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通过对包含在"人"作为构词语素的双音节合成词中的隐喻认知分析,揭示出语言作为人类思维的物质载体,其中隐喻的大量存在足以说明隐喻是人类认知和理解世界的一种基本方式。  相似文献   

由于中文语言的复杂性,给中文分词系统带来了较大的困难,不论哪种分词系统都不能百分百的解决分词问题。针对目前中文分词存在的困难与问题,主要探讨了几种常见的中文分词算法及各自的优缺点。  相似文献   

杜甫善用虚词,他不仅一般地使用,还超越语法常规,使虚词成为诗之眼目,从而取得非同一般的艺术效果。杜诗以虚词为眼,在数量和质量上均超过同时代诗人,这从一个侧面表现出诗人极具个性的艺术特征和创新精神。  相似文献   

In this study, a reading-level-match design was used to test the hypothesis that children with reading disability (RD) are characterized by poor phonological skills, and that a developmental lag, as opposed to a specific deficit, will be found in transparent orthographies. Spanish has a transparent orthography and thus children with RD should not show severe difficulties in the use of the phonological route, as in the English language. A sample of 118 participants was selected and organized into three different groups: 40 with RD, 38 normal readers matched in age with the former, and 40 younger normal readers at the same reading level as those with RD. Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of lexicality, word frequency, word length, and positional frequency of syllables on lexical decision making and word-naming performance. While the participants were performing the naming task, we recorded what they read to subsequently analyze the form as well as the frequency of naming errors. The present study provides evidence for a deficit in phonological processing in a transparent orthography, particularly in nonword reading, because there were differences between the reading-level-matched groups.  相似文献   

描述了汉语自动分词中切分歧义的发现和歧义字段的消除,给出了基于词典的汉语词自动切分和基于统计的词类与词性歧义消除的模型和实现方法.  相似文献   

字谜歌谣是谜面呈歌谣形式的字谜,字谜歌谣中的拆字主要表现为三种类型:将谜底汉字拆成笔画的拆字,将谜底汉字拆成成字部件的拆字,将谜底汉字拆成笔画和成字部件的拆字。同时,这三类字谜又各有特点。  相似文献   

Students with learning disabilities (LD) consistently struggle with word problem solving in mathematics classes. This difficulty has made curricular, state, and national tests particularly stressful, as word problem solving has become a predominant feature of such student performance assessments. Research suggests that students with LD perform poorly on word problem‐solving items due primarily to deficits in problem representation. Therefore, it is imperative that teachers provide these students with supplemental problem‐solving instruction that specifically targets the development of representational strategies. This article describes how one representational strategy, using number lines, can be used to model word problems as part of a comprehensive problem‐solving intervention to improve the conceptual understanding of math word problems and, subsequently, the problem‐solving performance of students with LD.  相似文献   

中文自然语言处理在舆情系统信息预处理中起着重要作用。提出一种基于ICTCLAS的中文舆情语料分词方法。它通过采用层叠隐马尔科夫模型将中文分词、词性标注、歧义词处理和未登录词识别进行系统集成,形成整体的系统框架。实验结果表明,该方法能够有效识别网络舆情用语,提高了分词准确率,为进一步发现高校网络舆情奠定了基础。  相似文献   

先秦文献《孟子》自动分词方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自动分词是中文信息处理重要的基础课题。文章主要探讨了先秦文献《孟子》基于条件随机场统计模型的自动分词方法和利用相关注疏文献的自动分词方法等自动分词技术。自动分词实验结果表明,这两种分词方法效果显著,词语F值和小句F值均达到了较高的水平。在用不同的方法对《孟子》进行自动分词时,在词语F值的统计指标外,首次尝试引入了小句F值这一统计指标。  相似文献   

近年来基于字的词位标注的方法极大地提高了汉语分词的性能,该方法将汉语分词转化为字的词位标注问题,借助于优秀的序列标注模型,基于字的词位标注汉语分词方法逐渐成为分词的主要技术路线。本文简要介绍了词位标注汉语分词的基本思想,探析了基于条件随机场实现词位标注汉语分词的机理,并对采用四词位标注集,使用CRF++0.53工具包实现字串序列词位标注进行了详解。最后在Bakeoff2006的评测语料上进行了封闭测试。  相似文献   

讨论了生产策略的优化问题。这是一个多阶段决策的生产问题,要求制定生产策略使得生产总成本最低。建立了动态规划模型,利用Lingo编程求解得到了在资源限制条件下的最优化的生产策略。  相似文献   

纵观当下的小学语文教学,高年级的语文教师关注的只是培养学生的综合能力,让学生全面发展,反而弱化了对学生字词能力的培养,导致小学高年级学生字词积累少,不能满足新课标发展的要求。因此,小学语文教师在字词教学的过程中,首先要符合新课标对字词教学的要求,其次,培养学生对文字的兴趣,让他们主动地去学习字词,养成独立自主学习字词的习惯,再者,让学生了解我国字词发展的历史演变历程,感受文字的魅力。结合多年实践经验,谈一谈小学语文高年级字词教学策略。  相似文献   

线段图作为一种数学解题“工具”广泛应用于数学应用题的问题解决中,而对于线段图是如何起作用,目前的研究尚未给出满意的答案.针对这个问题,文章利用认知模拟工具ACT-R分别模拟出了一道数学应用题使用和未使用线段图的解题认知过程,通过两个认知过程对比,可以清晰地看到线段图可以通过促进数量关系的整合和转移认知负荷到环境中两种方式来促进数学应用题的解决,这对一线教师数学教学具有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   

Word文字处理软件的基本操作知识,贯穿了从小学到高中整个信息技术课程体系。由于反复学习了多次,高中生很容易对其厌倦。如何把Word的内容上出新意,对高中信息技术老师提出了挑战。本文以高中信息技术Word教学实践为基础,探讨艺术设计为切入点的创新性教学法。  相似文献   

In the current research the performance of children with and without reading disabilities was compared on a single word naming task. An analysis was carried out of the frequency and form of naming errors produced by the groups when naming real words and nonwords in a transparent orthography such as Spanish. A sample of 132 (45 normal readers, 87 reading disabled) Spanish children aged 9–10 years were selected, and an experiment was carried out to investigate if students with reading disabilities would have particular difficulties in naming words under conditions that require extensive phonological computation. While the children were performing the naming task, we recorded what they read to subsequently analyse the form, as well as the frequency, of naming errors as a function of lexicality, word frequency, word length and positional frequency of syllables. Disabled readers made more errors in nonwords, low frequency words and long nonwords. The findings support the hypothesis that poor phonological skills are a characteristic of reading disabled children.  相似文献   

作为苏共中央在美学方面当之无愧的理论权威和意识形态领域的掌控人,卢那察尔斯基的影响是重大和多方面的。卢那察尔斯基的艺术社会学是高度政治化了的艺术社会学,他对马克思主义经典作家高度简约化的文艺思想进行了大幅度的填充。艺术的阶级属性,是其文艺思想的核心内容。卢那察尔斯基极为关注在激烈的阶级斗争中文艺的领导权的争夺和控制,为十月革命后动荡不安的苏联文艺界确立苏共的绝对领导地位奠定了理论基础。他的一些和政治相距较远的有价值的思想,则长期难以被其他的马克思主义批评家所接受。  相似文献   

先秦时期已出现“与”字句表被动的用例,的来源及发展。两汉、魏晋南北朝时期未见“与”代。但由于资料所限,此期并不能清晰勾勒出“与”字句表被动字被动句的用例。“与”字被动句真正意义上的产生是在唐  相似文献   

本研究以英语语言学、认知语言学、心理语言学、教育学等理论为基础,立足汉-英学习者的阅读学习以及英语教学的实际,分析切分法对汉-英学习者英文阅读过程中产生的影响,采用文献法、观察法、实验法等研究方法,采取不同的切分方式使用眼动仪对汉-英被试者进行英文阅读的眼动观察,以此发现汉-英双语者在英文阅读中的眼动特点及规律,从而探究提升英文阅读绩效的方法。  相似文献   

"表"和"裏"本义是衣服的外层和内层.上古,这两词词汇化为复合名词"表裏",有表示衣服的面子和裏子之义.宋元时期,"表裏"引申为赏赐或送礼用的衣料.与此同时,"表裏"出现量词用法,主要用于制作衣服裏外层的纺织物.本文在"表裏"量词用例的基础上,分析了"表裏"由名词转化为量词的过程和合理性,并大致断定了"表裏"量词用法的时代上下限,同时对<汉语大词典>的有关释义作了进一步补充.  相似文献   

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