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基于不确定判断理论,利用有声思维的研究方法,探究高中生在不确定的情况下如何对语法填空题进行猜测。发现高中生主要利用了代表性策略、可得性策略、锚定与调整策略。其中,锚定与调整的策略使用频率最高。共50小题的猜测中,两名受试猜对率为50.0%和48.0%,带有提示词的设空猜对率为65.7%和60.0%,无提示词的设空猜对率分别为13.3%和20.0%。在不理解文章的情况下,利用猜测策略对语法填空的题项进行猜测是一种实际存在的做法,而猜测策略对于有提示词的题项比无提示词的题项更为有效。这一发现不但有利于教师开展策略及语法教学,也有益于命题者优化试卷命制,提高试题质量。  相似文献   

本项研究通过内省式有声思维的方法收集数据,探讨了中国外语学习者猜测语境中生词的心理过程,重点分析了猜测词义过程中所运用的知识来源,并且探讨了词汇深度和成功猜测之间的关系。结果显示:受试在测试过程中主要运用了词素知识、语篇知识、句法知识、句子层面语义知识、并列搭配关系等知识来源;受试的词汇深度和猜测成功成正比关系。这一结果给词汇教学一定的启示。  相似文献   

锚定效应是不确定情景下被试判断和决策中表现出来的普遍性偏差.40年来,研究者们采用传统锚定效应和基本锚定效应范式开展研究,提出了不充分的调整模型、选择通达模型和双重加工模型,系列研究表明,锚定效应受到决策背景、锚的类型、文化特征等多个变量的影响.未来研究应扩展锚的类型、创新研究范式、深化认知神经心理机制、确认影响锚定效应的内外部因素,以及注重锚定效应的应用研究.  相似文献   

本文依据Kahneman等的启发式策略理论,考查了大学英语CET-4考生在测试中使用代表性、可得性、锚定与调整和回避损失等策略的状况,通过探究考生参加测试时的心理过程和认知因素,以期达到对考生特定行为的科学认识。  相似文献   

知识图谱是将文献中隐含的信息,通过特征提取、模式识别、信息关联、信息处理与分析和可视化等手段显示出来,便于研究者确定自己的研究领域在科学研究中所处的位置。教学领域中的知识图谱主要是展示知识与知识之间的关系,明确知识系统的构成框架、关联、层级、发展脉络等,精准定位教学。基于知识图谱的精准教学思路有:锚定知识点,明确知识关系网;理解知识点,明晰知识联结线;回置知识点,验证知识落地性。  相似文献   

关于二语语感的研究不仅需要有来自二语研究者层面的理论论述,也有必要关注二语习得者的认识和体验。研究取英语能力、专业背景、受试性别这三个学习者个体差异因素为变量,分别采用描述性统计分析及一维方差分析,实证考察了111名受试的英语语感知识现状在四个不同因素方面的表现情况。结果显示,调查对象普遍认同"语感"在二语学习过程中的存在、普遍认同其对二语习得的积极作用;英语水平变量对于受试培养语感的积极性和语感培养策略有较为突出的影响,专业背景变量对受试在培养语感的积极性方面也存在显著性差异。未发现性别变量对受试的语感知识状况产生任何显著影响。研究结果对于我国的大学英语教学实践有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

以高考数据分析为依据,确定二轮"种子"专题复习的重点,以元认知为基础进行迁移;锚定高考,对核心考点归纳整理;梳理拓展,倡导小微专题复习;建模结网,帮助学生自主建构起集"结构、代谢、调节"于一体的"种子知识树",并集中"火力"突破核心知识。优化策略,通过类比分析、迁移深化,使原来分散在教材中零散的知识进一步系统化、网络化、规律化,深度解读"一粒种子的前世与今生"。  相似文献   

教学内容 北师大版小学教学二年级上册第九单元(P92—93)。 教学目标 (1)知识与技能:在简单的猜测活动中初步感受不确定现象,初步体验有些事件的发生是确定的,有些则是不确定的,形成一些解决问题的策略。 (2)过程与方法:能根据具体情况进行简单的推理、分析和判断,会用“一定”、“可能”、“不可能”等词汇描述生活中一些事件发生的可能性。  相似文献   

"猜想"是解决数学问题时常用的思考方法之一。所谓猜想,就是主观推测,是"个体面对不确定的数学问题时,依据已知条件或知识,进行猜测、检验、确认和推翻的迂回过程"。猜想的本质就是人的思维在探索数学规律或本质时的一种策略,同时又是建立在已有的知识和事实经验的基础上,基于直觉得到的一种假定,或基于归纳进行的一种合情推理。  相似文献   

"抛硬币"是义务教育课程标准实验教材北师大版第三册第九单元<统计与猜测>的第二课时,内容是体验事件发生的可能性.本节课,旨在通过猜测、实践、验证,体验有些事件发生是确定的,有些是不确定的,能对一些简单事件发生的可能性做出描述,并让学生参与知识发生、发展的全过程.  相似文献   

I analyse various schemes of negative marking for tests consisting of multiple-choice questions and propose a scheme that reduces the impact of random guessing. I also propose an alternate style of multiple-choice questions, where each question may have several correct answers and the candidate is required to tick all correct answers in order to get credit.  相似文献   

In tests used to measure reading comprehension, validity is important in obtaining accurate results. Unfortunately, studies have shown that people can correctly answer some questions of these tests without reading the related passage. These findings bring forth the need to address whether this phenomenon is observed in multiple-choice only tests or in those that employ open-ended questions. Three common standardized reading comprehension tests were examined: the WIAT-III, the CAAT, and the Nelson–Denny. The WIAT-III is composed of open-ended questions, while the other two tests utilize multiple-choice questions. All participants were instructed to answer the questions to the best of their ability, without access to the related passage. The results revealed that participants correctly answered the questions at a significantly higher rate than by chance for the multiple-choice, which supports the independency issue. For the open-ended questions, participants still answered with 18% accuracy, without the passages.  相似文献   

This study analyses the efficacy of formative feedback to boost students’ search behaviour when answering comprehension questions in a with-text reading situation, which is a common reading situation in instructional and assessment settings. In these reading situations search strategies play an important role to predict students’ performance. Sixty-five high school students read two texts and answered eight multiple-choice comprehension questions per text using the software Read&Answer, which recorded all the students’ actions. After answering each question, students received either global-search-feedback or specific-search-feedback, which differed in the specificity of their information, or no-feedback. Participants who received any feedback had a second chance to correct their wrong answers. Specific-search-feedback increased students’ search decisions and improved their use of relevant information to repair wrong answers over global-search-feedback. Consequently, specific-search-feedback improved students’ performance when they corrected wrong answers over global-search-feedback. These results have implications for the design and implementation of formative feedback in computer-based systems aimed at improving students’ performance and teaching reading literacy skills.  相似文献   

While previous research has identified numerous factors that contribute to item difficulty, studies involving large-scale reading tests have provided mixed results. This study examined five selected-response item types used to measure reading comprehension in the Pearson Test of English Academic: a) multiple-choice (choose one answer), b) multiple-choice (choose multiple answers), c) re-order paragraphs, d) reading (fill-in-the-blanks), and e) reading and writing (fill-in-the-blanks). Utilizing a multiple regression approach, the criterion measure consisted of item difficulty scores for 172 items. 18 passage, passage-question, and response-format variables served as predictors. Overall, four significant predictors were identified for the entire group (i.e., sentence length, falsifiable distractors, number of correct options, and abstractness of information requested) and five variables were found to be significant for high-performing readers (including the four listed above and passage coherence); only the number of falsifiable distractors was a significant predictor for low-performing readers. Implications for assessing reading comprehension are discussed.  相似文献   

Around the world, multiple-choice tests are widely used as part of high-stakes examinations. To counteract lucky guessing, many of them have instituted a penalty for wrong answers. In this paper, we use administrative data from Turkish college admissions test to study the heterogeneity in gender differences in tendency to leave questions blank across subjects, difficulty levels, and stakes. Exploiting the tracking system and using the resulting variation in the effective guessing penalty across different test sections, we find that female test-takers skip significantly more questions than male test-takers in the quantitative track while we do not find a significant difference in other tracks. Among quantitative track students, the gender gap is larger in Math and when questions are more difficult while it reverses in Literature. We also find that self-assessment is related to skipping behavior and explains part of the gender gap. Male test-takers are more likely than female test-takers to report that they are good at Math, Science, and Social Science after conditioning on their number of correct answers in the corresponding test sections. This gender gap, consistently with the one in skipping behavior, reverses when it comes to Literature. Differently from previous literature, our findings suggest that the magnitude and the sign of the gender gap in answering questions under uncertainty is context dependent.  相似文献   

A new type of test item was developed which required Ss to recognize groups of words, i.e., chunks, whose meaning had been changed from that in the original reading or listening passage. In one study involving 52 Ss and 20 test variables, individual differences on the chunked reading test were found to correlate .68 with a multiple-choice alternate form. In another study, the decrease in listening comprehension due to increased speech rate as measured by the chunked items was roughly parallel to the decrease as measured by the multiple-choice questions. These data were interpreted as providing evidence for the validity of the chunked items as measures of comprehension. However, other results suggested that the chunked items may be less dependent upon grammatical and vocabulary knowledge and more sensitive to within individual changes in comprehension as compared to the traditional multiple-choice question.  相似文献   

It has been reasonably well established that test takers can, to varying degrees, answer some reading comprehension questions without reading the passages on which the questions are based, even for carefully constructed measures like the Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). The aim of this study was to determine what test-taking strategies examinees use, and which are related to test performance, when reading passages are not available. The research focused on reading comprehension questions similar to those that will be used in the revised SAT, to be introduced in 1994. The most often cited strategies involved choosing answers on the basis of consistency with other questions and reconstructing the main theme of a missing passage from all of the questions and answers in a set. These strategies were more likely to result in successful performance on individual test items than were any of many other possible (and less constructrelevant) strategies.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigate the effect of reading purpose on students’ processing behavior during a reading comprehension test. In a repeated measures design, sixty undergraduates answered multiple-choice (MC) reading comprehension questions in a condition with no overarching goal for reading and in an alternate condition where the same students were first provided with the goal of summarizing the text before answering MC questions. Results from eye tracking analysis showed that when students read and answered questions without an overarching goal, they spent much less time reading the passages before answering the questions, more time re-reading the texts while answering the questions, and more time on parts of the text that were not necessary to answer the questions. We conclude that providing examinees without an explicit goal for reading may inadvertently encourage a “search for the answer” reading process, rather than on building a coherent mental model of text content.  相似文献   

This experiment investigated metacognitive monitoring in the processing of anaphors in 10–year-old skilled and less skilled comprehenders. Two tasks were used with expository texts. The direct self-evaluation task was carried out with consistent texts in which target anaphors were either repeated noun phrases or pronouns. Subjects had to read and to evaluate their own comprehension on a 6–point scale. After reading, subjects answered multiple-choice questions designed to test the processing of anaphors. In the inconsistency detection task, target anaphors were either repeated noun phrases or inconsistent noun phrases. Subjects had to read and detect inconsistencies. After reading, they answered multiple-choice questions. In both tasks, on-line measures (reading times for units containing target anaphors and for subsequent units, and look-backs) were collected in addition to off-line measures (ratings of comprehension, detection of inconsistencies and response to multiple-choice questions) in order to analyse indicators of implicit and explicit evaluation and revision activities. The results from the two tasks converged: less skilled comprehenders showed deficiencies in monitoring on measures of implicit and explicit evaluation and revision. Patterns of reading times revealed that less skilled comprehenders were sensitive to the difficulties in processing pronouns in the self-evaluation task and also sensitive to the lack of text cohesion in the inconsistency detection task. However, this sensitivity was weak and unable to trigger explicit activities. These results were interpreted in the framework of Karmiloff-Smith's (1986) model.  相似文献   

Using mathemagenic-based research, the authors attempted to determine if the location or type of a picture affects reading comprehension. College students read a passage and then answered multiple-choice questions that assessed different types of incidental learning. Generally, subjects who viewed a picture after reading the passage scored higher than those who viewed before reading.  相似文献   

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