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This study analyzes the interpretive repertoires used by public relations (PR) advisors of Dutch politicians to describe their relations with talk show journalists. A qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews revealed that the dominant repertoires come from the realm of play. PR advisors downplay the power struggle to position politicians on talk shows as a competitive game while at the same time they legitimize their close relationships with journalists with another play metaphor, the rehearsed stage play. Moreover, comparing politicians’ appearances on talk shows with stage performances gives them the opportunity to brush aside the contradiction between their extensive pre-broadcast preparations and the authentic appearance they attempt to emulate. Studying the interpretive repertoires of advisors working in PR and how they fruitfully combine the elements of struggle and cooperation sheds light on the structures and strategies that define journalist–source relationships. It provides insights into how PR advisors perceive and enact their own role, which often goes unnoticed both in research and by the general public.  相似文献   

分析科技信息资源社会化共享过程中沉默螺旋的形成原因,包括科技信息资源的主体性和互联网背景依 旧满足沉默螺旋形成条件,并对SNS网站通过对中坚分析赋予话语权以及围绕主题小组构建社交群落,达到抑制沉默 螺旋产生的过程进行分析,指出科技信息资源的社会化共享将提升科学传播效率和公众参与度。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(4):133-141
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

沉默的螺旋是否会在互联网上消失   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
在互联网上 ,根据传统的实证研究得出的沉默螺旋是否会消失 ?本文从纽曼沉默螺旋的核心概念和基本假设出发 ,检验了在网络空间中“孤立恐惧动机”、“公开表达”等概念的适用性 ,结合有关CMC与FTF在群体压力方面的研究成果 ,认为沉默螺旋产生的基本条件在网络空间中仍然存在。同时对“中坚分子”的分析 ,也揭示了网络空间中沉默螺旋表现的一些特殊之处。文章还在最后对我国现实中沉默螺旋理论的适用性和表现方式的特殊性做了简单的总结。  相似文献   

高校图书馆员沉默行为是由于个性差异、性别特点、文化背景及管理因素等引起。该行为会给馆员自身带来压力,也不利于事业的发展,因此管理者应该改变工作方法和思路,尽量缩小权利差距,树立合作信任的管理理念,营造良好的组织文化,减少员工沉默行为。  相似文献   

Proposing an enhancement to the concepts of verbal and corporeal rhetorics, this article offers the concept of aural body rhetoric, arguing that nonvocal sounds produced by the body can also provide rhetorical messages, create rhetorical challenges and prompt the conscious management of bodily sounds, particularly in panopticonic spaces (panauricons) in which the body is hidden from view. Using the urinary sounds made by transsexual men in public restrooms as an example, this article examines this space as a panauricon that creates a rhetorical challenge for these men and has prompted the dissemination of various rhetorical strategies within the community of transmen in the United States.  相似文献   

This article explores the implications of my research on bargaining and conflict management for formal and informal negotiations. In particular, I focus on ways to differentiate conflict issues, prevent premature closure, engage in conflict framing and reframing, and join together through collective sense making. I urge negotiators to change the name of the game through reaching new understandings and exploring alternative spaces of actions that transform conflicts rather than settle for easy compromises.  相似文献   

受众行为的反沉默螺旋模式   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
刘建明 《现代传播》2002,5(2):39-41
沉默的螺旋作为受众对媒介议程的反应模式 ,被中外绝大多数传播学者奉为无可怀疑的定律。反对沉默螺旋模式的学术观点虽然陆续发表出来 ,但许多学者不屑一顾 ,传播学引进中颇有鱼目混珠的倾向。面对媒介意见的倾泻 ,受众并非毫无主见。受众一旦形成广泛的社会主体 ,对利益认定非常执著 ,媒介特有的议程很难对其产生感化作用。中外媒介传播的大量经验表明 ,沉默螺旋不仅不是普遍规律 ,而且在意识形态冲突的社会完全失效 ,代替沉默螺旋的则是舆论背反模式  相似文献   

Licensing and the negotiating of electronic resources can be a daunting task for librarians who lack the proper skill sets and are unfamiliar with the intricacies of publisher agreements. Claire Dygert broke down the individual elements of a standard licensing agreement and explained the importance of protecting the rights of libraries. By providing insight from her years of experience, librarians learned how to develop a support network, build confidence, and be more effective negotiators.  相似文献   

正1945年11月5日,重庆谈判后返回延安的毛泽东致电重庆中共代表团的周恩来,电文专门指示:"一、刚博古(即秦邦宪,时任解放日报社社长)说,前在焦作被迫降落之国民党飞机,内有军委会(蒋署名)给阎锡山的信及剿匪手册两本,此信由太行拍来总社,博古已发广播,此事一下揭穿了蒋的秘密,且看反映如何。二、你可借此转入主动地位,采取有理有利态度。"同日毛泽东又电中共代表团,指出邯郸战役缴获大批文件证明蒋政  相似文献   

划定天津日租界的中日交涉   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张利民 《历史档案》2004,3(1):74-80
日本自1895年《马关条约》后开始在中国建立租界,翌年,中日两国订立的《通商行船条约》和《公立文凭》中,中国政府作为日本答应在华日商交纳制造税的交换条件,允准日本除了在苏州、杭州、沙市和重庆设立租界外,“在上海、天津、厦门、汉口等处设日本专管  相似文献   

The advent of electronic resources brought about the need for license agreements between libraries and publishers. Many librarians today are new to licensing and negotiating with publishers, or have received limited training and education. Based on her years of licensing and negotiation experience, Clair Dygert of the Florida Virtual Campus (FLVC) provided librarians with practical advice and tools for working with licenses and negotiating with publishers, as well as encouragement for entering into these new areas. She included examples taken directly from FLVC’s licensing guidelines and negotiation proposals and encouraged attendees to use those documents in creating their own local documents. She also drew on the book Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In by Roger Fisher and William Ury to describe principled bargaining as the most effective and constructive method of negotiation.  相似文献   

为实现对电子商务推荐结果的解释,并支持客商双方的讨价还价,提出基于项特征的谈判模型和谈判策略.首先建立项特征档案及谈判模型,根据推荐过程中建立的用户主观评价模型及项特征信息,分析用户对项各特征的信念;然后根据该信念,将卖方谈判空间分割为许多小空间,每一小区间由一个标准控制;最后完成对推荐结果的解释和客商双方的讨价还价,...  相似文献   

何波 《图书情报工作》2011,55(4):123-127
针对现有电子商务自动谈判系统存在的不足,将Agent技术应用到双边自动谈判,重点研究基于Agent的电子商务自动谈判模型、谈判策略和学习机制。提出改进的自动谈判模型、基于多种策略的综合谈判策略,设计基于强化学习的学习机制。实验结果表明,基于强化学习的学习机制能大幅提高自动谈判的效率。  相似文献   

为提高图书馆服务质量和馆员满意度,探讨图书馆组织氛围与员工沉默问题,文章选取北京地区六所不同类型和层次的高校进行测试,运用结构方程模型(SEM)分析方法修订本土化ClimateQUALTM量表,验证中国背景下员工沉默量表(ESS),并对测量数据进行分析。本研究确定了5维度17题项本土化ClimateQUALTM,以及3维度12题项中国式ESS。对北京地区6所高校图书馆组织氛围与员工沉默的分析结果显示:"985工程""211工程"高校馆员对组织氛围评价更低,员工沉默行为更严重;馆员随着年龄增长对组织氛围评价呈下降趋势,员工沉默行为则呈上升趋势;不同组织中弱势群体员工沉默行为具有一定的共性。  相似文献   

企业档案与企业资产   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
企业档案是否属于企业资产?是近年来在推行现代企业制度中遇到的一个热点问题?当人们对档案达成了一个共识:档案是人类宝贵的财富之后,又有人提出了,档案资产论。目前,档案界对此众说纷纭,莫衷一是。比较有代表性的观点是1997年《中国档案》第5期连续发表的数...  相似文献   

对沈阳、长春、哈尔滨、大连四个城市22所高等学校图书馆馆员进行匿名问卷调查,研究高校图书馆组织中的馆员沉默现象,分析高校图书馆馆员沉默结构,探讨高校图书馆馆员年龄、专业对默许沉默、防御沉默和漠视沉默各个维度选择行为的影响,并根据不同职业阶段馆员的心理契约特征提出有针对性的职业生涯管理对策。  相似文献   

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