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The mental health service delivery system in Canada is complex and the need for services is growing faster than the development of methods and programs to address these. Masters-level counsellors are increasingly called upon to play important roles in the treatment of mental health concerns, yet both the public and other allied professionals (psychologists, social workers, psychiatrists, medical practitioners) remain unclear about the role and functions of counsellors. The purpose of this study was to describe the essential characteristics of the counselling profession in Canada as revealed through perceptions of counsellors themselves. A web-based survey on counsellor professional identity was developed and distributed to all members of the Canadian Counselling Association with a 22.9% return rate. Results indicate that counsellors’ roles are diverse and that they are generally satisfied with their choice of profession. However, they do not believe that the profession of counselling as a whole has a solid identity. Implications for the counselling profession in Canada are discussed.
Nicola GazzolaEmail:

On June I7, 1744, the officials from Maryland and Virginia held a talk with the Indians of the Six Nations. The Indians were invited to send boys to William and Mary College. In a letter the next day they refused the offer as follows:  相似文献   

近年来全球自然灾害频频发生,飓风卡特里娜再次给人类敲响警钟:环境保护刻不容缓!Americans feelsad aftertheirhomes weredestroyedinthehurricane.Out of water,out of food,many people inNew Orleans,US were in big trouble,crouching(蜷缩)on roofsof houses,waitingforrescue.Floodwaters were beatingthe walls a few metresbelow.In earlySeptember,NewOrleans was badly hitby Hur-ricane Katrina.The wholecitywas leftin ruins.Thou-sands of citziens lost theirlives.Death figuresare thebiggest in the US since th…  相似文献   

In recent years, natural disasters such as floods, tsunamis, typhoons, hurricanes, sandstorms, earthquakes happened frequently. We feel extremely sad after our homes were destroyed by these disasters.  相似文献   

1.C。通读完文章后可知,文章实际是一封印第安人写给Maryland和Virginia两个州的政府官员的信。信中谈到,不同民族看问题的方式也不同。他们对教育的看法和理解与其他民族不一样,他们不愿将孩子送住William and Mary College接受教育,同时阐述了他们的教育观,故选C项。  相似文献   

叠字在中国古诗中有其特殊的修辞效果和艺术感染力,但是翻译中却很难展现出原诗中叠字的艺术魅力。本篇论文以《采薇》一诗的四个译本比较其中的叠字翻译优劣,并借助其他翻译大家的译作总结出两种叠字的翻译方法。  相似文献   

Fritz Kubli 《Interchange》2010,41(4):315-321
Reflection on several decades of science teaching at the secondary-school level leads to the strong suggestion that a theory of science education should be based on arguments emanating from insights into the process of meaningful communication in the light of modern epistemology. These arguments show that the teacher’s personality and engagement with the subject is a major source of interest and devotion of students who try to understand the presented ideas. An analysis of the conditions of this engagement leads to a vision for a future understanding of the teaching process, especially in science teaching.  相似文献   

叠字在中国古诗中有其特殊的修辞效果和艺术感染力,但是翻译中却很难展现出原诗中叠字的艺术魅力。本篇论文以《采薇》一诗的四个译本比较其中的叠字翻译优劣,并借助其他翻译大家的译作总结出两种叠字的翻译方法。  相似文献   

成立于1999年的MR.FEAR是成都的一个绘画团 体,简称:M.F。 一切未知事物带来的神秘感,为Fear人带来了无 尽的创作灵感。虽然我们只是默默地观察变化着的现 实,却以我们独有的热情创造着属于我们的世界。MR. Fear是一个有着很强团队精神的绘画团体,每一个社 员的存在对这个团体都起着积极的作用。  相似文献   

May 《新高考》2013,(11):5-5
2012年,中美双方就解决WTO电影相关问题达成协议,其中包括中国每年将增加14部美国进口大片,以IMAX和3D电影为主。这才有了2013年大荧幕上的许多好莱坞3D大片。扩大好莱坞电影引进名额,对于中国电影产业来说是一次考验。有的人忧心忡忡,表示此举可能“直接摧毁中国电影制片工业的半壁江山”;有的人非常乐观,认为“虽暂有疼痛,长远来说,是好事”;有人则继续观望。你认为,这是“好事”还是“坏事”呢?  相似文献   

The learning sciences, as an academic community investigating human learning, emerged more than 30 years ago. Since then, graduate learning sciences programs have been established worldwide. Little is currently known, however, about their disciplinary backgrounds and the topics and research methods they address. In this document analysis of the websites of 75 international graduate learning sciences programs, we examine central concepts and research methods across institutions, compare the programs, and assess the homogeneity of different subgroups. Results reveal that the concepts addressed most frequently were real-world learning in formal and informal contexts, designing learning environments, cognition and metacognition, and using technology to support learning. Among research methods, design-based research (DBR), discourse and dialog analyses, and basic statistics stand out. Results show substantial differences between programs, yet programs focusing on DBR show the greatest similarity regarding the other concepts and methods they teach. Interpreting the similarity of the graduate programs using a community of practice perspective, there is a set of relatively coherent programs at the core of the learning sciences, pointing to the emergence of a discipline, and a variety of multidisciplinary and more heterogeneous programs “orbiting” the core in the periphery, shaping and innovating the field.  相似文献   

杨璞:我万分想加入we动漫社!希望你们一定接纳我!还有是不是只有加入we动漫社,才有机会在《时代教育》上刊登自己的作品呢?we动漫社:欢迎你的加入!其实只要你报了名,你就可以理直气壮地把自己视为we动漫社的人了。因为目前社员的队伍日渐壮大——已达80多人!所以优先选登社员的作品。小文:上次你们把我的名字和Noyes写反了。we动漫社:(脸红、淌汗中……)请原谅,下次一定不会出错!  相似文献   

泥点子:这次我主要希望加入贵社(社长freedom笑脸欢迎),其次想提几点建议!(社长freedom立刻正襟危坐,洗耳恭听……)我想we动漫社一定要有自己的特色,不能和别的动漫社团一样就只有一个“漫画展示台”,太千篇一律了。(社长freedom汗……)1.给社员们找一个固定聚会交流的场地,摆上桌子、椅子,再卖饮料以及动漫书和画画工具,这样既满足  相似文献   

漫画秀四川托普计算机职业学校左雪艺点评:色彩协调,构图饱满,继续努力!  相似文献   

We Got Married     
在节目开播之前,希澈与雪芙公开了拍摄的结婚画报,唯美浪漫气氛让粉丝的心起起伏伏.  相似文献   

We are ready     
多少个魂牵梦绕!多少次深情呼唤!多少年翘首期盼!中国13亿人的百年梦想终将在2008年实现。顷刻间,奥运携着"更高、更快、更强"的奥运精神涌向中国,涌向北京。这是一场体育的盛会,更是一场精神与文明的盛会,它将必定成为人类历史上的又一次飞跃。奥运的圣火从它的故乡传递,将在神秘的东方燃起。从奥林匹亚到万里长城,从浪漫的雅典到神奇的北京,  相似文献   

We Love Sport     
对话小魔女: Hi, friends! Are you going to playing football with me? 问号狗: Oh, it is a good idea! 小飞象: It is wonderful! 大眼兔: Sorry, I dislike sports.  相似文献   

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