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例证的选配是衡量一部词典创造性以及价值的标准之一。从三部汉英词典中随机抽取一些例证进行分析研究,发现目前的内向型汉英词典对例证的处理存在诸多问题。内向型汉英学习词典作为中国学生学习英语的工具书之一,其目的在于帮助中国英语学习者克服英语学习中的疑问。因此,其对例证的选配也就必须具有满足中国英语学习者需求的特殊性。文章从中国英语学习者的特殊需求出发,探索出一套有效的配例标准,以期将来能对该类词典的编纂提供些许启示。  相似文献   

汉英亲属称谓背后隐藏的深厚文化使得二者在诸方面存在很大差异,同时也给译者带来了很大困难.翻译汉英亲属称谓语等可采用等值法、增减法的翻译方法.  相似文献   

张俊  胡文飞 《外国语文》2023,(6):91-100
学习性是学习词典的根本属性,也是其区别于其他类型词典的个性与特色功能以及推动学习词典不断创新发展的内驱力。基于学习词典的学习性内涵,本文尝试构建内向型汉英学习词典的设计特征体系。在该体系中,用户特征是最为根本的特征,也是整个设计特征体系的基础,其下辖的语言水平、认知特点和查阅需求决定了不同“阶”的词典的内容特征,如收词量、释义组构成分的数量以及释义内容的详略度,二者还同时为呈现模式,如义项、对应词和例证的编排,提供理据和内容支撑。  相似文献   

功能对等理论对于汉英翻译起着举足轻重的作用,正确地利用对等理论解决旅游景点公示语翻译中的问题对于提高翻译质量和促进各国之间的文化交流有着至关重要的作用。本文探讨了旅游景点公示语翻译的背景,公示语定义、功能对等理论对旅游景点公示语翻译的影响,同时提出建立旅游景点公示语翻译规范。  相似文献   

语用信息和语法信息与语义信息一样,在学习词典中有着同样重要的地位.呼语的语用信息更是学习词典应收录的重要信息.本文就15个汉语常用呼语的语用信息收录情况,对五本积极型汉英学习词典进行调查,并在调查结论分析的基础上,提出编纂建议.  相似文献   

本文着眼于运用语言学理论中的系统功能语法理论对英汉学习词典编纂中的配例问题进行分析,并结合一些典型的英汉学习词典中的例证,从语言功能层次中的语法层次、语义层次、语用层次和文化层次这四个方面分别进行讨论和研究。由此,本论文得出结论:在编纂英汉学习词典例证的过程中,要融会贯通语言学理论,尽量将语法层次、语义层次、语用层次、文化层次考虑在内,体现出其对英语学习的相应作用,并能向词典用户提供有效的查询信息。  相似文献   

对外汉语学习词典的插图具有语义功能、认知功能、文化功能和艺术功能四大功能。《商务馆学汉语词典》和《我的第一本彩图汉英词典》的插图设计是目前我国对外汉语学习词典中做得比较好的。然而比照英美主流学习词典,如《牛津高阶英语词典》和《朗文当代英语词典》,总体来说在插图功能凸显方面仍有不足,有待改进。  相似文献   

在汉英互译中,除了这两种语言的各个语义符号有自身所指意义,在各自的语境中会产生特定的意义外,英汉两种语言在语法体系,语言特征,文化背景等方面都存在着差异。因此,为了达到最大程度的语义等值,我们经常不得不放弃词语,语法关系之间的表面对等。如果我们在翻译时尽可能地考虑各种因素,并适当加以处理,就有可能达到最大程度的语义等值,尽量忠实地表达原文意思。  相似文献   

尤金·A·奈达在其功能对等理论中指出,翻译是用最恰当、自然和对等的语言从语义和文体再现源语的信息。指明翻译不仅是词汇意义上的对等,还包括语义、风格和文体的对等。本文用奈达的功能对等理论从语义、文体两方面来评析翟象俊所译的海明威小说《白象似的群山》,旨在分析该译作中的不足之处。  相似文献   

奈达提出的“功能对等”理论基本上实现了以原文欣赏方式来欣赏译文文本,不管是从文体上,还是从读者反应都做到了这一要求。奈达的功能对等理论使我国翻译界接触到了西方系统的翻译理论,给我们的翻译工作带来了突破发展。本文对“功能对等”理论进行全面探讨。  相似文献   

文章从功能角度分析中文标语的英译。文章在分析标语的语体、副语和功能特征基础上,提出标语翻译可行性的理论支持,功能主义理论,并根据功能主义理论的三法则,提出标语英译的原则与技巧。  相似文献   

Personality trait has been regarded as one of the main factors having impact on English learners’ acquisition.As few empirical researches on the issue have been conducted in the formal classroom setting in China,the study,in a way of case analysis,attempts to give sights to the effects of personality traits on the academic performance in English learning by non-English-major undergraduates.  相似文献   

本文就汉英公示语翻译中存在的问题,从语用翻译理论中的语用等效的角度指出译者可采取套用习惯译法、语体转换和不译等翻译策略,以期在最大程度上实现源语和目的语的语用语言等效以及社交语用等效,体现公示语的指示、提示、限制和强制的功能,达到跨文化交际的目的。  相似文献   

翻译对等是翻译理论的一个核心问题。文学翻译由于其文本的特殊性,成了翻译理论研究的重要课题。该文通过汉语文学作品的英译过程,简要分析了翻译在语言学、文化和风格三个方面的对等。  相似文献   

This study investigated relationships between SRL and EF in a sample of 254 school-aged adolescent males. Two hypotheses were tested: that self-reported measures of SRL and EF are closely related and that as different aspects of EF mature during adolescence, the corresponding components of SRL should also improve, leading to an age-related increase in the correlation between EF and SRL. Two self-report instruments were used: the strategies for self-regulated learning survey (SSRLS) and the behavioural rating instrument of executive function (BRIEF). Strong correlations between the measures of EF and SRL were found, especially in areas associated with metacognitive processes. Correlations between EF and SRL were found, with weaker correlations between behavioural regulation and SRL were found to be weaker for the younger participants in the sample while the relationship between EF and SRL appears to grow stronger during the initial years of high school even though self-reported levels of EF along with motivation for SRL and important components of SRL such as goal setting and planning were found to decrease with age. Decreasing levels of motivation for learning during adolescence are speculated to moderate the deployment of SRL and EF in a school context.  相似文献   

数学概念学习策略的调查研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究当前学习策略的发展动态,分析影响数学概念学习策略的因素.把数学概念学习策略分为支持性策略和基础性策略两类,编制了数学概念学习策略问卷,探讨了高中生数学概念学习策略与学习成绩的关系.  相似文献   

The learning preferences of three hundred and thirty eighttechnology students enrolled in sub-degree programs at an Australian institution of Technical andFurther Education were tested using the Canfield Learning Styles Inventory (CLSI). The results have been interpreted in a learning preferences framework and providesupportive evidence for the preferences factors of print-nonprint, collaborative, dependent,and autonomous learning identified by Sadler-Smith & Riding (1999). Although theresearch focussed on learning preferences the analysis also indicated support for theWholist-Analytic cognitive style proposed by Riding & Cheema (1991). Genderdifferences were shown for the Interest subscales of the CLSI. Age-group differenceswere shown for several Conditions of Learning and Modes of Learning subscales.Implications for the design of training programs, and the skillsthat may need to be developed in technology learners to enable effective use offlexible delivery, are also discussed.  相似文献   

Learning paths have the potential to play an important role in the way educators serve their learners. Empirical research about learning paths is scarce, particularly in a secondary education setting. The present quasi-experimental study took place in the context of a biology course involving 360 secondary school students. A 2?×?2 factorial research design was adopted. Learners were engaged in learning activities in a learning path. These learning activities (1) differed in design and (2) were either undertaken individually or collaboratively. Gender was considered as a critical co-variable, given the focus on science learning. All learning paths were developed on the basis of visual representations, but in the experimental design conditions, learners worked with learning paths designed according to Mayer's multimedia guidelines (2003). Multilevel analyses were applied to study the impact on learning outcomes according to the design of learning paths, the individual/collaborative setting, and the co-variable gender. The study provides empirical evidence that both the design and the group setting (collaborative versus individual) have an impact on learning outcomes. Although there was no main effect, several significant interaction effects with gender were found. The results are helpful to direct research about the design and implementation of learning paths in a secondary school setting and underpin the relevance of representation modes in science learning.  相似文献   

This article presents a set of recommendations for the design and learning uses of conceptual models. A conceptual model is a kind of learning object specifically designed to serve conceptual learning. The author discusses a particular conceptual model and its design and application in learning in the context of school geography fieldwork. The recommendations that follow were developed through engagement with teachers and students involved in designing and using the conceptual model. These recommendations include designs for observation, analytical use, experimentation, thinking, and reuse. These should prove especially useful for designers of educational multimedia and teachers involved in the planning of learning tasks where conceptual models are utilized.  相似文献   

本文探讨了设计网络协作学习时虚拟学习环境的重要性,具体阐述了如何创设网络协作学习的虚拟学习环境.并且从三个方面提出了虚拟学习环境创设的原则。  相似文献   

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