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本文主要通过对知识管理和学习型组织基本内涵,基于知识管理的学习型组织建立的因素分析,结合香港利奥集团的实践,就一个大型企业以知识管理的手段和途径创建一个学习型组织进行实证研究。  相似文献   

知识管理和学习型组织具有密不可分的关系:学习型组织是知识管理得以实施的最佳载体,而知识管理又是学习型组织的核心功能和精髓所在。但目前有关二者的研究却没有把二者充分的结合起来,为此,本文从知识管理和学习型组织的交融性以及互动关系的角度对二者进行了辩证分析。  相似文献   

实践社群当之无愧地成为企业知识管理的有效组织新架构,这本质上源于知识的三个特性一动态性、情境性以及知识的社会属性大于个人属性。企业通过实践社群开展知识管理的意义和价值在于,一方面能够持续拥有和增强组织的核心竞争力,另一方面能够为实践社群成员提供获取、交流和共享最前沿专业知识的永久场所与终生专业发展的动态组织系统。  相似文献   

实践社团:研究生知识管理新视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在知识管理领域,实践社团日益成为知识共享、转移和创新的重要形式,这与研究生的创新性培养目标不谋而合。文章在对研究生知识管理现状进行分析的基础上,构建了基于实践社团的知识管理模型,并对该模型的应用进行案例分析,以期能为研究生学习效率的提高找到新的突破口。  相似文献   

知识管理与学习型组织的建立   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在知识社会和知识经济时代,现代组织必须树立知识管理理念,重视组织学习,构建学习型组织。  相似文献   

知识经济时代的激烈竞争迫切要求企业管理创新,建立学习型组织是21世纪大势所趋,而知识管理在学习型组织的建设过程中发挥了重要的作用。介绍学习型组织和知识管理的相关基础理论,分析学习型组织建设过程中出现的问题,提出运用知识管理促进学习型组织建设的一些方法。  相似文献   

基于学习型组织的学校知识管理模式探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知识管理对于学校管理而言是一种全新的管理模式。基于学习型组织的学校知识管理模式对学校发展有着特殊的意义,其目的在于能过知识管理最大限度地赢得组织可持续发展的能力,使组织中的知识共享和知识创造更为有效,从而更好的提高组织创造价值的能力,实现组织的目标。  相似文献   

文章结合社团的组织特点,尝试使用学习型组织理论指导社团建设,激发社团活力,营造社团浓厚的学习氛围,使每位社员都能体会生命的意义,提升参与社团活动的积极性与主动性,通过不断实现自我超越,从而实现大学生培养未来职业生涯的社会化技能的培养.  相似文献   

学习型组织——高校学生社团发展的新愿景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
高校学生社团是校园文化建设和大学生思想政治工作新的有效依托和载体。目前高校学生社团的发展存在着社团机制松散、社团继承和创新不够、发展缓慢、前景模糊等问题。学习型组织可以为高校学生社团的发展提供有效启示。高校应提供积极有效的途径,构建学习型高校学生社团组织,发挥其应有的作用。  相似文献   

学习型组织的知识创新机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学习型组织的本质是由组织成员的个人知识创新出组织的共同知识。由共同知识的生成过程、知识创新平台、知识资产以及三之间的相互联系构成的模型可以解说学习型组织的知识创新机理。个人知识通过由社会化、外在化、组合化、内在化四类模式所构成的螺旋式循环最终升华为学习型组织的共同知识系统。四种类型的知识创新平台支持共同知识的生成。知识资产是共同知识生成过程的输入内容和输出成果,模糊知识和明晰知识的划分非常必要,二之间的相互转化推动着学习型组织的知识创新。  相似文献   

This paper provides a point of view on the relationship between learning and knowledge management in corporate training. This relationship forms the framework for the development of an effective learning management system (LMS). It comprises four sections: (1) a theoretical analysis of the relationship between training and knowledge management. In today's corporate environment, characterized by rapid change and restructuring, organizations need to become “learning organizations”; (2) some examples are provided of how training issues are intertwined with other processes, such as sales, communication, research and development (R&D), external network management; (3) corporate universities are the means for achieving those goals. They are efficient as long as they become strategy-supportive organizations. Such a structure is in need of the appropriate technology tool, an LMS; (4) it is possible to underline which functionalities are needed in order to have an efficient LMS. These are the kinds of considerations that led ID Technology in developing LiveLearning. Thus, an LMS for corporate training should take into account the relationship between knowledge management and training. An LMS should allow the integration of training with company processes and should assist in meeting corporate university goals. The same considerations also guide decision makers when choosing an LMS.  相似文献   

Learning objects and learning content management systems are considered to be ‘the next wave in engineering education’. The results of experiments with these new trends in ICT in engineering education are described in this paper. The prospects were examined and the concepts of reusability of content for teachers and for personalized education using learning objects delivered on demand to students were put to the test. The hurdles that need to be overcome and the benefits of using learning objects and learning content management systems are discussed. This paper is concluded with a discussion of the findings for future developments in engineering education.  相似文献   

2003年全国管理创新奖评选中,安徽江淮汽车有限公司以学习型组织建设为核心的组织能力优化管理荣获管理创新一等奖,反映出“学习型组织”这一国际最新的管理理论在中国的实践中已经取得了成效。本刊将分期进行摘发,以飨读者。  相似文献   

高校管理面临很大的机遇和挑战,如何提高高校管理的效率和质量具有意义重大,本文对学习型组织在高校管理中推行重要性以及对策进行了分析和探讨.  相似文献   

随着经济的发展,世界范围内的社会经济形态和社会结构形态已向知识经济和知识社会转变,在这巨大转变的驱动下,21世纪企业的人力资源管理是以知识员工为核心的战略型人力资源管理。本文通过阐述了解知识经济和人力资源管理的内涵,探寻知识经济下人力资源管理的新趋势。  相似文献   

随着社会的迅猛发展和科技水平的不断提高,进入21世纪之后,我们的社会经济迎来了另一个时代,知识经济时代。在知识经济时代的社会大背景下,知识经济的到来对经济管理提出了新的要求。文章首先对知识管理进行了简要的概述,其次对构建知识管理学科体系的必要性和可行性进行了详细的分析,详细阐述了知识管理科学所面临的挑战,同时根据相关知识管理学科体系的探索,探究了知识管理学科体系的框架和主要内容。  相似文献   

This paper locates vocational knowledges and institutions (of the state) within the broader context of contemporary discourses of ‘risk society’, while paying attention to the history and politics of Vocational Education and Training (VET) and work-related learning in Australia VET is interrogated as institutional space(s) in and through which the projects of governance and regulation and that of knowledge management co-exist in a symbiotic relationship. Rather than position VET as an objectified site of unified knowledge, this paper attempts to map epistemological ontological terrains that shape knowledge practices inherent in VET. Although challenging and re-mapping familiar terrain may involve discomfort and anxiety, it is argued that, through such a shared endeavour, knowledge practitioners within VET - learners, teachers, researchers and policy makers - will be better situated to make sense of the epistemological ontological challenges inherent in these ‘new’ times and so continually make the case for policies and practices that have the capacity to contribute more equitable and sustainable futures.  相似文献   

This article examines the current developments in Japan's lifelong learning policy and practices. I argue that promoting lifelong learning is an action that manages the risks of governance for the neoliberal state. Implementing a new lifelong learning policy involves the employment of a political technique toward integrating the currently divided and polarized Japanese population – popularly called kakusa – into the newly imagined collective, namely, atarashii kōkyō or the New Public Commons. Examining the macro policy discourse on Japan's educational policy, this article demonstrates Japan's inflections of neoliberal governmentality with the new distribution of responsibility between the state and the individuals through the construction of new knowledge supporting the New Public Commons. In fact, new knowledge is the epicenter of the national educational policy discourse aiming at generating social solidarity in local communities.  相似文献   

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