生素B12在玻碳电极上的电极过程为一受吸附控制的不可逆过程。测得还原峰的电子转移系数为0.3,标准速率常数为ks=2.40s^-1。用该法测定了维生素B12针剂中维生素B12的含量,结果与标示含量相吻合。  相似文献   

阐述挡墙排水孔的必要性及其不良影响 ,提出可采用导水沟槽解决排水孔渗水污染的办法 ,并以某工程实例论证  相似文献   

运用循环伏安测试方法,对酪氨酸在玻碳电极上,在不同pH的恒离子强度(I=0.5)的B-R缓冲溶液中的电化学氧化行为进行了研究.  相似文献   

[目的]研究运动训练对心电向量环的影响.[方法]用西安电子科技大学的MCA-3C心脏综合信息检测仪采集运动训练学生和普通大学生的心电向量参数进行分析.[结果]①运动训练专业大学生额面、右侧面和水平面心电向量最大振幅显著高于普通大学生(P<0.05);②运动训练专业大学生脉压和R-R间期显著高于普通大学生(P<0.05);③运动训练专业大学生0.01s额面和右侧面心电向量方位与普通大学生有显著差异(P<0.01);④运动训练专业0.04s和0.01s其他方位心电向量与普通大学生无显著差异(P>0.05).[结论]运动训练对最大向量幅度和0.01s心电向量方位有一定影响.  相似文献   

用FD-BH-1型测量仪测量了磁性材料的起始磁化曲线和磁滞回线.利用Origin软件多层绘图功能将所测得的数据绘制起始磁化和磁滞回线图形,然后利用Origin软件高阶多项式拟和功能拟和了起始磁化曲线及分两段拟合磁滞回线,得出起始磁化曲线和两段磁滞回线的具体函数表达式,最后利用软件的数据分析中的积分功能计算出磁滞损耗密度.结果表明,该方法误差小,相关系数高,能定量地描述铁磁材料的磁化曲线和磁滞回线的特性.  相似文献   

In this paper,a discrete-time analysis of the third-order charge-pump based phase-locked loops (CPLLs) is presented in the presence of loop delay.The z-domain analysis of the closed-loop transfer function is derived and compared with the traditional s-domain method.The simulation results under SPECTRE show that,due to the sampling nature of CPLL,the traditional s-domain analysis is unable to predict its jitter peaking accurately,especially when the loop delay is taken into consideration.The impact of loop delay on the stability of the third-order CPLL system is further analyzed based on the proposed way.The stability limit of the wide bandwidth CPLL with loop delay is calculated.The circuit simulation results agree well with mathematical analysis.  相似文献   

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