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张钧伟 《海外英语》2012,(8):274-278
Language and culture are intrinsically interconnected and interactive with each other.On one hand,language is a part of culture and plays a very important role in it:language expresses,embodies and symbolizes cultural reality.On the other,language is influenced and shaped by culture;it reflects culture.This kind of relationship of language and culture is indispensible,which is clearly reflected in and especially ture with their play of roles in communication.Through the overviews of language and culture,and based on the case studies of three types of communication(cross-cultural,intercultural and multicultural communication),this article is aimed at discussing the relationship of language and culture in detail from the perspective of communication,and further explain and prove the importance of language and culture in successful communication.  相似文献   

While data are available on the effect of medicinal plants on intestinal motility and their antibacterial action, there is a paucity of information on their mode of action on various aspects of diarrheal pathogenicity, namely colonization to intestinal epithelial cells and production/action of enterotoxins. Crude decoction of dried leaves of Pongamia pinnata was evaluated for its antimicrobial (antibacterial, antigiardial and antirotaviral) effect; and its effect on production and action of enterotoxins (cholera toxin, CT; Escherichia coli labile toxin, LT; and E. coli stable toxin, ST); and adherence of enteropathogenic E. coli and invasion of enteroinvasive E. coli and Shigellaflexneri to epithelial cells. The decoction had no antibacterial, antigiardial and antirotaviral activity, but reduced production of CT and bacterial invasion to epithelial cells. The observed results indicated that the crude decoction ofP. pinnata has selective antidiarrheal action with efficacy against cholera and enteroinvasive bacterial strains causing bloody diarrheal episodes.  相似文献   

Product data management (PDM) is a unique technique that integrates and manages all applications, information and processes defining a product from design to manufacture, and to end-user support. However, exploration of valuable information and knowledge from the PDM system has become a key in improvement of efficiency and implementation of knowledge management in an enterprise. This paper introduces a data mining prototype system model based on PDM, and emphasizes some important techniques such as design of the prototype system framework, methods of data selection and integration of data mining prototype system and PDM. The model basically solves the problem of functional losses in mining and analyzing data in PDM. Application of data mining to PDM is meaningful to the ideas and techniques of PDM, and to the rapid development of data mining application itself. Also, it is useful in improving development and usage of enterprise databases.  相似文献   

Our research focused on the analysis of concrete deterioration mechanism under the coupling effects of flexural load, cyclic wetting and drying, and sulfate. The relative dynamic modulus of elasticity of a corroded concrete sample was tested, and scanning electron microscope was used to observe the microstructure of concrete under the coupling effects of flexural load, cyclic wetting and drying, and sulfate. Results manifested that flexural load and cyclic wetting and drying during the concrete service changed the corrosion process of the sulfate medium in concrete and enhanced the deterioration of concrete performance. Furthermore, the influencing patterns of strength grade of concrete, mass concentration of sulfate solution, and mineral admixtures on the degree of concrete deterioration were identified.  相似文献   

An expansion theory of spherical cavities in strain-softening materials with different moduli of tension and com-pression was presented. For geomaterials,two controlling parameters were introduced to take into account the different moduli and strain-softening properties. By means of elastic theory with different moduli and stress-softening models,general solutions cal-culating Tresca and Mohr-Coulomb materials' stress and displacement fields of expansion of spherical cavity were derived. The effects caused by different elastic moduli in tensile and compression and strain-softening rates on stress and displacement fields and development of plastic zone of expansion of cavity were analyzed. The results show that the ultimate expansion pressure,stress and displacement fields and development of plastic zone vary with the different elastic moduli and strain-softening prop-erties. If classical elastic theory is adopted and strain-softening properties are neglected,rather large errors may be the result.  相似文献   

Chongqing is the largest municipality under the Chinese Central Government (MCG) in terms of administrative area and population and is now the most important economic and cultural center of the upper Yangtze River and Three Gorges area. The Three Gorges Dam project, one of the largest world infrastructure projects, causes a great deal of immigration to Chongqing and results in the rapid urbanization of the city, and it has brought in a great deal of environmental impact, which is a global concerned issue. This paper introduces the city profile of Chongqing municipality and its urbanization impact on energy and environment. The demand and the trend of energy consumption in built environment (building and transport) have been analysed. The living environment of Chongqing residents and the local energy efficient policy have been introduced. Finally the authors discuss the key issues of the sustainable urban development of Chongqing.  相似文献   

This paper intends to disclose the nature and quality of the relationship and love tragedy of Heathcliff and Catherine in Emily Bronte's only novel Wuthering Heights. Their indispensable union is forged in rebellion against tyrannies. In their revolt they discover their deep and passionate need of each other. Love is conveyed in the process of struggle for individual fulfillment and humanity, based on mutual faith, mutual understanding. However, seduced by the worldliness and luxury, Catherine steps into the world of the Grange and becomes 'the greatest woman of the neighborhood'. Catherine' s betrayal and defection from Heathcliff lead to the tragedy of their love, which results from a world of inequality and oppression.  相似文献   

Network manufacturing has been rapidly developed and is going to play an important role in modern indusu‘y. The core of network manufacturing of mechanical products is the design and manufacturing based on the computer network technology. A network framework is introduced for manufacturing mechanical components at two main levels. On the design level features of the component are initially studied based on the structure and functions of the component. Details of the design procedure and contents are then analyzed with three main kinds of components. In this stage, selection of materials, calculation of sla‘ess and deflection under load, determination of the size are carried out using CAD. On the manufacturing level various aspects of CAPP are discussed, including the principle and the modes of positioning the component, the exerted clamping forces, cutting engagement and input parameters, machine tools used, and machining fluids if necessary. Finally a prototype of the network framework is presented with several pieces of data terminal equipment through a local area network, the topological structure, and data sharing and security, without concerning the use of the concurrent engineering techniques and virtual manufacturing, and virtual measuring techniques.  相似文献   

人类的思维是一个有机整体,可以划分为五种基本形态,依次是宗教思维、哲学思维、科学思维、数学思维、艺术思维。它们各有自己的本质规定,具有独特的存在形态和意义。从所研究的内容来看,人类的思维可以划分为宗教、哲学、科学三种形态:宗教奠基于世界的神秘性,哲学立足于世界的可理解性,科学则依赖于存在的可确证性。宗教思维是最早产生的思维形态,哲学思维从宗教思维形态中分化出来,科学思维又从哲学思维形态中分化出来。从所研究的途径来看,人类的思维可以划分为哲学、数学、艺术三种形态:哲学从质的途径切入对事物的把握,数学从量的途径切入对事物的把握,艺术从既综合质与量又将质与量赋形的途径切入对事物的把握。哲学的质是纯粹的质,数学的量是纯粹的量,都具有形而上的性质;艺术则是形而上与形而下的统一。哲学思维具有超越性、批判性、反思性等根本特征,各种思维形态均具有各自的独特性、不可替代性,从而人类的思维具有整体性、复杂丰富性、多层次多极性等特征。  相似文献   

理查德·罗蒂立足后现代主义、解构主义、文化自由主义、相对主义和后哲学文化论,建立的协同性实用主义,批判分析哲学、现象学、传统的认识论、反映论、符合论和真理观,肯定解释学的功能与教化作用,否定客观性、绝对性、永恒性和不变性,反对理性主义、科学主义和实在论,主张解构形而上学,创立无冕哲学,提倡工具主义、约定主义、实用主义、多元主义,以及心灵与社会的协同性作用。  相似文献   

作为历来备受学界称赏的《渌水亭杂识》,就其所考订记述的主要内容而言。当归为学术笔记一类,但因其内容芜杂,实则集小说故事、历史琐闻、考据辩证三类基本内容于一体。按照传统的分类原则,《渌水亭杂识》所考订记述内容大致可以划分为:史地、碑刻、器物、文艺、宗教、异闻、风俗等七大类。就其作用而言,《渌水亭杂志》在纳兰性德的思想倾向界定以及辞书修订、历史地理考证、明清科技与宗教、中外交通、历代典章制度、民族学与民俗学等研究领域。具备重要的文献价值。  相似文献   

英国历史学科国家课程标准探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英国历史学科国家课程标准由课程大纲、课程目标和教学基本要求三部分组成。课程大纲包括1-3学级的“知识、技能与理解”和“研究范围”。“知识、技能与理解”强调学生学习历史学科应侧重“理解历史的时序性”“知道和理解历史人物、事件及变化”“阐释历史”“探究历史”“组织和交流”五个方面。“研究范围”包括地方史、国家史、欧洲史和世界史。课程目标包括八个水平和一个超水平。该课程标准内容上突出学生能力的培养;结构严谨;与其他学科相交融。  相似文献   

"两课"教学的接受过程包括以信息传递为中心的传输系统和以主体对信息的接受为中心的接受系统.二者的相互统一才构成了完整意义上的"两课"接受活动.传输是接受活动的前提;传输是师生平等的互动活动;传输不等于接受.接受目标最终能否得到落实取决于接受而非传输.接受活动包括反映和择取、整合和内化、外化和践行等环节.在"两课"接受过程中,传输与接受是既对立又统一的互通共振过程.它具有阶段性与整体性的统一,稳定性与可变性的统一,引导性与持久性的统一等特点,是一个多级反馈、连续运行、循环往复、螺旋上升的运行过程.就宏观而言,大学生对"两课"的接受必须经过认识→实践→再认识→再实践这样多次的反复,才能实现最终意义上的接受、内化和提高.  相似文献   

高职英语教学形成性评估研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
形成性评估是一种过程性、发展性评估,即根据教学目标,采用多种评估形式,跟踪教学全过程,反馈教学信息,提高教学质量,促进学生在知识、能力、素养上全面发展。这种评估方式关注学生在学习过程中的主体性和创造性,有利于外语教学方法、教学内容和相应竞争机制的改革。形成性评估形式包括课堂活动和课外活动记录、学习档案记录、访谈和座谈等。形成性评估内容包括:对学生的语言综合运用能力进行评估,对学生的学习方法、学习步骤以及学习策略进行评估,对学生的综合素质以及社会情感进行评估。  相似文献   

劳伦斯与非理性主义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以叔本华、尼采、弗洛伊德为代表的非理性主义是劳伦斯小说创作的思想基础。受叔本华影响,劳伦斯把生存意志作为人物行动的基本动力,这主要表现为向性力和精神占有欲。受尼采影响,劳伦斯赞美躯体,重视生命的内在能量和自我超越性,并与基督教决裂,成为西方基督教道德观的激烈批判者。劳伦斯在性与无意识这两个领域,对弗洛伊德精神分析理论有接受,也有超越。弗洛伊德与劳伦斯都把性、无意识与文明对立起来,但弗洛伊德进行的是否定性研究,强调对其疏导和控制,劳伦斯则认为性与无意识是原初的创造性力量,是生活的源泉,是对抗人之社会化和理性化的正面力量。非理性主义丰富和深化了劳伦斯对现代人心理世界的理解,加强了他的小说的社会批判力量。  相似文献   

现代性消弭了人存在的高贵性,是教师精神矮化的时代症候。这导致建基于此的教育科学、教师教育、教师道德等都对教师的本体性问题隐而不谈。此外,犬儒主义将相对主义与怀疑主义发挥到极致,让教师精神进一步衰微,教师丧失了教育信念,对新概念、新理论采取拒绝态度,教学走向娱乐化与迎合化。从卑微走向高贵,教师首先可以从对真善美的超越性理解与追求入手,重思教师职业的爱与卓越,重思教师生活的审美性,让教师的成长之路更具道德与审美实践之意蕴。其次,需要把教师教育从科学恢复到人学,进行本体论、存在论的思索,实现教师的觉醒与解放,进而让教师获得人之为人的高贵。  相似文献   

论教育投入的结构及基本特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
教育投入不是简单的经费投入,它是一项系统工程。教育投入的结构从内至外涵括三个层面:一是精神性投入,教育投入的核心(实质);二是政策性投入,人力和物质相互转化的中介;三是物质性投入,教育投入的条件和基础。从基本特征来看,教育投入具有:性质上的生产性和消费性,形式上的多样性,区域上的差异性,时间上的长期性和递增性,收益上的长效性、间接性、多效性以及供需上的矛盾性。分析和研究教育投入的结构及基本特征,可以加深对教育投入内涵的认识,形成新的教育投入观;可以更好地调动教育者和学习者投入情感和精力,有利于从根本上提高教育质量。  相似文献   

Results of the German contribution to the Classroom Environment Study: Teaching for Learning are presented. The study explored instructional quality and classroom management factors as predictors of student cognitive and affective outcomes. Classrroms (N=39) were observed nine times with a low-inference observation instrument. Individual data on students' cognitive and affective characteristics, students' perceptions of instruction, self-reported attention, and observed time-on-task were aggregated, and the classroom was the unit of analysis. The data were analyzed with zero-order process-process and process-product correlations, multilevel analysis, communality analysis, and, as the focus of the study, causal modeling with the PLS (Partial Least Squares) technique. The causal model included, as latent variables, students' cognitive and affective entry characteristics, observed efficiency of management and quality of instruction, the student perceptions of these, students' observed time-on-task and self-reported attention, and affective and cognitive outcomes. As expected, student entry characteristics were of greatest importance for both affective and cognitive outcomes. A pattern of direct-instruction variables indicating efficient management, intensive use of time, and strong task orientation was positively related to student engagement and cognitive outcomes. Methodological questions associated with the multilevel character of the data and possible reasons for some unexpected results, for example, the nonsignificant role of instructional quality and of student engagement for cognitive outcomes, are discussed.  相似文献   

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