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Studies carried out in Scandinavia and the UK have identified name-calling as highly problematic for young people. The research described in this paper, conducted by Peer and School Counsellors, examines name-calling behaviour through the personal accounts of first-year pupils in a secondary school. Moving on from anonymous questionnaires, discourse analysis of individual interviews is shown to reveal the dilemma for those most vulnerable. Parental advice and primary school experience affect the repertoire of pupils’ responses adopted, with varying degrees of success, in secondary school.  相似文献   

Name-calling is a common problem among primary school children in Turkey as in other countries. The Name-Calling Survey and Peer Beliefs Inventory were used to determine the relationships between name-calling and peer beliefs amongst a group of 319 primary school children in Turkey. Name-calling was found to be more common amongst boys than girls. A negative relationship was found between name-calling and peer beliefs, so that the greater experience of name-calling, the more children disliked their peers. Gender and grade level were found to have a significant negative relationship. The name-calling experiences of students affected their friendship relationships negatively, which contributed to violence in schools. School counsellors must be aware of name-calling victims and perpetrators, as well as organizing educational programmes aimed at helping students to cope with these problems.  相似文献   

A sample of 220 adults responded to a questionnaire on their recollections of name-calling and nicknames while at school. Hurtful names were reported by 141 participants, who described coping with them primarily by means of verbal retaliation or ignoring the names. Participants rarely told teachers and most stated that their school was unhelpful. Although the experience was regarded less negatively over time, this was not the case for those who reported finding the names most hurtful. These participants reported greater effects on all areas of school life and a stronger association of name-calling with physical bullying, and they rated their current feelings about the past experience as more negative. The most common content of names referred to physical appearance, play on the individual's own name, and animals, trends also found in studies of children and in research into teasing.  相似文献   

This study investigates what preservice elementary school teachers assume about children's capacities to learn about equity issues and how teachers might translate teaching for social justice into actual classroom practices. Participants said they did not see the age of their students as a barrier to teaching for social justice, although their ways of conceptualizing this varied considerably, and those teaching grade 4–6 students were generally more risk-taking in the curricular and pedagogical choices they made. We found that the concepts of childhood innocence and developmental appropriateness mediated the topics and approach to topics that beginning teachers considered. Roughly half the participants believed that younger children are relatively uninterested in the events of the day, are incapable of forming nuanced opinions, and are unable to analyze political issues; while the other half disagreed. Participants concerned about engendering negative emotional responses from elementary students made more limited and generic responses to name-calling or teasing rather than naming specific forms of oppression or prompting students to reflect critically on hurtful language and behavior.  相似文献   

研究中学化学教育教学、探索中学化学教育教学规律,提高中学化学教育教学质量是师范院校化学专业进行教育教学研究的永恒话题,文章总结了文山学院生化系化学专业开设中学化学研究课程的做法,以期对中学化学教育有一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

中职学校校内生产实训基地是基于产教融合教学模式中职学校培养学生实践能力的主要场所。中职学校要想培养出适应社会发展需求的人才,就必须要大力加强校内生产实训基地的建设。文章以龙里县中等职业学校为例,立足于校内生产实训基地建设背景,提出中职学校校内生产实训基地在建设中存在的问题,探讨中职学校校内生产实训基地建设的策略,旨在进一步完善现有校内生产实训基地的运行及发展,提高学生升学与就业能力。  相似文献   

This study examines the degree to which students' perceptions of teacher support are related to school type (primary versus secondary). The sample included 7,205 students from years 5 to 7 in primary school and years 8 to 10 in secondary school. Previous research has concluded that perceptions of school change negatively when students move from primary to secondary school. However, this research has been criticized for not accounting for age‐related changes in students' perception of school. Results from this study show a linear downwards tendency for perceived teacher support, with no obvious abrupt change between primary and secondary school. Our findings do not, therefore, support the idea that the transition from primary to secondary school affects students' perception of teacher support in a negative way.  相似文献   

基于2005—2018年全国时序数据和省级面板数据,以普通高中生均教育事业费为指标,采用Dagum基尼系数和Kernel密度估计方法,实证考察我国普通高中教育经费投入的地区差异及分布动态演进。研究发现,我国普通高中生均教育事业费的空间分布呈现出显著的“东西高,中部低”的空间非均衡特征;普通高中生均教育事业费空间分布的总体差异呈下降趋势,地区间差异是总体差异的主要来源;全国及各地区普通高中生均教育事业费的绝对差异均表现为明显扩大,呈现出两极或多极分化特征。当务之急必须落实普通高中教育生均拨款制度,建立拨款标准动态调整机制;构建符合地区实际的政府分担机制,强化省级财政对普通高中教育的统筹;完善普通高中教育财政转移支付制度,加强全过程动态监管,以促进普通高中教育的优质均衡发展。  相似文献   

中小学生欺凌问题是当下教育研究的热点之一。从管理学的视角看,中小学生欺凌是学校这一组织中的一种冲突现象。文章以冲突管理理论为基础,构建中小学生欺凌的冲突管理模式,并以南京某中学欺凌事件为例进行了分析,从而为解决中小学生欺凌问题提供了一种新的视角和方法。  相似文献   

高校二级学院是学校各项工作落实的重要的单位,对二级学院进行全方位量化考核逐渐成为高校对二级学院监督和宏观调控的重要内容和促进各项工作的重要手段。本文根据高校二级学院这一知识型群体的特点和需求,将目标管理理论与二级学院管理相结合,通过目标管理的方法使得高校二级学院实现自主管理、自我控制,力图提升二级学院管理的有效性。  相似文献   

中小学教师专业核心素养是中小学教师从事教育教学活动所必备的基本素质。近年来我国有学者开始关注中小学教师的核心素养问题,但采用规范的方法研究中小学教师专业核心素养的成果还较少见到。本研究运用文献法、德尔菲法和统计法研讨了中小学教师专业核心素养的因素,在此基础上构建并分析了品德修为、知识涵养和教学能力三维度的中小学教师专业核心素养模型。该模型可以为中小学选聘教师、开展教师培训、评估教师绩效及中小学教师的自我发展提供有益的参考和启示。  相似文献   

中专学生由于自身基础的原因,英语学习面临种种困难,我校中专造纸专业的学生也不例外,因此要求我们老师对中专英语的教学目的和培养目标重新定位。该文在分析了中专英语教学的基础上,结合造纸专业特点,对中专英语教学诸方面进行了思考与探讨,提出了相应的方法和途径。  相似文献   

中小学生是祖国的花朵,学校安全问题是学校教育的重要支撑。针对我国中小学发生火灾的常见原因,就建立健全校园消防安全管理机制、消防安全培训课程模块建设和家校消防安全意识方面进行了探讨,可为完善我国中小学消防安全教育提供参考。  相似文献   

Indonesia has dramatically increased school enrolment at the secondary level over the past several decades, as reflected in national statistics. However, significant variation in enrolment rates remains across regions and genders. In some areas, nearly all youth complete secondary school; in others fewer than half attend. This study investigates the reasons for secondary school dropout in Banten and Aceh, two provinces of Indonesia with lower-than-average secondary school enrolment rates. We interviewed 28 out-of-school youth and conducted focus groups and observations at non-formal education programs serving dropouts. We find that high costs for secondary school were the overwhelming reason for dropout, with a subset of boys also reporting behavioural issues as a contributing factor. While costs affected adolescent boys and girls equally, the options facing them after dropout differed sharply. The findings point to the need for easier paths back into formal education for youth who have dropped out.  相似文献   

以2009年广西中职教师多媒体课件评选活动为契机,进行现状分析,发现中职教师在思想观念、课题选择、制作工具选用、教学设计等方面存在问题。从而提出摒弃传统思想观念、加大对中职教师课件设计技能培训、举办课件制作比赛、改变中职教师考核方式等策略和途径。  相似文献   

This article examines the cause of school type effects upon gaining a first class degree at Oxford University, whereby for a given level of secondary school performance, private school students perform less well at degree level. We compare the predictive power of an aptitude test and secondary school grades (GCSEs) for final examination performance, using data from the Oxford Admissions Study. Both metrics are predictive of final degree performance but the school effects are only statistically robust for arts students. Private school students perform less well in final examinations relative to their GCSE results when compared with state school students, but they do not under perform relative to their aptitude test scores or in gross terms. It is therefore argued that teaching effects, associated with private school students, distort secondary school grades as an indicator of academic potential in higher education when compared to state school students.  相似文献   

Young people's wellbeing is often lowest where they assume a relatively low position within their school's socioeconomic hierarchy, for example, among poorer children attending more affluent schools. Transition to secondary school is a period during which young people typically enter an environment which is more socioeconomically diverse than their primary school. Young people joining a school with a higher socioeconomic status intake relative to their primary school may assume a relatively lowered position within their school’s socioeconomic hierarchy, experiencing a detriment to their wellbeing as a consequence. This article draws on data from 45,055 pupils in Years 7 and 8, from 193 secondary schools in Wales, who completed the 2017 Student Health Research Network (SHRN) Student Health and Wellbeing (SHW) survey. Pupils reported which primary school they previously attended, and survey data on wellbeing were linked to publicly available data on the free school meal entitlement of schools attended. In cross-classified linear mixed-effects models, with primary and secondary school as levels, mental wellbeing varied significantly according to both primary and secondary school attended. A higher school-level deprivation was associated with worse mental wellbeing in both cases. Mental wellbeing was significantly predicted by the relative affluence of a child's primary and secondary school, with movement to a secondary school of higher overall socioeconomic status associated with lowered wellbeing. These findings highlight transition to secondary school as a key point in which socioeconomic inequality in wellbeing may widen, and thus as an important focal point for intervention to reduce health inequalities.  相似文献   

本文通过对巴州中小学教师的教育科研现状的调查,分析了中小学教师的科研能力、科研需求,结合继续教育对教师专业素养的提升作用,阐述了小课题研究是适合中小学教师进行校本研修的有效形式。  相似文献   


The Kenyan education system has very limited re-entry options for learners who drop out before attaining secondary school certificate. It is very difficult to access training and or secure a job that requires at least secondary school education. This study examined the prospects of initiating Open and Distance e-Learning(ODeL) in re-entry programmes into high school for out of school Young Adult Secondary School Dropouts (Y.A.S.S.D). The study focused on the enablers and challenges of initiating ODeL in the secondary school re-entry programmes. An alternative flexible and sustainable community based ODeL model that potentially can address re-entry for the Y.A.S.S.D is proposed. A qualitative phenomenological design was used; focus group discussion and interviews were conducted from a purposeful sample of participants. The study revealed that the potential of ODeL in addressing re-entry into secondary school for Y.A.S.S.D great. Majority of the participants were aware of the existing secondary school re-entry options, however, ODeL appeared new. Despite there being challenges in introducing the ODeL mode of study in secondary school re-entry programmes, it is viable and requires further exploration. The enablers of this mode of study are largely in place to the extent appreciated by participants in the study.  相似文献   

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