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This paper examines the notion of ‘competence’ in the VET systems of France and England. While both countries have developed ‘competence-based’ approaches, underlying the similar terminology are distinct meanings, rooted in the countries’ institutional structures and labour processes. A key distinction is identified between a knowledge-based model in France and a skills-based model in England. Competence in the French sense is multi-dimensional and relies on the integration of practical and theoretical knowledge, as well as personal and social qualities within a broadly defined occupational field. By contrast, in England, competence refers to the performance of fragmented and narrowly defined tasks, with minimal underpinning knowledge. Thus, whereas ‘competence’ in the English VET system usually denotes functional employability for what may be relatively low-skilled employment, in France, it encapsulates the multi-dimensional development of the individual as a citizen as well as an employee.
Michaela BrockmannEmail:

In VET systems, connectivity with the world of work has been on the agenda for many years: for Western and Southern European countries, since the 1980s as a consequence of the 1973 oil crisis, and then for Central and Eastern European countries, since the early 1990s. In the last few decades, awareness has grown that European prosperity depended heavily on the skills of the workforce and the innovativeness and competitiveness of the economy. In the EU, it has long been acknowledged that VET plays a key role in integrating young people in the labour market and providing skills and competences that foster innovation and entrepreneurship. More recently, VET has also been seen as a precondition to overcome the current economic crisis in Europe. This article analyses how institutions that provide VET can address these demands. It begins by describing European VET policy, characterising it as soft governance. Furthermore, based on data and insights from CEDEFOP and OECD research and publications, an overview is given of strategies and measure es and of the practice of VET providers connecting and cooperating with the world of work throughout Europe. The article goes on to analyse in greater depth the concept of horizontal accountability and stakeholder theory, providing a framework to study the external orientation and connectivity with the world of work of VET colleges in The Netherlands. The Dutch VET system is described and compared with other systems in Europe. Drawing on empirical data, the horizontal accountability processes in which Dutch VET colleges engage are unravelled, examining with which parties and about what they connect. Finally, some conclusions are proposed.  相似文献   

职业教育专业教学法涉及从学习前提分析到评价的系统化教学的所有环节:根据职校学生的基础和认知特点决定教学的难度和教学方式;根据教学目的决定教学内容的黑箱等级;媒体的运用不仅要“听”和“看”,更要“做”;强调过程评价,并将其视为系统化教学的起点。专业教学法必须立足于中等职业教育特点和专业特点,并遵循理论教学绩效原则、理论实践一体化原则和完整性原则。  相似文献   

This article focuses on vocational learning in technical vocational education in upper-secondary school, with a special focus on the object of learning to weld. A concrete teaching situation where the learning object to weld is the focus of the interaction between a vocational teacher and an upper-secondary student was documented by a video camera and then analysed from two different perspectives: a conversation analytical perspective and a variation theory perspective. The combination of the two perspectives allows a study of learning that deals with issues regarding both form and content, which may increase our understanding of vocational learning in technical vocational education in upper-secondary school.  相似文献   

Starting from problems of knowledge application in the context of vocational school training in business administration, an instructional approach based on worked-out examples was developed. The effectiveness of additional instructional measures (e.g. an elaboration training) was investigated experimentally. Together with teachers, the approach was adapted to conditions of regular book-keeping lessons at vocational school; then it was implemented and evaluated in practice. The positive results of the first evaluation study in which applicable knowledge was fostered were replicated in additional evaluation studies in which some aspects of the approach were optimised. The main results of the evaluation studies underline the effectiveness of example-based learning and teaching. Furthermore they show that this approach can be transferred successfully to vocational school lessons. In the general discussion, recommendations for further improving and successfully implementing example-based lessons are given. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

高职生有足够的时间和空间独立学习,教师要引导学生主动学习,帮助他们掌握以能力发展为目的的学习方法,鼓励学生通过体验、实践、讨论、合作和探究等方式,形成自己的学习策略,并根据学习需要不断调整。在英语学习策略的课堂训练中,教师可通过讲授解释、练习、引导学生评价自我学习策略以及拓展学习任务等形式,培养学生的学习策略。  相似文献   

Twenty years after UNESCO's Salamanca Statement enshrined international action for provision for children, youth and adults with special educational needs within the regular educational system, this article presents the current underpinning international and national UK context for developing inclusion in vocational education and training and workplace settings. This context is explored through the justification for developing an EU‐funded project entitled ‘Towards Inclusive Learning Environments (TILE)’ and the creation of an associated audit tool, the ′Roadmap for Inclusion′, by a partnership group consisting of universities and VET settings from Finland, the Czech Republic, Estonia and England.  相似文献   

韩国政府在数字化经济产业中,面对职业教育人才供应与企业需求严重错位的严峻形势,结合本国实际情况,大力改革和发展职业教育,培养输出更多与数字化经济产业相匹配的职业教育人才,从而使本国关键行业不断增加的人力需求得到保障。同时,企业从人力资源的"选、培、用、留"四个维度出发,与政府密切合作,确保职业教育的实施更具实效性、针对性,我国职业教育改革可以从韩国职业教育改革经验中得到一些启示。  相似文献   

This article analyses moves towards good multilevel governance approaches in Vocational Education and Training (VET) as an effective way to improve VET policy making in transition and developing countries, focusing on the Southern Neighbourhood of the EU (ENPI South). The centralised approaches in public administration and to VET governance still prevail in this region. The new modes of governance applied by the EU in the policy area of education and training are based on the Open Method of Coordination (OMC). They are a source of inspiration to improve VET governance, taking into account the complexity of VET policies and systems. According to current European and international experiences, the most effective, relevant and attractive VET models and systems are demand‐driven. They rely on the effective and accountable participation of both state (national/local public actors) and non‐state VET stakeholders (e.g. employers, sectoral actors, unions) in decision‐making and policy implementation processes. This could also pave the way towards self‐governed and performance‐based VET provider institutions which would give quicker responses to rapidly changing labour market skills, competences and qualification needs. Thus, this means putting in practice more and better inclusion and effective cooperation and coordination of regional and local voices of VET actors and developing stronger social partnerships to engage employers, unions and civil society in shaping and investing in skills development. Furthermore, the role of methodological tools for VET governance is not only to provide an analytical ground to capture data and structure further policy advice. These tools can also be used as ice‐breakers to improve collaboration, inclusiveness, multi‐participation and trust‐building among policy makers as they work together on very sensitive issues such as reviewing country VET governance models, modes and institutional arrangements, and/or planning policy thinking and/or learning for implementing coordination mechanisms for VET policy making. The European Training Foundation (ETF) has implemented a methodology to map, analyse and self‐assess good multilevel governance in VET, inspired by how EU governance soft tools in education and training are being used. This methodology has been applied to the Governance for Employability in the Mediterranean (GEMM) project in the ENPI South region, which is a regional project implemented by the ETF and financed by the European Commission's Directorate General for Neighbourhood and Enlargements Negotiations (NEAR).  相似文献   

职业教育实训基地建设是职业教育政策改革与发展的重要内容。实训基地建设要坚持实用、够用的基本定位,坚守职业育人、社会服务的根本定位,坚定校企合作、产教融合的基本路径。从资源共享、产教融合、外来经验、人才培养等维度,深入分析《国家职业教育改革实施方案》中职业教育实训基地建设的政策文本走向,包括走向多主体、多元化的职能定位;走向重点突出、辐射引领的发展方向;走向引入国外经验、创新运营模式的本土化实践;走向职能证书、人力资源提升并存的功能。因此,职业教育应通过构建“政、企、校”多主体的治理结构,强化“融合性、辐射性”的行动定位,秉承“兼容性、创新性”的本土化迁移、探索“学历证书+若干职业技能等级证书”的人才培养模式等思路建设高水平的职业教育实训基地。  相似文献   

高职教育推进工学结合人才培养模式探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依托工学结合推进人才培养模式创新,是培养高素质、高技能人才的需要,也是解决高职毕业生就业难的有效方法。然而,目前我国高职教育虽然在工学结合方面取得了初步的成绩,但从整体上还没有建立起相应的运行体系和长效机制。要使高职教育的工学结合的人才培养落到实处,必须通过各方面努力,切实采取有效措施,创新工学结合的运行机制。  相似文献   

This paper presents a personal perspective on some of the ideas and issues that currently surround learning and teaching in art and design within higher education. It aims to stimulate debate and to raise questions about the direction in which an increasingly monolithic educational culture is moving. It identifies a number of beliefs and values that the author considers to be particularly important to the development of a radical pedagogy and argues that the sector needs to counter the drift towards a technocratic and overly deterministic approach to education. While being intentionally wide–ranging and polemical the paper seeks to bring together a number of disparate ideas into a useful and coherent interaction. The continuing relevance of education as an emancipatory and transformative project is affirmed, while certain features of modernism inscribed into current educational practices are questioned (for instance, exclusivity, subjectivism and absolutism). Changes in the ways in which knowledge is viewed are discussed in relation to assessment, learning, research and the construction of the ‘self’. A re–orientation of learning and teaching is suggested around a process–based pedagogy that places particular emphasis on indeterminacy, pluralism, revisibility and dialogue.  相似文献   

立足于终身教育的宏大背景下,作为构筑终身教育体系重要组成部分的高等教育,理应变革其传统观念。在课程设置、教学模式、教学手段、管理体制及质量标准等方面进行改革,着力培养学生的终身学习能力。  相似文献   

终身教育视野下高校学生终身学习能力培养探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
立足于终身教育的宏大背景下,作为构筑终身教育体系重要组成部分的高等教育,理应变革其传统观念,在课程设置、教学模式、教学手段、管理体制及质量标准等方面进行改革,着力培养学生的终身学习能力。  相似文献   

卢德生  周娟  宋岱虹 《成人教育》2012,32(2):104-106
人口老龄化对我国职业教育提出了新的需求,职业院校要紧密结合时代背景加强老年学类的职业教育专业建设,建立和完善适应社会需求的涉老职业培训体系,加强并促进涉老职业教育研究。  相似文献   

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