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幼儿园管理实践中保育员的角色定位与《幼儿园工作规程》中所赋予的保育员角色定位有着巨大的差距,并由此带来了保育员队伍的种种难题,本文从隐性课程角度,对幼儿园的隐性课程及其育人价值进行了阐述,指出保育员是幼儿园隐性课程价值实现的桥梁,在隐性课程视野下,重新认识并强化幼儿园保育员角色定位,才能真正做到"保教并重",实现人们对保育员的职业期待。  相似文献   

学前教育均衡发展是促进社会和谐与教育公正的基础,然而要实现学前教育均衡发展不仅要关注教育资源等外部形式的均衡更要关注如何为具有不同文化背景、生活经验的幼儿提供具有适切性差别的课程.在此背景下农村幼儿园以其天然的自然条件,通过多种途径构建起适宜幼儿发展的本土文化课程,对学前教育均衡发展、文化传承以及儿童自我认同感的形成均具有重要价值.  相似文献   

Children's kindergarten experiences are increasingly taking place in full- versus part-day programs, yet important questions remain about whether there are significant and meaningful benefits to full-day kindergarten. Using the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study's Kindergarten Cohort ( N = 13,776), this study takes a developmental approach to examining associations between kindergarten program type and academic trajectories from kindergarten (ages 4–6 years) through 5th grade (ages 9–12 years). Full-day kindergarten was associated with greater growth of reading and math skills from fall until spring of kindergarten. Initial academic benefits diminished soon after kindergarten. The fade-out of the full-day advantage is in part explained by differences in the children who attend part- and full-day kindergarten as well as school characteristics.  相似文献   

香港大学比较教育教学的历史虽然很长,但开设半日制比较教育专业硕士学位的课程仅始于1996年。其课程主要是进行跨国教育制度比较,探讨各国教育的特性、形成的力量,及从教育控制、课程、政策等方面给予跨学科的比较分析。……  相似文献   

提高幼儿园内部研发机制,建立多元的幼儿园外部研发体系,才能建立真正的"本园化"的园本课程。  相似文献   

孩子应该像娇嫩的花草树木一样栽种在一个大花园里那儿有宽广的空间、清新的空气.和煦的阳光.教师如辛勤的园丁般关怀,呵护着他们.陪伴孩子健康,快乐地成长。这就是幼儿园教育最初的理念[编按]  相似文献   

随着国际理解教育在幼儿园开展的不断深入,幼儿园国际理解教育课程体系的建设成为新的课题。我园以教育生态学为理论视角,在课程建设中关注知识间的整合,关注课程与社会生活之间的关系,着眼于幼儿的自主成长和国际素养的自由发展。力求实现课程的多元化和开放化,促进幼儿个体和国际理解教育课程本身的可持续性发展。  相似文献   

随着国家对学前教育事业与农村教育愈加重视,人们也逐渐意识到教师是教育改革的关键,因此,要关注农村幼儿教师发展的状况,以造就农村学前教育高质量的教育水平。要优化农村幼儿教师发展,必须提高工资福利待遇,完善教师体制编制,改善教师文化环境,明确教师身份地位,引导教师意识理念,以提高农村幼儿教师发展,确保农村学前教育健康发展。  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to find out what kindergarten teachers, parents and kindergarten student teachers think about education and about themselves as educators. The basic question was: what kind of similarities and differences are there between these groups of educators? The sample consisted of 21 parents, 28 kindergarten teachers and 37 kindergarten student teachers voluntarily taking part in the study. The data were collected using thematic interviews and an open-ended questionnaire. The approach used to analyse the material was phenomenography. The results show that the groups of educators between themselves had quite similar conceptions of education and of being educators of small children. However, some differences were also found. The division of the conceptions of education was: education as a societal function or socialization, education as a way of supporting a child's development, education as care, and education as work and action. All groups, but especially parents, regarded education primarily as a societal function. All three groups paid rather little attention to education as a function of becoming a human being. Education as a function of care occurred in the conceptions of some educators. The conceptions of being an educator were linked to characteristic features of educators, to working with children, to commitment and self-confidence at work and to demands on and responsibility of an educator. In particular, parents paid attention to the demands and responsibility of being an educator. Kindergarten teachers and kindergarten student teachers emphasized working with children and commitment to education.  相似文献   

《幼儿园教育指导纲要》指出:幼儿园必须把幼儿的生命和幼儿的健康放在工作的首位,幼儿园的膳食管理工作尤为重要,为此,本文简单对幼儿园的膳食管理进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

人们的日常生活中存在着各种各样的管理现象 ,人人都要接触到它。在幼儿园中园长如何以科学、有效的方法 ,激发教职工的活力 ,促进她们的成长 ,组织和创建好一支相对稳定、业务精良的保教队伍 ,是幼儿园管理的立足点。幼儿园要力求把管理的着力点 ,放在人的管理上 ,努力创建一个“团结务实、开拓进取、充满活力”的集体。教职工每天走出自己的小家 ,来到幼儿园这个大家 ,如果这个大家庭的成员友好相处 ,那么每一个成员都会感到家庭般的温暖 ,获得心理上的愉悦 ,增强工作的愿望。因此 ,园长应当好这个大家庭的协调员、联络员 ,以身作则 ,真正…  相似文献   

南京市江宁示范幼儿园于1990年开园,是第一所区教育局直属幼儿园,在江宁区率先创建为江苏省示范性实验幼儿园。幼儿园现有14个班级,教职工58名,其中市学科带头人3名,市青优2名,区学科带头人、骨干教师20多名,省、市、区先进教师20多名。近年来,分别向街道、分园输送了10名幼儿园领导。幼儿园先后获"十一五"全国教科研先进集体、省绿色幼  相似文献   

数学具有很强的抽象性,而幼儿年龄小、活泼好动,如果只是采用一般的教学方式,难以激起幼儿的学习主动性。为此,要按照幼儿的身心特点充分运用生动故事、学唱儿歌、趣味游戏、角色表演、现代信息技术等营造愉悦而轻松的教学氛围,以激起幼儿参与数学学习的主动性与积极性,引导幼儿快乐地学数学,真正地爱上学习,从而促进幼儿的身心健康发展。  相似文献   

In kindergartens and early-elementary classrooms, manipulative materials (such as Cuisenaire Rods and Pattern Blocks) play an important role in childrens learning, enabling children to explore mathematical and scientific concepts (such as number, shape, and size) through direct manipulation of physical objects. But as children grow older, and learn more advanced concepts, the educational focus shifts away from direct manipulation to more abstract formal methods. This paper discusses a new generation of computationally enhanced manipulative materials, called digital manipulatives, designed to radically change this traditional progression. These new manipulatives (such as programmable building bricks and communicating beads) aim to enable children to continue to learn with a kindergarten approach even as they grow olderand also to enable young children to learn concepts (in particular, systems concepts such as feedback and emergence) that were previously considered too advanced for them. The Digital Manipulatives research effort has been a true group effort, with contributions from many people in the author's research group at the MIT Media Laboratory. Programmable Bricks and Crickets have been developed primarily by Fred Martin, Brian Silverman, Bakhtiar Mikhak, and Robbie Berg; BitBalls by Kwin Kramer, Robbie Berg, Fred Martin, and Rrian Silverman; Digital Beads by Kwin Kramer and Rick Borovoy; Thinking Tags by Rick Borovoy, Fred Martin, Vanessa Colella, Brian Silverman, and Kwin Kramer. The work of Seymour Papert provided a foundation and inspiration for many of these projects. This research has been supported by generous grants from the LEGO Group, the National Science Foundation (grants 9358519-RED and CDA-9616444), and the MIT Media Laboratory's Things That Think, Digital Life, and Toys of Tomorrow consortia. Portions of this paper previously appeared in a paper in the proceedings of the CHI 98 conference (Resnick, et al., 1998).  相似文献   

幼儿园半日活动中师幼互动类型及成因的让会学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究发现幼儿园半日活动中师幼互动类型主要为师班互动、师个互动和教师控制型一幼儿接受型,控制一服从型是主导的师幼互动类型.造成这种现象的原因是:教师的价值取向倾向于强控制、"秧田型"空间形态导致了教师集权控制下的"伞状空间"、教师习惯于根据自己的预设框架展开教育教学活动.但幼儿具有主动交往和"角色主动化"的权利,因此提出了发挥幼儿主体性、建立平等型师幼互动类型的建议.  相似文献   

学前儿童健康教育是一门新兴学科。探讨学前儿童健康教育的评估之原则、项目、指标和方法,对于相关理论的构建具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Interpersonal and work-related classroom behaviors of 650 kindergarten children were assessed to identify behaviors critical for success. Thirty kindergarten teachers participated, providing behavioral ratings on all students in the fall and spring and global adjustment assessments mid-year and spring. Relative risk, a concept and methodology adopted from epidemiology, was estimated for combinations of behavioral risk factors derived from teachers' ratings. Results of the analyses of relative risk demonstrated a consistent and highly significant risk for casivity (i.e., being classified at mid-year and spring as a case of maladjustment) associated with subnormal ratings on behaviors relating to work (work-related skills) as opposed to social interaction (interpersonal skills). The findings suggest that (a) current educational concepts of “readiness” may need to be expanded beyond academic knowledge to include independent working skills, and (b) teaching of social interaction skills, while important, should not be emphasized in preschool programs at the expense of work-related skills.  相似文献   

Teaching and learning in kindergarten is related, on the one hand, to the principles, methods and forms of teachers' work that should optimally contribute to pre-school child development and learning, and on the other hand, to the issues of the developing their reasoning and other aspects of their personality. It is for this reason that the responsibility of kindergarten teachers, in view Kindergartens must strive to ensure quality teaching and of instruction and learning of young children, is huge. learning environment for very young children, which in addition fosters an atmosphere of pleasure and comfort. This paper aims to present the significance of instruction and learning of pre-school children today, in particular that within the institutionalised education (in kindergarten). The author's points of interest were how instruction and learning of young children in kindergarten was perceived in the past and the contemporary view on modern instruction and learning ofpre-school children in kindergartens.  相似文献   

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