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通过调查不同医养融合模式下服务评价状况,分析原因,提出改进建议,为医养融合不同模式发展完善提供实证参考。选取不同类型医养融合模式的代表机构,采用因子分析法对不同医养融合模式下老年人的评价进行综合分析。结果表明,医疗服务因子和健康养老因子所占权重较大;因子得分上养中有医模式在健康养老因子、制度保障因子、管理建设因子上均得分最高,医中有养模式的医疗服务因子得分最高;综合评价排名依次是养中有医、医中有养、医养合作和社区居家养老模式。医养融合养老模式应以满足老年人医疗服务和健康养老核心需求为抓手,不断提高服务质量;模式上应重点扶持有条件的养老机构内设医疗机构;建立有效的激励机制促进医疗机构设立养老机构或者与养老机构签约实现长期业务协作;大力发展居家老人以社区居家养老中心为依托,与社区卫生服务中心签约合作的社区居家养老模式。  相似文献   

随着我国老龄化程度的不断加剧,养老逐步成为国家关注重点,然而传统的养老模式早已无法充分满足老年人的医疗服务需求,医养结合新型养老模式正逐渐为越来越多的老年人接受,成为我国养老产业的必然选择.本文分析当前医养结合养老模式在发展过程中存在的问题,结合"互联网+"的发展,针对医养结合供需双方的需求,运用互联网大数据技术,实现医养结合资源共享,加速信息化共享平台建设,为医养结合养老模式提供新的发展思路,促进医养结合养老模式的可持续发展.  相似文献   

医养融合模式是社会养老服务体系发展的新动向,是将医疗服务和养老服务相结合,把老年群体日常照料和医疗关怀相融合的新型养老护理服务模式。高职院校养老护理人员是医养融合模式下养老护理员的主力军,本文结合老年人的需求,对养老护理人员需要的专业技能进行分析,对高职院校养老护理人员的课程设置提出构想。  相似文献   

随着我国人口老龄化的加剧,"医养结合"成为融合医疗和养老资源的一种新型养老模式。本研究通过文献梳理和实地访谈,总结"医养结合"的相关研究成果,结合Q社区"无围墙敬老院"居家养老模式的成功经验及面临的挑战,提出"医养结合"服务主体多元化、服务内容专业化、服务提供方式合力化、服务买单简单化的相关建议,以期探索出更有效的"医养结合"途径。  相似文献   

教师在总结近年来大连市实施医养结合养老服务的各种创新形式的基础上,提出政府全方位支持、医疗卫生机构和养老机构转变经营指导思想、促进"互联网+"与医养结合的融合等具体发展对策,以期更好地推进医养结合养老服务模式的完善和发展。  相似文献   

伴随经济社会发展,广大老年人对社区居家养老服务生活照料和医疗护理需求不断增长。传统养老服务从业人员短缺,医疗素养较低,供给总体呈现不足,难以满足日益扩大的专业养老服务需求。在回顾国内外智能养老发展现状的基础上,分别从老年人病谱、养老资源和医疗水平现状,以及养老政策四个方面提出医养智慧化探索的必要性与可行性。提出建立区域协同医养信息化养老模式,并对其运行流程再造设计。最后基于抽样问卷调查,分析当前智慧养老中医养结合存在的问题,并依次从政府、市场、技术人才和老年人宣传四个方面提出相应对策。  相似文献   

居家养老是一种非常重要的养老模式,也是迄今发挥出最为积极作用的养老模式。养老服务业的发展需要居家养老作为依托,而且现在我国老龄化不断加深,老人身体机能不断下降,需要建立起集医疗和养老为一体的医养结合型居家养老模式。开封市作为经济欠发达且老龄化较严重地区,其居家养老模式的探索在中小型城市中具有典型性。通过对开封市六个社区调研资料进行分析,我们发现居家养老事业的发展进步还应更加注重老年人健康问题,加快社区卫生医疗服务中心发展。各地区应充分发挥自身优势,政府、市场和社会团体形成合力,共同促进居家养老服务的发展。  相似文献   

为了应对人口老龄化,日本政府出台了长期护理保险制度,并致力于构建社区综合护理体系,将医疗、护理、预防、生活支援服务有机结合起来,在日常生活中为老年人提供医疗和生活照护服务。论文选取代表地方城市的日本宫城县石卷市,基于案例研究的角度,对医养结合的实现路径进行梳理分析。日本经验为邯郸市医养结合养老服务的发展提供以下启示:加快推进政府部门之间的职能整合和协作、深化医疗资源和养老资源的融合、加强社区养老服务的网络化建设、培养医疗护理人才、加大对医养结合养老服务的宣传力度。  相似文献   

面对养老和医疗带来的巨大压力,构建医养结合的养老服务模式有其必要性和可行性,医养结合作为一种新的养老模式可以改变养老和医疗分离的状态,有效整合养老和医疗资源,促进健康老龄化目标的实现。但不可否认的是构建此模式的过程中面临着重医疗轻护理,缺乏统一的管理和监督,没有建立老年人长期护理保险制度,人力资源短缺等一系列难题。因此,急需采取一系列策略去解决。  相似文献   

随着我国老龄化趋势发展迅速,老年人尤其是失能、半失能老人对养老服务、诊疗护理服务等方面的需求日趋凸显,进而以医助养、医养结合的创新型养老模式应时而生。文章考察了我国医疗结合养老模式的现状,发现其存在医疗服务水平受限、资金渠道狭窄、养老与医疗衔接不到位等一系列问题,亟待整合社会优质资源完善服务体系,推动我国养老治理体系现代化建设。  相似文献   

犯罪过失分为普通过失和业务过失,对其注意义务和注意能力的判断也相应的应分别采用个人标准和平均人标准,并在确定注意义务的判断标准时结合允许的危险理论和危险分配即信赖原则加以综合考虑.  相似文献   

In 2008, the federal government allotted $7 billion in child care subsidies to low-income families through the state-administered Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF), now the government's largest child care program (US DHHS, 2008). Although subsidies reduce costs for families and facilitate parental employment, it is unclear how they impact the quality of care families purchase. This study investigates the impact of government subsidization on parents’ selection of child care quality using multivariate regression and propensity score matching approaches to account for differential selection into subsidy receipt and care arrangements. Data were drawn from the Child Care Supplement to the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study (CCS-FFCWS), conducted in 2002 and 2003 in 14 of the 20 FFCWS cities when focal children were 3 years old (N = 456). Our results indicate that families who used subsidies chose higher quality care than comparable mothers who did not use subsidies, but only because subsidy recipients were more likely to use center-based care. Subgroup analyses revealed that families using subsidies purchased higher-quality home-based care but lower-quality center-based care than comparable non-recipients. Findings suggest that child care subsidies may serve as more than a work support for low-income families by enhancing the quality of nonmaternal care children experience but that this effect is largely attributable to recipients’ using formal child care arrangements (versus kith and kin care) more often than non-recipients.  相似文献   

Some criteria of good child care are presented which were found by researchers. The number of children in class, the teacher–child ratio, the size and equipment of the classroom, the teachers' behavior, cooperation with parents, and the teachers' qualifications are stressed. It is also discussed whether the criteria of high quality child care are shared by teachers and parents. According to studies from Great Britain, Germany, and New Zealand, parents and kindergarten teachers have a sound understanding of good child care. However, there are differences in emphasis.  相似文献   

National and state child care policies are shaped in part by studies of child care quality. The majority of these studies focus on variables that influence child outcomes. Katz suggests that this is but one of four perspectives on child care quality, and that parents, children, and child care staff have perspectives on child care quality that have not been adequately addressed. This article reviews the variables, measures, and studies associated with each of these four perspectives. The authors argue that given the preponderance of studies conducted from the professional/researcher perspective, more effort should be directed to studying child care quality from parents' children's, and child care staff members' viewpoints.  相似文献   

侵权行为法上的注意义务是客观的注意义务,注意义务在侵权行为法上不仅是违法性要素,也是构成要件要素。应当以注意义务为核心,重建我国过失侵权责任的构成要件。这一构成要件包括:注意义务的存在、注意义务的违反、因果关系及损害结果。  相似文献   

心理护理在急诊护理中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
心理护理是现代医学模式的重要组成部分 ,是维护患者身心健康 ,使病人取得最佳治疗效果的必要条件。处于危急状态的病人心理十分复杂 ,病人往往表现为紧张、忧虑、急躁、怀疑、恐惧、消沉、担心等复杂心情 ,这就要求急诊科的护士更应做好病人的心理护理 ,提高急诊护理的效果 ,提高抢救质量。1 急诊病人的心理特点1 1 急切与紧张 :急诊病人因病症突发性、剧烈性和病症后果的不可预测性 ,往往产生极度紧张的情绪 ,带着缓解病痛 ,解除病症的急切心理来就诊。1 2 烦躁与不满 :绝大多数急诊病症不是观察一眼即可确诊 ,需要根据病情作相应检…  相似文献   

竞技运动训练体系中人体与精神的背离发展造成了"体育异化"现象,目前的竞技运动训练中缺乏人文精神关怀.文章关注于人文精神关怀在竞技运动训练中的致力点:充分体现运动员是训练的"主体性";创建有利于运动员成长的良好的制度空间和人事环境;管理者要充分关注运动员的各种正当需要和全面发展,改善他们的福利待遇;树立"多维的成功标准",建立正确的价值观念.  相似文献   

文章主要阐述诺丁斯关心理论的观点之一——教授关心主题,分析了教授关心主题的原因及意义、选择和组织这种主题的方法及所需的教育制度上的改进,并在此基础上对我国的德育进行了深入的思考,以期对我国的德育工作有所启发和借鉴。  相似文献   

关心教育经常被提起,关心要作为教育的目的也时有耳闻,然而教育为什么要以关心为目的.关心与教育之间有什么应然性的联系?笔者的观点是:关心是一种心理特质,心理发展是人类的发展的最高目标,而人的发展又恰好是教育的目的,关心自然可以成为教育的目的.  相似文献   

《Child development》1997,68(5):860-879
The aims of this investigation were to determine whether Strange Situation attachment classifications were equally valid for infants with and without extensive child-care experience in the first year of life and whether early Child Care experience, alone or in combination with mother/child factors, was associated with attachment security, and specifically with insecure-avoidant attachment. Participants were 1,153 infants and their mothers at the 10 sites of the NICHD Study of Early Child Care. Mother were interviewed, given questionnairies, and observed in play and in the home when their infants were from 1 to 15 months of age; infants were observed in child care at 6 and 15 months and in the Strange Situation at 15 months. Infants with extensive Child Care experience did not differ from infants without child-care in the distress they exhibited during separations from mother in the Strange situation or in the confidence with which trained coders assigned them attachment classifications. There were no significant main effects of Child Care experience (quality, amount, age of entry, stability, or type of care) on attachment security or avoidance. There were, however, significant man effects of maternal sensitivity and responsiveness. Significant interaction effects revealed that infants were less likely to be secure when low maternal sensitivity/responsiveness was combined with poor quality child care, more than minimal amounts of child care, or more than one care arrangement. In addition, boys experiencing many hours in care and girls in minimal amounts of care were somewhat less likely to be securely attachment.  相似文献   

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