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作为文化中最有活力的一个因素,广告既是商品信息的载体,也是一种文化形式。它集经济目的与文化形态为一体,蕴含并反映着社会文化,具有经济与文化的双重功能,同时也受到了社会文化的影响和制约。肩负着经济与文化的双重社会使命。  相似文献   

市场经济条件下,文化产业市场作为新兴的经济形态,其兼具经济和文化的双重属性以及精神和物质的双重力量的作用更为凸显,它既是满足人民群众多样化、多层次、多方面精神文化需求的重要途径,同时,也是社会经济发展的重要组成部分及促进因素.非法文化市场暴利的驱动使得垃圾文化大行其道,本文从分析垃圾文化的若干表现与现象入手,从文化执法角度分析其存在原因,并提出若干对策建议,抛砖引玉,希望能对清除垃圾文化这一社会发展的毒瘤有所帮助和启发.  相似文献   

西南民族文化产业总体上以少数民族/族群文化为资源基础,在总体结构形态上,从外部区别于西方后现代社会和我国先发展城市的文化创意产业形态,是源自于前现代文化和返璞归真的文化消费心理双重推拉作用形成的.内部结构形态分类,大致与西南民族走廊在空间上表现出一致性,可以作为西南民族文化产业“文化资源——发展模式”分类基础,是西南民族文化产业基本结构形态框架.不能以行政区划和民族/族群进行简单替代,而要考虑民族文化产业布局的历史、地理环境以及文化资源禀赋的复杂性.  相似文献   

社会需求是促进科学认识发展的首要因素,社会历史文化及宗教对科学认识具有促进和制约双重作用。人类认识能力是科学认识的基础,科学自身发展水平和科学认识手段限制着科学认识,学科分化对科学认识具有制约作用,非意识后果对科学认识提出了新的挑战。弄清楚这些问题能为人类解决科学发展中面临的困境寻求一条出路。  相似文献   

数学作为一种文化现象在教育中占据着重要的地位,在现代社会生活中发挥着愈来愈重要的作用;数学科学精神与人文精神的统一,数学科学教育人文化,是数学的最佳教育形态.  相似文献   

从文化视角论科学,就要涉及社会生活的方方面面.现代人普遍接受了科学的教育,感受到科学的伟大力量.如果把人类的文化比作一部雄伟的交响乐,那么在这部交响乐中,科学奏出了文化的最强音.可以说,在科学发展过程中形成的科学思想和科技成果深深地影响着包括物质文化、精神文化、制度文化等所有的文化形态,同时这些文化形态反过来也影响着科学的发展.在人类文明的进程中,科学与哲学结为连理,科学与艺术比翼双飞.在常人眼里不相关的学  相似文献   

论编辑活动的建构意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在“文化缔构编辑观”的理论基础上,结合对现代编辑活动的考察.进一步阐述编辑活动社会属性意义上的多重性建构特征。分析认为,编辑活动是人类科学文化活动中的一个重要环节.在人类社会的科学文化发展中具有十分重要的建构意义。编辑活动通过对作者个体的精神文化创作品的鉴审、把关,是对社会科学文化形态有序的整体性建构;同时通过精神文化产成品对读者心理意识的影响,也是对社会大众心理意识形态的有机建构。因此,编辑活动必须反映社会主体意志,体现社会文明进步需求,准确把握社会历史发展总纲,在社会科学文化形态和社会心理意识形态的多重建构中,发挥应有的积极作用。  相似文献   

通过回顾科学哲学所具有的批判性的历史变迁,借助对爱丁堡学派的强纲领的一种建设性解读,可以看到,随着一种基于社会的理性概念的确立,逻辑实证主义的双重批判性实现了更新。科学哲学将通过沟通科学文化与人文文化,致力于"社会中的科学"的批判省察。  相似文献   

生态文明是以维持、保护和改善人类生存、生活的自然环境的生产技术占主导地位,并以优良生态环境的维持、保护和改善作为文化之核心价值和行为准则的文明形态。后现代科学观在生态文明建设中发挥着不可替代的重要作用。其一,后现代科学观对科学实践之社会历史属性的揭示,将促使科学研究打破既定格局,从而使朝向生态文明的科学实践定位成为一种自然而又必然的选择;其二,后现代科学观对科学实践之文化属性的揭示,将使科学活动在社会文化建设中的作用得到更好的发挥;其三,后现代科学观强调科学学科的灵活性和整体性,这将有利于适合生态文明需要的新学科的创建和发展;其四,后现代科学对科学之社会应用维度和社会技术维度的揭示,将有力促进现实的科学研究在社会应用维度和技术操作维度的展开。  相似文献   

简析视觉文化对现代教育技术的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张浩 《现代教育技术》2007,17(4):90-92,86
视觉文化的扩张对当代社会生活产生一系列的深刻影响.在此背景下,视觉文化对现代教育技术也产生了积极与消极的双重影响:在教育技术的物化形态--物质载体、符号载体、信息资源等方面产生积极影响,但在教育技术的智能型态--社会环境、传播内容、教育价值等方面却产生了消极影响.  相似文献   

古西腊文明是欧洲文化由神性思维向理性思维嬗变而有了科学文化的萌芽于其哲学中的时期。中世纪基督教神学和经院哲学体现了神性思维与理性思维的激烈拼搏,其间诞生了为现代科学产生所需的观念。在此基础上,文艺复兴时期的理性思维文化所促进的先验性思辩科学文化走向现代实证性科学文化。  相似文献   

科学家共同体内部一直在争论弦理论是不是科学,理论的支持者们认为该理论是最有希望的统一理论,反对者们却强调它不能付诸实验检验。伴随着弦理论在公众领域的传播,争论蔓延至大众媒体,且从最初的科学维度扩张到哲学和社会学维度。从哲学和社会学角度争论弦理论是否是科学、弦理论是否造成了物理学不良的社会学氛围、科学家在传播科学时遵循什么样的科学精神气质,形成了对布罗克曼第三种文化的深化,实现了科学文化与人文文化的沟通。  相似文献   

Correlational studies link spatial-test scores and science, technology, engineering, and mathematics achievement. Here we asked whether children’s understanding of astronomical phenomena would benefit from a prior intervention targeting a core component of children’s projective spatial concepts—understanding that viewers’ visual experiences are affected by vantage point. Children (8–9 years; N = 66) received outdoor and indoor experiences that did (Experimental) or did not (Control) focus on how scene appearance is affected by viewers' positions and movements. All then received an astronomy lesson about celestial motions (e.g., Sun apparent motion). Experimental-group children scored higher on immediate and 1-week perspective-taking tests and explained celestial phenomena more accurately than did control-group children. Data demonstrate that general spatial training—divorced from specific science content—can aid children’s subsequent learning of scientific phenomena.  相似文献   

The notion of “science for all” suggests that all students—irrespective of achievement and ability—should engage in opportunities to understand the practice and discourse of science. Improving scientific literacy is an intrinsic goal of science education, yet current instructional practices may not effectively support all students, in particular, students with special needs. Argument‐based inquiry approaches, such as the Science Writing Heuristic (SWH), require all students to construct their scientific understandings by engaging in investigations and negotiating their ideas in multiple contexts, such as discussions and writing. Various SWH studies demonstrated that students engaged in appropriating the language, culture, practice, and dispositions of science generally improved their critical thinking and standardized test scores. The implementation of such an approach has several implications for science and special education research and practice, including how learning environments should be established to encourage the inclusion of all students’ ideas, as well as how scaffolded supports can and should be used to support science learning.  相似文献   

Many of the major figures in the history of science have produced literary works, but the relationship between their poetic texts and their scientific work is often underestimated. This paper illuminates the poetry of Erwin Schrödinger—one of the premier figures in twentieth-century science, and an accomplished poet in both English and his native German. It discusses existing perceptions of his poetry and challenges the assumptions that his poetic work was a mere hobby unrelated to his other achievements by focusing on the interplay between poetic images and scientific ideas in his German-language poems. It emphasizes that more research is needed on the understated role of bilingualism and of—often marginalized—writing in an adopted language in science and in poetry, with the premise that this feature of Schrödinger’s life deserves more study. It argues that Schrödinger’s literary imagination and his bilingualism are an integral part of his approach to reality and considers Schrödinger’s literary work to be an important aspect of his intellectual heritage.  相似文献   

An important goal of science education is promoting scientific literacy—the competence to interact with science as laypeople to solve problems and make decisions in their personal and community lives. This is made more challenging in an age of increasing science denialism. In this article, we discuss how to design learning environments for science education that can help students attain scientific literacy. We argue that science curricula should encompass lessons with two distinguishable foci. One focus engages students in understanding the reliability of science. The second focus engages students as laypeople interacting with science in the public sphere. We discuss these two curricular foci, presenting examples from our own work on designing and implementing instruction with the first focus.  相似文献   

In this article, we authors and feminist science and teacher educators share assignments we developed and used in our undergraduate and graduate teacher education classes. We designed these varied assignments to help students feel comfortable with science, to begin to understand and critique the many ways science has been narrowly and powerfully shaped and has marginalized significant groups of individuals, and to begin to deconstruct scientific knowledge and construct alternative views of science and science education that are gender and culture sensitive. We also challenged them to use what they were learning to develop pedagogical strategies that would be inviting to their own students. The focus of the article is our students' reactions to these assignments and how these reactions—both inviting and resisting—informed us about their notions of science, of teaching, of themselves as learners, and of the social context in which they would teach. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 35: 897–918, 1998.  相似文献   

科学文化是科学教育的灵魂,当代中国的科学教育必须确立传承科学文化的基本价值取向。为此,就要丰富科学教育的科学文化内涵,开展科学文化素质教育,以传递科学的理性和实证精神,凸显科学的人文价值,强调科学的怀疑和批判精神。开展科学文化素质教育的基本途径是构建基于科学文化的科学教育体系,即重新定位科学教育目标,追求多元化的科学文化素养;丰富科学课程的科学文化内涵,构建融入式HPS课程体系;提升课堂教学的科学文化品位,注重建构与对话的学习方式。  相似文献   

A common feature of contemporary science education curricula is the expectation that as well as learning science content, students will learn something about science—its nature, its history, how it differs from non-scientific endeavours, and its interactions with culture and society. These curricular pronouncements provide an ‘open cheque’ for the inclusion of history and philosophy of science in science teacher education programmes, and for their utilisation in classrooms. Unfortunately this open cheque is too often not cashed. This paper will discuss an important aspect of the contribution of science to culture, namely its role in the development of worldviews in society. A case study of the adjustments to a central Roman Catholic doctrine occasioned by the metaphysics of Atomism which was embraced at the Scientific Revolution will be presented. Options for the reconciliation of seemingly conflicting scientific and religious worldviews are laid out, and it is claimed that as far as liberal education is concerned, the important thing is to have students first recognise what are the options, and then carefully examine them to come to their own conclusions about reconciliation or otherwise.  相似文献   

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