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A How much attention do you pay to what you put in your body,in other words,food?As we get older,we start to think about this more and more.Maybe you have started making more of your own eating choices or even preparing your own  相似文献   

A It is a Saturday morning, my mother, my sister and I go to a park. At the ticket counter(售票处),mother asks the ticket woman,"How much can we get in ?" The woman answers,"Three dollars for adults(成人) or children older than six (超过六岁的孩子). If children are  相似文献   

A Jack is 12 years old and he studies in a middle school.He likes to tell his father,Mr Green,everything about his school life.Now Jack jumps onto bed.Mr Green is sitting beside him."What kind of day did you have today?"Mr Green asks."It was a bad day for me,"Jack answers."I had a fight with Tom.The teacher told you  相似文献   

A We must go to bed early and get up early in the morning.If we do so,we shall be healthy.Is this true Perhaps it is.The body must have enough sleep.Children of your age need nine hours’sleep every night.If you don’t go to bed early,you can’t work well.  相似文献   

A Hi,boys and girls.Have a look at Zig Zag’s Clothes Shop.We have black and blue hats for $15.The blue sweater is $33 and the red sweater is $30.The yellow shorts are also $30 and the green shorts are on sale for $25!  相似文献   

A Some children from New York are having a talk after they visited Rizhao.What are they talking about?  相似文献   

A These days many people start their day by going into the bathroom to wash. They turn on a faucet and hot water runs into the sink. They pick up a bar of soap and wash their hands and face. They take a towel to dry themselves. Then they put toothpaste on their toothbrush in order to brush their teeth.  相似文献   

AIn Peru(秘鲁),one researcher was very surprised to find that there were 43 species(种类)of ants living on one big tree.A single ant group can have over 5 million busy members.There are soldiers and workers,males and the queen in it.A queen’s job is to lay eggs—may lay 100 million eggs a day!Al-  相似文献   

A A taxi hit a truck. A policeman spoke to the taxi driver and the truck driver. He also spoke to Tom. He was a witness (目击者). This is what they said. TRUCK DRIVER: I was driving from the airport to Newton. A car crossed the road, so I slowed down. I did not stop. A taxi hit the back of my truck. Nobody was seriously hurt but both cars were  相似文献   

"一个苹果越分就会越少,但快乐却是越分越多。"让我们一起来分享快乐吧!I go to a park with my little 。brother.When he is playing in the sandbox(沙坑),he sees a boy of his age in a wheelchair(轮椅).My brother  相似文献   

孟宪法 《初中生》2006,(7):13-17
【阅读提示】 以下三篇短,取材、表现手法等诸方面各有不同,但均突出了一个“爱”字,这爱无私,这爱崇高,这爱不同凡响,这爱感人至深。阅读它们,要努力探求它们是如何通过不同去表现、突出相同的。  相似文献   

A Hi, I am Natasha Obama. I am an American girl. I am 10. Do you know me?Here is a photo of my family. This is my father Barack Obama. He is the president (总统) of the USA now. And the girl next to (紧挨着) him is me. That is my mother Michelle Obama. She is very  相似文献   

A Li Tong and Li Ming are twin brothers.They are twelve.They are in the same clothes.But they aren’t in the same class.Li Tong is in Class Three and Li Ming is in Class Four.They often change  相似文献   

东方有士焉,曰爰旌目。将有适也,而饿 于道。狐父之盗曰丘,见而下壶餐以之。爰 旌目三之然后能视,曰:"子何为者也?" 曰:"我狐父之人丘也。"爰旌目曰:" !汝 非盗邪?胡为而食我!吾义不食子之食也!" 两手据地而叶之,不出,喀喀然遂伏地而死。 --《吕氏春秋·介立》 1、解释下面句中加点的词。 将有适也,而饿于道。 2、翻译下列句子。 汝非盗邪?胡为而食我!吾义不食子之食也! 3、你认为文中的爰旌目是一个怎样的形象? 屠牛吐辞婚  相似文献   

短文改错、语法填空都着重在语篇层面上考查学生的语法、词汇和语用知识的掌握情况,强调在实际语言中的灵活运用。在教学中可以基于单元的阅读语篇进行短文改错和语法填空的综合教学,提升学生的综合语用能力。  相似文献   

动物园管理员 动物是我们人类的好朋友,很多人都很喜欢它们。但是照顾它们的日常生活并不是一件简单的事情,动物园的工作人员对此深有体会,那么动物园的工作人员的日常工作到底是怎样的呢?一起来看看吧!  相似文献   

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