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张建萍 《学会》2008,(12):36-39
<正>中国科协有近190家全国学会的团体会员。长期以来,全国学会的人才建设的实际成效甚微。究其原因,主要还是一个认识问题。对于全国学会来说,首先要充分认识到人才队伍建设是一项长期而且艰巨的任务,并非一朝一夕、一蹴而就可以完成的;其次是在对待人才的问题上,既要有发展的长  相似文献   

Expertise is a key factor in user’s adaptation and evaluation of the IT artifact. To date however, research has widely disregarded the notion that expertise is multifaceted and, consequently, its effects should vary according to the facet measured. To address this gap, the present research shows the effects of a facet of expertise rarely studied – expertise with the artifact such as an e-commerce site (website expertise) – besides the effects of expertise with the artifact class (e-commerce expertise). It is stipulated that site expertise shapes the site use and acceptance differently and more profoundly than e-commerce expertise. The results show that users with low (vs. high) site expertise perceived the site as less easy to use, and their site acceptance was more (less) strongly influenced by the site information quality. Alternatively, e-commerce expertise played a different moderating role in the acceptance process, and users with low e-commerce expertise did not perceive the site as less easy to use. The results were replicated in a second study conducted in a different culture. The findings support the research main thesis that expertise is multifaceted and, therefore, considering the different facets is necessary to understand the process of user acceptance of the IT artifact.  相似文献   

民营科技实业家协会 (又称民营科技企业联合会 ,简称民协 )的改革和建设是当前亟待研究和解决的问题。本文在调查研究的基础上 ,对民协改革和建设的背景、现状、目标、动力机制与制约因素、路径和主要措施进行了探讨。一、背景从国际看 ,由于全球面临着现代福利国家危机、发展危机和环境危机 ,非营利组织迅猛发展 ,引起一场“全球社团革命”。从北美、欧亚的发达国家到非洲、拉美和东欧各国 ,民众正在创建各种社团、基金会和类似组织 ,诸如环保组织、人权组织、家庭咨询服务代理机构、职业培训中心、职业组织 (社团 )及社会俱乐部、体育俱乐…  相似文献   

本文以西藏地区高校的课程改革为出发点,阐述了现行课程设置及教学方法上存在的问题,结合西藏地区的发展对人才的要求,从新的课程改革入手,分析了课程改革的实施方法,并引用实例分析不同的课程设置及教学方法所带来的不同效果,从而说明,要真正的为西藏培养出建设型人才,就必须搞好西藏几所高校的课程改革,只有这样才满足西藏建设对人才的需求。  相似文献   

软件的可靠性是软件研制和开发中的关键问题.本文分析了软件可靠性技术,对一般的考试系统分析其重要的不可靠来源,并针对这些不可靠因素提出相应的解决方案,从而提高了考试系统整体的可靠性.  相似文献   

This paper presents a case study in the production and interpretation of regulatory science, focusing on the conflicting British and American clinical risk assessments of triazolam (Halcion) - the most controversial sleeping pill in the world. The regulation of triazolam is shown to be more permissive in the USA than in the UK. Six principal socio-political factors are put forward to explain this; differential regulatory trust; regulators' socio-technical data selections; medico-scientific disciplinary influences; organizational and professional interests; conflicts of interest of expert advisers; and the growth of the neo-liberal regulatory state. The risk assessments of both the British and American regulatory agencies are shown to be complacent relative to technical standards which the agencies themselves later accepted. It is suggested that, when the interests of pharmaceutical manufacturers and patients diverge, regulatory assessments are crucially affected by whether regulators are predisposed to award the benefit of the scientific doubts to the manufacturers or patients, and by the balance of such predispositions both within and between regulatory institutions of scientific expertise. The triazolam case indicates that the amount of trust placed in the pharmaceutical industry by the British American regulatory systems may hamper detection of flaws in manufacturers' medical data in a timely manner and, as a consequence, compromise patients' interests. Some policy implications for drug regulation are sketched.  相似文献   

文章从科研在教学中的作用、临床科研成果反哺教学、临床科研成果促进临床专业建设方面论证临床科研成果反哺教学助力临床医学专业建设,强调临床科研成果的转化及应用能够促进教学质量的提高,优化完善临床医学专业建设。  相似文献   

唐建伟  沙宁红 《学会》2009,(6):47-49
<正>科技进步和创新,在很大程度上取决于国家科技创新人才的数量和质量,加快科技创新人才队伍建设,对实现全面建设小康社会的宏伟目标具有十分重要的意义。2008年以来,海宁市科协着力于加快科技创新人才队伍建设,进一步密切党同广大科技工作者的联系,充分调动和发挥广大科技工作者的积极性、主动性和创造性,努力营造人才创业、创造、创新的良好氛围,服务海宁经济社会科学发展。  相似文献   

随着社会区域经济的深入发展,新知识经济时代的来临,为了适应当前形式、满足新型企业对高技能人才的需求,实现学校课堂的有效教育,提供更具特色的职业教育服务,跟上新时代前进的步伐,针对技校学生的文化层次,学校引入了先进的、科学的一体化教育,将原有的教学模式进行了革命性、翻天覆地的改变,让学生学习更加轻松、更易于接受教师所传授的知识和技能。  相似文献   

While basic research in the natural sciences can generate discoveries with great promise to improve human health, advancing these discoveries from bench to bedside through clinical trials is a major challenge requiring individuals to possess a specific set of skills and prior experience. The ability to translate—especially between basic and applied research—and to bridge these two areas is likely to be key. We call skills that encompass both basic and applied research horizontal skills; experience in diverse fields, such as both cancer and diabetes, is termed vertical experience. We develop a framework to define and differentiate between horizontal skills and vertical experience and discuss how they separately and jointly impact the success of turning discoveries into products. Drawing on data from 3,889 clinical trials, we find that both qualities matter for publicly funded and industry-funded trials but with nuanced differences. Our results suggest that the likelihood of success increases when the investigators who lead trials have a balanced set of skills in both basic and applied science independent of the funding source. In both types of trials, investigators who possess vertical experience were found to reduce the success probability of clinical trials. However, investigators in industry-funded trials are able to alleviate this effect if they possess basic research skills or horizontal skills. Our paper uncovers context specificities in terms of how horizontal skills and experience in multiple fields, as well as their interplay, relate to translational success.  相似文献   

国有企业改革,是国有企业转型升级的必经之路,只有顺势而为深化改革,企业才能持续健康发展。而在深化企业改革过程中,稳定是最重要的,这就要树立党在组织机构中的政治核心地位,严肃认真对待企业党建工作,充分发挥党组织的战斗堡垒作用和党员的先锋模范带头作用,切实推动企业深化改革等方面取得实效。文章主要从梳理国企改革的沿革来突出国企改革的必要性,从而论述在此背景下党建工作应该如何有效开展才能对国企改革起到促进作用。  相似文献   

本文论述了黑龙江八一农垦大学电工电子实验教学中心的建设。实验中心根据实验课程改革的需要,对实验室重新规划,将实验室建设成开放型实验教学、实验创新、实验研究的专业基地,极大地提高了实验室的运转效率。  相似文献   

日本公共科研机构改革及对我国基地建设的启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自上世纪末至今,日本政府推动了公共科研机构体制改革,强化了日本多学科研究领域的交叉融合,提高了公共研发资金使用效率,激发了公共科研机构的活力和创造力。这对我国国家研究实验基地建设具有一定的参考借鉴作用。  相似文献   

《中医内科学》作为21世纪高等教育学中一门实践型的应用学科,它同时具有社会性、服务性以及实践性等特点。作为一名临床医学院校的学生来说,临床实践技能作为中医内科学生的一项考核标准,是一名复合型的中医内科学人才的必备能力,如何进一步提高学生临床实践教学的效果和加强中医内科学临床上的实用人才的培养是目前有待解决的主要问题之一。因此,文章从临床实习、临床见习、教学技能培训、带教等方面进行了加强中医内科临床实践教学的探讨和研究。  相似文献   

MST (Movimento Sem Terra/Landless People's Movement) is the largest rural movement of Latin America. Since the late 1990s, it has taken part in the diffusion of expertise about biodiversity conservation. Using an ethnographic approach, this paper investigates sources and roles of trust within this process. How does trust work when experts and laypeople belong to the same movement? The paper uses and critically discusses the works of Brian Wynne and the Actor Network Theory. It describes the particular ways in which the building of trust takes place within the intimate networks of MST. As ecological expertise becomes a central element within MST's project of liberation, the sources of trust are both affective and effective. Interests, social recognition and identity are intertwined. In the conclusion, I propose the concept of activist trust.  相似文献   

This essay examines lay experiences of radiation--the hazard imperceptible with unaided senses--and how these experiences are shaped. Analysis is conducted on the basis of participant observation and interviews in Belarusian rural areas affected after the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident. I argue that radiation risks and health effects are not always obvious or immediately observable for those experiencing them, and they should be articulated. The paper compares various opportunities for articulation, including the context of radiological testing and administrative contexts, and describes the kinds of articulations they make possible. I conclude that limited opportunities for articulation result in limited lay recognition of radioactive contamination and their own health effects. The analysis implies that affected lay populations cannot always be assumed to be the most risk-conscious and hold special knowledge about radiation effects independently of scientific and administrative definitions of it.  相似文献   

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