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To elucidate the principles of notable torque and flux ripple during the steady state of the conventional direct torque control (DTC) of induction machines, the factors of influence torque variation are examined. A new torque ripple minimization algorithm is proposed. The novel method eradicated the torque ripple by imposing the required stator voltage vector in each control cycle. The M and T axial components of the stator voltage are accomplished by measuring the stator flux error and the expected incremental value of the torque at every sampling time. The maximum angle rotation allowed is obtained. Experimental results showed that the proposed method combined with the space vector pulse width modulation(SVPWM) could be implemented in most existing digital drive controllers, offering high performance in both steady and transient states of the induction drives at full speed range. The result of the present work imphes that torque fluctuation could be eliminated by imposing proper stator voltage, and the proposed scheme could not only maintain constant switching frequency for the inverter, but also solve the heating problem and current harmonics in traditional induction motor drives.  相似文献   

The DSC (direct self control) of speed regulation technology was applied to drive a motor running at a certain overloading ratio in intermittent working conditions. To control motor temperatures rising effectively, a finite element method with an iterative approach was applied to simulate real working conditions and analyze the temperature rising of the inner part of the motor. Application of DSC speed regulation realizes the invariable torque output quickly and avoids the peak current at the start state in favor of the motor temperature decreasing. Based on an analysis with the finite limit method, some effective measures were taken to improve the ability of the motor to expel heat. The overload ability of the motor was improved and the stable motor temperature rising was obtained, fulfilling the demands of electrical screw presses.  相似文献   

针对异步电动机直接转矩控制(DTC)系统在低速时由于开关频率不稳定而引起转矩脉动较大的缺点,提出了一种预测控制方法。该方法根据转矩和定子磁链的误差来确定应该施加的参考电压矢量,最后利用空间矢量脉宽调制(SVPWM)方法来合成该矢量,这样即保证了逆变器的开关频率恒定,从而大大降低转矩脉动。仿真结果表明,在低速下定子磁链轨迹近似为圆,转矩脉动不明显。  相似文献   

In order to deal with torque pulsation problem caused by traditional control method for brushless DC (BLDC) motor and to achieve high precision and good stability, a novel control strategy is proposed. Compared with the traditional control scheme, by using phase voltage as a control objective and making waveform of phase current approximately quasi-sinusoidal, torque ripple of BLDC motor is reduced from the original 14% to 3.4%, while toque is increased by 3.8%. Furthermore, by detecting zero-crossings of back electromotive force (BEMF) with non-conducting phases, sensorless control is realized. The new control strategy is simple. It can minimize torque ripple, increase torque, and realize sensorless control for BLDC motor. Simulation and experiments show good performance of BLDC motor by using the new control method.  相似文献   

交流伺服电动缸凭借其优异的控制性和相对较低的成本,特别是其核心部件——交流伺服电机的控制精度高、加速性能好、有良好的矩频特性和过载能力,使得利用电动缸进行地震模拟成为可能。交流伺服电动缸振动台成本低、控制简单,在地震教学演示、构件及小型结构振动台实验中优点突出,具有广泛的应用前景。将伺服电动缸和微机控制技术相结合,实现了一条单向地震波的模拟仿真输出。结果表明,在一定的加速度范围内模拟效果良好,模拟极限加速度值和模拟效果取决于交流伺服电动缸的性能和台面载荷。  相似文献   

直接转矩控制(DTC)借助于滞环调节器产生脉冲信号,直接对逆变器的导通状态进行最优控制,以获取转矩的高动态性能,并省去了复杂的矢量坐标变换.具有动态响应迅速,控制简单,易于实现等优点.本文采用自行设计的电压开关矢量表,建立了异步电动机直接转矩控制系统的基于MATLAB的仿真模型.仿真结果表明,所设计的直接转矩控制系统是正确的.  相似文献   

研制了胶印机示教装置,简单阐述了该示教装置开发的主要特点及基本要求,并且对该示教装置离合压系统电气控制设计作了详细的分析介绍。胶印机示教装置在低速运行时,演示现象明显。  相似文献   

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