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Ehri delivered this presidential address at the annual meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, March 1997, Chicago. Ehri provides a glimpse of her experiences conducting research on word-reading processes in beginning readers for more than 20 years. At the outset, she proposed a theory that the spellings of individual words become bonded to their pronunciations in memory, and she conducted studies to obtain evidence for this theory. This led her into various controversies with other researchers over issues such as whether phonemic awareness is a cause or consequence of learning to read and to what extent beginning readers use visual cues or alphabetic cues to read their first words. The disagreements proving most fruitful were those that spawned additional research. Disputes considered unproductive and even harmful were those involving dogmatic views not open to empirical evidence and maligning appelations intended to implant prejudice. This recounting of her career underscores the value of a systematic line of research as well as intensive discussion with other researchers.  相似文献   


The authors investigated the effects of an intervention developed to enhance student motivation in the first years of secondary education. The intervention, based on future time perspective (FTP) theory, has been found to be effective in prevocational secondary education (T. T. D. Peetsma &; I. Van der Veen, 2008, 2009). The authors extend the previous studies by focusing on all levels of secondary education and investigating the effects of the intervention over a longer period. In addition, they investigated the feasibility of teachers performing the intervention. A total of 766 students completed questionnaires 5 times during the first 2 years in secondary education, measuring FTP, goal orientation, and self-regulated learning. The authors randomly selected 65 students for the interventions. The results showed positive effects of the intervention on self-regulated learning and performance-approach in all levels of secondary education. Interventions performed by trained teachers were equally effective as those performed by the researchers.  相似文献   

Our societies have come to be known as knowledge societies in which lifelong learning is becoming increasingly important. In this context, competences have become a much discussed topic. Many documents were published by international organisations (UNESCO, World Bank, European Commission) which enumerated 21st century key competences. The field of learning theories has also experienced advances. Findings from neuroscience have promoted a new understanding of what really happens in the brain when we learn. At the same time, the fact that learning increasingly takes place in virtual communities led George Siemens (2004) to propose connectivism as a learning theory for the digital age. Similarly, Roberto Carneiro (2010) suggested a theory he called generativism which aims at describing collaborative learning with digital technologies and open educational resources. These theories might be better able to describe and explain lifelong learning than classical learning theories. In the field of digital technologies, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have recently received a great deal of attention. While Siemens suggested connectivist MOOCs (cMOOCs) as the ideal platform for connectivist learning, other forms of MOOCs were also developed. These MOOCs have spread at a breath-taking pace in the last few years, although it is far from clear to what extent they are based on principles from learning theories and really support learning. These developments will be presented and discussed with respect to their relevance for lifelong learning as an integral part of man's quest for meaning.  相似文献   

随着电子游戏的日益流行,人们开始思考将游戏应用于教育领域。每一位关注游戏与学习的人所面临的一个基本问题就是:如何发挥游戏在教育领域的潜在优势?要回答这一问题,首先就需要清晰认识教育游戏的概念及其基本特性。教育游戏是一种运行于电子设备之上的软件产品,它具有娱乐性、虚拟性、教育性等基本特征。教育游戏的设计应契合人类的学习方式。最后,通过考察两个电子游戏的典型应用案例,分析了教育游戏促进教育教学的无限潜力。  相似文献   

教师学习——从日常话语到研究领域   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的教师学习研究目前尚处于萌芽时期,需要从以经验总结为特征的日常话语阶段走向研究领域的自觉建设阶段。本文在梳理和反思相关研究的基础上认为,在自觉建设该研究领域时,我们需要在方法上走向复杂化,在研究群体上实现跨学科化,在研究主题上更加重视变革和合作。  相似文献   

Over the past decades research on learning has become more diverse and complex. The concern expressed by Alexander, Schallert, and Reynolds (2009 Alexander, P. A., Schallert, D. L. and Reynolds, R. E. 2009. What is learning anyway? A topographical perspective considered. Educational Psychologist, 44: 176192. this issue[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]/this issue) is that this diversity of theoretical perspectives has resulted in a fragmentation that is destructive to the field. Although it is important to engage in explicit discussions of how learning is construed in different traditions, Alexander et al. do not give sufficient recognition to the significant epistemological and theoretical differences between traditions; differences that make them incompatible in important respects, for instance, with respect to their units of analysis. An acceptance of incompatibilities in perspectives is not necessarily a problem. In fact, such a situation may, if the debates are grounded in a mutual acceptance of the diverse manners in which knowing and learning may be theorized, give us a richer frame of reference from which to analyze learning in its various manifestations in complex societies.  相似文献   

Put two groups of letters together to make 7-letter words about learning which answer the clues (information that helps you to find the answers).The first one is done to help you. Clues 1.A word that means "lessons" or groups of students who take lessons together.(CLASSES) 2.A place where students go to learn when they are between 16 and 18 years old,or after they finish school. 3.A piece of paper that shows you have completed a course. 4.The study of things that happened in the past. 5.Einstein studied this. 6.A piece of work that you do for school,for example,"This weekend I need to finish my art..." 7.The study of all areas of nature:animals,rocks,stars,etc.  相似文献   

托洛茨基关于无产阶级文化和文学的学说,建立在他关于“一般意义上的文化”建设的理论基础上。“无产阶级文化”和“无产阶级文学”这两个术语以及托洛茨基对它们的阐述,具有合理的内核,在20世纪马克思主义文化理论建设过程中,具有先导的作用和参照价值。  相似文献   

混合同步学习因其有助于打破物理空间限制,提升教育灵活性,实现传统学习和在线学习的有机耦合,逐渐受到远程教育领域的关注.其源自对传统课堂教学限度的突破,萌发于在线学习创造的同步异步情境中,最后在同步技术与课堂教学的深度融合与调试中形成并为人们所熟悉.研究从其应用目的和学习组织方式的视角,将混合同步学习划分为教育公平和灵活便捷两种不同的应用价值取向,并对各自存在的优势与不足展开系统阐述.重点论述了混合同步学习在促进教育均衡化、教师专业发展、终身学习以及应对突发事件方面的重要价值和潜力.基于当前混合同步学习在实践应用中面临的困难,建议在未来研究与实践中,教学实践者应该更加平等地关注两端学生的需要,充分利用远程教师教学角色,发挥"双师教学"效用、创设数智融合的学习环境以及重视同伴互评和智能学习评价.  相似文献   

计算机技术和学习理论共同促进了计算机辅助教学(CAI)的诞生和发展,CAI对传统的课堂教学提出了严峻的挑战,它正在和将要改变学生的学习和教师的教学。本探讨了与传统的课堂教学相比CAI所具有的优势、学习理论的发展对CAI发展的影响以及CAI的几种主要形式。  相似文献   

随着改革开放的深化和经济建设的日益繁荣,对外语人才(尤其是英语人才)的需求量越来越大,外语教学也就显得越来越重要。作为培养外语人才和进行外语教学的主要基地的高等院校,应该如何适应社会的需要,培养出具有良好的全面的听说读写译能力的合格人才?文章从语言学习理论的“习得”和“学习”着手,分析了交际法的语言学理论基础,将其与传统教学法相比较,论述了交际法语言教学的必要性和重要性,强调外语教学的主要目的在于帮助学生掌握语言进行交际,并且对怎样进行交际法语言教学提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

According to many views of literacy development, prereaders use a logographic approach when they attempt to link print and speech. If so, these children should find pairs in which the spelling–pronunciation links are consistent with their writing system no easier to learn than arbitrary pairs. We tested this idea by comparing the ability of U.S. prereaders (M age = 4 years 9 months) to learn phonetically motivated pairs like APape and MAmay and arbitrary pairs like OMape and POmay. In both spelling and reading tasks, children learned the pairs with vowel letter name cues more easily than the arbitrary pairs. Phonetically motivated pairs were especially advantaged when the vowel letter names were at the beginning (e.g., APape) rather than the end (MAmay). Prereaders who have some knowledge about letters, as U.S. preschoolers typically do, are not limited to a logographic approach in learning about print.  相似文献   

新行为主义、认知性学习、人本主义和语言先天论均为20世纪60年代前后提出的语言学习理论,在现代心理学意义上它们是一脉相承的,对于揭示人类学习的普遍性有着极为重要的意义.尽管其理论本身存在着不同程度的局限性,但纵观语言学习理论的发展历史可以发现,当今语言学习研究的认知科学定位,正是对这些理论的批判性继承.近十年来的国内外语言学习研究出现了新的趋势:越来越多的学者开始认识到,语言学习与其他学习一样,终归是个体内部心智状态的某种变化,基于此认识产生了一些新的二语习得理论模型,使得二语习得研究呈现出语言学、生物学、心理学、教育学和人类学等跨学科特点,一些关键的问题从而得到了较为合理的解释.总的来说,把语言学习定位在认知科学领域,不仅提升了二语习得研究的学术地位,同时也使二语习得研究为认知科学作出了贡献,扩大了该学科的用途.  相似文献   

在职业教育中,一直存在着实践导向和学科导向的争论,虽然已经从理论上论证了实践对于职业教育的重要性,在实践上也开始逐步实施,但是在课程设计和教学中却出现了偏差,使得美好的愿景不能完全得以实现。认知与情境两种学习成就理论告诉我们,参与实践是学习成就的根本因素,因此要改变原有的课程观使课程组织与内容和情境相结合,在课程评价中采取科学实证模式,但这并不意味着对理论知识学习的放弃。  相似文献   

在工作环境快速变化的知识经济时代,非正式的偶发学习已成为人类在职场中的核心学习形式.一般从与正式学习相比较的角度来定义非正式的偶发学习,它具有非计划性、非结构性、隐晦性、互动性等特征.默会学习、全人学习、实践共同体等理论能够为这类学习的合法性和价值提供辩护.  相似文献   

如今小学英语教学已经成为学生的英语学习生涯中非常重要的一个环节。而学习英语无论什么时候都离不开学习单词,刚刚要学习汉字又要学习英语单词,这对于小学生来说任务艰巨,如何使小学生学好英语单词是个非常值得研究的课题。  相似文献   

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