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This paper is divided into five parts. Parts I and II place the discussion in the context of anthropological spaces and more specifically sports spaces, including discussion of the extent to which these may be gendered. Part III focuses on the question of the nature of masculinity, while Part IV investigates the status of boxing as expression of masculine identity. Part V looks further into boxing and the spaces of boxing as an expression of modern masculinity, with part VI considering women’s recent appropriation of pugilism. The paper finishes with a brief reflection leading to the conclusion that although the boxing gym remains a masculine space it is no longer an exclusively male preserve.  相似文献   

In the first part of the twentieth century, ‘sports literature’ presented a new form of heroism departing from the traditional models of masculinity. The novels examined the stadiums, the boxing rings or the velodromes and noticed the existence of coloured sportsmen. Black boxers and athletes were considered as original models of manliness competing with the hegemonic masculinity, hitherto written in ‘white’. This essay intends to explore the French ‘sports novels’ published in the first part of the twentieth century. Relying on the history of masculinities and of gender, and on the methodological reflection of ‘race studies’, it examines the meeting between Black identity and athletic masculinity in literature. Thus this articles aims at showing how, through a series of stylistic, narrative and semiotic processes, the fiction essentialized the difference. Both fascinated and scared, the novels stigmatized Black sportsmen and endeavoured to analyse the alterity.  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(3):361-381
Between the late 1890s and early 1950s, British boxing was dominated by Jews of Russian and Eastern European migrant origin. In a wider sense, an analysis of boxing can add to our understanding of broader social changes occurring within British Jewry during this roughly 60-year period. However, involvement in boxing during these years (whether as amateurs or professionals, as boxers, managers, promoters, coaches or spectators) also had a noticeable direct impact on the identity of scores of young Jews. This article will show that social change occurring within British Jewry between 1890 and 1960 did not occur separately from the world of British boxing. Although this sport can act as a lens through which to view transformations in terms of Jewish identity, class, religious outlook and culture, it is also the case that boxing clearly influenced changes in these spheres for a significant section of the community.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、实地考察法、访问调查法,挖掘整理临清肘捶的渊源与技术体系.临清肘捶由临清唐元乡瑶坡村张东槐所创,是一个源流有序、拳理明晰、风格独特、自成体系的拳种.临清肘捶主要包括:基本功、拳术套路、器械套路、对练套路、肘捶论等内容.  相似文献   

竞技体育题材小说通过体育叙事体现人存在的意义.美国作家杰克·伦敦描写职业拳击手命运的短篇小说<一块牛排>通过拳击比赛的叙事视觉,以第三人称叙事,从拳击台这一特殊叙事场景,刻画了一名老拳击手栩栩如生的形象,展现了竞技体育的竞争性、残酷性和观赏性,揭示了竞技体育新老交替不可抗拒的规律,体现了竞技体育小说的叙事特点,成功表达了人类追求梦想、不断进取的体育精神.  相似文献   

拳种是构成武术大厦的基石,是武术技理与文化的完整承载单元,武术文化传承应以拳种为单位切入。"拳因人兴亦因人亡",传承人的保护与培养是拳种传承的关键。基于当前拳种传承"僵死"与"活态"的背离、拳理提升的滞后及传承人的老弱与后继乏人的严酷现实,研究着意从武术普及与推广、拳种传人及拳种生存"场域"三方面展开。研究认为:武术普及与推广必须强调拳种意识;拳种传人培养应从民间师承、专门武术机构及普通学校三方面铺开;应关注于拳种生存之"惯习"、"地域"与"时域"三域的维护与调适。  相似文献   

希腊神话对英美文学有着深刻而久远的影响。许多文人从希腊神话中获取灵感,创作出传世佳作。文章通过对希腊神话的概括性介绍,由夜莺的故事引申出希腊神话对英美文学的影响。继而探讨中国读者如何弥补在希腊神话知识上的欠缺。  相似文献   

组合拳在拳击比赛中的运用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
组合拳就拳法的技术而言,它可分为单个拳法的技术动作和组合拳技术动作两大类。单个拳法技术分为直拳、摆拳、勾拳等拳法,组合拳技术分为左直拳接右直拳、三次扰视拳接右直拳、左直拳接右摆拳接左钩拳等。在拳击比赛中组合拳是一种常用的拳法。阐述了在拳击比赛中运用组合拳的具体方法。  相似文献   

20世纪中国文化变迁与中国体育定位   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
通过历史的纵横向比较,可以发现中国文化的变迁过程同时也是中国人对体育的认识的转变过程。通过考察体育运动的文化意义进而确定体育在人类文化大系统中的地位,体育可以被确定为一种亚文化现象,新时期中国体育的定位应从文化的战略角度来考虑  相似文献   

Savate, also called chausson, or French boxing is a combat activity characterized by kicking and punching. Its inception reaches back to the Restoration and the monarchy of Louis-Philippe (1818-48) although it was not recognised as a combat sport until the twentieth century. This article, based on a variety of rich sources (police reports, newspapers, books, etc.) demonstrates how, on the one hand, the origins of savate can be traced back to the bare-fisted duels of the Restoration and, on the other hand, its emergence corresponds to the mutation of structural order as put forth by M. Foucault.  相似文献   

运动即变化,太极即变化。太极拳即变化之拳。太极拳运动就是要把种种变化在拳中演练出来。太极拳以拳为形式,其目的在于要达到“太极”状态。拳是小“道”,“太极”是大“道”,习拳明理,以小“道”通大“道”,是太极拳最重要的意义。变化即是太极、太极拳最根本的意义。误解了太极拳“变化”的真意,只会将太极拳引入歧途。  相似文献   

运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,基于当代生理学、性别社会学和哲学研究成果,指出体育作为"男性化"代名词是社会建构的结果。分析了作为多元气质载体的体育之历史表征,体育作为全人教育的当代意涵,男性气质多样化范式下的体育气概,体育"阳刚之气"应有的当代内涵。研究认为:体育锻炼培育的精神状态和个人气概与性别没有必然逻辑关系,体育的教育意义不在于把人构建为某种性别气质的对象,而是以其内涵的行为气概和精神感染青少年;"阳刚气概"的教育不分性别,体育培养的精神气质不应存在性别两级论,身体强健、意志坚定、追求优胜是新时代青少年男女共同的气质秉性;在气质多样化的文化昌明时代,摒弃二元论的性别观,真正关注和发挥体育对所有青少年乃至每一位公民身心健康和全面发展的独特价值。  相似文献   

杨晓强 《湖北体育科技》2013,32(1):88-90,81
通过Omega wave系统(运动员实时机能评定)的心率变异性、心电图变异及Ω电位等指标在拳击小周期训练监控中的应用,探讨拳击运动的项目特征、人群特征和对板块训练构建的指导意义。结果表明拳击运动员迷走神经功能偏低,承受极限量负荷能力弱,板块训练模式是理想选择;拳击能量代谢具有以氧代谢为支撑,无氧代谢为主,磷酸源代谢为制胜关键的混氧运动代谢特征,拳击板块训练应突出强度要素;拳击运动员疲劳较多体现在中枢功能变化,且对心肺机能影响明显,不易开展持续的大运动量训练。综合评价各指标变化特点,拳击训练应采用板块训练模式为宜。  相似文献   

体育非物质文化遗产是我国传统体育文化的重要组成部分,对体育非物质文化遗产的保护和传承具有重要的意义。本文运用文献资料法、田野调查法对福建地术拳的传承发展的历史、现状及传承模式和传承路径进行梳理和归纳。研究发现福建地术拳并非单纯沿用传统的自然传承模式,而是在近一个世纪的传承过程中逐渐摸索出一条“以政宣武,以商养武,以武助商”的具有自我特色的传承模式和“六进”的传承路径。  相似文献   

To date, much of the established historical literature on the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA), the governing body of Gaelic games in Ireland, has focused on the potential or perceived political agency of the organisation. To this end, great swathes of work that has centred on early twentieth century Ireland has also examined the extent of the relationship the GAA had with other nationalist bodies in the country at that time, such as the Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB), or at the very least the role of GAA members who were also part of such groups. However, the GAA failed in fact to adopt any official ‘political’ position during this period, albeit with one notable exception – a mass demonstration that came to be referred to as ‘Gaelic Sunday’. The example of Gaelic Sunday will be used during the course of this article to demonstrate the actual position of the GAA during this time and in so doing temper the pervasive view abroad, one that the GAA is perhaps too willing to acquiesce with, that it somehow played something close to a defining role in the broader political and revolutionary pursuit of partial independence for Ireland. Rather, as this article will confirm, the GAA's role within early twentieth century Irish society, whilst undoubtedly revealing it to be a powerful nationalist body, remained nevertheless much more cultural than political in nature.  相似文献   

Although the historiography of the First World War has, on numerous occasions, examined deaths and injuries, and their causes and social impacts, only a small number of historians have studied the physical and mental consequences among athletes. While literature offers a way to portray a world that is devoid of substance, where characters are searching for escape, war writing raises the question of human beings' vulnerability. Based on the story of a rugby man with a ‘broken face', the article will consider how a former international rugby champion was unable to reintegrate back into himself into civilian life after losing his sight during the fighting. Henri Decoin was therefore an unusual witness to the First World War, who raised the existential issue faced by all ‘broken faces’, that is to say how to learn to live in society again with faces that bore the marks of war? With the literary character of ‘blind soldier’ deserving greater attention, that of the blind soldier-cum-sports champion has been given particular focus here, inasmuch as such a champion embodied a model of corporal excellence. Analysis of the novel Le Flambeau dans la nuit (Torch in the Night), published in 1927, explains how experience of life on the Western Front quite literally altered perceptions of the world for writers of the young generation. It is also observed how masculinity was called into question under the sign of disability, particularly within the rugby milieu. With few resources allowing reading of what the disfigured said about their mutilated bodies, beyond the information given by associations or in medical writings, this novel is indeed seen as a precious and useful source of information for historians.  相似文献   

对形意钻拳进行解剖学、肌电测试层面的技术分析,从而探究传统形意拳更加科学的教学方法。以形意原地上步钻拳为例,以形意拳传承人为研究对象,运用录像分析法、肌电测试法、文献资料法,将其分为准备蓄劲、前趟后蹬、定步击发三个阶段。运用运动解剖学及肌电测试等相关知识对技术动作进行解剖学及肌电分析,从而得出在各个阶段参与工作的主要肌肉及其时序等状态,最终根据分析结果提出形意钻拳教学的相关启示与建议。  相似文献   

通过对1998年和1999年两次中国武术散打与美国拳击对抗赛双方比赛结果和我国散打运动员的技术运用统计,分析和探讨中国武术散打如何在今后走向世界的过程中继续保持与发扬自己的优势。  相似文献   

The violence and duration of fighting throughout the Great War created an intense feeling of vulnerability among the men engaged in battle, which challenged their perception of manliness. When the Americans joined the war in 1917, the balance between the two opposing armies was modified and the psychological crises of French soldiers brought to an end. The confidence shown by the American soldiers and their first successes on the battlefield changed the way the French Poilus perceived their new allies. From scepticism to admiration, Frenchmen's feelings extended beyond the fighting. Indeed, by living with American soldiers in the trenches and camps behind the front, French soldiers discovered a new culture where games and sport played a major role and contributed to building manliness. The Foyers Franco-Americains du Soldat (Franco-American hostels for soldiers) provided an ideal place for the cultural transfer of a model of masculinity from Sammys to Poilus. The foyers were managed by the American YMCA and eventually reached the number of 1,500 in France during the war. These hostels afforded soldiers numerous opportunities to develop cultural and sports practices, by bringing together Americans and Frenchmen. Mainly based on the archives of the American Expeditionary Forces, the YMCA and the French Army, the paper argues that the Foyers du Soldat brought to light a new model of masculinity based on sport, which challenged the Frenchmen's vision. It aims to show the rapid transformation of masculine identity within a context of extreme vulnerability and confirms the changes in representations of men in French society at this time.  相似文献   

采用文献分析法、专家访问、专家座谈等方法,探讨了传统武术流派的分类与推展策略。在“刚柔”方面,传统武术流派可分为“刚中寓柔、柔中寓刚、刚柔并蓄”;在“长短”方面,可分为“长中寓短、短中寓长、长短并蓄”。建议以“刚柔长短”的分类原则及“大派宜分,小派宜合”的精神,来整合拳种,并以拳种为基本单元向国际上推展。  相似文献   

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