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The modern primary school is a complex institution containing a growing community of individuals and organisations with potentially competing agendas. Within this environment, subject leaders are typically looked upon for advice and guidance within a given subject area such as Physical Education. Yet for those endeavouring to provide Physical Education subject leadership within primary schools, the challenge has grown significantly over the last two decades amidst an ever-changing policy landscape. This paper is for and about primary Physical Education subject leadership; the purpose of which, to plot primary Physical Education's policy journey and explore the implications of reform in shaping the subject leader's role. The paper addresses the current lack of guidance for the subject leader and examines the professional knowledge, skills and experience required to do the role effectively.  相似文献   

Mike Jess 《Education 3-13》2013,41(3):225-237
With career-long professional learning increasingly seen as a significant element of teacher education, this paper proposes that there is a need to acknowledge the complex nature of the professional learning process. The paper explores lessons learnt from over a decade of professional learning efforts by the Developmental Physical Education Group at The University of Edinburgh. With the group's traditional initial continuing professional development efforts having limited impact on teachers' practice, the paper considers how more recent efforts have refocused on a longer term, participative and situated approach that appears to be having significantly more influence on teachers as professional learners.  相似文献   

结合体育学和心理学的理论知识和实践经验,阐述小学儿童的心理特征和常见心理问题,分析小学体育教学对促进儿童心理健康的重要作用,指出应加强社会对体育教学的重视程度,从小学儿童的心理特点和心理健康状况出发,改进体育教学方法,有效地促进其身心全面发展。  相似文献   

This paper provides an analysis of the discourses associated with physical education in Scotland's Curriculum for Excellence. We implement a poststructural perspective in order to identify the discourses that underpin the physical education sections of the Curriculum for Excellence ‘health and well-being’ documentation. Discourses related to physical activity and health are particularly prominent, along with a related concern with motor skill development. Our focus lies with the ways in which these discourses are likely to be taken up and deployed within Scottish educational establishments. The paper thus explores the ways in which these discourses might ‘work’ to produce specific effects on practitioners and pupils. This involves speculating about how practitioners and students might engage in specific practices relative to these discourses. We conclude that the discourses identified lend themselves to interpretation and negotiation in multiple ways in the context of Scottish physical education, with specific consequences for the experiences and subjectivities of practitioners and children.  相似文献   

Inspite of the fact that primary education forms the foundation on which education at the secondary and tertiary levels rests, the issue of poverty is undermining its roles in Nigeria. In this paper, this issue of poverty of primary education was examined, from the perspectives of its history, scope, indicators, in terms of inadequacy of resource inputs (i.e. funds, facilities, and teachers), narrow curriculum, and limited access. The effects of the poverty, particularly on the other education levels as well as the economy on which it depends for fund, were also examined. To eradicate/alleviate the poverty and enhance the status of primary education in the country, allocation of more funds to the education sector and primary education, recruitment of more teachers, provision of more infrastructural facilities in primary schools, among other suggestions were made.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article was to provide an account of second-grade students and teachers, as well as a non-participant observer, after they participated in a season of Sport Education. For a total of 12 lessons, students participated in a season of developing throwing and catching and kicking skills. Interviews were conducted at the conclusion of the season to collect data from students and teachers regarding their experience. Field notes from the non-participant observer were also recorded. Although Sport Education is commonly introduced to students no earlier than the fourth grade, results revealed that there is the potential for introducing Sport Education to students as early as the second grade, a year in which the children typically turn eight years old. It is suggested that future studies of Sport Education with second-grade students could potentially enhance the learning experience of physical education students at the beginning of their school career.  相似文献   

该文运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、访问座谈法、数理统计法等,对鄂州职业大学公体课中学生上课的目的动机、对目前体育教学现状的态度、体育课的教学现状对学生参与锻炼积极性的影响等几个方面进行调查、统计,获取数据进行深入分析,并提出鄂州职业大学公共体育课教学模式的建议。  相似文献   

阳光体育运动对高校的体育教育开展提供了新的视野和发展思路,但是学校里学生对体育的认识还是不够强。也存在着这样那样的一系列问题。本文从高校体育存在的问题探索中国的体育教育。  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings from two large-scale national online surveys carried out in 2009 and 2010, which explored the state of history teaching in English secondary schools. Large variation in provision was identified within comprehensive schools in response to national policy decisions and initiatives. Using the data from the surveys and school-level data that are publicly available, this study examines situated factors, particularly the nature of the school intake, the numbers of pupils with special educational needs and the socio-economic status of the area surrounding the school, and the impact these have on the provision of history education. The findings show that there is a growing divide between those students that have access to the ‘powerful knowledge' provided by subjects like history, and those that do not.  相似文献   

This research examines the perceptions of education practitioners to the proposed changes to the school sport partnership (SSP) programme in England and in particular its implications for primary school physical education. It aims to explore insights into the dismantling of this partnership programme. The SSP system developed club links, increased community involvement in primary and secondary schools and arguably improved standards in physical education (PE) between 2003 and 2010. This research is based upon a survey undertaken with 70 schools in the East Midlands region of England following the announcement of the removal of SSP programme. Quantitative survey data were analysed using SPSS 17 and qualitative data were coded and analysed using thematic analysis. Findings highlighted include reduced specialist support for primary PE teaching, loss of collaborative primary PE curricular and extra-curricular club developments. There are significant implications for the quality of primary PE and physical activity opportunities made available for young people.  相似文献   

试论体育的审美教育作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体育活动可以作这审美教育的途径。它能增强审美主体的审美感知能力,调节审美情感,最终达到与艺术审美教育同样的目的-群体的和谐与道德的至善。  相似文献   

当前,我国正在掀起一场基础教育课程改革,改革中将课程资源开发与利用提到了一个相当重要的地位。文章在对我国农村中小学体育课程资源开发与利用中存在的问题进行分析总结的基础上,对将来课程资源开发与利用提出了一些对策建议。  相似文献   

抗战初期国民政府在初等教育阶段仍然沿用战前的义务教育制度,以普及短期小学教育为首要目标,而自1940年初为配合“新县制”的实行开始全面向国民教育制度转轨,并在学校设置、行政管理、经费筹集等方面也表现出与此前相异的某些特征。通观其在战时的整体成效,虽然使得西部各地小学校数量、学生人数及适龄儿童入学率相对战前都有了程度不同的提高,但却因为政策制定的误区及客观条件的限制,在实际的教学成效上仍存在着较大的缺陷与不足。  相似文献   

本文从部分学生对体育课的喜欢程度有待提高,并从体育教师自身素质、学生升学压力与场地设施方面归纳了影响体育课开展的主要因素,在此分析的基础上,提出几点合理对策。旨在为新民市高中体育课改革提供一定的理论指导作用,进而为全国中学体育课改革提供一些理论参考依据。  相似文献   

21世纪的到来,教育思想、教育观念是体育教育工作进行体育教育教学并进一步深化改革的指导思想。振兴民族的希望在教育,振兴教育的希望在教师,作为体育教育工作,如何完成培养未来社会的各种高级人才的重任?本结合新世纪、新理念、新的指导思想,论述了终身体育动机的重要性及终身体育动机的培养,并提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

The playing of games has been a long standing tradition in physical education. Yet despite its history, the teaching of games within primary physical education lessons remains something of a weakness. This is most evident through a continued focus upon skill acquisition and a lack of fostering of a real ‘tactical understanding’ of game play. Despite attempts to rectify this issue through the development of instructional models, a lack of conceptual clarity remains. This paper proposes a framework that goes some way to rectify this ambiguity by proposing to focus upon what are referred to as ‘Principles of Play’. It is recommended that this approach should become the focus when conceptualising what constitutes primary games lessons.  相似文献   

宋永晶 《南昌教育学院学报》2011,26(4):175+177-175,177
随着〈全国普通高等学校体育课程指导纲要〉的实施推广,对体育专业人才的培养标准提出了更高的要求.本文通过总结分析体育教育专业健美操课现状,探寻体育教育专业健美操课存在的问题,并在此基础上重点提出新的形势下体育教育专业健美操的发展策略.  相似文献   


This paper explores how six English primary school teachers enact assessment and attainment-focused policy and asks what this performative policy work does and whether it shapes or requires a new kind of primary teacher subjectivity. The paper draws on a small study of policy enactments in two primary schools in Greater London in order to discuss two dimensions of policy enactment that emerged from our data: first, shifting assessment regimes in primary schools which create an enactment environment of second-guessing policy; second, a shift in focus from the individual child to targeted groups that raises questions about more traditional primary school values. The paper concludes with a reflection on the effects of contradictory values and practices and how this policy context creates a form of ‘doing without believing’ in the English primary school.  相似文献   

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